The Survivor (Dead Rising X O...

By MichaelJCantu

608 22 0

When the dead start to rise in the small town of Willamette, what sort of horrors will two people find? Follo... More

Ch.1: Welcome to Willamette
Ch.2: All hell breaks loose
Ch.4: The Not so Good Doctor
Ch.5: Gun Store Shootout
Ch.6: A Crazy Clown
Ch.7: The Terrorist Returns
Ch.8: Medicine Run
Ch.9: Getting Some Answers
Ch.10: The Hatchet Man
Ch.11: The Last Resort
Ch.12: A Secret Hideout and A Butcher
Ch.13: Pachamama
Ch.14: Overtime
Ch.15: A Way Out
Ch.16: Escaping The Mall (Finale)

Ch.3: Food Court Shootout

57 3 0
By MichaelJCantu

Jason and Frank decided that, if they were going to get some answers, they needed to find Brad. The two used an elevator that was on the roof to go back into the mall.

When they exit the elevator, they find themselves in a warehouse. They make their way through the warehouse and find a door that reads "Paradise Plaza".

Just before Jason opens the door, the two hear footsteps approaching them.

Frank: Zombies huh? Had a feeling you'd show up.

Frank grabs a nearby fire extinguisher and prepares to hit the zombie that's approaching. Jason pulls out his pistol and gets ready to shoot.

The footsteps are right next to them and Frank jumps out to hit what he thought was a zombie. Instead it was just Jessie who had fallen over, startled by Frank.

Jessie was also carrying a gun with her, which she was pointing at Frank due to her being startled.

Frank: God, it's you! Look, don't sneak up on me.

Frank helps her up.

Jessie: Brad was attacked. I located him on the monitor.

Jessie goes to take a step, but she stumbles a bit and winces in pain. Jason looks at her ankle and sees that it's a bit swollen.

Jason: Looks like you sprained your ankle.

Jessie tries to keep walking.

Jessie: I've gotta help Brad...or he's done for!

Frank: Alright, fine...gimme your gun. C'mon, I'm the reason you just got hurt. Let me help.

Jessie: No! I can't let a civilian do that. That's against regulations.

Jason: Yeah...well, I don't think they had zombie infested malls in mind when they wrote those regulations.

Jessie looks at Jason then looks back to Frank.

Jessie: Do you know how to use this?

Frank: Kinda. I've covered wars, you know.

Jessie hesitates for a moment, but eventually hands her gun to Frank. Frank takes the pistol and turns the safety, which was previously on, off and puts it away.

Frank: Look, after we're through helping and I, are gonna have a nice little chat.

Before they leave, Jessie tells them that Brad was attacked in the Food Court. Jason and Frank enter the Paradise Plaza and see that there aren't any zombies around.

Jason: I guess they haven't made it this far yet.

Frank: Yeah. Remember the barrier that was down in the Entrance Plaza.

Jason: You're right. Well that makes getting to Brad a bit easier.

The two make their way through the empty mall and eventually find their way to a huge park in the center of the mall.

As they walk through the park, they see a sign off on the distance that reads "Food Court". The two make their way there.

When they get to the entrance of the Food Court, they enter through the doors and Frank starts to look around. When suddenly, gunfire is heard and Frank and Jason both run for cover. Jason peeks out of cover to see that the man they had met on the roof when they arrived, was shooting at them with a machine gun. The man takes another shot at Jason, making him go back into cover.

Frank looks over and sees Brad shooting back at the man. Brad notices them and just shakes his head. Both Jason and Frank rush over to where Brad is and pull out their guns.

Frank: Your uh... girlfriend sent us to find you.

Brad: Who, Jessie!?

Brad tries to look up, but gets shot at again.

Brad: Dammit!

The man continues to shoot at the three before he stops to reload.

Brad: OK, we'll have to talk about this both know how to use those guns?

Jason: Yeah, I've got some experience.

Frank: I've never fired at a person.

Brad gets up to take some more shots before getting back down into cover.

Brad: Alright, I'll cover you both from here. You need to stick to the shadows. Try to get close to the target, OK?

Frank: And what are we supposed to do when we get close!?

This time, Jason pops out of cover to take some shots at the man, before going back into cover.

Jason: We shoot the bastard Frank.

Brad: But if you can't do that...

Brad then hands frank an extra magazine for his gun.

Brad: Keep him busy dodging your bullets and stay out of trouble. You two up for it?

Frank: I'm a lot better with a camera, but yeah I'll give it a shot.

Brad then looks at Jason for confirmation.

Jason: Yeah, this isn't my first rodeo.

Brad: Alright. Next time he reloads, I'll lay down a suppressing fire. I'm counting on you two. Make your way over there.

Brad then points at one of the archways that lead to the dining area.

Brad: 1...2...3!

Brad gets up and starts shooting at the man while Frank and Jason make their way to the archway.

