Get On Your Knees and Pray to...

By Paranormal_Babe

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This story was written by Shining Loki on Ao3. I brought it over to Wattpad so I could read it in dark mode a... More

Please read this first!
Chapter 1 - It's Not Pathetic, it's just Desperate
Chapter 3 - Such a Pretty Mouth. Let's Put It To Use.
Chapter 4 - Honestly, Fuck McDonald's And Fuck Delayed Gratification
Chapter 5 - In The Mood To Break A Table Or Two
Chapter 6 - Chains, Bruises, And A Gift From The God Of Sex Himself
Chapter 7 - Tell Me What You Want And I Just Might Listen
Chapter 8 - This Shower Is Getting Steamy...And It's Not Just From The Hot Water
Chapter 9 - Beds? Where We're Going, We Don't Need Beds
Chapter 10 - Loki And Cooper's Excellent Adventure
Chapter 11 - A Massage Of The Shoulders, Back, And Between Those Lovely Thighs
Chapter 12 - It's Not About What Tools You Have, It's About How You Use Them
Chapter 13 - The Art Of Getting Choked - And Not Even In The Kinky Way
Chapter 14 - Sorry, I Got A Little...Tied Up
Chapter 15 - Touching Yourself Should Be Considered An Art
Chapter 16 - A Wake Up Call Between Your Legs
Chapter 17 - Let's Play A Game, Shall We?
Chapter 18 - A Frost Giant In A Freezer Aisle Is Pretty "Cool"
Chapter 19 - Jealousy Is A Good Look On You
Chapter 20 - The Heart Wants What The Heart Wants
Chapter 21 - A Fright, A Fantasy, And A Fearful Finish
Chapter 22 - A Friendly Face In A Far Away Place
Chapter 23 - The Best Housewarming Present Is Some Good Cock
Chapter 24 - The Bed Is Big Enough For All Of Us
Chapter 25 - I'm All Yours I've Got No Control
Chapter 26 - Being Honest About The God Of Lies
Chapter 27 - You're A Pain In My Ass. Literally.
Chapter 28 - You Painted My Body, So I'll Paint Yours
Chapter 29 - Toys Are This Dom's Best Friend
Chapter 30 - A Shocking Reveal Of A Shocking Truth
Chapter 31 - It's Hard For Me To Go Home And Be So Lonely
Chapter 32 - Sorrow, Sadness, And Sacrifice
Chapter 33 - The One With All The Answers...Finally
Chapter 34 - A Single Decision To Change The Universe
Chapter 35 - Finding Forever With You
Chapter 36 - Epilogue
Faith and Fantasies(Book 2) Chapter 1 - It's a Nice Day for a White Wedding

Chapter 2 - I'm Here...Now Touch Yourself

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By Paranormal_Babe


Loki returns to Asgard after thoroughly ravishing you. You, on the other hand, are stuck on Earth and cannot stop thinking about the god who you gave your virginity to. You're frustrated and decide to take matters into your own hands.


AND IT BEGINS!! Welcome back!! I never really intended to expand this fic but after reading over it again and getting some requests to continue working on it, I decided to continue it. What does that mean for you? A shit ton of smut, so buckle up!

Thank you for reading and as always, enjoy!

(See the end of the chapter for .)

Chapter Text

When Loki returned to Asgard, there was a distinct swagger in his step. A smirk was planted on his face - cocky, arrogant, and incredibly pleased with himself - as the Bifrost shut behind him. His plan was to go to his chambers, knock out for a few hours, and perhaps wake up with his cock in his fist.

Really, he was quite satisfied. You had been perfectly delightful. Frankly, it wasn't what he was expecting. You were beautiful - he had admitted that - but you were an experience in bed. You were so willing to please him, to spread your legs and present to him what he had claimed. Your submission, the lust in your eyes, the gaze of wonder and worship, it hardened his cock and flooded his mind with desire. He could tell there was more to you and if he was able to peel back the layers enough, he could unleash the sexual temptress lurking within you. The thought excited him to no end.

For a brief moment as he fingered you, Loki had a passing thought in his head. If all humans were like this, perhaps he'd be answering personal prayers more often. But then, you surprised him. As he fucked you, he knew he wanted to keep you. He called you pet, after all. That was a term of endearment and he meant it. But goodness when you had pushed him over - you really pushed him onto his ass! He could not get over that! You had staked your claim over him as well. The glitter of your eyes, the air of your moans, the teasing aura you held, it drew him in. You hooked your claws into him and he did not want to forfeit you just yet. There was so much you could learn, so much he could teach you.

