We finally did it....

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We did it guys......<3

Words cannot express how grateful and happy I am, all the support is beyond wonderful and heartwarming. Overall, this whole day has been amazing, and this was like the cherry on top. You all are so so special to me, and I love you all. As for the oneshots, I have big plans for the future. Smut has been requested. Am I good at it??? Not really. But I'll try <3! 2 oneshots are currently being worked, about to be 3. But that's not really the point of this. This is about how much I fucking love you all. 

In all honesty, when I frist started this oneshot, I never expected much of it. Nor did I expect to reach over 200 followers. This has been beyond exciting and amazing. And you know who had made this all possible?

You guys. 

You fucking wonderful person.

All of you guys are loved, appreciated, and treasured deeply towards my heart. Each and every one of you deserve so so much, and words cannot express that. I deeply love and appreciate all of you. Remember, I will always be here for you if you need. Thank you so so much my dreamlings. 

With all the love in my heart, 


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