
By karema20

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As a little girl growing up in the small rural community of Shadow Grove, I used to always hear my mother say... More



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By karema20

Saturday: 11:25 P.M.

I study her, standing there acting all timid.

My eyes trail down her body, noting the likkle short dress she's wearing. Its colour complements her tone --I always loved seeing her in red-- and the fabric sits snug against her skin; the cleavage so low-cut it almost exposes her breast dem weh done stiff up so inna it. It stops mid-thigh, exposing the smooth, clean skin of her legs.


My dick jumps just from looking at her.

If the front look so, can just imagine the back.

I bite my lower lip and narrow my eyes at her.

Why Amanda a show off mi things so though, Fada God?

Looking so fucking sexy and seductive.

She know wah she a do?

Not because a yasso she deh, she fi feel comfortable. Mi nuh want nobody see mi woman certain way--gyal nor bwoy.

Nah, man, yuh mad?

Cyaa wear dem breeda dress yah come pon road, highya.

Fi fat up whofa yeye?

This should be for my eyes and my eyes only.

Then again, preeing the thoughts running through my head, she probably couldn't keep it on for a minute.

Matter-of-fact...I quirk a brow, noting she still hasn't moved from the time I called her.

Why this likkle girl a tempt mi inna the night yah?

My frown deepens and my voice comes out gruff when I speak, saying, "Amanda, mi say fi come here..."

And don't make mi affi come fi yuh.

A loud shriek draws my attention away from her and brings my focus to the two catty weh practically a dry-fuck each other dung the hall.

Same fucking thing.

A dem sum'n yah Gabby carry her come expose her to?

Jah jah.

Mi hope ano bruck Gabby and her batty-gyal friend dem a try bruck out mi woman eno. Oh.

Else a chubble.

I'm about to ease off the wall when a guy exits the male restroom, walking as if he's about to bump into me. I dress back and see him giggle, sending me a wink.

"Hey, handsome!"

But a wah the--

Before I can react, he's out of sight, disappearing 'round the corner leading back to the club's main door.

Just when mi feel like mi ago get dawk, I hear Amanda giggle.

My head snaps to her immediately.

With a cheeky grin on her lips, she finally moves over to me, pushing my back, back against the wall. "The man like yuh!"

Weh the fuck Amanda a say to mi?

"Like, yuh bomboclaat!" I hiss, so only we can hear. "Mi look like mi fuck man?"

One thing that nuh bwoy cyaa get mi do.

Yuh mad!

Pussy mi say: all day, everyday. Straight. The fuck?

I don't know what's so funny about what I said, 'cause I'm being serious as fuck, but Amanda cackles, pressing her breasts against my abdomen. "Move, man, 'cause the man a say yuh sexy."

Keeping my face grim, I tell her that, "If him know wah good fi him, him see mi and no see mi."

Then add, "Cause mi nawh ramp wid no bwoy certain way."


Amanda giggles again, and I peer down at her. "A the man place yuh inna."

I care zero...!

Matter-of-fact..."That's why mi waan hurry up and come out."

She laughs aloud, and I hiss my teeth equally as loudly.

"Yuh nuh waan nuh more man catcall yuh? Oh...gosh! Poor thing eeeh."

Snaking my arms around her waist, I squeeze her hips. "Yo, buil offa tha argument yah."

'Cause yuh about to get my head all fucked up. Worse than it already is.

"Hush yawh, Lukey," she continues to tease, despite my warning. "But that's what happens when a man enters a gay club. Worse yuh inna tie-dye hoodie. Him probably think a pride flag."

A wonder if Amanda know wha the fuck she a say to man?

I narrow my eyes at her, my jaws ticking. "Yuh hear wah mi say tho?"

She grins then shrugs. "I'm just saying."

"Well, say less."

She screams out laughing.

And, again, I hiss my teeth.

"Say bet say mi put yuh inna yuh place before the night done?" Gwaan fuck around...


So, it's like that...?

"Ah, no say another word." Think this is a game?

"A joke," she assures after a few seconds of staring at me, but I don't respond.

In fact, I turn my head away, staring blankly down the hall. The girls are now gone. Didn't even realize when they'd disappeared.


I don't answer.


I remain silent.

She squirms in my arms, and I tighten my grip on her waist instead.

Her voice goes extremely soft when she goes, "Luke?"

No, man, gwaan pretty up voice like yuh think man frighten fi soft voice. Yuh fuck.

I only hum as I feel her poke my cheek.

"A vex yuh vex?"