Naturally, Loki couldn't devote himself to you in the way most humans wanted to be locked down in. He was a god after all. You would make a nice pet, however, and he looked forward to the next time he could sink his cock into you. You seemed completely willing to accept him again. So, he had gifted you his pendant. It was a token of gratitude and a symbol to show any prying mortal that you were off limits - or at least, protected.

And it was these thoughts of you that had Loki so utterly satisfied. As he walked past Heimdall - ignoring the voyeurist guardian, of course - Loki decided he would forgo the nap and go straight to thinking about your sweet pussy.

That was the plan until Odin showed up.

"Allfather," Loki grumbled, staring at his father. Odin stood on the Bifrost, perfectly centered in front of the palace. If Loki was in a more thoughtful mood, he would think the image was poetic. But now, he was just annoyed. He wanted to go back to his room and relax.

"You are back from Midgard," Odin noted. Loki sneered and looked over his shoulder, regarding Heimdall with a pointed look, knowing perfectly well that the golden-eyed guardian informed Odin of his whereabouts. He sighed and turned back towards Odin, plastering on a sarcastic grin.

"Did you enjoy the show at least?" Loki snickered. He walked towards Odin but kept his eyes focused on the space behind him. "Your watchful eye certainly must have been amused."

"Amusement is not the word I would choose," Odin said as Loki brushed past him. He turned, faced his wayward son, and grimaced. Loki's shoulders broadened as his hands crossed over each other neatly behind his back. "Concerned, rather. Yes, concerned is the word I would use."

Loki paused but did not turn around. He simply stayed still and faced the palace.

"Are you now?" Loki asked.

Odin made a noncommittal noise. "I am, Loki. Why would you go to Midgard and answer a mortal's prayer so...personally?"

"She needed my help," Loki grumbled, bristling. He turned to the side and gazed into the water that splashed and bubbled beneath the rainbow bridge. "Being the magnanimous god I am, I chose to indulge her."

"You must be cautious, my son. Putting your focus in one place does not bear well for a god of such widespread concern," Odin warned. Loki chuckled and faced his father. He continued to chuckle as Odin scanned him, and once the smile left his face, Loki nearly growled.

"You should know better than to tell me what to do, father," Loki purred. He strutted towards Odin, a complex and calculating look on his smooth, pale face. "You have given me this mantle. I will use it how I see fit."

"I am not telling you that you cannot interact with your worshippers," Odin said, which gave Loki a bit of an ego-boost. Worshippers. Yes, that was what you were. You worshipped him with your words, your hands, your fluttering cunt. Loki bit his lip trying to repress a pleased smile. Odin watched his son's attempt to hide a grin and sighed. "I am just telling you not to get too attached. It can lead to conflict. You must keep your attention divided evenly. This is your first time ever engaging so...intimately with any of your followers. I fear what may come of that."

"She is just a pet of mine. That is all," Loki said. "I appeased her wishes. Now if you'll excuse me, Odin Allfather, I have to go divide my attention evenly amongst my followers."

Loki spun around and stormed down the Bifrost before Odin could lecture him any further. He would not mention how he had claimed you as his. He would not mention that he gave you his pendant. He certainly would not mention he had already planned on visiting you again.


You had a restless night, to say the least.

Every time you closed your eyes, visions of Loki and his alluring, lustful words filled your mind. You tossed and turned, the ache between your thighs growing increasingly noticeable. You figured that would happen given the sheer size of Loki's...endowment. But it just served as a throbbing reminder of the man - the god - who was no longer between your sheets.

Your solace came from the necklace that hung around your neck. It was perhaps around 4 a.m. when you took the emerald pendant between your fingers, swiping your thumb over the gem, and wondering what this meant.

"You're mine," Loki had said. You shivered at the memory, lip tucked between your teeth, as you stared into the glowing eye of the green stone. You felt a comfort inside of your chest knowing that Loki didn't fuck you and then leave. Well, technically he did. But he promised to come back.


You chose to ignore the little voice in your head that plagued you with self-doubt. That irritating nagging was the reason you called for Loki in the first place, after all. Loki had quashed that voice, boot stomping on it and squishing it into oblivion as he ravished your body. For the first time in years, you felt good - so good. He gave you the attention and adoration you always craved. But now that Loki had come, cum, and then gone, the voice was slowly returning, taunting you with what-if's and but-how-about's.