As Jason and Frank run for cover, Jason shoots at the man to keep him busy. Frank and Jason jump behind the counter of a frozen yogurt shop. The man continues to shoot at the two, but this gives Brad the ability to move in closer and take some shots at the man.

The man turns around to try and shoot Brad, but Jason moves to another spot and shoots at the man.

The man shoots back at Jason, but his machine gun clicks, signifying that he needs to reload. Before he does that, he pulls out a grenade, pulls the pin, and throws it at Jason. The grenade lands close to Jason's position and looks at it wide eyed before jumping out of the way, narrowly avoiding the explosion. Frank looks over at his friend in worry.

Frank: Jason! You alright!?

Jason: Yeah! I'm good!

Frank starts to shoot at the man, but he's not as proficient in firearms as Jason, so most of his shots miss their mark.

The man, feeling the pressure of three people shooting at him, decides to change his position and moves to the roofs of the food stalls. The man takes out more grenades and throws them at the three men who manage to avoid the explosions.

Jason focuses his shots and shoots a bullet at the man that manages to graze the man's cheek. When he was grazed, the man takes cover behind a sign.

Brad: You get him!?

Jason: I don't think so, I think I just missed him!

The man gets up from cover and continues to shoot at the three. Eventually, he runs out of ammo and throws his gun at them.

Jason: He's out!

They were about to shoot at him, but the man tossed one last grenade at them, making them all take cover to avoid the blast. The man uses the opportunity to run to a rope and pulls on it to take him up to the ceiling. Frank tries to aim at him, but he had already disappeared in the rafters.

(End OST)

Frank puts his gun away while Brad and Jason are still searching for him.

Frank: Well. He got away! Who was that anyway!?

Brad: I don't know.

Jason: Whoever he is, he's pretty skilled when it comes to fighting.

Jason and Brad put away their guns and join Frank.

Brad: Well, thanks for your help. The name's Brad.

Brad puts his hand out to Jason, and he shakes it.

Jason: Jason Riley.

Brad puts his hand out to Frank, but he just looks at him.

Frank: I'm Frank West, photojournalist. And right now, I'd rather have an explanation than your thanks, Brad.

Jason: Yeah, just what is going on here?

Brad looks at the two.

Brad:...Sorry, I've got nothing to tell you two.

Brad goes to walk away, but he turns back to them.

Brad: Look, I don't know what Jessie told you two, but as far as I'm concerned, we're through working together. So you two cover your zombie story and leave the rest to us.

Brad starts to walk away, but Frank gets his attention with the picture of the same old man with the cane that Jessie saw.

Frank: You guys are looking for someone here, aren't ya?

Brad looks at the picture, and just like Jessie, he was surprised to see the old man.

Brad: Who is that!? Where did you take-

Frank: You help us, we help you.

Brad was silent for a moment before he looked back at Frank.

Brad: Damn! You're one hell of a journalist, aren't you, Frank.

He begins to walk closer to Frank.

Brad: A hot headed, underhanded, hotshot paparazzi with nothing better to do than to invade people's privacy.

Before Brad could get in Frank's face, Jason gets in-between then.

Jason: Yeah, he's all that and then some. Look, you gonna help us, or not?

Brad looks at Jason for a moment, then Frank.

Brad:...You two win. Let's work together.

Brad reaches for Frank's camera, but he holds it back as if urging him to continue.

Brad: Jessie and I, are DHS agents. And, yes, we are looking for the man in that picture.

Frank and Jason looked shocked that Homeland Security was involved in this.

Frank: You're with Homeland Security!? Is that guy a terrorist or something!?

Brad just looks at Frank with his hand out, and Frank hands him his camera.

Frank: I took that picture in the Entrance Plaza, right near the front door.

Brad: The Entrance're sure?

Frank nods his head and Brad hands him back his camera. Brad starts to make his way to the Entrance Plaza, but Frank calls out to him.

Frank: Hey! So do I have your permission to cover this story, or not?

Brad: *sighs*

Brad walks away and Frank and Jason soon follow him. Jason looks over to the side and sees the machine gun that the man discarded. He goes to pick it up and sees that it's a P90

Jason inspects the gun and sees that it is indeed out of ammo.

Jason: No ammo now, but I bet I could find some later. Maybe Otis knows if this mall has a gun store around here. Jason takes out the transceiver and calls Otis.

Otis: Jason? That you?

Jason: Yeah, hey Otis, is there a gun store in this mall by any chance?

Otis: Sure is. It's located in the North Plaza on the far right side of the mall. Once you get there, there'll be signs pointing it out, you can't miss 'em.

Jason: Appreciate the info Otis. We'll be back soon. Over and out.

Jason and Frank catch up to Brad to look for this old man in the Entrance Plaza.

Chapter end. See y'all next time.


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