"𝔸𝕔𝕖" A Transformers Prim...

By AceOfIacon

13.1K 347 83

Ace has an interesting past. Infected with dark enegon and became famous as the demonic killer that murdered... More

(Ace's design I drew)
Ace "The demon"
Deadlock "Free"
Deadlock "Lost"
Ace "Hello Earth!"
"The truth" Ace
"Back to the past" Ace pt. 1
Old Nova Design
"back to the past" Ace pt. 2
"Back to the past" Ace pt. 3
(Name options for the council bot)
"Back to the past" Ace pt 4
"Back to the past" Ace pt.5 final pt
Ace "the reunion" pt 1
Ace "the reunion" pt 2
Ace "a new beginning "
✨End of season 1✨
Deadlock "so it continues..."
Deadlock "A step up"
Ace "staying low"
Deadlock "something much needed"
Ace "Mercy" pt 1
"Mercy" pt 2
Ace "Mercy" pt 3
Thank you <3
Ace "hello Autobots"
✨some art for you all :D✨
Deadlock "brushed by death"
Deadlock "Trust"
Ace "trust" pt 2
Ace "what now? "
Ace "Fate"
Ace "Until we meet again"
Ace "attached"
Ace "Winds and Storms"
Ace "No mercy"
Ace "a missed opportunity"
"A Favor for a Favor."
"A Favor for a Favor" pt2
"A favor for a favor" pt 3
"Are we there yet?"
✨ Socials + User change ✨

ace "someone new"

184 5 1
By AceOfIacon

A day has passed since ace and deadlock arrived back at their mountain cave they formed into a home.

Ace sat working on a broken piece of Cybertronian technology, fiddling with the controls hoping that the screen would turn on.

"Whats that?" Deadlock asked sitting down next to her.

"A detector. " she replied. "It picks up energon, life signals, Cybertronian tech, like ships and stasis pods."

"- if I can get it to work! " she got angry nearly throwing it againts the wall.

"Can I try? " deadlock asked.

Ace sighed and handed it over along with a small needle like tool.

He looked at it closely and after a moment he turned the tool around to the dull side and fixed something within the tech.

"There." He smiled as the screen finally switched on.

"How did you-" she looked confussed at the vehicon.

"Wire got stuck. " he explained handing the scanner back at ace. "Stopped energon from flowing. "

"Oh. That explains it. " she said looking at the screen.

"So... -anything? " he asked curiously.

"Not, yet. " She scanned the area.

Deadlock frowned disappointed.

"This is a close range scanner, it can't scan a large area. " she explained. "We'd have better luck flying and scanning for anything. "

Deadlocks face seemed more excited as he stood up clearly wanting to do so now.

Ace smiled, "it's better than training," she said. "Well set aside training until you're fully recovered."

"WOO! " he called out happily jumping out of the cave entrance into the late afternoon sky, transforming and following ace.

Deadlock was in his jet mode while ace flew beside him in her not transformed looking at the scanner.

"So far, a few small energon patches" she said.

"Too small to power an entire team, so it will be easier for us, as the bots and cons go after larger patches. "

"Cool. Anything else? "

"No, nothing else yet. "

The cycle continued, deadlock desperately wanting some action and ace looking down constantly at the nearly empty scanner.

"You sure it's working right? " he asked.

Ace realized his impatience. "Deadlock, earth is smaller than Cybertron though it's still huge compared to us, and its only partially littered with cybertronian ships and energon. Compared to other planets. It might be days even weeks before we get a chance at finding something like a ship or a artifact, or -.... "

The tech suddenly started to beep rapidly as ace looked confussed at it.

"What's that? " deadlock asked.

"-That is the sound of me being wrong. " she said changing her aim and diving to the side.

"What?" He was still confussed.

"A stasis pod. " she said landed near a rock Hill in between trees in an odd thin Forrest.

Deadlock landed beside ace inspecting the rock Hill.

"You sure? " he said only seeing rocks.

"The tech can't say what type, size, alive, dead, or if it is even occupied, so no, no I'm not sure. " Ace transformed her blaster and started to chip away rocks.

After the smoke cleared deadlocks eyes widened as he saw a piece of metal spiking through the rocks.

"That's not a stasis pod. " he got even more confussed.

"It's a ship. " she realized, or...At least it used to be, she stepped closer. "That's why the scanner didn't pick it up, it's damaged like hell. "

Despite that ace borrowed deadlocks axe and wedged it in between the metal plates prying them open, large enough for a bot to fit through.

The hallways were collapsed and rusted bearly large enough for ace to fit through by crouching.

The ship was small and nearly falling apart, so either way, they couldn't stay long.

Everything reaked of old rust and exposed oil. All while having a dry and dusty taste.

"Umm.. Ace? " deadlock asked nervously as ace turned to see him next to a Red painted insignia on the wall beside him.

"-Autobot artillery. " she was not expecting that.

"You still want to see what in the stasis pod is? " he started to regret his earlier impatience.

Ace thought for a moment though continued climbing her way through the ship.

After a few minutes ace finally broke through to what remained of the control room. The windows were smashed and blinded with stone.

The room was full of rocks, pieces for metal and rust.

She turned her head to see a silinder shaped object the size of her forearm.

Deadlock followed not far behind hitting his head on the metal beam in front of him.

"Ow." He grunted as he walked over to ace holding the dusty object.

"That it? " he asked. "It's so small. "

"That's because of this she pointed to the side of the pod wiping away the dust to reveal a blue insignia.

"Minicon!" His face lit up with joy.

"If there is something inside, we need to get it out. " she said clipped it on her waist. "And so should we. This ship is too unstable, especially that we are walking in it. "

So they did, they came back the same way they came, until about halfway through the narrow hallway where suddenly a loud creek screeched and the entire ship started to collapse completely.

"GO!" Ace called out to deadlock in front of her.

He made his way to the exit until large pieces of metal started to fall towards him.

Suddenly ace's wings surrounded him as the entire ship fell on top of them.

Ace held the stasis pod in her arms and deadlock under her wings as she used her claws to dig her way out.

After a minute daylight appeared and deadlock managed to climb out, and soon helped pull ace out of the rubble.

They was covered in dust, though at least they were safe.

They looked at the Hill, that was now completely flat ground leaving no trace of the old ship.

"Can we never do that again? " deadlock asked.

"Deal." Ace agreed looking back. "Now for our mystery minicon. "

She placed the stasis pod in front of them onto the ground.

Ace used her hand and scratched away dirt and rust from the transparent glass, revealing a bird like minicon inside.

Yay, new oc! :D

And this of is literally based of my irl pet bird who is a rescued wild bird, and in this story the minicon will have the exact same personality as her.

(Sorry for not posting so often, motivation hates me :)

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