Rejecting Alexander

By -heroic

341K 10.3K 1.8K

Alexander had always been able to get whatever he wanted. Being the future alpha meant that not only was he p... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five

Chapter Twelve

8.2K 403 83
By -heroic

a/n: guess who finally graduated babyy!! Also, summer is here which means more updates and I'm changing a few details in the story cuz i need my #alexandrea fluff ;)

Andrea sank deeper in the bathtub and let out a loud sigh.

The past week had completely drained her. She tried to not think about the fights and the memories, but it felt like her brain refused to focus on anything positive.

  Instead, it replayed the ten-part saga that was her life.

  Andrea was adopted when she was two years old. Her adoptive mother was one of the sweetest and most supportive people in her life, and yet she had always felt the need to know more about her biological family. She was a werewolf without having the attributes that make one, and when she didn't shift during puberty, it was clear that something was wrong.

  At 16, she finally got to know more about her family, and she wished that she'll never have to deal with them again.

  A rug was pulled from beneath her feet and she was forced to deal with being one of the most hated creatures that have ever walked the Earth; a demon. Not only that, but she had a power-hungry mother who was more manipulative than she could ever imagine.

  Andres rubbed her eyes and willed the images to go away. She slowly got up and grabbed a towel, only to be greeted with her tired reflection in the mirror.

  Her short hair clung to her head, and her eyes looked dull, supported by sleepless bags.

The house was quiet as usual, any small sound that she made felt like the booming of thunder.

  Andrea was so wrapped up in her thoughts when she walked back into her bedroom that she didn't notice the boy sitting on her desk chair, nor did she notice the mischievous smile lighting his face.

  "You should be more careful, Andy." Josh said swivelling the chair in a circle dramatically.

  "Shit!" Andrea exclaimed, putting a hand over her racing heart.

  How could she not have seen him? How did she miss his scent? But then she remembered how faint Josh's scent was, in fact, she needed to be within hugging distance to be able to tell his scent.

  "I mean," Josh continued. "I could've been a serial killer or a thief."

  Andrea looked at the open window and saw the slight muddy shoeprints.

  "Did you come in through the window?"

  Josh smiled sheepishly. "I lost the key you gave me."

  Andrea didn't know whether to feel relieved or frightened, she should've been happy that Josh couldn't burst in her room every morning and pull pranks on her, but she felt horrified that he now had the ability to come through the window.

  "Josh, what are you doing here?" She cut to the chase.

  "We are going on an adventure." Josh said throwing his arms in the air.

  It was then that Andrea noticed Josh's attire. He was wearing a huge black sweater and dark jeans with dark boots and a black beanie. He looked ready to rob a bank. Then Andrea's eyes fell on the similar outfit laying on her bed.

  "Please tell me we're not robbing a bank." Andrea looked at Josh pleadingly.

  "We're not robbing a bank, silly. We're going to the haunted Asylum."

  Andrea felt her blood turn cold, but before she could say anything, Josh continued talking.

  "And I picked out the only cool black clothes that you have that can match mine so we can be totally badass together."

  "Are you out of your mind?!" Andrea whisper-yelled not daring to shout in fear of waking up her parents.

  "Nope. Now get ready, we are leaving in five minutes." Josh got up.

  "I'm not coming."

  "Yes, you are."

  "No, I'm not."

  "Andy, look, people are always talking about how this asylum is haunted by a ghost who used to be a complete psycho. What was his name? William Summers? I just want to look into the archives and prove he doesn't exist."

  "Why do you even want to prove it? Just let people talk."

  He threw his head back and let out a dramatic sigh. "Fine! You got me. I lost a bet with Michael and now I have to spend the night there. But, on the bright side, at least you have a very adventurous friend."

  Andrea rolled her eyes. Refusal was on the tip of her tongue but then she thought for a minute, going with Josh would be better than lying in bed all night and trying not to wallow in self-pity, and she knew that Josh would go whether she was with him or not.

  "If I die, William Summers' ghost will be nothing compared to mine."

* * * * * *

  Ariel stared at the white walls emotionlessly.

She had cried so much in the past day that all the tears were drained from her eyes. She knew it was past midnight, and she knew that if she gave in to the trap of sleep, then she would be haunted by her mother's screams and her father's blood. So she kept staring.

  The doctor and the nurses were really nice to her, maybe they understood what it was like to feel such pain. Was she supposed to feel this much pain at such a young age?

  Ariel knew that she was supposed to be back home in her bed, asleep, because that's what her parents would've wanted, and her father would've probably checked up on her in the middle of the night to make sure she was okay.

  It was ironic how perfect her life was just three days ago, but now it was just shattered and crumbled, like a deformed castle.

  The door to Ariel's right opened and a man came in.

  Ariel could tell that he wasn't a doctor, he looked too young and he wasn't wearing a white lab coat, but still, she didn't turn towards him.

  "Ariel Rivera?" The man asked with a deep voice. It carried a tone that demanded attention.

  Ariel nodded without looking at him, she knew that she was being disrespectful, her mother would've been disappointed by her behaviour.

  Then another thought hit Ariel. What was someone doing in her room after midnight?

  The man slowly started advancing towards her and Ariel tried to keep her hands from shaking. He was probably one of the male nurses.

  The man sat down on one of the chairs next to her bed.

  "I'm here to question you about your parents' death." The man said, something in his tone made Ariel relax a bit.

  "But you're not a cop." Ariel whispered, her voice was hoarse from crying so much.

  The man was silent for a moment. "No, I'm not, but I'm here to help in finding out what happened to your parents."

  "They were killed by a wild animal." Ariel repeated what she heard the doctor say a thousand times.

  "Yes, but I need you tell me everything that happened."

  When Ariel didn't respond, the man sighed and spoke with a soft tone. "Do you want to help your parents?"

  Ariel finally turned towards the man. He was one of the prettiest guys she had ever seen. He looked like the people that she saw on TV all the time.

  "I can't help them, they're dead." Tears were now threatening to leak from Ariel's eyes, she didn't want to remember what happened to her parents again. The doctor didn't let her be questioned because of her fragile condition, so why did this man want her to tell him everything?

  "I can help you." The man said soothingly. "This...animal can also harm other people like you."

  Ariel thought and pursed her lips. "I don't know much, I just remember that my parents were in the parking lot," Her eyes blurred with tears at the memory. "They were unloading the groceries, and then..." She chocked and tears started running down her face. "And then... I-I heard m-mommy scream and-and the window was c-covered with blood." Her small shoulders shook with sobs and she buried her face in her hands.

  She felt the man's soothing touch on her back and looked at him. He was wearing an expression of complete sympathy.

  "Can you tell me what you saw? Anything strange?" He asked lowly, as if afraid to upset her any further.

  Ariel thought back to when the silhouette was going to come after her. "It was coming after me." She whispered finally.


  "I don't know. B-but it had red eyes."

  "Red eyes?" The man frowned.

  Ariel hadn't told this to anyone, she knew that they would think she was crazy or that was just the effect of the shock, but something about this man made her feel like she can trust him, as if he was an older brother or a best friend.

  "Yes, red eyes."

  The man nodded and got up, he gave her a small smile. "Thank you, Ariel, you've been really helpful. But can you make me a promise?"


  "You need to promise me to never tell anyone about this visit. It'll be our little secret."

  And for the first time in two day, Ariel smiled, she held out a pinkie finger.

  "Pinkie promise."

  The man smiled and chained their pinkies together.

  "Wait! What's your name?" Ariel asked just as the man was leaving.

  He turned around and gave her a smile. "My name is Alexander."

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