"Yuh govan, man," I deadpan.

I know she hates it when I act nonchalant as she can't read me. Fucka yuh.

That yuh get fi a carry batty-bwoy argument to big man.

She snakes her hands under my sweater and I flinch. Not only because her hands feel cold against my skin, but because her left hand rests so close to the glock tucked into my waistband.

If Amanda notices, though, she doesn't make it known.

"Stop nuh," she pleads. "A vex yuh vex fi true, Lucas? A tease mi did a tease yuh eno."

Ramp too much, a that.

I hum.

Mi nuh vex, but mi nawh say a word. Make she sweat likkle bit.

'Cause she a styla.

But nuh say noth'n, man...a so mi love when some people run wid some style and then them same one end up bawl at the end when fuck-ry reach them.



"What is your problem, Amanda?"

"Talk to mi nuh!" she pleads. "Please."

Alright..."Kiss mi."

"Wah?" she asks, blinking as if caught off guard.

"Kiss mi and mi talk to yuh," I say, smirking at her reaction.

She laughs but it sounds forced. Nervous.

Pulling her closer, I pucker my lips for a kiss and smile when I finally feel the warmth of hers on mine.

How yuh mean...

Our lips move in sync, the energy between us electric, but I want more.

Snaking my palms along her hips, I move my hands to cup her ass, making her moan. Using that as opportunity, I deepen the kiss.

My hands continue to move against her body, alternating between massaging and groping her ass.

Yo! Ass fat yuh fuck. Round like English pound.

Coulda do well wid a good spanking...

Prompted by that thought, I move my hand, up and down, making her ass giggle, then from side to side making her cheeks clap.

Amanda breaks the kiss and pulls away from me, to peer up at my face, smiling. "Sir, why yawh feel mi up?"

I chuckle, lowering my voice. "Think a this mi waa feel up?"

She hisses her teeth, and turns her head, but I can tell she's blushing.


She remains silent, looking away, until I bring my right hand between us then dip it under the hem of her dress.

Her head snaps back to face me, her eyes widening slightly. She can't even hide the blush this time.

"Act like yuh nuh want it."

The corner of my lip quirks to form a smug smirk when I hear Amanda's moan as I twirl my finger repeatedly around her clit.

I can feel her wetness through the piece of cloth she's wearing.

"Talk nuh." Weh yuh heap a chat gone?

My dick strains against the confines of my jeans, but I ignore it.

"Lucas," she moans, gripping my sides tighter.

Yawh call mi name fa?

Bringing my face closer to her ear, I say, my voice low and gruff, "How yuh so wet?"

Before she can respond, I shift her draws.

But before I can sink my finger inside of her wetness, as was intended, I see, through my peripheral, as the bathroom door opens and the girls step out.

Cho, fuck.

"Lawd, uno get a room nuh!" Gabby's voice echoes around us. "Nobody nuh waan subscribe to uno porn site."

Gabby and her dutty-foot crew a real cock blocks eno, yute!

Quickly retracting my hand, I release my grip on Amanda's waist and she steps away, holding her head down.

Acting as if we haven't just been caught red handed, I straighten my stance and clear my throat. "Uno ready?"

"Yup," Gabby answers, and I motion for them to lead the way.

Amanda is the first to walk away, humble as a lamb.

Look how yuh embarrass the child, dawg.

I chuckle. Then turn to my sister, wrapping my arm around her neck. "By the way, a wah uno did a do so long? Shit?"

Gabby frowns, rolling her eyes, and I laugh. "Move! Deidre did a puke out her tripe that's why."

My face falls flat. "She sick?"


My eyes find the girls in front, seeing Deidre walking side by side with Liv, her head resting on her shoulder. My frown deepens. "So how uno make she drink so much?"

Sensing the shift in my mood, Gabby sulks. "Don't get defensive, she's fine."

"Make sure," I tell her, pulling my phone from my pocket to check the time. 'Cause mi nuh able fi Petrad and the bag a chatting, dawg.

She scoffs. Then grips my hand, hoisting it from her shoulder, but I put it back.

Hissing her teeth, she says, lowly, so only we can hear, "A hope ano yuh crotches hand this yuh have 'round mi neck eno!"

The way she says so and the fact that she's right makes me laugh. "Suck yuh mother, Gabrielle Senior!"

"I did it for a year and got milk. What did you get from yours?" Her voice is laced with sarcasm.

And my smirk is back. "Noth'n. Mi n'ave nuh mada. Mi drop from sky."

Gabby stops walking, forcing me to stop as well. "Why yuh come here?"

