𝗗𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗹𝘆 𝗢𝗯𝘀𝗲𝘀𝘀𝗶𝗼...

By luvvv34

109K 3.2K 770

⇰ 𝗟𝗶𝗻𝗮 𝗥𝗼𝗱𝗿𝗶𝗴𝘂𝗲𝘇 struggles to hide her relationship with her boyfriend, Joseph, from the people... More

𝘛𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘢 𝘺 𝘜𝘯𝘰
𝘛𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘢 𝘺 𝘋𝘰𝘴


2.8K 90 24
By luvvv34

"What did you want to talk about?" My father plays with the watch on his wrist as Ivan anxiously looks at me. I woke up really early just so I can't talk to the both of them alone.

And I have never done that.

"Something happened yesterday while I was at the mall," I quietly say, fighting the urge to bite my nail. From the corner of my eye, I can see Ivan's body tense up and my father's eyes immediately shoot up to mine.

Both of their mouths open to say something but I beat them to it. "Don't say anything until I'm finished, please," I breathe, brushing my sweaty hands down my shorts.

My father hesitantly nods and Ivan stressfully runs a hand through his hair. "While I was using the restroom yesterday Joseph came in..I-I think he was already in there when I went in but I'm not sure," my voice comes out as a whisper, afraid of their reaction.

I should have checked my surroundings.

My father curses under his breath while Ivan comes and sits besides me. "Adelina," his voice is taut. I can hear that he is trying to control his anger. "Did something happen that you don't want to tell us?" he carefully asks me and I shake my head.

He loosens out a breath and I turn my head to look at my father who is staring between me and Ivan with sadness in his eyes but quickly blinks it away when he sees me staring at him. "He threatened to hurt me if I screamed but no, nothing happened," I reassure both of them.

"I'm going to kill him," Ivan clenches his jaw and my palms begin to sweat even more.

"Ese hijo de puta deserves it," my father spits. (That son of a bitch)

"No," I say firmly to both of them.

They both pause and look at each other confused. "Lina, don't be stupid," my father sighs, rubbing his forehead together.

Ivan glares at him. "Lina, he is dangerous. He could have hurt you or..done worse," he whispers the last part, shaking the horrible thought away.

"He needs help..he isn't mentally fine," I explain to them. My father scoffs and Ivan continues to listen to me. "I know he has done some horrible things but it is not his fault."

The both of them remain quiet, thinking about what to say. "I understand what you guys are saying..I understand that now but I won't let you guys kill him," my voice is clear and stern.

"He has hurt you, mija, anyone that has hurt you doesn't deserve to breathe," Ivan's voice remains calm but I can see him clenching his fists.

"His mother is sick and his father is struggling with his garage. They don't deserve to lose their son who needs help!" I raise my voice, trying to get them to understand.

"And what do you propose we do, Adelina?" My father exhales, folding his hands together.

"Find him...and I don't know..force him to get help," I suggest, bringing my nail to my finger to chew on it. It's the best idea I have. "Just don't kill him, please," I look at the both of them, pleading through my eyes.

Ivan grabs my free hand, squeezing it lightly to comfort me. I release a deep breath and slowly remove my nail from my mouth, waiting for my father to say something..anything.

"I'll see what I can do," he reluctantly says and my eyebrows raise in shock that he is actually listening to me.

"Thank you papá," I sigh in relief and he nods.

"What exactly did he want and what were Luca and Danny doing all that time?" Ivan angrily asks, failing to keep his cool. His hands are still balled up in fists.

I quickly give them a short explanation of everything, well almost everything. I decide to leave out the part of Joseph grabbing my face because Ivan and my father look like they are ready to kill someone.

"We should increase security, maybe get a female bodyguard so that way she can follow Lina in places where Luca and Danny can't," Ivan suggests to my father, who nods.

"Luca is in charge of my security," I remind them. "And there will be no increase of security," I firmly say, earning a displeased look from the both of them.

If I get another bodyguard, a female one, she will literally follow me everywhere then I truly will be a prisoner.

"Luca will only get more suspicious if I tell him to increase security..maybe even take it as an insult," I explain.

Luca was already awake when I got out of my room. He wanted to talk to me about yesterday but I told him I needed to talk to my father about the engagement party.

A complete lie but he bought it.

"If he gets suspicious, he will tell Nathan," I look directly at my father knowing that he doesn't want the Santoro's to know about Joseph.

But neither do I.

