Percy Jackson and the Avengers

Bởi PercyJackson1394

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I'm not the greatest at writing, always failing LA. But I couldn't hold back because I am a huge Percy Jackso... Xem Thêm



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Bởi PercyJackson1394

I needed fresh air. When I got to the roof I sat down feeling a little light headed. I was feeling a little hungry but I was too upset to actually anything. Something flashed across my vision scaring me to stand up quickly. Big mistake cause as soon as I stood the roof and ground spun and then nothing.

I woke up to a blinding light again. I felt something connected to my air and moved it a little realizing I was hooked up to something. I quickly realized it was an IV. I just sat there numbly.

It felt like a big weight was on my chest making it hard to make even deep breaths but at the same time it felt almost like a light feather. It mostly made me feel weak. I couldn't close my eyes because every time I would get flashes of memories of my dead friends. 

My breathing quickened as I realized I felt trapped. The walls started closing in on me. Everything felt extremely tight really quick. Flashes of Natasha and Jason crossed my vision.

"When in doubt start from the top." Jason said as he came closer to me, "If you doubt what to do start from the top of your wants." 

"What if I don't know what I want anymore?" I ask 

Natasha took a step closer to me smiling, "At Some Point, We All Have to Choose, Between What the World Wants You to Be, and Who You Are."

I swipe away at tears. "How do I know who I am? What if I fail to save the people in my life that I still have. I mean look at everyone I lost. If I could so easily lose them then I can't save anyone else."

Tony stood next to Natasha, "Kid, If you can't accept limitations you're no better than the bad guys."

Steve cleared his throat from behind me, I turned around to face him. "The price of freedom is high, it always has been."

Vision floated to me, "Don't think order and chaos are opposites. They can be the same thing."

"None of you are helping!" I scream throwing my pillow at Tony. 

I expected Tony to catch it but instead he disappeared. "No! No! Please come back! Please, I can't loss more family. Please." I say tears running down my face.

I hear swords clashing, I hear screams of despair, I feel the wind on my face. I'm right back on the battle field. I run around finding something anything. I find a sharp object, a sword, I take it cutting deep into my skin. 

"Come on!" I scream! "Come ON! FEEL something! ANYTHING PLEASE!" I say cutting deeper. 

"HEY! Percy take a deep breath come on sweety." I look up to see my mom smiling at me.

"Mom?" I say dropping the sword as the battle field changes to my bedroom.

"Remember when I told you that if my life is going to mean anything, I have to live it myself? Well Percy hun, I lived it. Now it's time for you to let go. It's your turn to do it. Cause if your life is going to mean anything, you have to live it yourself. Cause like Dory always says 'when life gets you down, you know what you got to do?" 

"Just keep swimming." I say laughing as silent tears run down my checks. 

"Just keep swimming, just keep swimming..." My mom repeated until her voice faded and around me was a trashed medical bay. 

"Just keep swimming... Mom?" I ask looking around. I look down to find a piece of glass instead of the sword I pressed deeply into my skin. I felt so numb I didn't even feel the pain as I took out the glass. 

I quickly went around cleaning the medical bay. Sweeping up the broken glass, and fixing the IV in my arm. Once down I sat down as the room started to swim again.

Closing my eyes I heard screams. I jolted back up realizing I was just about to fall asleep. I took a look at my bleeding arm, "Just keep swimming." I said going over to the sink to wash the wound. 

"Percy..." I didn't turn around, "Hey, what are you doing up?" Clint asks I hear his foot steps come closer. 

I puts his hand on my shoulder and I flinch at his touch. "Oh I thrashed in my sleep and cut myself with the IV, it woke me up." I say as I grab a napkin and try off my hand and arm. 

"It's pretty late every fell asleep on the couches upstairs. That's a really deep cut for an IV needle." Clint observed pulling my arm away from the napkin. 

"Oh yeah, I uh must have been struggling for a while before I woke up." I say pulling my arm back reaching for some bandages. 

"It's going to be okay." Clint says, "I know right now it seems like it can never get better but it will."

"What will?" I ask confused by what Clint was trying to get across.

"The grief the pain, it all can swallow you whole." Clint says sitting down.