He's a god, he said so himself. Why would he come back for you?

Well, you tried to reason, you had some pretty expensive jewelry on, for starters. If Loki ever wanted to see that again, even if meant to snatch it back, he'd have to find his way to you again. He also mentioned that you essentially rocked his world. Did he want to give up the sex that quickly? You knew that you didn't.

So, you decided he would come back. He had to. And when he did come back, you wanted to do everything with him, to him, for him. You would listen to his every command. He would snap his fingers and you would follow. You felt yourself getting wetter at the thought. Just the thought of Loki's long fingers dipping inside of you again and his lips pressed to your neck had your thighs clenching together.

And that was how the rest of your night went. Desperation laced with curiosity and the slightest pinch of insecurity melded together to keep you awake until it was impossible for you to sleep any longer, for the sun was slanting through the curtains and Cooper was barking up a hearty storm in the next room.

You rolled out from your fortress of blankets and sat on the edge of the bed. Staring at the ground, you let out a deep sigh. Your apartment felt lonely, the lack of the mischievous god leaving a hole in the flat. Running your hand down your face, you grumbled out a chastising comment towards yourself for being so hung up on Loki. You couldn't do this to yourself for the rest of the day. You wouldn't let him plague your thoughts and make you feel like a foolish, desperate girl. At some point in the night, you had decided you would pray to him again and hope that he made his way back to you. Now, you figured out that you couldn't do this to yourself. He was a god, one that surely had a lot of sex, and you wouldn't let yourself get heartbroken when he didn't show up for you with roses and more pretty jewelry.

Instead, you decided to distract yourself. You nodded, hyping yourself up on being independent and perfectly capable. You pushed yourself off the bed and got up slowly.

And then proceeded to fall.

You yelped as your knees hit the ground. There was an ache so sore between your thighs that it literally threw you off balance. Your core was throbbing, both with need from your overnight thoughts and the use that Loki had put it through. You hauled yourself upwards and stormed into the bathroom, adamant on having a cold shower.

You stripped down bare as the water heated up. You turned and looked at yourself in the mirror, gasping quietly at what you saw. Your body was covered in bite marks and fingernail marks in the shape of little crescent moons. You knew it was real - the pendant was enough of a reminder - but seeing the actual marks on your body only solidified what happened. Loki had been here, he buried himself inside of you, and swore he would be back. You were thoroughly debauched and that only sent another wave of warmth to your eagerly fluttering cunt.

Then, you trailed your fingers over the mysterious necklace. The pendant hung snugly on your neck, the gem dangling in the valley of your breasts. You went to grip the chain to take it off but for some reason, you couldn't bring yourself to part with Loki's gift. Leaving it on, you went into the shower, careful not to scrub away the remnants of Loki's hand marks no matter how much the logical side of your brain told you that you should.

After your shower, you tossed on some clothes and fed Cooper who seemed to glare at you for making him wait so long to eat. You scratched his shaggy head as you stared at your messy apartment. Your mind kept wandering back to Loki and how good he could probably - no, definitely - make you feel against every piece of furniture you owned. You gripped the pendant before quickly reminding yourself that you couldn't just sit here all day and think of the dark-haired god. No, you would be productive.

You spent your day listening to music and cleaning your flat, trying to shove away the interruptive thoughts of Loki. Yet, every time you moved, you felt that dearly delicious ache between your thighs. There was only so much distraction that cleaning and organizing could do for you but you managed to get through most of the day doing so.

When Cooper got anxious after dinner, you hooked him up to his leash and went to take him for a walk. However, the trek down the six flights of stairs from your apartment had you nearly doubling over from the throbbing between your legs. You managed to take deep breaths and waved off the mildly concerned looks from Mr. and Mrs. Johnson from floor two before getting outside with your lazy dog.

You walked for a few minutes but even the stretching didn't soothe your ache. Grumbling in frustration as Cooper pissed on a fire hydrant, you decided you needed to take matters into your own hands, literally. You walked home and elected to take the shaky elevator up to your apartment instead of dealing with the far-too-many steps and your current walking problem. When you got up to your apartment, you unhooked Cooper and watched him curl up on the ground and proceed to pass out.

Lucky bastard.

Knowing Cooper would be asleep for the next twelve hours or so because really, the fat oaf was always that tired after a ten minute walk, you walked into your room, stripped your clothes off so you were only in your bra, underwear and glittering pendant, and rested yourself in the center of your bed.

