You were my paradise....

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Dnf angst. Enjoy. (:

Fluff at the end. (Dreamnap)

"You never do ANYTHING for me, you NEVER care for me!" Gegore yelled. 

"I love you, Gegore! I'm your boyfriend for fucks shake!" I agure. 

"Shut up!!" He yells, slapping me. 

I rub my cheek, the slap hurt so much.

"Maybe you need to shut up......idiot......" I mumble, not noticing that Gegore heard.

"You little shit!" He says, angry. 

Gegore hits my head with something hard. I don't know what it was, but it knocked me out. 

After I wake up I'm in me and Gegore's bedroom. Gegore beside me. I say nothing, and don't open my eyes. Me and Gegore were in a bad relationship. I was beat sometimes, and almost always yelled at. I wish I had told someone. But now I never have the chance. And now I barely see anyone, or talk to anyone. He's broken me. Physically and mentally. 

"Hello, Dream." Gegore says, patting my head. 

Sometimes I wonder weather he ever loved me. Sometimes he is caring and nice. Other times he is mean and angry. This makes me confused. Sometimes he says he loves me. Other times he says he hates me and stuff. 

"Hi Gegore........" I say, opening my eyes. 

"Go make me food, like a good boyfriend." He demands. 

I sadly nod my head and get up. I walk outside and to the kitchen. I cook some eggs and bacon for Gegore. Once I'm done cooking I put the food on a plate. I walk to where Gegore was and slowly come into the room. 

"Finally, you take to long to cook. You need to get better." Gegore says, taking the plate. 

"I cannot help the time the oven takes to cook." I calmly day, even though inside I'm boiling.

I wasn't his maid. Or object. I'm a person too, one with feelings. And I do perfectly fine cooking, better than him! He just sits around, and expects to get somewhere in life! As if! 

"Whatever. Get a new oven then." He says, taking a bite of his food. 

"I don't have any money, and this oven is brand new. We don't need to get a new one." I tell him.

"Go get a fucking job, useless." 

"When I tried to get a job or go anywhere you say no."

"Are you trying to talk back?!"

"No. I'm stating facts , and just talking to you."

"You little-"

He slaps me, making my fist clench. He starts to leave, when I say something.

"Gegore." I say, looking down. 

"What?" He asks.

"We're done."

"WHAT?!" He grabs my wrist. I turn around to face him, tears running down my face. 

"You don't love me. You see me as an object, not a person. You were my paradise before you hurt me. We are done. Be glad I don't call the police on you for abuse."

He let's go of my wrist as I walk out. I shut the door and run to Sapnaps house. I knock on the door. Sapnap opens the door and gaps at me. He brings me in and shuts the door. He immediately hugs me when we sit on the couch. 

"'s ok, Dream...." Sapnap kisses my forehead. "What happened?..."

I explain to everything. By the end I'm sobbing in his arms. I eventually stop sobbing and suggle close to him. 

"I love you, Dream." Sapnap says out of the blue. 

I solfy smile. "I love you too, Sapnappy.."


Awwwwww. That's cute. Goodbye peeps. 


Words: 572

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