"What grief?" I generally am confused at this moment.

"Percy, Nat is gone, vision is gone, Cap is gone, Tony's gone. There has to be grief in you somewhere."

"There upstairs! I saw them a moment ago there coming back!" I say angry, "They aren't gone! Nat is with Yelena somewhere out in the world, Visions hanging with Wanda. Steve is probably in the gym, and Tony's in his lab there all okay. They all HAVE to be okay! Jason's okay, Luke's okay, Zoe's okay, Micheal is okay, Zoe, Bob, Bianca, there all okay! They HAVE TO BE!"

"STOP DENYING it Percy! Stop it! You are hurting only yourself here! Natasha is DEAD! Get that through your seaweed full brains! Cause Percy reality check everyone you have TOUCHED is DEAD! I should have known, not to have you be included in the avengers when Fury thought to bring you here! Annabeth broke up with you in fear of you killing her! Your best friends all DIE! Vision, Natasha, Beckendorf, your parents, you are a walking grave!" Clint screamed walking away.

"You're right Clint! Go upstairs and tell Estelle I'm gone! I can't have her killed as well! I wasn't around for her in ages I don't even know her that well. Who am I connected to anymore! No one so I'll just walk myself out." I say walking away.

"Good, I'll tell Estelle and she will be super happy! If Steve had known what would happen by making you an Avenger he would have never given you that title."

"Good!" I say walking out. I run down the stairs refusing to let tears fall. With one mission in mind, the grave yard. The place where I'll be with my family.

After asking around I find the hero's grave yard where they have a special entrance for the hero's. I also see the media is fricking out about something and stop on my way to the grave yard to see these news articles showing spiderman all over them.

My best guess is the media found out about spiderman's real identity. I keep walking to the cemetery to spot Wanda there. 

"Your awake." She says reaching out to hug me, "Yeah, I heard and I still don't think my mind has processed there gone yet." I say as she pulls me into another hug.

"I found a coping method I would like you to see." Wanda informs me, "I'm going back to a little cottage in the mountains would you join me for a little bit to get away from everyone?"

"I have a week, then I should probably get back to camp." I say accepting her offer. 

I mist travel to her little cottage where she shows me the dark hold. Saying she fought a powerful witch for it and won. She didn't go into details which was suspicious but this was my best friend who never blamed me for the death's of others.

I stayed as she practiced her magic and she was getting good, I stayed away from the dark hold saying I wasn't a Witch and I don't practice spells, and Wanda countered with she would teach me magic but it felt weird so I declined only staying to begin coping with all the lose. 

I did leave Estelle a note saying that I just needed a few days to blow off some steam before coming back to camp and I would be gone only a few days. It was my last day with Wanda and we were outside chopping blossoms.

"Apple's right?" Dr Strange asks.

"Eventually." Wanda says, "Percy how about you go inside, while me and Strange talk. Get packed up you should leave soon." I nod in understanding walking back to the house.

Only hearing Strange say, "Smell's.." and Wanda cutting in, "Sweet."

I head inside packing, I'm all packed up and walk outside to see Wanda changing the entire clearing. 

"The Dark Hold" Strange says.

"Wanda! What is going on here! You told me you were only using the Dark hold for small things to increase your magic you never told me the entire clearing was fake!" 

"The Dark Hold is the book of the Damned, and that it corrupts anything and anyone it touches. I wonder what it's done to you." Strange says. Wanda looks back to me smiling sadly.

"The dark hold only showed me the truth. Everything I've lost can be mine again, it's what we want Percy I thought today I would show you. Show you we can get what we lost bring everyone back." 

"What do you want with the multiverse?" Strange asks. 

Strange and Wanda continue to talk as I look around, "Wanda, please." I say interrupting, "I've lost so much just like you and I know your pain. But this isn't the answer. I mean look around is this who you want to be?" 

"I don't care for your answer Percy! You are coming with me! In this reality I will have Vis and my children and you will have Natasha and Tony and Steve all of them. Just stay quiet so the grown ups can talk." She says reaching up her hand and pinning me to a tree.

"You break the rules and you become a hero. I do it and I become the enemy. That doesn't seem fair." 

