Dream oneshots

By YuriMidnight

78.1K 2.1K 1.7K

As seen, this is an dream oneshot! 😍 I will explain the rules in the introduction, also, this will contain... More

Red floors (rewriten)
NO! (Rewritten)
The truth (rewritten)
Movie night (Rewritten)
Happy (Rewritten)
A human... (REWRITTEN)
Caught you
A bloody mess
Shut up!!
I hate myself, Techno
Hide and seek
Running (Hide and seek p2)
You were my paradise....
A peaceful grave
My old eye
Let's fly
Thank XD your ok....
My yandere
No sad.....happy!...(:
😭 😭 😭
β–ͺ︎jAcK mAnIfOrD?Β‘β–ͺ︎
I would care for him.
Protecting you is what I want to do
Midnight cuddles
Incorrect quotes
He left me....
✨A R T✨
Disc duo bonding
We'll stick together (Dreambur)
Beat that boy with a frying pan (Dreamnap)
Incorrect quotes cause I'm bored 😘
I'm sorry γ€ŠIMPORTANT》
Disc duo comic
Incorrect quotes cuz why not πŸ˜©πŸ‘Œ
Don't mess with a God ;)
Till death and beyond, love (Dreambur)
Cold (angst)
Dark and too close (angst+Dreamity)
You don't need them (Dreamity)
The inbetween (Cold pt 2)
We finally did it....
Maybe it was a mistakeγ€ŠDRUZ ANGST》
Happy holidays <3
Don't take him away from me γ€ŠCAUGHT YOU ALT ENDING PT.2》
This is home
I just want it to end
Clingy bastard <3
Together forever, right? β™‘HEAVY ANGSTβ™‘
New friend
Can we be friends? (Rival duo)
A ghost in the house
It hurts

Don't hurt me please (a ghost in the house pt.2)

391 16 18
By YuriMidnight

Yo bitch got revived like Wilbur /j

A requested part 2 actually finally came out? 😨✋️


"You want us to exorcize him?" Tubbo asked, tilting his head.

"Yes, you know, put him to rest," Phil and the others nodded. 

Meanwhile, Dream peered into the living, his face falling. They wanted to kill him? He- he didn't deserve to be killed- h-he's a good person! Why does he have to die? Why do they want him dead? No, no, no! He can't die, then he wouldn't be able to see Mommy and Daddy and Sissy again!! He wouldn't be able to sing Sissy to sleep- o-or walk with Mommy to the park, and help dad when he cooks! Dream felt his bottom lip tremble. But he is a big boy! He doesn't cry! 

Dream went back to his room, hiding behide boxes. Dream carefully moved his mask closer to himself. This wasn't fair, he didn't do anything to be killed, they were murders! And they had come into his house! Mommy, Daddy and Sissy wouldn't like murders living in their house while they went onto an adventure. And then when they came back and found him dead, they would be so upset! And everyone would be sad! :(

"This is the ghosts room," Phil pointed into Dreams room. 

"This is creepy to be honest," Fundy noted, looking around. A child's falling apart rocking house, a teddy bear with a eye and leg missing, and more. 

"This is the mask, right?" Tubbo asked, holding a mask with a smiley face on it.

"Yeah that's his creepy fucking mask!" Tommy nodded, crossing his arms. 

"He's very protective over it," Wilbur added on. 

Dream watched as they took HIS mask and then his breath practically stopped. 

Time seemed to freeze. 

They. Threw. HIS. MASK. On. The. GROUND. 

Dream watched as it broke into pieces. Dream let out a choked sob. (But he didn't cry.)

The sadness shuddlenly turned into anger. They broke HIS MASK. 

It wasn't fair it wasn't fair it wasn't fair it wasn't fair-

"Why the fuck did you do that?!" Tommy questioned. 

"You said it was protective over its mask, right? That must be the way its soul lives on," Fundy answered. He was the on who took it from Tubbo and smashed it. 

"So it's gone?" 

"Yeah, I believe,"

"What the fuck! That was so easy! We could've done that!!" Tommy pouted. 

Phil ruffles Tommy's hair with a small smile on his face. "You didn't kno-"

"No," Tubbo said, frowning. "He's still here. I can feel him."


"Hey, Dream, we don't wanna hurt you, we're trying to help you," Tubbo said in a soft voice, the SBI was pushed out by the two ghost hunters. 

A rubber ball was thrown off the shelf and hit Fundy. 


"Ouch!" Fundy yelped, rubbing his head as he kicked the ball harshly. 

"Fundy, no offense, but your not making this any easier," Tubbo said, looking hehide and at Fundy. 

A box shuddlenly fell over, barely missing crushing both Fundy and Tubbo if they hadn't moved out of the in time. 