I don't know exactly who they are or what they do but I know they are dangerous.

If Nathan finds out about Joseph I'm scared of what he might do.

"I-we want you safe, Lina. He had a gun, do you understand what could have happened?" Ivan breathes, running a hand through his curly hair again.

I squeeze his hand. "Yes, I understand but if Nathan finds out about Joseph he will kill him. And I already explained that I don't want that to happen," I swallow harshly.

Ivan lets out a 'tsk' of disapproval while my father keeps quiet, contemplating something as he fidgets with his watch. "Ivan, figure out an excuse as to why Luca should increase security. He likes you better than me and it will be less suspicious if it comes from you," he clears his throat.

My eyes widen. "But-"

"It doesn't have to be a female bodyguard, Adelina, increasing security in general will be better for your safety. After what you just told us I'm not taking anymore chances," he cuts me off and my mouth closes.

"You are my daughter," he glances at Ivan. "I want you safe," he says and I lean back on the chair, confused by his words.

If he does care about me he sure does have a shitty way of showing it.

I nod, catching a glimpse of my nails and noticing that they are too short. I have got to stop biting my nails.

"Thank you..the both of you for listening to me," I whisper, looking at Ivan who gives me a soft smile and then to my father who just gives me a quick nod.

I get up from the chair, excusing myself before going back to my room to get ready for the tour of the venue that I have...with Nathan.

Which should be interesting.

"How many cars do you have?" I break the silence, turning my head to admire his amazing side profile.

Why the hell does he have to be so handsome?

Today, he picked me up in a beautiful black Bugatti. It might be my favorite car compared to the other ones he has.

But then again I haven't seen all of them.

"Maybe twelve," he answers, keeping one hand on the steering wheel, the other one on the armrest.


"Maybe? You don't keep count?" I ask, staring at the way his hand grips the wheel. The way he is gripping it reminds me of the way he gripped my ass when I was over his knees.

Oh God, I need to stop.

"No, but I'll start to if that's what you want," he turns his head towards me, a playful glint in his eyes as they fall to my lips before turning to look back at the road. He is acting differently than he was these past couple of days.

He's less...grumpy.

A shy smile forms on my lips as I feel my heart flutter. Damn him. I turn my head towards the window, forcing myself to look away from his veiny hands and from him.

I hope we arrive at the venue soon because I can't stand another minute breathing in his scent.

His addicting scent that manages to cloud up my mind, to blind all of my senses.

He begins to drive faster, completely ignoring the posted speed limit, driving past multiple cars. At least he isn't cutting off people but I still can't help but grip the leather side of the seat.

I'll admit even though he is driving fast he is pretty cautious but I absolutely hate speeding.

"I hope you know you are going twenty miles over the speed limit," I nervously say, moving my hand from the seat to the handle of the door.

Nathan glances at me and begins to slow down causing me to let out a small breath. "Sorry, is this better, mia cara?" My cheeks begin to burn at the flirty tone in his voice. Oh God.

His deep voice sends shivers all over my body and straight down to my core, making me cross my legs together. I need to get out of this car.

And I need to remember to ask Luca what those words mean.

Luca told me that Spanish and Italian share similar words but they have different meanings.

Which I understand now because mia cara in Spanish would translate to my face.

And I don't think that's what Nathan means.

Instead of verbally answering him I just nod, turning my head towards the window again to keep him from seeing how red my face probably is. My heart is pounding so hard I'm surprised he can't hear it.

What the hell is wrong with me?

I shouldn't be reacting like this.

The rest of the ride was silent but we did occasionally glance at each other for mere seconds before looking away. It was mainly me looking away since I can't handle his intense gaze.

Nathan finally comes to a stop and my eyes widen in awe at the huge flower bushes decorating the outside of the beautiful estate-looking venue. I immediately spot Lisa and a gorgeous brunette woman by her side, patiently waiting for us.

I unbuckle my seatbelt and reach for the door handle when Nathan's voice stops me. "Don't," he tells me and exits the car, coming around to my side.

I quickly put on my silver Chanel glasses that I bought yesterday and fix my hair before he can open the door for me. He extends his hand offering me to take it which I gladly do, allowing him to help me out of the car, closing the door in the process.

As we walk towards them he laces our fingers together while pulling me closer to him. My heart flutters again and I mentally curse him. I have to remind myself that this is just for show.

We have to pretend to be the happy couple in front of people.

