Becoming an Oni in this land...

By RireiHasu

74.4K 2.9K 607

It's a story about a young lady in a mafia waking up to find out she turned into an Oni of a certain popular... More

Chapter 1: Prologue
Chapter 2: Forest
Chapter 3
Chapter 4: The Eccentric Magician
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10: CoLA 1
Chapter 11
Chapter 12: Meeting The Goddess
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73 (R18)
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 92 (End)

Chapter 91

78 8 0
By RireiHasu

The participants formed a huddle, their minds focused on strategizing for the battles that lay ahead. The close victory they had just achieved served as a stark reminder of the challenges they faced. They needed a fresh approach, a new plan to overcome the looming threats.

After careful consideration, Marisa was nominated as the scout, her quick reflexes and keen senses making her an ideal candidate for the task. She accepted the responsibility without hesitation, ready to venture into the unknown and gather vital information about the surrounding strongholds.

Meanwhile, Yukari, ever the mastermind, proposed a new rule that could potentially sway the tide of the battle. She decided that by tempting the enemies with the destruction of the gacha machine, they could entice them into a confrontation. The promise of freedom, the opportunity to break free from the confines of this war, would serve as tempting bait.

Ibaraki couldn't help but feel a sense of unease at the sight of the millions of demons marching toward the center. The sheer magnitude of their approaching forces was daunting, and she worried for the safety of their group. The urgency to act swiftly and decisively weighed heavily on her mind.

Marisa's return brought forth a somber atmosphere as she relayed the unsettling information she had gathered. The magnitude of the approaching horde struck them all, causing the previously formulated skirmish plan to be discarded. It was now apparent that they would face the entire horde in an instant.

Amidst the heavy silence, Shirou's voice broke through, reminding them of one of Yukari's rules. "We should free the Ruler," he said, his words resonating with determination. It became clear that with two seals already broken, their focus should shift to breaking the remaining five seals.

Rin, filled with a resolute spirit, took charge and laid out their next course of action. "Marisa, Archer, Lancer, Altrogue, I need all four of you to focus on destroying the remaining seals. The rest of us will work on creating a makeshift fort here," she instructed her words reflecting a steadfast belief in their ability to overcome the impending hordes.

The participants absorbed Rin's instructions, their expressions mirroring a mixture of concern and determination. They knew that the battle ahead would be grueling, but they were united in their resolve to prevail.

With determined nods, the four designated seal-breakers acknowledged Marisa's instructions, each of them taking note of the stronghold locations. Marisa would target the two farthest strongholds, while the remaining three participants would concentrate on destroying the rest. The pivotal seal, hidden within the central obelisk's grand globe, would be their primary objective.

Illya swiftly conveyed her plan to Berserker, directing him to uproot trees and assemble them into a makeshift barricade. The towering servant complied, his immense strength effortlessly manipulating the landscape. Rin, utilizing her expertise in jewel magecraft, channeled her energy into fortifying the barricade, reinforcing it with a layer of magical resilience.

Their concerted efforts centered around creating a single entry point, strategically positioned to prevent the encirclement of Saber, Shirou, and Berserker. By concentrating the demon onslaught at this controlled access point, they aimed to maintain a manageable defensive position and minimize the risk of being overwhelmed.

As the barricade took shape, the participants could sense a tangible surge of anticipation and unity. The fortification represented their collective determination to protect their position and buy valuable time for the seal-breakers to complete their vital task. Every member understood the importance of their role, and they prepared themselves mentally and physically for the imminent clash that awaited them.

Saber, Shirou, and Berserker stood ready, their resolve unwavering. They knew that the upcoming battle would test their mettle, but their determination burned bright. With the barricade in place, their focus shifted to guarding the vulnerable entry point, and each of them prepared to unleash their strengths in a synchronized effort to repel the relentless hordes of demons.

Ibaraki remained perched on her seat, her gaze fixed upon the unfolding scene before her. The relentless horde of demons steadily advanced, closing in on Rin's position. It was a daunting sight, but Ibaraki's confidence in her allies remained steadfast.

Shuten, recognizing the urgency of the situation, unleashed a dense fog of hallucinatory smog, enveloping the surrounding area. The swirling mist hindered the progress of the swift-moving demons, disrupting their senses and causing confusion among their ranks.

