The truth (rewritten)

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Part 2 of 'What?...'

Warning: Pretty much all of the pervious ones 😅

When I wake up, I'm laying back in my bed. I see a cup of water next to me, the trashcan filled with bloody tissues. I hear the door creak open.

"Dream, are you awake?" Tommy asks; who is standing in the doorway.

I goan as I sit up. "Not really, my throat hurts like hell."

"I found out why." 

"What?! I thought I just was sick or something..." 

"Dream, you coughed up fucking blood. That's not a sickness. It was poison." 

My eyes widen. Who? How did they sneak in? Why? 

"Who did it?" I demand.

"I don't know. But I'll find out," Tommy reassures me. "I'm going into the SMP, Tubbo, Techno, Philza, and Ranboo already know."

"Okay....." I nodded.


I get tried of just sitting in bed. As you can image, sitting with NOTHING to do, for HOURS? Boringggggg. Suddenly I hear the door open. I sit up even more, ready to hear the news. Tommy swings the door open, making me jump. He looked mad. Oh boy.

Yep. He was very mad. Upset. Guilty?

Either way, very angry. 

"Tommy? Are you ok?.." I nervously asked.

"Oh yeah, I just figured out someone I trusted and was my friend poisoned you, totally fine." He said, scarcity. (I can't spell for shit-)

"Who?" I ask, names run through my brian. There was a lot of possibilities. Quackity? Sam? George?


I sit there, surpised. I know he didn't like me, but posion me? What he fuck!? 

Tommy came over, and hugged me. I happily hug him back. 

"Thank you.....but w-will I die?" I say.

"If you don't drink this you will." He says, handing me a drink. I drink it, it takes like bitter sweet barries. Not bad, but definitely not the best. 

"Thank you, Tommy." I wisper. 

"Your welcome, green teletuby." He chuckles.

I let out a small giggle. "You can be a asshole sometimes."

"That's my pride and joy." He laughs.

Oh my frinking god.......

110 frinking views?! I can't, I'm crying, I just made this, I can't-

I love you guys! 😊


Here, have some anime food:

Here, have some anime food:

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Not mine! 

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Not mine! 

Words: 388

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