Finally, for the first time that day, you truly let yourself indulge in the memory of Loki. You embraced the feeling of him, what he was, and how he had opened the door to unbeatable pleasure. You didn't push the thoughts away this time. Instead, you sucked them in, dwelled on them, and imagined every single thing the God of Sex could do to your body and soul.

You were aching. You needed that sweet weight of Loki's cock between your legs. You wanted to feel his lips on yours, his hands on your waist, and his breath on your skin. You wanted his tongue, his teeth, his nails - really, anything he would give you. You stared at the ceiling as your clit throbbed just as annoyingly as it had been the entire day, desperate for pressure and attention after thinking such heady thoughts of Loki ever since he left. Sighing, you ran your hand down your body, feeling too warm to be comfortable. Your fingers dipped below the waistband of your panties. You could feel how wet you were and you released a content little moan when the pads of your fingers brushed along your folds.

And you performed like this for at least ten minutes. You dipped, you swiped, you circled, and yet nothing felt as good as Loki's dexterous hands. You groaned and sat up, running your hand through your hair and nearly glaring down at the sheets as if they offended you.

Would it be too soon to call for him? Would Loki even be listening? You pursed your lips and looked back up at the ceiling.

Well, it was now or never. Might as well accept the inevitable loss sooner than later.

"Loki?" you called up to the ceiling softly. "Are you up there? Is Asgard even 'up'? Sorry, just...are you listening?"

There was no response, no indication that anyone was listening. You hugged your knees and waited for something, anything - a breeze, a chuckle, a set of arms around you. When there was no answer, you cleared your throat.

"Loki, God of Mischief, God of Sex, if you hear me, please come to me. I need you," you whispered, shutting your eyes. Your hand clasped the emerald resting on your chest, wrapping it in the warmth of your palm. You took a deep breath and focused, sending every one of your thoughts floating to Asgard or to wherever Loki had decided to reside. You let your emotions of want and desire leak into your prayers, tempting Loki to come to you, begging him to see your need.

There was the gentlest shuffle of leather and your eyes flew open.

"In need of my attention so soon, pet?" Loki asked, arms folded behind his back and a smirk cocked onto his face.

"Loki..." Your eyes widened and you let out a relieved breath. He was here. He was real. He actually came back to you. You let your hand fall to the bed, exposing the way the pendant sat against your breasts. "You're here. I didn't think you would come."

"Did I not tell you I would be back?" Loki asked, tilting his head and offering you a quizzical grin.

"Yeah but I didn't think it would happen," you said meekly with a gentle shrug.

"Is that ghastly voice in your head making you doubt yourself again, sweet?" Loki asked. You blanched at how he had hit the nail right on the head... again. You cleared your throat and shook your head, lip sucked into your mouth.

"It's just a little hard to believe all of this, I guess," you admitted. Loki hummed and stepped forward, his eyes scanning you hungrily.

"You make such an enticing sacrifice. It is far too difficult to leave such a sweet offering behind," Loki commented, his hands falling to his sides as he stepped closer to the bed. "Practically nude, dripping wet - ah, don't give me that look, you know I could smell it. Wearing my gift. I am in awe of you, little one."

"I thought about you today. I...I wanted to call for you earlier," you whispered. The cunning look on Loki's face softened as he sat down on the edge of the bed, just far enough away from you to stop himself from pouncing on you. You blushed and turned away slightly. "I'm sorry if I interrupted something important."

"Interrupted something important," Loki scoffed. He wasn't doing anything important, really. He was sitting in his temple, sifting through whiny prayers when he heard your voice louder and clearer than anyone else's. He tried to resist at first but he couldn't hold himself back. You plagued his mind all day and he had cum over his fist twice already. He could not deny his longing for you and he brought himself to Midgard immediately. "I was simply relaxing in my temple."

"A temple. You have a temple. Of course you do," you murmured, shaking your head and chuckling. "This is so unreal."

"Why did you call for me, little one?" Loki asked. He looked you up and down before smirking. "As if your current attire doesn't give any sort of indication."

"I just...I was thinking about you...and I wanted"

"Say it, pet."

"Well...I tried"

"Fuck your tender pussy?"

"Loki!" you gasped, covering your flushed chest with your palm. Loki laughed and leaned back on the bed, resting his weight on his elbow as he observed your scrunched up pose. You huffed and ignored the blush on your cheeks.

"There is no need to be shy around me. You can tell me exactly what you want," Loki purred, reaching out and resting his hand on your calf. You shuddered and swallowed the nervous lump in your throat.