Lisa smiles widely at us, excitement in her eyes as she sees us holding hands. The woman beside her also gives us a kind smile in which I return while Nathan just gives them a nod.

"Mr. Santoro, it is nice to finally meet you," Lisa says, her hand slightly trembling as she shakes his hand. "And Lina it is good to see you again," she quickly turns her attention to me instead of the intimidating man next to me.

"Likewise, this place is absolutely beautiful," I tell her, looking at the venue behind her and she laughs.

"Wait, until you see the rest of the place," she winks and turns her head to look at the woman standing next to her who is looking at me with..admiration I think. "I would like to introduce the both of you to my assistant, Amara Hidalgo," she says proudly and I extend my hand to the hazel-eyed beauty in front of me.

She firmly shakes my hand, confidence radiating off of her. "Nice to meet you, I'm Lina," I kindly say, discreetly squeezing Nathan's hand so he can introduce himself too.

He quickly does so before letting me do the rest of the talking. "I know who the both of you are," she says quite enthusiastically before clearing her throat and shaking her head in embarrassment.

I look over to Lisa who is desperately trying to hold back a laugh. "I didn't mean that in a weird way it's just that everyone knows who you two are," she explains, her eyes rapidly alternating between me and Nathan.

"We know what you meant, don't worry," I reassure her, silently telling her not to feel embarrassed. "We are both very grateful that the two of you are planning our wedding," I look at Lisa and Amara, giving them a genuine smile.

Nathan caresses my thumb with his and my body shivers, unconsciously moving closer to him. I can feel the warmth from his body through my clothes and it has me wishing that we were alone. What the hell am I saying?

Lisa begins to say something but I can't focus on anything she is saying because Nathan's intoxicating scent fills my airways causing me to briefly close my eyes, taking a moment to inhale his smoky cinnamon smell that has my knees slightly buckling. I hate him.

"With that being said let's start the tour," Lisa says and my eyes snap open. Now I'm the one that's embarrassed.

Lisa and Amara begin to walk towards the venue and we follow them. I avoid turning my head towards Nathan's direction because of how hot my cheeks are.

I expect a lot of people once we walk inside the venue but it's basically empty except for the workers who are staring at me and Nathan. I want to ask why there aren't a lot of people here but I'm too busy admiring the luxurious decor of this place.

The floors are white marble giving the place a more elegant look to it and the walls are a cream color. Some of the walls are adorned with framed paintings of nature. Which are amazing.

I look up at the high ceilings and see that silver chandeliers are hanging from them. This whole place is amazing and we haven't even been outside yet.

"There are rooms available for wedding ceremonies and receptions but the majority favor the outside garden venue," Lisa explains as we pass by multiple rooms. I manage to catch small glimpses of the inside through the windows on the door and the rooms are enormous.

I turn my head to find Nathan already looking at me. "Bored?" I tease since he hasn't really said a word.

"No, but I am quite hungry," he voice becomes low as he licks his lips, his eyes going over every feature of my face.

I ignore the small throb between my legs but maintain my eye contact with him. "Now that you mention it I am feeling quite ravenous," a flirtatious smile forms on my lips and his eyes darken.

He stops the both of us from walking and turns me around to face him. My heart races as he leans down to my ear, moving my hair to the side. His warm breath caresses the shell of my ear and my breath hitches at the feeling. "There are many rooms here, Lina, pick one and I'll be more than happy to satisfy your hunger," he whispers and leans closer, trailing his nose down my neck before placing a kiss on it. Fuck.

A small whimper leaves my mouth, earning him to pull me closer to him. "N-Nathan, we have to continue the t-tour" I stutter, feeling my body become extremely hot as he continues to kiss the sizzling skin of my neck.

And as if on cue Lisa calls out to us and I instantly pull away from Nathan who lets out a groan in protest.

I clear my throat, trying to compose myself before pulling his hand and walking us back to Lisa and Amara who are smiling widely at us.

"Sorry, we got a little distracted," I blush and he brushes his thumb against mine, a silent promise that he is going to finish what I started.

Lisa tells us not to worry while Amara playfully winks at me which makes me feel a little better.

We walk through these beautiful elegant white doors that lead us outside to fields of green.

I use my free hand to take off my sunglasses and put them on top of my head to properly admire the forest green grass that surrounds the entire property.

They begin to walk forward and we follow, my eyes taking in the exceptional view. "It's breathtaking," I sigh, looking at the many bushes of flowers that are ahead.