"What happens now?" Strange asks glancing at me as I struggle to get my hands free of the bonds so I can control something, anything!

"...Peacefully, after that you will never see Percy or me ever again." She says and I begin to struggle more.

"And if we don't" Strange asks. 

"Then it won't be Wanda who comes for her, it will be the Scarlet witch." 

Wanda begins walking towards me, "Wanda listen to me, I got to get home to Estelle she's going to be worried." I begin but Wanda cuts me off.

"I know your pain Percy I can feel it, I'm just helping a friend who can't see it right now. So I'm going to knock you out and when you come too, you will be with your family."

"STRANGE! Let Estelle know please I can't disappear again on her!" I scream out frantically before Wanda twists her hand and the world around me goes dark.


I wake up to Strange shaking me. I look around quickly as I see a girl smiling down at me.

"Where's Wanda what happened? How long as it been? Oh gods does Estelle know?" I ask. 

"I'm sorry Percy, Wanda's is dead, it's been only a few day's and I was able to contact your sister and she understands you were kidnapped, something about this happening a lot. Percy I would also like to introduce you to America Chavez. I know it must be a lot to take in so I'm just going to drop you off on the roof of the Avengers tower." 

I nodded taking all of this in numbly as I am just really confused what is happening. Once on the rooftop and the portal closes I fall to the ground in tears.

I can't believe Wanda is gone. It was dark into the night and there was some snow covering the rooftop but I was just so sad.

"Hey kid, does Pepper know your up here." Someone says and looking up I see Peter.

"Oh hey Peter, I'm sorry I just found out Wanda is now died." I say as more tears run down my face. I still look to the ground but Peter was silent until he rushed forward grabbing my shoulders lifting me up.

"You know who I am?" He asks excitedly.

"Yeah you're Peter Parker spiderman. I thought the whole world knows now I saw this tv broadcast and everything."

"You know my name, Peter Parker! No way! No way! Strange had to erase everyone's memories of me due to a spell gone wrong its a long story. But how do you remember me? Where were you a few weeks ago?" I was with Wanda and at the Avengers tower.

(I KNOW I KNOW! Spiderman No Way home happened I few months before Multiverse of Madness but just play along! PLZ! Everything else is hopefully accurate.)

"We are so going to have so much fun with this! You're the only person who remembers me in the entire world! None of my friends do...But you remember!" Peter turned his head suddenly, "I'm so sorry Percy but I got to go I hear I mugging happening, please come visit my apartment soon!" He says swinging away. I watch him leave confused with tears still shining in my eyes.

I slept there on that rooftop that night, I wanted to be beneath the stars as I thought about Wanda. Wanda may have turned evil in the last moments I saw her but she was doing something that I wish I could do without hurting someone else in the process. 

Cause no one should have to suffer to make me feel better. In the morning I planned on mist traveling to Camp Half-blood but decided to walk. On the way though I did find another demigod a Roman demigod named Zeria and I took her under my wing and we walked to camp together.

When I got there Estelle was super happy and hugged me as I sent Zeria to Chiron and the big house. Estelle apologized for Clint and said that he felt really bad and tried Iris messaging me but couldn't get connected. She also wanted to know who kidnapped me but I kept it to the basics not telling her much.


Life went on, I traveled on quests still but eventually settled down near a beach house with Estelle and Yelena. We were able to keep in contact with a lot of our friends and the media only know Percy Jackson as a new mystery avenger that no one can find now. Which is everything I ever wanted it to be. I also find time to spend with camp, I'm still a godfather over there, I must take care of Luke Percy Stoll.

Yes life can be tough and hard but everyday is a new adventure. I miss all my friends and family that I lost along the way but I'm sure I'll see them in the underworld and I have a new purpose to live. My own purpose. I still have those day's though and Estelle also has her moments but I tell her what always helps me.

'Just Keep Swimming!'



I really hope you enjoyed my story, and I'm sorry for having to kill most of the characters. This was definitely a Percy has a lot of trauma and not a lot of wars and fighting. But I still hope you enjoyed it.

Go check out my other story about Percy growing up in Hydra.

Another reminder that I do not own Disney, Percy Jackson, Marvel, or anything else credit to them for there amazing plots and characters! 


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