"That's the problem. I don't know what it is that I want," you explained. Loki furrowed his brow as his fingers trailed down to your feet to rest carefully over your toes. You sighed and rested your chin on your knees and kept your gaze away from Loki's. "You showed me so much...passion yesterday. I've never felt anything like that before. When I tried to make myself feel good before, nothing happened."

"Have I tainted you so early?" Loki asked, smug but also mildly concerned.

"Honestly, I think so," you admitted. "I was a virgin only 24 hours ago. A lot has changed. I want...I don't know what I like or what I need or anything."

"I thrusted you into the world of sex and lust so quickly," Loki murmured. "I've ruined any other man for you, I fear."

"Well, yes, but I love it. That sex...I don't think it ever gets as good as that," you laughed a bit breathlessly. "I don't really know why I called you. I guess I wanted to feel good again. I just don't know how to go about doing that. I don't know how to make myself feel the way you made me feel."

Loki stayed quiet, his eyes looking down at the bed with a look of contemplation on his face. You stared at his hand on your foot, careful not to breathe too loudly lest you rouse him from his thoughts. His finger began tapping on the smooth arch of your foot as a wicked grin covered his face. His eyes dragged back up to you and he chuckled.

"Look at me," Loki commanded. You sat up straighter and stared into Loki's eyes - green, flowing with emotion and thought. "I have an offer to make you, pet."

"I'm listening," you squeaked. Loki ran his hand up your leg as his body crawled slowly over yours. You lay backwards, hands coming up to rest against the leather on his chest as he held himself above you.

"You have captured my attention like no other. You amaze me. Allow me to indulge you and introduce you to the wonders of intimacy beyond where we have gone," Loki purred, his nose now stroking up the length of your neck. "I wish to show you the different kinds of pleasure. Slow, fast, gentle, rough - I want to give it all to you. Let me help you flourish and explore who you truly are. I have discarded all other men for you and now, I would like to make amends for that. Instead of you living your life wallowing in displeasure and frustration, let me take control of your body and sate your needs repeatedly."

You gasped as Loki's lips attached to the skin above your pulse, sucking over a bruise he had already left last night. Your head was swimming with his confession. He wanted to toss you head first into lusting and intimacy with him. He ached to guide you through learning about yourself. Your legs locked around his waist, anchoring his body to yours. You wanted him, and you wanted to say yes, but your muddled mind was hesitant.

"W-Why?" you asked. Your hands gripped Loki's shoulders as he pulled his face up to hover above yours.

"For the same reason I aided you last night. You need it," Loki murmured. His hand cupped your face and you subconsciously pressed your cheek into his palm. "Plus, I would not turn down the chance to have some fun."

Loki leaned down to kiss you but you pressed your hands to his chest and pushed him back a bit. "You could have anyone. You could fuck any person you wanted. Why are you choosing me?"

Loki sighed and sat up on his knees. His hands coasted up and down your thighs and he tried not to let himself get distracted by his necklace glittering between your breasts.

"I am choosing you because you are exactly what I need," Loki admitted. "I am trading pleasure for pleasure. I have called you pet because you are mine. In this offer, I will give you all of the pleasure in the Nine Realms." A sultry, seductive grin smoothed itself onto his face. His eyes glittered as he spoke. "And in return, you will give to me your obedience, your submission."

"My obedience?" you squeaked as Loki's fingers danced over the inside of your thighs. He hummed with a slight nod.

"Yes, little one, your obedience," Loki purred, his eyelids drooping seductively. "I could see it in your eyes yesterday. You were so willing to submit to me. Why not make it a permanent arrangement? I could teach you so much. You will give yourself to me, offer me your body, and listen to my command. You enticed me so wonderfully last night and I am ashamed to say I am a greedy god and I want you for myself. You will be my pet and I will be your master. Give yourself to me in this way and you will know nothing but pleasure. I gain your submission, your devotion and worship for this. You gain constant pleasure and adoration from a god, along with protection and a watchful eye. There is no better deal I could offer."

