The Belladonna

By BekLittleSparrow24

133K 5.6K 725

Adventure and Romance on the seas with pirates, epic ship battles and sword fights. When Sky joins a navy Br... More

Authors note
Belladonna Playlist
Chapter 1- Rendes
Chapter 2
Chapter 3 - Brig
Chapter 4
Chapter 5 - Pirates
Chapter 6
Chapter 7 - Belladonna
Chapter 8
Chapter 9 - Harpers Isle
Chapter 10
Chapter 11 - Manor
Chapter 12
Chapter 13 - Bonfire
Chapter 14
Chapter 15 - Belladonna
Chapter 16
Chapter 17 - Hawk
Chapter 18
Chapter 19 - Man-o-war
Chapter 20
Chapter 21 - Karniva
Chapter 22
Chapter 23 - Cormornants
Chapter 24
Chapter 25 - Crow's Nest
Chapter 26
Chapter 27 - On the boardwalk
Chapter 29 - Dining Hall
Chapter 30
Chapter 31 - Training room
Chapter 32
Chapter 33 - The Alley
Chapter 34
Chapter 35 - The ball
Chapter 36
Chapter 37 - The Pier
Chapter 37
Chapter 38- Captain's Cabin
Chapter 39
Chapter 40 - On the staircase
Chapter 41
Chapter 42 - Cells
Chapter 43
Chapter 44 - Wheel
Chapter 45
Chapter 46 - Tavern
Chapter 47
Author's Note
Chapter 48- Manor Garden
Chapter 49
Chapter 50 - Dining Room
Chapter 51
Chapter 52 - The Well
Chapter 53
Chapter 54 - Frigate
Chapter 55
Chapter 56 - The Bow
Chapter 57
Chapter 58 - Peaks
Chapter 59
Chapter 60 - Across the Plank
Chapter 61
Chapter 62 - Intargo Fort
Chapter 63
Chapter 64 - Nivarian Sea
Chapter 65
Chapter 66 - Jane Duchess
Chapter 67
Chapter 68 - Sitting Room
Chapter 69

Chapter 28

1.8K 91 13
By BekLittleSparrow24

Edward led Sky down into the heart of the Cormorants stronghold where it was warmer. He held open the door to a large open room that was filled with tables and seats, as well as what looked like medicine cabinets that lined one of the walls. Injured rebels shuffled about the dimly lit room. There was a large fire in the back of the room that held a huge pot of boiling water. The dark wooden tables were being used as beds and were filling up quickly now that the battle was over.

Edward gently steered her over to one of the empty tables and sat her down in the chair. Sky wanted go snap at him that she could do it herself but all her energy had left her and she felt empty.

"Wait here. I'll get you some cloth to bind your hand." He put his hand on her shoulder. Sky promptly ignored him and he sighed, walking way to find the things he needed.

Sky scanned over the room with dark eyes. It was thanks to her that all these people were alive and she knew she should feel something, but she didn't. In fact she was so filled with anger that she wondered what they would have done if she had refused to warn them.

Every single person here would be dead. A small boy ran past her with a bucket of hot water over to a man who had been cut open. Bates was standing in front of him so Sky couldn't see the inside of his stomach. She watched the doctor stitch up the man's skin as if it was a cotton shirt. He was being held down by two women and the boy was washing his face with the hot water.  Sky was reminded of what she had seen on Harpers Isle and still she felt emotionless.

"I hope Hawk's doctor knows what he's doing." Edward mumbled as he sat across from Sky. She looked at him. His dark hair was a mess and he had blood on his brow that had been smeared across his face.

He put down the things he had gathered on the table. There were two bundles of rags and a small bowl of steaming water that was cloudy. Next to that Edward placed down a small vile of something that looked yellow-brown and unpleasant.

"He does." Sky responded. Her voice was dull as she tried to hold herself together.

Edward cleared his throat and Sky looked at him. "Give me your hand." She placed it in the middle of the table with her palm facing down. "Did you fight with this?" She simply nodded. Edward's eye brows rose impressed.

His hands were rough with years of fighting, but remarkably gentle as he whipped away the old and fresh blood from her arm. She watched him as he opened the vile and dripped some of the strange liquid into her wound. Sky hissed; it felt like fire was licking her wound clean.

