Can we be friends? (Rival duo)

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Techno is an anti-social kid no one will play with at recess :(

But Dream to the rescue!

Aaaahhh back to writing, my comfort <33

Take the rival duo fluff  *yeet*


《Ages 5-6》

Techno sighed as he walked outside. He always hated recess, no one would play with him because of his hybrid looks. A pair of green eyes watched the boy walk over to the swings, there was 3 separate swing spots, his had no kids on them. The green eyes turned to look at others.

"Why is he all alone?" They asked, referring to the boy. 

"Oh Techno? He was werid hybrid features! From the nether! Those are dangerous and scary!" A little girl said, the other kids nodding. 

"Thats mean," The kid with green eyes huffed, crossing his arms. "I'm sure he's really nice!"

A child scoffed. "Whatever, you'll see you dunb dumb!"

The kid went away from that group and happily skipped over to Techno, who watched the boy with curious red eyes. 

"Hi! Hi!" The kid waved, now infront of Techno, a smile on there face. "Techno, right? That's a cool name! My names Dream!"

 Techno gulped, not sure how to respond. Was the kid actually trying to be nice of was tricking him? 

"It-its actually..u-uh, Technoblade," Techno mumbled, swinging a little on the swing. The kids smile grew wider. 

"Technoblade? That a really an even COOLER name Technoblade!" 

Techno nodded as the kid bounced up and down happily. 

"I really like your hair! That's natural right?" Techno nodded. "Whaaat?! No way! That's awesome! You must be really special to have pink hair, woahhh it's even long! It's looks so soft, I love it! Your really cool!!" :D

Techno had a smile on his face, someone was 1, interacting with him outside of family, and 2, they even thought he was cool AND awesome!

"Thank you," Techno said. 

"I like your hybrid features!" Dream said. 

Techno stared at Dream for a second. No one had really said they liked his hybrid features. Sure, Phil had said they make him special (Dream had also said that!) but liked? 

" r-really do?" Techno said hopefully, a smile on his face, snowing his pointy teeth. 

"Yes! Look at your tusks! They look badass!!" Dream said. 

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