"Why yuh call mi?"

"Only because we wanted the ride."

Oh, mi turn chauffeur...

"So wait, taxi stop run?"

Not like I'd allow them to take taxi when it's this late. Especially when she and Amanda are here. But's fun to fuck wid her head, morewhile.

"Wow, as if you'd make us take the taxi..."

"Why not?" I pull her leg.

She scoffs. "As if! Especially with your woman here."

That's why yuh bring her?

Ah, mi see the pree.

"My woman?" I tease, my face stoic. "'Memba mi single."

She frowns, knitting her brows. "Then what was back there all about?"

Nuff yuh fuck!

I shrug, keeping my expression impassive. "Don't know wah yawh talk 'bout, bredda."

She looks and me and I hold her stare. It goes on like that for about a minute before she too shrugs. "If yuh say so."


. . .

I disarm the car as soon as we touch the parking lot, pressing the key fob to unlock the doors.

Since Gabby and I had delayed, we're the last to reach outside. Liv and Deidre are leaning against the vehicle, while Amanda stands afar off, with her arms wrapped around her body.

A wah gwaan?

My heart drums inside of my chest as I head straight towards her, not caring that I can feel Gabby's eyes piercing holes in the back of my head.

Suck yuhself, Menace, mi a mi own big man.

"Yuh good?" I ask Amanda as soon as I settle before her. My voice is low, and soft, and laced with concern.

She peers up at me, under her lashes, and nods. "Yeah. Just kinda cold."

Oh. Simple thing that then.

Feeling a sense of relief wash over me, I step back.

Pulling my hoodie over my head, without hesitation, I hand it to her, saying, "Here, put this on."

She's reluctant to take it until I fix her with a pointed glare. She sighs. "Yuh naggo cold?"

As long as you good, mi good, yuzeet.

Adjusting my white V-neck Tee, I tell her that, "Mi gucci. Just put it on."

Not giving her a chance to object, I turn and walk towards the back, pulling the party-sized igloo from the backseat and popping it into the trunk.

I was supposed to drop it off at the club, today, but I forgot. Maybe can do that in the morning.

When I look up, I see that Amanda's wearing my sweater and I smile. Good.

Closing the trunk and turning to Gabby, I say, "Yo, wah uno deh pon? Uno ready or wah? A hours now eno."

From when mi reach yasso and a bare lay lay dem deh pon.

"Hold on nuh," she sasses, "I'm putting on my slippers."

With a hiss, I turn to face the others, my frown instantly deepening.

"Oi! Wah that fa?"

Hearing my tone, Amanda pauses as she's about to open the back passenger door.

Don't know why she always a do this...

All when a me and her alone a travel.

Think a taxi man a run?

Deidre giggles, sliding into the car, behind Liv, and popping her head back out, through the half-cracked window. "Yes, Manda, front seat for you!"

All smaddy weh liquor a walk inna can have sense fi see that.

Amanda blushes but goes around to the front passenger side, her eyes meeting mine, briefly, before she gets in.

I do the same.

Gabby's the last to enter the car, so once she gets situated, we head out.

All wah gwaan, yuh know say mi feel tired though?

Just hope mi nuh crash this rass.

Jah know.


In an effort to keep me awake, I adjust the radio's volume enough for me to be comfortable, without waking the two girls who're sleeping in the back.

We'd let off Deidre, a while ago, and picked up one of Gabby's friends--Brit-- who's sleeping in Gabby's lap, while Liv's beside her with her head on her shoulder.

We're on our way to drop of Gabby, who claims they're having a sleepover.

Mi glad she have the likkle company still, else she woulda affi come a my yard tonight...and mi have other plans.

Snapping out of my head, I tune back into the words of the song playing via the Bluetooth connection.

'Batty boys!
Dem need fi stay far from we (dem fi gweh!)
'Cause we nuh inna wha' dem inna (nope!)
Pussy a wha' buddy fi a go inna...

Batty boys!
Dem need fi stay far from we (dem fi gweh!)
'Cause we nuh inna wha' dem inna.
Pussy a wha' buddy fi a go inna...


Bopping to the chorus, I start to sing along to the lyrics the moment the verse chips in, drumming my fingers on the steering wheel, along to the beat.

