New friend

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Dream is hated as a ghost. He got no home, no friends. (hahahahah- HOMELESS TELETUBY-)

That is until a certain ghost shows up <3

I'm sorry it's bad- I'm currently sick, have a bad headache, and got 0 sleep last night- but I haven't updated this in forever ;-;

The ending isn't the best but it is what it is ig

Can be seen as Dreambur if you want, it's just wholesome fluff <3

Enjoy :DD

"Friend! You can't just run away from me!" Ghostbur scolded lightly, patting the sheep, who let out a 'bbaaaahhh'. Ghostbur looked around noticed a pair of eyes peeking at him from behide a tree. Ghostbur smiled and waved at the new stranger. 

"Hi new friend!!" Ghostbur happily said, waving. The person quickly hid behide the tree again. Ghostbur, confused, went up to the person, who was nervously standing behide the tree. 

"Ello?" Ghostbur asked, titling his head as his eyes looked over the person. 

"Don't h-hurt me!" The person spoke, their dull green eyes filled with fear, but also curiosity. 


They where a ghost, they where clearly a ghost, how hadn't Ghostbur saw that sooner?

"I won't hurt you," Ghostbur said. "Why are you alone? Want to be friends? Oooo, want some blue?"


"Yeah! Oh my XD- I didn't introduce myself! My name is Ghostbur! I'm a ghost! And this is friend! Who are you?"

"I- I'm not sure? I think my name is Ghostdre...d-does that mean I'm a ghost too?!" Ghostdre's eyes widening at the last part. 

"We're twins!" Ghostbur happily smiled, taking Ghostdre's hands in his. "This is exciting, I don't make many new friends!"

"I-...I haven't made any friends e-ever..." Ghostdre sadly said. "They all are very mean to me."

"They're mean to you? That must be mean people in your past life,"

"P-past life? But- I was here- they called me D-Dream and a monster, did that not happen? Th-they tired to set me on fire! It went though me- I'm s-so confused Ghostbur!" Ghostdre's eyes filled with tears.

"My friend where mean to you?" Ghostbur was shocked. They where so nice to him. Ghostbur quickly changed his face. "Uh- why don't we make you a home, you don't have one right?"

"I don't know how to pick u-up blocks," 

"I can teach you! We can even collect some flowers for you to keep inside your home!"

Ghostdre smiled. 

《1 month later》

"Where do you think Ghostbur is always going?" Tommy asked. 

"As long as hes not getting hurt, I don't really care," Techno answered. 

"But I'm curious!" Tommy pouted. 

"I would say follow him, but you're not stealthy," Techno remarks.

"What!- I am plenty stealthy bitch!" Tommy defends himself. 


"You know what- your coming with me!" 

"Nah I'm good,"


"No, these potatoes won't farm themselves,"

"I'll help you with the potatoes when we get backkk!"


"Hell yeah!"

"Ghostdre!" Ghostburs bright voice said, running up to the house. A ghost- Ghostdre- stepped out of the house smiling. 

"Ghostbur! I made you cake!" Ghostdre happily said, running up to hug the other ghost. 

Tommy grited his teeth. Dream was trying to mapuilate Ghostbur. Techno glared at Tommy, never had receiving any news that Dream had come back as a ghost. 

"Aww, that's sweet," Ghostbur said, getting out of hug. "You are getting better at picking up stuff!"

"Kinda....I dropped the frist cake on the floor," Ghostdre admitted. 

"Thats okay-"

"WHAT THE FUCK," Tommy yelled, emerging though the trees. The ghosts head's snap towards the person. Techno silently moved into the ghosts view. 

"Wha- Tommy?!" Ghostbur said, his eyes widening as Ghostdre hid behide him.

"Ghostbur! He's mapuilating you!" Tommy shouts. "Get away from hi-"

"No he isn't! He's a ghost! Like me!" Ghostbur defends the frightened ghost behide him. "Thats not fair you treat him awful but treat me good!"

"Thats because he was an fucking awful person!"

"If I'm correct, so was I in my past life, but this is a chance to start anew, he's innocent!"

"Don't even star-"

"Tommy," Techno interupts. "Stop it."

"WHAT?! YOUR ON THEIR SIDE?!" Tommy cries, outraged. 

"Fristly, I wasn't informed of Dream being a ghost, like, thats rude. Besides that, just give Ghostdre a chance. It's not like he's tired anything to you in all this time he's been here,"

Tommy was silent, but still upset. 

"Thnqm you Techno!!" Ghostbur smiled. "Tommy when you cool down, come inside, okay? Come on Tech, we can go see Ghostdre!"  

Ghostdre at some point had run into the house. He was much more stealthy than Tommy.

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