A human... (REWRITTEN)

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Warnings: use of weapons. (Mermaid Dream, Dreambur)

I poke my eyes out of the water. I don't get why others don't go up to the surface. It was very beautiful, and humans! Beautiful and brillaint humans! Why are they hated so much? I've always been fascinated by them, especially one. While I don't know his name, I'm so fascinated by him. He has brown hair with a white sneak in his hair. Sometimes he wears what humans call glasses. I heard that when I was overhearing some humans talking the other day. I was very sneaky and DIDN'T get caught! Sometimes I leave him little gifts, like shell crowns I make. 

I watch him place something on the beach. Curious, I wait till he leaves. What could it be?

P0V: Wilbur

I noticed little gifts appearing on the beach where I spend most of my days, well, the sunny ones that is. I had gotten curious on who had given all these gifts. All of these where shells that came from far and deep into the sea. I wanted to know who this is. I had decided to name this person "Little gifter." So, what did I do? I left a gift for them. My plan was to hide behide a rock and see who it was. I left a piece of soft pink colored cake with white frosting, and set my plan into action.

POV: Dream

I watched him leave and went up to the beach. As soon as I reached the shore I touched my necklace and turned my tail into human legs. I never had tried to walk before so I just sat on the beach. The gift looked like food. Did he leave he HUMAN FOOD? Oh my shells, I have never had HUMAN food before!..

"He left me food? What is this?" I say to myself. I could smell a sweet scent coming from it making me want to instantly dig in to the seemly yummy treat. 

I put my finger onto the food. It was soft. I take back my finger and put it into my mouth. I instantly fall in love. It was the best thing I've ever had! I let the sweet taste melt into my mouth.

"Hello?" Someone says. I look up. It was him!

"Hi!" I responded.

"You must be the Littler Gifter." He says.

"Yeah, but my names actually Dream. Thank you for the food!" I smile.

"I'm Wilbur. What are you?" He takes out his sword, and puts it to my thoat.

I freeze from the action. I did nothing and he went from so nice to mean! How rude! He certainly wasn't raised right!.. "I mean no harm." I say trying to sound clam. 

"What are you?" Wilbur demands. "I saw that tail! Are you a mermaid?!"

"Yeah, please don't hurt me!" I gulp. I didn't want to die.

He puts his sword away and sits next to me. We stare into each other's eyes for a moment. I blush and look away. 

"You're eyes are very beautiful." I accidentally blurt out. Opps. 

"So are yours." Wilbur said, making me face him. He softly touched my cheek. 

I stare into his beautiful brown eyes that remind me of the soil that I see everywhere that has the power to bring things to life. Like he did to my heart. We slowly inch closer to each other, soon our foreheads and noses touching each other. His lips where so close... Wilbur softly pressed a kiss against my lips. I kiss back, putting my arms around his neck as I closed my eyes. 

What a beautiful and lovely human...

Sorry it took longer to update. I tried making the chapter long, and cute. I hope you liked it! 👍 

Words: 617

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