"It is," Nathan says and I turn to look at him only to find him staring intently at me..not the view.

"You aren't even looking at the view," I curiously tilt my head at him, this time letting my eyes roam around every handsome feature on his face.

"I know," he says and returns his attention back to Lisa who is explaining that the ceremony and the reception will be in two different areas but walking distance from one another.

I look down to my heels, attempting to hide my red face from everyone, especially him. He's acting so different than he was the past couple of days and I can't help but feel all warm inside.

We continue to walk through the entirety of the garden which is enormous as Lisa and Amara talk to us about the set up for both the wedding ceremony and reception. They also talk to us about the decorations which Nathan lets me handle.

The whole time I can't stop obsessing over how beautiful everything is. There are rows of flower bushes almost everywhere and big trees that have white flowers dangling down from them. I make sure to take a couple of photos so I can show Elena and Ana.

"The day of your wedding there will be rooms available for the both of you, separately of course, if you decide you want to get ready here," Amara says, pointing to the rooms that are a couple feet away from where the ceremony is going to be held.

I nod and look towards Nathan when I hear the sound of a phone ringing. He grabs his phone from his pocket and looks at it, his eyebrows furrow. "I have to take this," he tells Amara and Lisa, giving my hand a gentle squeeze before letting it go. "I'll only be a moment, mia cara," he softly tells me and looks at his phone again with his usual cold expression before walking away to answer it.

I wonder who is calling him?

"I just want to thank the both of you again for planning our wedding with such short notice and for being so patient with us--well me," I nervously laugh. I probably put Lisa through hell with my indecisiveness.

Lisa sways her hand at me. "I am the one who should be thanking you. I mean I am honored to be in charge of your wedding."

"The both of you really make a beautiful couple," Amara chimes in and I smile shyly at her.

If only they knew.

Nathan comes back surprisingly fast, wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me close to his warm body. I am regretting my decision of not choosing a room when I had a chance.

We quickly bid our goodbyes to Lisa and Amara, making our way out of the garden venue. The whole way to the car I keep gushing about the flowers and the view while Nathan listens attentively.

We finally get into the car and Nathan speeds off but makes sure to drive at a reasonable speed. "I'm picking you up at eight tonight," he says in a gruff voice that never fails to make my body shiver.

I turn to look at him and playfully narrow my eyes. "You didn't ask if I had plans."

We stop at a red light and he takes this opportunity to face me. "You do have plans...with me," I watch one corner of his lips twitch upwards and I have to stop myself from gawking at him. I desperately want to see his smile. Just once at least.

The light turns green and he speeds off. "My brother is here from Italy and my father wants to have dinner with all of us at his house," he explains and my palms begin to sweat at the idea of meeting his older brother.

Nathan hardly talks about his family with me.

When I asked him about his older brother all he told me was that his name is Alejandro but many people call him Lorenzo. And that he lives in Italy but that was it.

"Oh, well that sounds nice," I wipe my sweaty palms on my skirt, trying my hardest to hide the fact that I am nervous. "Should I wear something fancy then?" I clear my throat.

"Non importa cosa indossi, sarai sempre bellissima," he speaks in his native tongue, causing my heart to flutter. Italian sounds so amazing coming from his mouth. (No matter what you wear, you will always look beautiful)

I blankly stare at him. "I only understood one word from that sentence."

I can see him holding back a grin but all he says is, "Whatever you decide to wear will be fine."


Once Nathan dropped me off I rushed upstairs, stressing about what to wear. I know he told me whatever but I want to look good especially since this is a dinner with his family.

I walk into my closet, going through hanger from hanger and pulling out different outfits to choose from. I stop going through my dresses when I see something fall on the floor.

My blood runs cold when I look down to see a single red rose with a note attached to it. No, no it can't be.

How did someone get in here?

My hands begin to shake as I kneel down to grab it, gently removing the note from the stem of the rose. I place the rose down, hesitantly opening the note.

Don't be afraid of me sweet angel. I am your friend not your enemy. Don't you want to know the truth about your mother?

My eyes widen and I throw the note across my closet, watching it land near my many pairs of heels. I take a deep breath, trying to calm my thunderous heart beat but I can't.

Who the hell is this and what do they want?

And what do they know about my mother?


Nathan: I don't have feelings for Lina.

Also Nathan: *calls her mia cara and stares at her every chance he gets*

I decided to break this chapter into two parts so it wouldn't be that long.

I hope you guys like it!!

Love y'all 🤍

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