"My master," you whispered, testing the word on the tip of your tongue. You shivered and in your sexual innocence, you fluttered at the thought of living to please Loki. This wasn't just a way for you to get some sex, it was a way to keep Loki coming back to you. After your suffering loneliness today, you knew that no other man could satisfy the need that Loki planted within you - even he made you well aware of that just now. He was giving you a way for him to keep coming back. And then, he offered you his protection. He mentioned it last night when he gifted you his necklace but he reinforced it. What better life could you live than one full of pleasure and protection by the god who practically stood for those pillars himself? Well, there was no love involved but you knew you weren't ready for that - damn your job and damn Cooper slightly less. Your priorities resided elsewhere and that elsewhere did not involve romance. But sex, on the other hand, that was always on the table. You nodded slowly and bit your lip. "Okay, I agree."

"Good girl." Loki grinned. His large hands wrapped around your knees and tugged you against him. You yelped as your hips collided with his, his cock hard beneath his leather. "We are going to have such fun together. Oh, sweet, there are so many things I wish to show you. I wonder where we should start."

"Wherever you'd like, Master."

Loki's eyes shot up to lock with yours. There was a hard press to his lips as his nostrils flared. The grip of his hands on your legs tightened, dull nails biting into your skin. Slowly, almost glacially, one of Loki's hands dragged itself up to your neck. You stared at him as his hand cupped your throat, thumb brushing over your pulse before Loki bent himself over you in a flash.

"Yes, pet. I am your Master. You will continue to address me as such. Good little girl," Loki growled in your ear before sealing his lips to yours. You whimpered into his mouth, legs spreading to take him further against your body. His clothed clock grinded against your cunt, the leather of his crotch catching on the gentle fabric of your underwear.

You shivered as his tongue danced with yours, tasting every inch of your mouth. Loki had quite literally just introduced you to sex and he already had you shaking like a leaf. There were things this man knew - things this man would teach to you - and you wanted to learn everything he had in his mind. You didn't care how he learned them, how many people he executed them on in the past, you just wanted him. You needed him. There wasn't a single part of your body that didn't crave him.

You didn't know much about sex. You watched porn, you touched yourself, you listened to your friend's stories but none of that could compare to what Loki would give to you. He was a separate entity, a king of intimacy and lust. You wanted to bow before him and offer yourself to him. In reality, that was exactly what you were doing.

With a surge of confidence, you bit down on Loki's lower lip. You pulled his lip towards you with your teeth before letting go of it and peeling your eyes open. Loki was staring down at you with a look of such wonder that you genuinely quivered.

"I want to submit to you, Loki. Teach me. Show me everything, Master," you whispered. A smirk dawned on Loki's face as he hoisted you up. He sat on the bed and pulled you into his lap, pressing your back to his chest. His hands sculpted up your body and cupped your breasts. Loki licked at your neck, deep groans vibrating from his chest and running through your body. You felt him chuckle against you and with a shimmer of green light, your bra was removed from your body. You gasped and turned your head back to look into Loki's glittering eyes. "That's neat."

"I took your voice away, littered you with magical lust for a moment, and gave you a necklace materialized from nothing last night and that was neat?" Loki asked, one eyebrow lifted towards his hairline. You shrugged and parted your lips to ask him about that whole necklace bit - you still wanted answers on it - but Loki took that as the perfect opportunity to sink his tongue into your mouth as two long fingers stroked up your covered pussy.

You moaned into his mouth, a hungry sound you would regret later, as the pads of his fingers tapped against your clothed clit. One of his hands was still gripping your breasts, fingers tweaking your nipple, as his tongue devoured you. You could feel your pendant catching on his hand as he moved across your breasts. When he finally pulled back, the only thought left in your head was how badly you wanted him.

"You told me that you had difficulty finding pleasure, correct?" Loki asked. You nodded but Loki grimaced. He pinched your nipple and you shuddered. "Use your words, darling."

"Yes, Loki," you answered hurriedly. Loki hummed and continued stroking you. He could feel your wetness gathering on the cloth of your underwear. Your head fell back onto his shoulder, his lips suckling on your neck and his thumb pressed stubbornly against your clit.

"Let's amend that, shall we?" Loki bit your ear, nibbling your earlobe with intention. Your legs spread wider as you pressed yourself further into him. As you nodded, Loki bit your ear harder. "Allow me to show you just how to touch this tender little cunt."

Loki's fingers dipped beneath the band of your underwear. You moaned out his name as two fingers brushed over your clit and down your folds, capturing your wetness on the pads of his fingers. His thumb teased at your clit, carefully circling it.

"That feels so good," you whimpered, spreading your legs wider to accommodate for his large hand. Two of his fingers circled your hole, your skin sore from how he had used you last night. Still, you clenched and fluttered, eager to feel his digits sink inside of you.