"Sorry, should have warned you." Edward said as a small blush crept onto his face.

"I'm fine." Sky said through clenched teeth.

The burn lessened as Edward began winding the cloth around her hand and arm. He was careful with her hand and was moving at a slow pace. Sky was tempted to tell him he could go and she would do it herself.

"You know, in all the years I've known Hawk I've never seen him so flustered." Sky's eyes narrowed.

"How do you know him?" It seemed to her that everyone knew this retched pirate.

"He worked for us," Edward  frowned remembering. "For almost a year, I think. Mathew hated him; in fact most of us hate him. Myself included." He smiled at her. Sky didn't return the favour.

"I can't imagine why." She said with venom and watched as Edward redid one of the coils around her hand.

"He did his job. And as much as I hate to admit it, he did it better than any of us could." Sky frowned not really wanting to hear how great Dustin was. "Most of the information we have in our archives he got for us. Snatched it right from under the Kings nose."

A thought occurred to Sky. "That wouldn't happen to include papers listing who sails under the King's name, would it?"

If Dustin is the reason I had to go to the palace and come out empty handed, I going to hit him again. Sky thought angrily.

Edward frowned and turned his head thinking. "That depends on what time frame you want." He looked at her and smiled, "So that's why you were in the Kings humble abode." It was a statement, one Sky ignored. Edward laughed; a warm happy sound that seemed to echo in the depressed room.

"How about for the last ten years?" Sky asked knowing that would include her brother's time in the navy.

Edward smiled at her. Having seen the whole incident that had just occurred outside Sky knew he had a pretty good idea of what she had wanted the papers for.  "Let's just say that all of the up to date information we have on the King we got from your dear Captain."

"He is not my 'Captain'." Sky snarled. And he is not dear to me.

Edward blinked at her his face carefully neutral. "What," He took a deep breath, "What exactly happened out there?" Edward tied a knot to keep the cloth in place. Sky shook her head.

What did happen? Despite all her anger towards Dustin she had done what she had set out to do. She found James. But was it truly what she had really wanted? Or had it been an excuse to escape?

"I thought he was dead." She said.

"Commodore Ashier?" Edward asked and Sky gazed at him.

Ashier? Her mother's maiden name. Sky remembered the name she had given on the Brig and was surprised no one brought her up on it, though she somehow doubted they really looked at it. Not that it mattered now; it was at the bottom of the ocean along with all the men who knew her by that name. Both Sky and James had had the same idea about diching their fathers name in favour of their unknown mother.

That's why Dustin knew him as Ash. Sky almost laughed at how even after six years she was still like her brother.

"From what I saw, he clearly means something to you." There was no kindness to his tone now; instead it held a note of hostility and caution.

"He is my brother." Edward didn't look surprised; he must have gathered that much already.

"No wonder Hawk was so pissed." Edward mumbled.  He stood as if to leave and Sky followed suit.

"What is that supposed to mean?" She knew that she was making good progress with Edward despite their first encounter, but never would she let someone bad mouth her brother. That was how she lived on Rendes and even now, confused and hurt, she could stick to what she knew. Even if she was begging to like Edward.

"Well," Edward gathered up the materials he had placed on the table, "If the girl I was..." He seemed to struggle over the word and avoided Sky's eyes, "with, turned out to be the sister of my arch enemy, I'd be pretty annoyed too."

Sky's mouth fell open. "I am not 'with' him!" She felt her cheek flood with rage. Edward just shrugged at her out-burst.

"You're still the sister of the one man he hates the most." He turned away from her and walked over to the cabinets and began placing back the things in his hand. Sky followed him across the room careful not to knock any of the hurt Cormorants and to keep out of sight of Dustin's men.

"Why? Why does he hate him?" Sky stood behind Edward and watched him fit the vile back into place amongst the others. He turned to push past her and Sky hit the wood of the cabinet door slamming it shut and drawing the attention of the people around them, the ones who weren't writhing in agony.

Edward looked at her, his light brown eyes narrowed. "Hate to tell you this, but your brother isn't known for showing mercy."

Sky wanted to jump to her brother's defence; claim that he was a good person, but she knew she had no ground to stand on. She did not know her brother. "What is he known for?"

