The Boss (Gwendoline Christie...

By womenaregorgeous

16.2K 1.1K 132

Olivia Spielberg was the daughter of famous director, Steven Spielberg. Starting her career off as an actress... More

Nepotism baby
Paparazzi (tw)
Judgy (tw)
The Boss
Boyfriend (slight NSFW)
Screaming and Fighting(TW)
Goodbye (major tw)
Healing (tw)
Just the two of us.
Meeting Cathy
Birthday Party
What are we? (tw?)
Lunch dates and baking cakes
Goodbyes are always hard
Why I wanted you to
compromise (NSFW)
Locked down
The phone call
Whatever you need
New Year, New us
I'll try to help (tw)
Hits different (Tw)
Good parts and bad parts ( TW+NSFW)
An actors life
The start of a journey
Missing you in Romania
Critical Condition

I need to leave

242 22 1
By womenaregorgeous

After Gwen's and Cathy's arrival, the rest of the cast trickled in. I met many promising actors, including Joy and Emma who I adored immediately and as much as I loved Jenna, she took quite a liking to Gwen.

The final bits before filming were last minute fittings and some final adjustments. We ran through the script for the first episode a lot aswell.

Soon filming got underway. I was involved in a lot surprisingly. Directing, makeup and hair even acting. I was only a background actor but they even convinced me to be a student, I'm 40!

Life on set was busy, nothing I'd not done before. But this time, I felt lonely. I had my girlfriend, one of my best friends, my godfather and an amazing cast but I felt so alone.

Despite being with Gwen, we weren't spending any time together. We'd get back to our room and bith collapse in bed out of exhaustion. It was so tiring and I couldn't deal with it.

I needed a break. Maybe with Gwen, by myself or with a friend, I couldn't be working. I found Tim and decided to tell him.

"I'm leaving. I need a break." I announced, telling instead of asking.

"We need you here Olivia." He sighed, shaking his head.

"I've been working for months on this! I have no time to myself and I know that's just the way it is but I'm so exhausted I need to leave!"

"Olivia, you signed a contract, I can't let you leave."

"FUCK THE CONTRACT! I just need to go somewhere where no one can find me and spend some time away from reality."

"You know Gwen can't come with you, she has to work."


"Olivia, you are working on a million different things for me, production stops as soon as you leave."

"I'm leaving no matter what, sue me I don't care! I have the money, I have lawyers. There's also a paragraph in my contract that states if I feel too overworked I'm allowed to take a break due to past mental issues. So I will sue your ass off if you even try to get this into a courtroom."

"Olivia, you can't do this."

"I can! No one cares, no one sees me. I'm spending more time with everyone else than with Gwen, I feel lonely and unloved. I have no reason to stay here Tim, my work has been done. Remove my name from credits, don't pay me, I don't care, just let me take a break, even for a week."

"Olivia, they are all gonna miss you, do you know how much I get asked if your gonna be on people's scenes. They all want you."

"Besides Gwen. I think we've spoken about 10 words to eachother in the past month. I wake up before her, head to set, and then she's already asleep when I get back to the room. I've spent more time with Christina, Catherine, Joy, Emma, Hunter, you, Luis, Isacc and literally everyone else on the set that her! I haven't even hugged her in like a fortnight. You have no idea how excited I was for her to be part of this. We'd be together after working on projects where we'd never be together. In Game of Thrones, I worked on about 2 episodes with her, she didn't even know I worked on Star Wars and Top of the Lake, but I wasn't on set for that. Life has been so fucking difficult Tim and I need a break, I need to be alone, with no one, no paparazzi, no reporters, no social media, no being famous, no being Olivia Spielberg, I just want life to be normal. I don't want to be famous Tim but I have, since I was born. I have multiple siblings who lead perfectly average lives, I don't. I was interested as a child, so dad gave me stuff and I got stuck. Stuck in this amazing but cruel industry. I mean, I'm so lucky to have an amazing group of friends and fans and the best girlfriend in the world but I just want it all gone, please Tim, I can't do this." I started to cry, curling into a ball, trying to hide my sobs.

Tim didn't say anything but joined me on the sofa and gave me a hug. We didn't speak for a while but once I calmed down he did.

"You can go Olivia. Listening to all that, made me realise how awful this industry is. I had a choice, I pursued this, you just happened to be born into that family. Its been almost 4p years of torture for you. Please take a break, but come back for our Christmas party, I know we'll miss you."

We both laughed and hugged again before I left the office. I went to my hotel room and found a flight to Kos, I wanted to go to my villa. Once the flight was booked. I started to pack. I called Alex (she's not dead guys! Just cba to write about her) and got her to send some of my summer clothes there, despite it being almost winter.

I had one more night there and since it was a Friday, I wanted to take everyone out.

So I texted Tim and he said everyone could finish early but just this once. I jumped in the shower and took a cold one before getting out and putting my dressing gown on and starting on my hair. I had made reservations at this restaurant and then decided we could go to a local bar.

I was drying my hair as Gwen walked in. I turned to see her but she was with Jenna. Not that I didn't like Jenna, they just seemed awfully close.

"Oh hey Olivia! Jenna's room is being cleaned so I told her she could stay here for a while." Gwen said happily, a big smile on her face.

She never called me Olivia unless she was mad. Or in bed. And she was holding hands with Jenna. And she hadn't even come over to me. But Jenna did.

Jenna gave me a hug. I liked Jenna, she was lovely.

They sat on the bed. Our bed.

They started talking about why they all needed to meet Tim in the lobby at 7pm and why they could finish early. Clearly he hadn't told them.

"Liv, do you know what's happening?" Jenna asked.

"Oh yeah, I'm taking everyone out to dinner, so you guys she probably get ready." I shrugged and turned back to my hair.

I could hear them talking but I ignored them, instead starting on my make-up.

Jenna left a while later and Gwen went to shower. I was sad Jenna had been here as I'd been planning on spending time with Gwen before I left but I shrugged it off.

I got dressed and Gwen came out of the shower. I was sat on the bed checking everything for the trip when Gwen came and sat next to me.

"Baby, I'm sorry, you seem upset about Jenna and I just didn't want to make her or you uncomfortable with affection." She sighed, wrapping an arm around me.

"It's ok, I needed to talk to you and I wanted to spoil you aswell."

"What do we need to talk about?" She looked scared.

"I'm going away Gwen, I'm going to Kos cause I need a break. Just a break from life and being famous. None of its your fault and please don't feel guilty. I love you my angel."

"Will you be back for my birthday?" She asked quietly.

"I don't know angel, maybe, depends on everything. I will try my hardest but I can't make promises." I sighed.

"Are you having a midlife crisis? Are you not happy with the relationship? What can I do so you don't leave?" She started to beg, tears falling.

"You can't do anything Gwenny, it's my problem and I need to fix it. Everything will work out, I promise."

So after a night of cuddles and kisses, I left.

And I don't know when I'm gojng back.

1400 words

HEYYY been neglecting you guys again but i promise to try and be better but this wasn't the original plot but sometimes you need a change!

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