"You have to touch yourself gently at first. Tease yourself. Give yourself something to beg for." Loki's fingers coasted along your seam, only applying pressure occasionally. "Then, when you're nice and wet, slip your fingers inside of yourself. Your hands are so small, little one. I bet you could fit four of those fingers into this pussy."

"Oh, please." You weren't even thinking about your own fingers. Instead, you envisioned four of Loki's long, elegant fingers trying to fit inside of your body. You whined unintentionally, the thought flooring you.

"The sounds you make are so pretty, pet. Sing for me again," Loki whispered as two of his talented fingers entered your body. You froze for a moment, rigid with the shock of his intrusion, before you relaxed and fell back against him. His hand continued to tease your breast as his fingers pumped inside of you. Your head rolled forward as you watched his hand move inside your panties and a wave of arousal flooded through you. You reached back and gripped Loki's hair as you grinded against his hand.

"Loki," you moaned, eyes locked on his fingers. He began curling them faster, pumping them at a pace you could never set for yourself. You shivered and gasped as you latched onto Loki harder. He grunted into your ear as his hips rocked upwards against you, cock hard in his trousers.

"Just like that, sweet girl. Grind against me. Show me how much you want me," Loki growled. He bit your neck again and sucked a small bruise above your collarbone. His fingers curled just right and you squirmed. "Do you feel how I'm touching you? I'm curling my fingers within you, fucking this wet hole nice and smoothly. You have to be a little rougher with yourself now. Make it sting. It'll feel even better. Just like this." Loki shoved his fingers inside of you harder, his palm colliding with your wet lips. "Does it feel good, darling?"

"Oh, god, yes," you gasped.

"Yes, dearest, I am your god. Do you like the way I press on your swollen clit?" Loki accentuated his comment with a hard tap to your clit. "I hope you're taking notes, sweet. This is a lesson after all."

"F-Fuck! I'll never be able to do this like you can," you whimpered, rocking your hips against his large, rough hand. Loki chuckled, his tongue swiping over your jaw, before he kissed your skin briefly.

"No, you won't. But I can help you learn how to take the edge off at least," Loki murmured. "Time to get hands on, darling. Put your hand with mine."

You watched as your underwear faded from your body in a glow. Loki's hand was completely bared for you and you had complete sight of how his fingers pumped inside of you. You reached one hand down and covered his. Loki pressed his lips to your jaw before removing one finger.

"Loki..." you whined but Loki bit your jaw in warning.

"Now, now, little one. Put one of your fingers inside your pussy. Fuck your cunt with me," Loki instructed. You blushed but listened to him - he was your Master now, that was your obligation. The thought alone made you whimper. Your middle finger edged around your hole, already stretched around Loki's finger, and you slowly slid it inside. You moaned, the feeling of the two of you inside your body sending shock waves of delirious delight running through your veins. Loki watched the vision with parted lips, his cock so hard in his pants he wasn't sure how much longer he could contain himself. "Pump your finger with mine. Be my good girl. Do it."

You began moving your finger in time with Loki's. He grinned against your cheek - you could literally feel his smile - as you brought yourself to the edge. His thumb fell away from your clit and with the hand on your breast, he unlocked your hand from his hair and moved it down to your center.

"Play with your button, darling. Show your Master how to pleasure yourself." Nodding, you began circling your clit in the way Loki had before. You panted out ragged breaths as his finger and yours curled inside of your body. Loki kept shoving his cock against you. He was so hard he was growing desperate, not a feeling he was accustomed to. This pretty picture of you touching yourself with his help was so attractive, it would fuel his dreams for many, many nights, he was sure.

"I...I need to..." you trailed off, not able to finish the sentence through your bated breath.

"Cum, sweet. Do it now," Loki growled as you both pumped your fingers in time. His thumb pressed over your finger, pushing your clit even harder, and with a shaky shout of his name, you came. Your body trembled with delight as your orgasm crashed over you. Your head fell back onto Loki's shoulder again as you caught your breath. He kissed your collarbone and cooed, "good girl. Such a good, obedient girl."

There was a shift behind you and you noticed you were no longer resting against the leather of Loki's clothing. His cock sprang up against your backside and you immediately pressed yourself back against him. Loki groaned and adjusted your body so his cock rubbed against your folds.

"Do you want my cock, pet?" Loki asked as he rubbed himself against you. Even though you were recovering from your first orgasm, you nodded eagerly.

"Yes, Master," you answered, hips rolling against him.