"It's Sky, isn't it?" She nodded. "Well Sky, Commodore Ashier happens to be the King's most loyal servant. His perfect lap dog." His gaze burrowed into hers, "You can't become that bastard's favourite subordinate with your morals intact. Dustin tried and they fucking ripped him apart."

Sky felt her stomach clench.

"Listen, I'm not going to hold your family over your head," Edward stepped out around her, "But trust me. I may not be mates with Dustin, honestly most of the time the man's an arse," Sky bit her lip to stop from openly agreeing. "But he has his reasons for hating Ashier, him more than any of us."

Sky opened her mouth to ask what he had to hate James for but a silence settled over the room. All eyes turned to the door way. Dana stood in the frame, her blood soaked clothes replaced and her grey hair pulled back from her face.

Her sliver eyes scanned the room, both searching and inspecting the damage done to her people. They landed on Bates and she gave him a small nod. He stopped what he was doing, wiping at the wound on a boys leg, and put down his cloth. Dana shook her head and held up her hand to stop him.

"Your Captain wants you here. As do I, if you are willing to help." Her voice was strong as always but her eyes showed fatigue. Bates' single working eye grew dark and Sky imagined that he wanted to get out of the putrid blood smelling room. She didn't blame him.

"You." Sky's eyes snapped to the older woman. "You're going to come with me." She said nothing else and walked out of the room. She did not even give Sky moment to refuse and for a second she considered staying with the sick out of spite, but she did not want to be surrounded by the smell of blood or the sound of cries.

Everyone went back to their tasks. Sky noticed that Bates gave her an odd look before he began talking to the boy. Edward moved past Sky and made his way over to the door. He stopped and turned to meet her gaze.

"Well?" His brows rose. Sky followed him out of the dim room thankful to feel cool air on her face. He led her down a series of corridors. Sky hoped he was leading her to where she needed to go. When they emerged into a corridor slightly bigger than the others, Sky recognised where she was. They stopped just outside the door to the meeting room.

"Word to the wise; don't argue with Dana." Edward put his hand on the door handle.

"Edward," Sky looked down at her hands, "Thanks." She looked back at him and saw his face relax and he smiled, and Sky was reminded that he was only her age.

"I should be thanking you; you saved everyone here." He smiled at her, "We made a pretty good team out there." He looked down at the door then back at her. Sky wasn't sure if it was the candles that made his cheeks look red or the fact that she was so tired her eyes were blurry. "I'll meet you here when you're done."

Sky went to thank him again for his time, but he opened the door and pushed her in. She stumbled and spun around confused. When she saw his playful smile she gave him a weak smile back. His eyes darted to what was behind her and his smile faltered. Sky met his gaze and she saw him mouth the words 'good luck' before he closed the door.

Sky turned around to see the meeting room was emptier than it was before with only six people in it. Dana was at the head again her arms folded and her face serious. The other five were men, four of them she had seen the last time she was here, and Sky's eyes past over them quickly. The last was the one man she did not want to see.

Dustin was sitting at the back of the room leaning back in his chair with his arms crossed. His feet mimicked his arms and rested on the table in front of him. Sky's eyes landed on his face and she could see he was not happy. The gold of his eyes were dark and his jaw was tight.

They regarded each other with resentment. After a few seconds Dustin even went so far as to pull his hat down over his eyes, cutting off his connection to her. Sky clenched her fists and faced Dana.

"Why am I here?" She snapped. Being in the same room as that pirate made her feel confused and that made her angry.

"Sit." Dana barked and pointed to the chair closest to her and the door. Sky was glad that is was the furthest from Dustin. Dana waited for Sky to take her seat before she began.

"Don't you find it odd that the day you arrive in Karniva is the very day the King choses to attack us?" Dana set her steel gaze on Sky accusingly.

What?! Not this again! Sky couldn't believe she was blaming her after she had warned them and fought with them.

"I told you; she wasn't involved." Sky heard Dustin's frustrated grow from the other end of the table. It sounded like this wasn't the first time he had said it. "We landed a few hours before sunset. How could she have informed the King and gathered over one hundred men in that amount of time?"

Sky wasn't sure why he was defending her and she didn't like it.

"Shut it Hawk." Dana's voice was toxic. "One act of betrayal can destroy years of trust; you know that better than any." Sky swallowed at the anger in her gaze. Dustin made a low noise that sounded exasperated.