Bazett, Illya, and Rin, each wielding their unique magical abilities, joined forces to counter the aerial onslaught. Their spells and incantations lashed out, striking down the airborne demons with precision and skill. The trio worked in tandem, their coordinated efforts ensuring that the sky above remained a hostile territory for the demonic invaders.

Meanwhile, Saber, Shirou, and Berserker waged a relentless battle on the ground, fending off the surviving demons that managed to evade the aerial onslaught. With their combined might, they swiftly dispatched their adversaries, preventing any further threats from infiltrating their defenses.

Observing the chaos that unfolded, Ibaraki couldn't help but feel a pang of concern for her comrades. However, Yukari's words of reassurance echoed in her mind, reminding her to trust in their abilities and the strength of their united front. With renewed determination, Ibaraki nodded, placing her faith in the resilience and skill of her allies.

And so, she sat patiently, her eyes unwavering as she watched the relentless war unfold. Every passing moment brought them closer to victory or defeat, but Ibaraki remained resolute, confident that their unwavering resolve would guide them through the trials ahead. Together, they would face the challenges, no matter how daunting, and emerge triumphant.

As the demons continued to swarm the surroundings, Shuten recognized the increasing threat they posed. With a decisive motion, she expanded the reach of her hallucinatory smog, its toxic properties enhanced by the contents of her gourd. The noxious fog billowed out, permeating the air and swiftly dispatching the weaker demons that succumbed to its poisonous embrace.

Meanwhile, Marisa, having successfully demolished the two strongholds, swiftly assessed the situation at the temporary camp. She realized the imminent danger it faced and promptly adjusted her strategy. Employing her laser-like projectiles, she unleashed precise beams of destructive energy, skillfully thinning the ranks of the encroaching demons. Her calculated strikes ensured that the camp would not be consumed by the devastating impact of her meteoric attacks.

Just as weariness began to take its toll on Saber, Shirou, and Berserker, Altrogue arrived on the scene, descending upon the entryway with unmatched ferocity. Her relentless assault carved a path through the demonic horde, her blades cleaving through their ranks with swift precision. With Altrogue's formidable aid, the trio could momentarily catch their breath and recover from their strenuous battle.

The relentless efforts of Shuten, Marisa, and Altrogue showcased their unwavering resolve in the face of overwhelming odds. Their contributions provided crucial moments of respite, allowing the weary defenders to regroup, reassess, and prepare for the ongoing onslaught. Though fatigue clung to their limbs, their determination remained unyielding, driven by the shared purpose of defending their makeshift fort.

Lancer and Archer, having completed their mission of destroying the remaining seals, hastened their return to the temporary camp. However, their progress was impeded by the relentless pursuit of the demons, who doggedly gave chase, driven by their insatiable hunger for destruction.

Meanwhile, witnessing the destruction of all seven seals, Yukari leaned in and kissed Ibaraki, a gesture of encouragement and support. A smile formed on Yukari's lips as she observed Ibaraki's growing excitement and anticipation. The moment had finally arrived for Ibaraki to unleash her true power, her monstrous beast form. With a surge of determination, Ibaraki unleashed her formidable strength, transforming into her fearsome beastly state.

Descending from the skies, Ibaraki landed on the ground with a resounding impact. Before she stood the five individuals she had slain in the past, their malicious intent unmistakable. It became clear that they had strategically chosen to target the ruler, seeking to eliminate Ibaraki first in an attempt to weaken the rest of the group.

With a fierce onslaught, Ibaraki's adversaries unleashed their most devastating attacks, confident that even a Ruler-class servant would succumb to their combined onslaught. But as the blinding flashes subsided, an astonishing sight greeted them. Ibaraki stood there, completely unscathed, a yawn escaping her lips.

Amidst the disbelief and shock that echoed through the battlefield, Ibaraki couldn't help but chuckle at the pitiful display before her. "Truly a group of failures," she taunted, her laughter laced with a mixture of amusement and disdain. Her powerful aura intensified, engulfing the surroundings with searing flames. Though her opponents possessed innate resistance to fire as demons, Ibaraki was determined to prolong the battle, relishing the opportunity to unleash her true might.

Seizing hold of the relentless Zephyrus, Ibaraki tore him apart with nothing more than her bare hands, a clear message to the remaining adversaries who cowered and fled in fear. Unbeknownst to them, they had unknowingly entered Ibaraki's domain, as she had activated a boundary, ensuring that escape from her wrath was a futile endeavor.