"Put my cock inside you. Guide me in," Loki whispered. You took his cock in one hand and slowly inserted him inside of your body. You moaned as he entered you, a much more filling sensation than being fingered, and you bit back a curse. His cock was just as perfect as you remembered. You sank down on him slowly as his nails bit into your flesh. "Mmm, this tight little pussy is stretched so nicely around my cock. What a sweet pet you are, taking your Master's cock so well. My good girl. I can't wait to fuck you every day."

Every day? You genuinely moaned at that, though you were sure Loki thought it was from his cock. You bottomed out but your arousal from his admitted statement had you already moving up and down against him. Loki grabbed you harder and helped you move over him, his hot breath reflecting off of the back of your neck.

"Oh! Oh, that's - wow," you babbled as his cock prodded against the sensitive ridges inside of your body. Loki bucked his hips up, jabbing his cock harder inside of you, as his hands smoothed over your waist.

"Ride me, little one. You feel so good wrapped around me." Your legs were shaking as Loki took control and moved you over him faster. He moved one hand up and grabbed your face almost harshly as he turned you towards him. He kissed you sloppily, tongue dancing along your lips and teeth as he fucked you. This wasn't the introductory love-making of last night. Loki was ravishing you, sinking into your body with pure lust and desire. This was the side he neglected to show you and you knew that there was only more to uncover.

You shivered at the thought of doing this with anyone else after this. No, you wouldn't be able to manage that. You cheered internally knowing that you successfully sealed this deal with Loki and now he would be coming back to pleasure you regularly - irregularly? Daily? Whenever he came, however he came, he would come. He made that clear.

His hand dropped from your jaw and fell to your pussy. Two deft fingers swiveled around your clit almost brutally as his cock fucked into you. You stared into his eyes. They were wild, blown with lust, as he bounced you on top of him. He was so beautiful that it took your breath away. This gorgeous, alluring god was fucking you again. Your cunt clenched around Loki's cock dramatically, squeezing him like a warm vise.

"Does my little pet need to cum?" he asked in a nearly gentle, cooing voice.

"Yes, Master," you said with a mewling tone.

"Tell me exactly what you want," Loki demanded.


"No, darling. You will tell me exactly what you want or you won't get to cum at all," Loki growled. He narrowed his eyes as he thrusted into you. "It seems this is a lesson we must go over as well. Now, try again. Tell me what you want."

"I...I want to...cum?" It sounded like a question as you blushed with embarrassment. You were amazed at yourself for switching from confident seductress to bumbling maiden in just a few short minutes. Loki chuckled and smirked, an amusement glittering in his eyes.

"Well, it's good for a beginner," Loki said with a wink. His fingers circled furiously over your clit as he shoved his cock deeper inside of you. He leaned in and nipped your lips. "Cum, little girl."

"Loki! Oh, fuck," you gasped as you came, squeezing around his cock violently. You continued to grind against him, trying to milk your orgasm as much as you could. Loki groaned and cursed your name as he came inside of you, his cock pressed as far into you as he could manage. You felt warm spurts of his cum leak out of your hole and you whined. Loki raised a brow as he slid his cock out of you.

"Oh? What is that? Does my little girl miss my cum inside of her?" Loki asked. You weren't sure how to answer. Did you? Is that what you were whining about? You opened your mouth to answer but nothing came out. Loki shrugged and collected some of his cum on his fingers and pushed it back inside of you. You trembled and blushed even further. Loki chuckled as your weight fell heavier on top of him from exhaustion. "That, too, is something we will explore."

"W-When?" you asked shyly.

"Not now, pet. You're exhausted. It seems I've worn you out," Loki whispered as he pressed a kiss to your temple. The moment he pointed out your exhaustion, you felt it - truly felt it. Your lack of sleep from the night prior, your wandering mind during the day, the ache between your legs, Loki's arrival, his wonderful fucking - it hit you like a freight train and you were just so tired. He picked you up and deposited you onto the bed. He rolled the sheets over you and when you opened your eyes, you saw Loki had magicked his clothes back onto himself. "Sleep, little one. You've been such a good girl for your Master."

"Thank you, Loki," you said as you stifled a yawn. Loki chuckled and kissed your forehead once more, making sure you were warm under the sheets and still branded with his cum.


I plan on updating weekly (probably every Friday or Saturday) so I'd love to hear what your thoughts are so I can get inspired for what to write next!!

Comments and kudos are always loved and appreciated!!

Visit me on tumblr @ shiningloki!

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