"I did not lead them here." Sky spoke, her voice confident but a little worried. She knew what was coming before it was even said.

"What is your relationship with Commodore Ashier?" The man next to Sky asked in a deep voice. Dustin sighed and took his feet off the table. All around Sky the air was thick with mistrust.


"Answer the question." Dana cut in.

Sky was pretty sure they all knew exactly what her relationship with him was and she did not like feeling like a caged animal.

"He is my brother." She admitted hating the fact that in that moment she wasn't proud of saying those words.

"Indeed," Dana confirmed making Sky feel like a child. "And so I ask, as I asked your Captain,"

"He's not my Captain," Sky snapped angrily at the same time as Dustin said, "I am not her Captain." They looked at one and other. In other circumstances Sky would have smiled. Instead she turned her gaze back to Dana.

"Your lover then. Frankly I don't care what you call each other," Sky's eyes popped out of her skull. Dustin groaned and threw his head back over his chair. The tension inside the room was so tight Sky wondered if that was the reason she couldn't move her cheat to breath.

"My point is," Dana brought the attention back to her, "Your brother was most likely at the palace earlier today and would have at least one hundred men at his disposal. This we know because as the Commodore of the Jane Duchess, he would have that many men just on his ship. Minimum. Now, would you care to remind us all where you were when 'over heard' the conversation about the attack?"

Sky swallowed; it really didn't look good for her. "At the palace. But I swear I did'n-"

"That is all." Dana held up her hand and faced the men around the table. "You may go now." She did not look at Sky. Dustin did though and his eyes were blazing. Dana changed subjects and began speaking about the injured she had seen in the small room. Dustin stood. Sky's eyes followed him as he walked over to the front of the room until he was across from Sky.

"This is bullshit Dana." The three men gave him looks of acknowledgement, but Dana continued talking. In the time that she had known him, Sky had realised what he looked like when he was angry and she saw it now as his eyes sparked.

A loud bang sounded around the room as Dustin slammed down his hand on the table in front of Dana. She did not jump like Sky who shot out of her seat

"You know that without her warning, every single man and woman in this hell hole would be dead." Dustin spoke using his captain's voice and it was difficult to tell that he was below Dana in terms of rank. "You said it yourself. So do not bullshit me, and don't bullshit her." Dustin pointed in Sky's direction and she sank low in her chair.

Dana turned her cold gaze onto the man next to her and stood so that she was level with him. "Hawk," her voice steady like the voice of reason, "From what I saw today, that girl placed herself between us and the King's men. I take that as a clear sign of her allegiance."

"Why warn us then?" Dustin snapped. Sky wanted to defend herself explain that she had acted out of instinct and that she and been fighting for them not the King.

"If you recall correctly boy, she said there would be forty. It is obvious that she was setting us up to be under prepared for the numbers she knew would come."

Sky shook her head at the ridicules logic. Dustin threw his hands up and turned in a circle with a noise of irritation. "For fucks sake Dana, listen to yourself! Ever since we got here you've been on edge."

The other three men seemed reluctant to nod, but Sky could see in their faces that they agreed. Sky watched the woman carefully for her reaction and saw her silver eyes were dark with worry.

"You are pointing fingers at Sky because you're afraid. Why?" Dustin gazed at her with big eyes. It was clear that, regardless of his outburst, he did respect her.

"If it wasn't her, than who Dustin?" She shook her head before he could speak, "It does not matter. The King has already started 'The Cleansing'." Sky frowned not understanding. She looked to Dustin for confirmation and saw that he did know what she meant.

"When?" His voice held a note a worry now too.

"Three days ago." One of the men spoke and stood. "In the main square. Forty nine, six of ours, as a demonstration." He spat the word out with disgust.

Sky knew she was the only one in the room who did not know what was happening, but in her mind she had already figure it out.

"What is 'The Cleansing'?" She asked needing to hear it out loud.

Dustin looked at her his face dark with pity. Dana was the one who spoke.

"King Patrick had decided that he wants to rebuild his kingdom. From scratch." She looked at Sky her sliver eyes looking hundreds of years old. "An entire empire with only noble, pure blood. And your brother is helping him create it."

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