"Right Mini Me? - "Yup!"
Vagina was made for the penis.
Not penis for penis.
Not penis for anus.
Adam was made for Eve.
He was not made for Steve.
No 'if's', no 'but's', no 'maybe's'.
Dicks and butts will make no babies.
Man to man is so unjust.
Man to man just brings disgust.
I don't even like the word bottom.
Never gonna get to the bottom of things.
Never gonna hit rock bottom --nope!
Never gonna go to the bottom of a street.
I don't like Marvin Gaye.
Why is her named Peter Gaye?
If I should sprain my ankle.
I will never use Bengay.
Dem fi gweh!"

--Yo! "Bomboclaat! Pull up that!"

Tapping at the device that's resting on my lap, the car goes silent, momentarily, before the song restarts.

"A wah'pn to you and that frigging song? A 'bout four times yuh start it over!" Gabby shrieks, from where she's sitting in the back seat, sounding annoyed.

Keeping my eyes peeled on the road ahead, I say, my voice gruff, "If yuh don't waa hear mi song, cork yuh ears."

But shut the fuck up and don't get mi dawk.

At my comment, Gabby immediately goes silent, and I hear Amanda giggle beneath her breath, from beside me.

I glance over at her to see her staring at her hand with a pained expression on her face while she massages the spot on her wrist.

My eyes drift to the bruises on her skin and my blood boils.

Yo! Look how the man batta-bruise up the woman fucking hand, Dawg!

I hiss my teeth and feel when she looks across at me.

I grind my teeth, breathing through my nostrils to help calm myself.

The more I think about the altercation back at the club, it's the more upset I become.

Mi nuh know weh some man get some style eno, bredda!

But it's a pity dem not even know wah them just do.

A one thing make mi nuh lick out him head back 'while ago...a that mi a tell yuh!

'Bout yawh threaten.

Threaten say wah?

Threaten fi wah?

A whofa fault make yawh swim inna the deep seas like yawh bomboclaat Vampire Squid?



Then yawh come manhandle the people dem pickney, hombre? Big woman t'ing?

I chuckle humourlessly. I can feel the headache building and know my anger is about to flare.

Flexing my fingers, I inhale a sharp breath and hold it.

Mi cyaa tek fuckry eno, bredda, that's why mi nuh trouble people. But people always have a pick fi mi it seems. Jah Jah.

When ano one thing, a the next wid them pussyclaat parasite yah inna mi life.

When ano vex them vex say mi fuck them woman, a say mi know say them a fuck batty, or suck pussy...or all typa shit!

Like I give a flying fuck!

But wah? Whether dem be fish or bomboclaat crustaceans, them ago dead! That mi know.

Cause wah? Them fuck wid the wrong nigga!

And mi nawh really judge no man, but a just the truth.


Aye, make mi tell yuh this: mi nuh care 'bout a man love life eno. If yuh waan play up inna batty hole, that a your bloodclaat business. But yussi when yuh start fuck 'round me and mine...a different sum'n, bredda.

Keep yuh shakiness to yuhself!

Don't come cross my line with that shit.

Then a come target mi woman pon top a it.

Nah, man!

Ano so it work.

My grip tightens around the wheel. My resolve slowly disintegrating.

My jaws tick as I recall all that's been happening in my life over the past months.

Yo, them waste man yah really a work fimi hurt one a dem eno.

But, aite, watch waah go gwaan.

Nuh worry yuh head. Some man ago get what's coming.

Fuck fi know.

And mi ago see who them ago blame.

"You OK?" Amanda's soft voice breaks my reverie, making me release the breath I'd been holding.

I glance at her and smile, hoping it doesn't look as forced as it feels. I hum.

With a single nod, she reclines against the seat and close her eyes.

Usually, I don't tolerate people sleeping beside me, at night, especially when I myself want to sleep. But, I allow her to.

I can see that she's tired.

She's had a rough night, after all.

It honestly pains my heart to see her like this. Especially knowing that it's all because of me and my fucking problems.

I sigh.

Don't worry though, baby girl, this will all be over. Soon and very soon.

I promise you. If even I have to die trying.

. . .

1:00 A.M.

"Uno have everything now?" I ask my sister as I help her move the last of Brit's bags to the front porch.

She nods, rummaging through her purse for her keys. "Supposed to. If yuh find nothing else that doesn't belong to you in the car, later, just keep it and I'll collect it. But, right now mi want sleep bad!"


She hums then perks up when she finally retrieves the house keys. "Thank God, man, cho!"

Chuckling lowly, I shake my head and tuck my hands into my pockets, my eyes drifting back to the car, where I left Amanda still sleeping. "Yuh good now, right? 'Cause mi have Amanda leff fi drop off, and mi miself ya a dead fi sleep too, yuzimi."

