My old eye

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Dream was in prison, and Techno escaped. Quackity was angry, like really angry, and took him anger out on Dream who wouldn't tell him anything, since he knew nothing. 


TW:  Gore

"What do you fucking know?!?!" Quaxkity demands, sword at my thoat.

Techno had disappeared only a few seconds ago. Leaving me and Quackity alone. What a great time for escape, Techno. (That was sarcasm for you pre-kers 🙄)

Sam was currently checking the prison for Techno. 

"N-nothing!"  I nervously agure.

I could see his fist clench. He kicked me in the stomach and kocks me to the ground. Quackity gets on-top of me, holding me down, making me confused. He takes out a pair of sheers and brings it close to my right eye. I realize what was happened and started to struggle even more, panicking.

"W-wait! Quackity, w-we can talk about this!" I try to negotiate with me man. 

"Yeah right. The more you struggle the woste it will hurt." 

I feel the sliver from the blade on my eye, which was shedding tears. The blade was shuddlenly pushed right into the conner of my eye, making me scream in pain. Quackity smriks as he pushed it in deeper, making me scream again, at this point I was sobbing non-stop. He curves it around to get to the other side. Blood was running down from my eyes, which at this point had zero tears. On the other hand, my other eye was practically drowned in my tears. I don't think I've ever felt anything more painful than this. I scream louder as Quackity was smirking and going slow so he could keep hearing me scream and so I would feel more pain. I could feel my veins getting cut, which was painful and felt awful.

He moved the blade so that it cut out my whole eye. My face felt so.....empty, without my eye. He got off, holding my bright green eye in his hands. He throws it into the lava. And told Sam he was done. Sam and him left, putting the lava down. 

I was covered in blood, mostly the right side of me. I held what WOULD be where my eye would be. I kept crying and brought my nees close to me. I put my other arm around them, bringing myself into a ball. 

"M-MY EYE! HE T-TOOK MY F-FUCKING EYE!...." I somehow cried trough tears. 


I was shaking in the conner of the room. It was almost that time when Quackity visited me. 

"Pssst! Dream!" I hear someone wisper, I recognize their voice. Technoblade!

"T-techno? that you? I can't see!" I say, standing up.

"Yes, now come on before we get caught!" 

I nodded and walked over to the voice. It didn't help that I only have one eye and that it was pitch black in here. (I had broken the glow stone.)

"What happened to your eye?" I asked, lighting a tounch, lighting up the room. 

He handed me a sword while I debated weather to tell him. I decided to tell him. 

"W-well....." I trailed off and spoke in a quite voice: "I'll explain later....w-we need to go-" 

I get cut off when we hear someone step inside the cell. We wip around, being so focused on are conversation that we didn't notice them coming in. (By them I mean Quackity and Sam.)

"Dream. What are you doing," Sam asks. 

"...escaping...." I answer, stepping closer to Techno.

"Come back here, Dream," Quackity snarls. 

"No. He's coming with me," Techno grabs my arm, urging me to follow him.

I knew I should go with him. But I felt the urge all over to go to Quackity. I look from Techno and to Quackity and Sam. 

"I'm leaving,"


We made it out, thankfully, unharmed. I was sitting on Technos bed while he cleaned my wounds. Once done, he looked up at me. He looked at what used to be my eye.

"Dream, What DID happen?" He asked.

"W-what do you m-mean?..." I lie, obviously knowing. 



I take in a deep breath and look down, trying to keep the tears out of my eyes as I remembered very clearly what happened. I explained everything to Techno. By the end I was silently crying.

"Shhhhh, it'll be OK Dream. Your safe now..." 

"Thanks Techy...."


I held a sword to Quackitys neck. He looked at me, in anger and scaredness. I smirked at him feeling powerless. 

"Technoblade! Get the fuck away from me!" Quackity spat.

"Yeah right. This is for Dream," I say before cutting his head off.

And I didn't feel an inch of guilt.



Forgive me for not posting yesterday, I was working on this, and I got sick. 

Anyway, I hoped you enjoyed it!!! Also, I started a new book:

Anyway, I hoped you enjoyed it!!! Also, I started a new book:

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Name: Exiled Dream (angst)

Have a great day!!! Byeeeee!!!

Words: 808

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