"This fuckin' ghost if violent!" Fundy complained. 

"You destroyed his mask, idiot," Tubbo pointed out. "Hush."

Tubbo let a soft smile fall onto his face. "Hey, Dream. I get your mad right now, but we have no intention of hurting you, we just wanna hel-"

"Liar," A ghostly voice wispered. "Your gonna kill me."

"No, we aren't, we just wan-"

"Yes you are!" A teddy bear flew off a box and hit Tubbos face. "Yo-your gonna ex-orci-ze me! Murders!"

"Dream....your already dead.."

Tubbo looks at Fundy who is just standing there. "Help me dumbass!" Tubbo wispered. 

The ghost slowly peeked himself out of the boxes. The other twos eyes widened. He was so, so, tiny. His hair was a mess and his clothes were ripped, no, burned. And there were burn scars covering haft of the boy himself. He had dull green eyes.

"I'm not dead..if I was dead I would be in a casket...and I wouldn't be here right now.." Dream defended himself.

"No, Dream, your dead. You died 17 years ago in a house fire," Tubbo said, crouching down to Dreams level. 

"But..." Dream wispered. 

Fundy pulled a newspaper out of his pocket. 

"See, Dream, that's you," Fundy said, pointing to the headline and front of the paper. Dream couldn't read very well but understood enough. 


December 10, XXXX, the Wastaken house caught on fire, no one is quite sure of the reason yet. The Wastaken family mother is currently in a coma while the father and daughter suffered minor burn wounds. Dream wastaken, the son, was unfortunately caught in the house when it burned down and collapsed. 

[Insert image of Dream]

Dream looked up at them. And pointed to the image. 

"Thats me.." Dream spoke, his voice sounding so fragile. "Is- is that why Mommy and Si-Sissy and Daddy i-igored and left me?..And everyone was s-scared of me?..."

Tubbo nodded at the ghost. "So, we want to help you rest. Go to sleep for a long time like all dead people."

Dream panicked. "What? But- but what about m-my family?."

"Well when they die you can see them, the Godness Of Death will treat you well," Fundy said. 

"I..wanna see someone from my family frist..." Dream aid hopefully. 

"We'll see what we can do, Dream," 

《Weeks later.》

Dream saw 2 women slowly entering the room, sucking in a breath. 

"I don't see a ghost here," The older women called, looking around. 

"Dream, come on out, they look a little different from what you remember, but this is Mommy and Sissy," Tubbo said. 

Dream looked at the 2 women, they didn't look anything like Mommy and Sissy. (But he was dead, Dream reminded himself. Part of him still didn't believe it himself.)

"Mommy?" Dream said softly, stepping away from his little corner. 

The two women let out a gasp, staring at him. For a momment Dream wanted to go back into his corner and hide but he forced himself to stay put. After a momment the older women spoke. 

"Oh, my baby.." Dream recognized the voice. It WAS Mommy!

"Mommy! Your back!" Dream said floating up closer to her. Mommy then tired to touch him but her hand went right though him.

"Yes, I'm back, my baby," She said, tears running down her cheeks. 

Dream tired to put his hands on her face to wipe away the tears. "Don't cry Mommy!"

Mommy wiped her tears. "I'm sorry for leaving you, I'm sorry you had to die, so- so young.."

"He didn't know he was dead until a few weeks ago," Tubbo wispered to her. 

"Oh, that's awful," The other women gasped. 

"Who is she?" Dream wispered to Mommy. 

"Thats your little Sister, remember? I know I don't look that different but she does. But that doesn't mean she's not Drista," Mommy explained. 

"Sissy?" Dream questioned, floating over to Sissy. She was so tall.

"Yeah, Dre..it's me," Sissy said wiping unshed tears. 

"I was supposed to be taller then you..." Dream wispered. 

"Yeah, you were," Sissy nodded, a sad smile on her face. 

"Where is Daddy?.." Dream asked. 

"We got divorced," Mommy said, Sissy and her sharing a look. 


"He...he killed you..." Mommy said, frowning. "He locked you in t-this room, while the fire was burning, that he caused...hes in jail.." 

Dream stared at her. His...Daddy killed him?...

"We've missed you Dre," Sissy wispered. "We both love you so much."

"I love you both two..."

"Is it gonna hurt?" Dream nervously asked Tubbo. 

"I don't think so, I'm sorry if it does, Dream. Think of it as your going to take a really long nap," Tubbo said. "Are you ready?" 

Dream looked at the SBI and Tubbo and Fundy. 

"Goodnight!" Dream said, waving over at them. 

"Goodnight, Dream."


Dream died twice lol

uh yeah

Bye bye?

Or as Dream says...


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