Don't mess with a God ;)

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Lol I just came up with a crazy idea but whatever idc AND LOOK AT TAT BOOTIFUL BOI 


POV: Dream

I was out of breath, and my lugs burned. My legs were in pure misery after not being stood on, much less ran on, for months. 

"Dreamie~ come out where ever you are!" I hear Quackity yell. My heart beat faster. I couldn't go back there. I can't I can't I can't. I have my whole life to live. I can't waste it all in prison......

But where do I go? 

I think of a million possibilities. But the one that stands out best to me is going to the End. Home. Back to the cold and dark end. The castle grounds that seemed endless. The sound of fellow Enders peacefully chatting in the market. The wonderful smell of Drista's fresh baked cake. (Yes they eat human food!) Lanterns brighting up the streets as sounds of cheers arupted at the new year or when a baby is born and we feast and laugh and dance. (In the end its rare for new babies to be born, and a baby boy hadn't been born in years, but enderman can multiply so that's keeping the population alive!)

I snap out of my fantasy world when I hear the crunch of leafs crunching. I panic and then shuddlenly hands grab me. I struggle against the strong grip. Quackity laughs at my attempt of running away. 

"GUYSSSSS I GOT HIM!!" Quackity yells. 

My thoat starts to close, tears flowed down my cheeks. I was so scared.  Quakity laughs at me. I mean, if you went though what I've been would cry to. 

Sam, Sapnap, and George, come over. I shuddlenly get that feeling. Enderman. Their close. You see, my Pearl, which allows me to teleport has been broken ever since I was born. No one knows why. I never really needed it until now. But my Pearl also can sense Enderman. And a broken Pearl can't brake the feeling I get. 

"H-HELP M-ME PL-PLEASE!!!!" I scream in enderman. (I swear if someone comments about Y/N- yall he's a 14 yar old with serious trauma-)

Everyone gives me a werid look. Before enderman appear in the trees. Their purple eyes shinning. My face lights up with hope as I struggle even more, before Quackity slaps me, hard. I freeze. He grins at seeing me freeze. Sick bitch. This enraged the Enderman. They recognized me, since I didn't have my mask on. George had burned it last time he visted. They attack, helping me. The others were stunned as the enderman attacked them. A older enderman picks me up. 

"Are you okay, your masitsy?" They asked. (Idk how to spell it-)

"Y-yes.....thank you...." I nodded. 

I look back at my 'friends'. They were going to die if I didn't stop the enderman.

"WAIT! Don't kill t-them!" I demanded. 

The enderman stop and come over to where I was. I look back towards the older enderman that was holding me.

"I w-want to go home, please....." I wisper.

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