In her relentless pursuit of victory, Ibaraki's next target was the archer. With razor-sharp claws, she punctured the archer's body, leaving behind a gruesome sight resembling a beehive. The archer's fate was sealed, caught in Ibaraki's merciless grasp.

Undeterred by the imminent danger, the remaining adversaries launched a desperate assault against Ibaraki. However, their attacks proved futile, unable to leave even a single scratch on her formidable frame. Seizing two of them in a vice-like grip, Ibaraki merged their bones, their agonized pleas falling on deaf ears. Sylvari, now trapped and weeping, begged for mercy.

Granting Sylvari a momentary reprieve, Ibaraki opted for a different form of punishment. With a swift and brutal motion, she impaled her sword through Sylvari's body, turning her into a macabre kebab. Engulfing the impaled body in a torrent of scorching flames, Ibaraki transformed her victim into a haunting spectacle akin to a fiery firework. Alone in her savagery, Ibaraki stood triumphant, her dark deeds witnessed only by the barren reality that surrounded her.

In the absence of any witnesses, Ibaraki reveled in her true nature as an Oni, free to unleash her unbridled cruelty upon those who dared cross her path. The battlefield now lay silent, bearing witness to the aftermath of Ibaraki's merciless rampage.

Ibaraki's entrance into the battle brought forth a devastating onslaught, leaving a trail of destruction in her wake. With a single swipe of her blade, she cleaved through hordes of demons, resulting in a staggering number of casualties. Her relentless assault resembled a relentless lawnmower, mercilessly cutting down her foes and diminishing their numbers to oblivion.

The demonic horde, sensing the absence of their leaders and witnessing the overwhelming might of the participants and Ibaraki, succumbed to panic. Their once formidable ranks crumbled under the weight of relentless attacks, rendering their forces disorganized and feeble in the face of overwhelming opposition.

Shirou and Emiya swiftly dispatched numerous demons, their swords striking with precision and effectiveness. They cut through the enemy ranks, leaving no room for the demons to resist. Each swing of their swords was purposeful, ensuring that every demon in their path met its demise.

Saber and Marisa unleashed devastating beams of light, obliterating clusters of demons in their path. The sheer power of their attacks eradicated the enemy forces, leaving a trail of destruction in their wake. Shuten and Lancer exhibited their expertise by systematically eliminating demons one by one, picking them off with precision and finesse.

Altrouge and Ibaraki, in their distinct ways, reveled in the chaos, leaving no room for mercy as they decimated hordes of demons. Their actions reflected their shared inclination towards violence and destruction, with Altrouge reveling in the bloodshed and Ibaraki embracing the aftermath of ash and ruin.

Meanwhile, Rin, Bazett, and Illya celebrated their hard-fought victory. They had overcome seemingly insurmountable odds, and their strategic prowess had proven invaluable. Hercules, displaying immense strength, wielded the defeated demons as weapons, adding an awe-inspiring spectacle to the battle. The onlookers marveled at their triumph, witnessing an impossible task achieved by this exceptional group.

Marisa, with weariness etched on her face, made her way back to the camp. The arduous battle had taken its toll on her, and she longed for a moment of respite. As she arrived, she saw the sight of her comrades, exhausted and weary, some already succumbing to sleep. She landed softly near Ibaraki, Shuten, and Altrogue, who patiently waited for Yukari's return.

The weariness in the air was palpable, a testament to the intensity of the battle they had just emerged from. Marisa joined her companions, settling down beside them, the weight of her fatigue weighing heavily on her.

Yukari materialized out of thin air, her presence bringing a sense of relief and accomplishment. She looked at the tired faces of her comrades and couldn't help but feel a surge of pride. However, understanding their exhaustion, she made a wise decision to postpone the celebration they all deserved until the following morning.

"Congratulations, everyone," Yukari's voice carried a tone of genuine admiration. "You have fought valiantly and emerged victorious. But for now, rest and recover. Tomorrow morning, you shall celebrate your triumph together."

Her words resonated with the weary warriors, who nodded in agreement. They knew that a well-deserved celebration awaited them, but for now, their weary bodies and minds yearned for rest.


Hooray for the second chapter of the day! It feels like progress is being made, and I'm just a tad closer to wrapping up this series. Tomorrow, I'll be concluding it with one or maybe even two final chapters. I can't help but feel a surge of excitement as I contemplate starting a brand new story soon.

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