Gabby turns to me, after opening the door and allowing her friends to go inside. "Yuh sure you don't want wait and get some sleep first before driving again?"

I can see the concern on her face but I shrug. "Nah. Just waa hurry up and come offa the road and call it a night."

Worse mi not even inna a good mood...

"OK. So you're dropping her off and then go straight home then, right?"



"OK." She steps closer to me, wrapping her arms around me for a hug. "Thanks for the ride, big bro. And please drive safely!"

I return her hug, planting a small kiss on her forehead. "I will."

She pulls away from me and with one final wave, heads into the house and close the door.

Satisfied that she's settled, I jog down the steps leading to the driveway, enter the car, start the engine, and drive down the hill.


Sunday: 1:45 A.M.

"Yuh can manage fi walk, or yuh want mi lift yuh?" I say to Amanda as she exits the vehicle.

She laughs, thinking I'm joking, but I'm being dead serious.

She just affi say the word and mi carry her up the stairs.

The doors lock with a click, behind me, and I turn, picking up her purse and heels from the roof--she left a pair of crocs in here the last time, so she's wearing them to give her feet a break--before turning back to her.

With an endearing little grin spreading her lips, she shakes her head. "I can walk, Lucas. I'm not drunk."

It doesn't matter to me, regardless, but I don't push it.

When I walk over to where she's standing along the curb, she turns and leads the way to her apartment.

I follow her, watching her ass which swishes from side to side as she walks.

. . .

"Wah yuh do? Lost the key?" I tease, watching her rummaging through the purse that's in her hand, a bewildered look on her face.

"Yuh mad? Better not. 'Cause how we woulda get in?"

Leaning against the rail, I keep my eyes on her. "The landlord must have a spare."

And we done know how the don resourceful.

She scoffs, without looking at me. "The landlord? The poor man mussi wrap up tight wid him woman yah now."

Or not. Yet.

I chuckle but hum nonetheless.

She continues her search for a few more seconds before shouting, "Yes, found it!"

I shake my head as she opens the door.


Gotta love them.

"You're not coming in?" she asks, when she notices I haven't moved from my spot, and I meet her gaze just as an alert goes off on my phone.

Sliding the phone up from the confines of my jeans pocket, I look at the text message on the pop-up screen.

Gabrielle: Yuh reach home? I'm worried 🫠

I send her a quick text, telling her that I have, before turning my attention back to Amanda. "You want me to come in?"

I don't know where her head space is.

She nods, smiling sheepishly. "You were gonna leave?"

I smirk. "Not if you want me to stay."

"I do," she says, surprisingly boldly.


Pushing myself off the balcony railing, I move towards her and she turns and moves so I can pass.

My eyes scan my surroundings, like it's my first time here. She's added a bit more decor since the last time I was here, making the room feel a bit more homely.

Not bad.

My eyes scan the ceiling, noting the cameras.

"The landlord installed them, a few months ago. Thankfully," she tells me, apparently realising where my eyes are.

Acting as if it's the first I'm seeing them, I chuckle and nod. "Mhm? Good yute."

"Yea. Too bad mi not even know him though."

My brows quirk. "Eeeh? So yuh waa know other man, now?"

My comment causes her to hiss her teeth. "Be for real, Lucas. I don't mean it like that."

Ignoring the attitude she's giving, I walk over to the kitchen counter, pretending to be upset.

I can hear her mumbling beneath her breath, but act like I don't, folding my lips to stop myself from laughing.

Why woman so easy fi tick off?

Uno fuse short yuh fuck.

Jah Jah.

"I simply meant: because he's my landlord, I'd like to at least meet him once. At least fi know who a collect mi money a month time."

I hum. Anything yuh say.

"Yuh serious, Lucas? Yuh cyaa really vex fi that! Sum'n inna that fi yuh vex 'bout?"

Keeping my face stoic, I say, "Who say mi vex?"

"Well if yuh nuh vex and a screw up yuh face like old iron so, mi wouldn't waa see when yuh vex then."

I laugh, but quickly control it. "Amanda, breeze mi."

She hisses her teeth, tearing her eyes away from me and focusing her attention on rubbing her wrist instead.

My mood changes, and I sigh. "Come mek mi see yuh hand."

She looks at me and frowns. "Don't talk to mi so."

Jah jah.

Leaning against the counter, my eyes narrow. "Amanda, stop the fuckry, and come to mi."

She looks away, but she's only pretending to be stubborn, as she soon moves over to me.

Good girl.

