This is home

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This is home.......mentioned Trans Dream but not the main focus ig???


Omg I love writing this 😍😍😍😍👍👍👍👍

Enjoy >w<

Tommy was really fucking tried of staying in this cell. The obsidian was too cold, the lava was too hot. The potatoes tasted like sandpaper and most where moldy. Luckily for him, Sam was coming to get him out of here. But unluckily for Dream, he was dying. Just as Tommy was heading out, Dream finally said something. 

"Often....I am upset...that I cannot fall inlove..." Dream chuckles. "But I guess....this avoids the stress of falling out of it..."

Tommy scoffed and looked at Dream. "What are you fucking trying to say, Dream?"

"Are you.....tired of me yet?...I'm a little sick right now, but I swear....when I'm ready I will fly us out of here..."

Tommy frowned at the man, who's breathing was getting slower and weaker. 

"I'll cut my make you stare....I'll hide my chest and I'll figure out a way to get us out of here..."

Tommy's eyes widen, Dream, was Trans?! Dream weakly took of his mask, showing Tommy how pale and sick he looked. His eyes where so dull and pitiful. Dream softly smiled at Tommy. 

"Turn off your proclien face, I can't really think right now in this place....theres too many colors to drive us all insane..."

Dreams smile disappears. "Are you dead?...sometimes I think I'm dead....cause I can feel a ghost whos wrapping my head....and I don't wanna fall asleep just yet...."

"Oh shit, you're dying-" Tommy finally realizes. "SAM, SAM, YOUR FUCKING PRISONER IS DYING!"

Tommy gently picked Dream up and went to the bridge, eventually the two making it to the other side. Dreams dull eyes looked into Tommy's as Dream clutched Tommy's shirt weakly. Sam directed hm to the hospital wing. 

"My eyes went dark....I don't know purpils are, but I'll figure out a way to get us out of here...."

Tommy quickly made him drink some health potions and warm bread. But it didn't and couldn't do anything. Dream softly smiled at Tommy as tears slowly ran down his pale cheeks. 

"Get a load of this monster.....he doesn't know how to communicate....his mind is in a different place....will everybody please give him a little bit of space?..."

Now it was Tommy's turn to cry. He knew Dream couldn't be saved. Maybe Dream didn't want to be saved. Tommy hugged the shorter yet older male, Dream hugging back with his little strength. Dreams smile disappears from his face. It kinda hurt to smile.

"Get a load of this train wreck.....his hairs a mess and he doesn't know who he is yet..."

Dreams vision got blurry and his head started to fell like it was caving in on him. Dream let out a shaky breath. 

"But little do we know the stars welcome him with open arms...."

"Time is...."


"Tracing his face...."

Dream did a weak smile as his vision started to turn black, and the tears slowly stopped. "But strangely he feels at home in this place...."

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