No sad.....happy!...(:

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This is when Dream escapes prison. Ranboo is ALIVE. Angst, and no ships!! Art on the top was mine! (:

We ran though the field, ahead of all the people chasing us. Well, mostly me. I ran behide Techno and Ranboo, weak from what I faced in prison, and because I needed to make sure they don't get hurt, or captured. I know that the point was to break me out of prison, but as long as nothing happens to them I'll be fine. Even if I do get put into prison, or die. 

A arrow flew right by my ear, inches away from my head. I ran a bit faster, trying to get away from the group and the arrows range. Shuddlenly, I feel a sharp pain in the left side of my head. I screamed and fell to the ground. My vision got burry and I could see a puddle of my blood around me. 

"Dream!" Techno and Ranboo shouted and ran over. 

Techno pulled me close to his chest. Ranboo had tears in his eyes, but why? Wasn't I the villian? Didn't I cause so much pain?

"Dream! It'll be ok! Right? We'll get you to Phil's, and you're be ok, OK?!" Techno panics. 

"" I whispered. 

"H-How many loves for you h-have?..." Ranboo asked. 

"......this is my last...." I weakly choked. 

"No no no no! Don't you dare die on me!" Techno said, a single tear ran down his cheek. 

I smiled at him and Ranboo. "No sad.......happy!...."

Techno solfy smiles. "I love you, smiles...."


"I love you, smiles...."Techno soldy smiles. 

Dreams breathing slows and he close his eyes. His heart stops a few seconds later. Ranboo took Dreams body, hugging him, crying into Dreams shoulder. Ranboo saw Dream as a brother figure. He always helped when he had panic attacks and would help when he was in Enderwalk. And now that brother was dead. 


"You fucking idiot!" Techno pushed his sword closer to Sam's neck, making it bleed. 

"Techno! We can talk about this!" Sam shouted. "I'm on my second life!"

"Yeah? And Dream was on his last," Techno spat, cutting off Sam's head. 

"Are you done?" Ranboo asked. 

"Yeah. Did you get Quacktiy?" Techno asked. 

Ranboo nodded and nodded to the room next door. Techno nodded and smiled. He opened the door and walked in, shutting it after.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" He asked. 

"You should be asking yourself that. Why did you tourtore Dream, hm?" 

"He deserved it!"

"No He didn't. You're getting on my nerves. So you get a painful death,"

Techno cuts off Quackitys left arm and stabs his right leg. Quackity screamed as blood poured all around him. Techno smirked and stabbed his head, killing him. 

Ranboo watched all of the deaths, glad they got revenge for Dream. 

Techno and Ranboo had no regrets. 



Ranboo, Techno, and Dream friendship is one of my favorites 😊

Anywho, have an amazing day or night! Eat something and drink some water, take care guys!

Words: 500

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