My jaws tick as I look at the big, black and blue mark around her entire wrist. It also looks slightly swollen.

See all them fuckry ya...!

In an effort to calm my nerves, I sigh, clearing my throat. "Yuh have no more ice pack?"

She nods. "In the fridge."

Moving quickly, I pull one from the freezer and walk back to her.

"It a hurt yuh?" I ask, pulling her tiny hand in mine and putting the ice pack on the bruises. This brings back memories of the time she'd tended to my fucked-up hand.

Only, that one was worth it.

Amanda sighs. "Not really."

Releasing the hold on her, I use my now free hand to tilt her chin up so I can see her face.

I can see it in her eyes that she's playing down the pain.

I don't know why she always a try protect some fuckry people.

But, I remain silent as I don't want to say something rash and cause a fuss.

We stay like that for a while longer, with me tending to her hurt, before I hand her the ice pack and sit on one of the stools.

Holding the ice on her hand for herself, she sighs. "Yuh hungry? Mi have ackee and fried dumplings in the fridge eno. Yuh want some?"

No, mi nuh hungry. Just waa know say yuh good.

"Fried dumplings? From morning? All them deh supposed to can buss head."

She laughs and my smile spreads.

"Yuh suh terrible, big head bwoy? Yuh couldn't just say no?"


"To which one?"

I smirk. "To any one yuh waa apply it to."

"Yuh see yuh damn head how it big?"

I chuckle. "It nuh big enough, that's why mi waa put a big head yute inna yuh fi help mek up the size."

She guffaws. "Move! Nobody no want yuh big head baby fi stretch out them hole!"

"Glad mi never say 'nobody'. Mi say 'You'. Don't?"

"From the womb to the tomb, suicide is the answer, mi bwoy."

Laughing, I pull her to me, tapping her on her lips. "Yuh mouth too fucking light. That's why RuPaul nearly bruck yuh rass hand."

She gasps. "Move!"

"See, how yuh start war and cyaa wul out? Dead inna the ring already."

"Yes, Mr Gladiator," she says, sarcastically, turning her face away.

With my pointer finger, I pull her face back to me and kiss her.

Instinctively, her hands find my neck, wrapping them tightly around it.

Mine, on the other hand, find her ass, cupping and squeezing.

As if competing, she brings her hands down, and snakes them under my t-shirt, tweaking my nipples, and I jump.

My dick goes erect, immediately.

And I pull away, grinning. "Easy, man. 'Cause yuh cyaa manage fi take fuck inna the night yah."

"How yuh know that?"

"Nuh your hand a hurt yuh?"

"It's not hurting me. Only my belly, but it's not bad."

Yeah man, yuh we say anything fi get buddy. But mi nawh look.

"Why yuh belly a hurt yuh? Yuh drink up whole heap a liquor?"

"No, I only had one Smirnoff, and for the rest of the night I've only been drinking water."

"Yuh hungry? Maybe a gas."

She shakes her head. "No, I don't feel hungry."

"Yuh monthly?"

"No, I saw that last week."

Argument fi days...

I smirk. "Alright, gwaan a your bed then."

"Bold of you to assume I want to sleep."

I chuckle at the sassiness in her tone. "Amanda, fuck off 'cause mi nawh fuck yuh. Mi tired."

She grabs my crotch, out-of-the-blues, causing me to flinch. "So how yuh sum'n stand up?"

Yo! "No worry 'bout that."

She pouts.

And I chuckle. "Mi always stand up when mi deh 'round yuh."

It's just the truth.

"That's why yuh fi make mi help yuh then."

Puppy dog eyes to pussyclaat!

But, I stand firm when I tell her, "Mi good. It soon gone dung. A thru mi a play wid yuh ass it get excited."

She hisses her teeth.

Dawg, yuh know wah that mean? She vex eno.

Vex yuh fuck.

But a life. I slap her ass and it echoes. "Mi nawh tek nuh boost eno. Nawh make yuh make me drop asleep pon the work and embarrass myself."

I slap her ass again and she shrieks.

"That hot eno!"


I do it again.

Only, this time, she pulls out of my embrace, cuts her eyes, and walks away.

My eyes follow her until she disappears 'round the corner leading to her bedroom.

I laugh, finding her reaction adorable.

Shaking my head, I sigh and walk over to the couch to remove my boots.

Sorry fi yuh, baby girl, but cocky deh pon strike tonight.

Ago hold a shower yah now and call it a night.


Who's to tell: Maybe later will be greater.


You'll never know.

Just affi wait and see.

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