A Blind Deal of Destruction-B...

By HappyWriter62

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This is an AU where Error lost all his vision as a cruel trick of Fate. As a result, he has stayed mostly in... More

Chapter One: An Intruder
Chapter Two: A Rough Start
Chapter Three: An Offer
Chapter Four: Death and Libraries
Chapter Five: Trust and Phobias
Chapter Six: Jealous Mess
Chapter Seven: Chance
Chapter Eight: Silent Forgiveness
Chapter Nine: No Peace
Chapter Ten: Pets and Deals
Chapter Eleven: Trust to Touch
Chapter Twelve: Cake and Roses
Chapter Thirteen: Cats and Pride
Chapter Fourteen: Beaches and Brothers
Chapter Fifteen: Oceans and Scars
Chapter 16: Rejection
Chapter Seventeen: Crush Compliments
Chapter 18: Warnings and Challenges
Chapter 19: Puzzles
Chapter 20: Apple Surprises
Chapter 21: Purple Moron
Chapter 22: Affection and Voodoo Dolls
Chapter 23: Tricks and Signals
Chapter 25: Nightmare's Comfort
Chapter 26: Deserving
Chapter 27: "Date" Buffering....
Chapter 28: Clingy Crush Cracking
Chapter 29: Cold Silence
Chapter 30: Snitches and a Stitched Prison
Chapter 31: Worst Fear
Chapter 32: Real Love
Chapter 33: True Feelings
Chapter 34: Unfair
Chapter 35: Erased
Chapter 36: Bicker Bicker
Chapter 37: The Maze
Chapter 38: Fools and Love
Chapter 39: Pirates and Glitchy
Chapter 40: Reaper's Mistake
Chapter 41: Nightmare(s) and Glitchy
Chapter 42: A Week's Affection
Chapter 43: Meet the Parent
Chapter 44: Taking Glitchy Home
Chapter 45: Geno and Lust
Chapter 46: Birthday Surprise
Chapter 47:Shutdown?
Chapter 48: Buffer and Code
Chapter 49: Dream and Date-Searching
Chapter 50: Pinata Time
Quick Question
Chapter 51: Pink Run
Chapter 52: New Start
Chapter 53: Destruction and Affection
Quick Announcement
Chapter 54: Voices
Chapter 55: Questions and Suspicions
Chapter 56: The Anniversary
Chapter 57: Visiting the Past
Chapter 58: Nightmare's Love
Chapter 59: Tentacles and Affection
Chapter 60: Siblings
Chapter 61: Therapy
Chapter 62: A Day with the Boys
Chapter 63: Fate's Meddling
Chapter 64: Entropy's Foster Home
Chapter 65: Scared and In Love
Chapter 66: House Arrest
Chapter 67: The Future
Chapter 68: Too Many Dreams!
Chapter 69: Education
Chapter 70: Affectionate Oblivion
Chapter 71: Killer's Favors
Chapter 72: Gift
Chapter 73: Operation Goopglitch
Chapter 74: Fantasia's Tricks
Chapter 75: Masquerade
Chapter 76: Couples and Fantasy
Chapter 77: Science
Chapter 78: Brother Regained
Chapter 79:Phone Secrets
Chapter 80: Sick Glitch

Chapter 24: Destruction Lives On

405 12 16
By HappyWriter62

Nightmare's POV hours later

I hear a dark laugh and glance over, seeing Paps enter through a portal. He has a notepad in his hands and checks off a box.

"ThAt MaKeS tHiRtY! BrO wOULd bE sO pRoUd! AnD nObOdY cAuGhT Me!"He says

"Caught you doing what?"I ask, morphing back to my goopy form as I walk over

Perl sits on my head, purring.

"HeY nIgHtMaRE! OkAy, So i WaS hAVInG a NiCe TiMe iN UnDeRSwAp WhEN mY pHonE gOeS oFf wItH aN eMeRgEnCy aLeRt fRom ErRroR! He mAdE iT iN cAsE sOmEThIng EvEr hApPeNED tO hIm aS a WaRnInG, sPeCiFiCaLlY iN cAsE oF FaTe aBuSinG hIm aGaIn! AnYwAyS, I gO hOmE tO fiNd iT a MeSs! So mUch ThAt I kNoW wHo Is rEsPonSibLe! AnD iN rEtUrN fOr tHe oBviOuS tRoUBLE tHey cAuSe hIm, I jUst dEsTrOyEd a BuNch oF AuS. NoW, i KnOw tHaT tHeRe'S a BaLaNcE, bUt I aM gOiNG tO hAve DrEaM's hEaD f0r tHis!"He explains, showing me an apology letter from my brother for him and Ink abducting Error.

I clench my fists and Perl starts hissing.

"Any idea where Error is?"I ask

"HiS PhOnE wIlL be pLayInG dEaD nOw sO nObOdY cAn uSe It. AnD I caN't tRaCk hIm oR hIs cOdE. BuT ErRoR tOlD mE aLl tHe wAys tO gEt tO iNk, tHe bEsT wAy iS tO cAuSe DeStrUcTiOn. So, sHaLl wE bRinG hIm oUt wItH a StOrM?"He replies

Then he pauses, clenching his chest tightly and shaking. His eye trembles as something seems to dawn on him. His face goes pale.

"Oh sTaRs No...BrOthEr...I'm gOiNg tO kiLl ThEm."He says, clenching his fists.

"What happened? Are you okay?"I ask

"I aM vErY cOnnEctEd wItH mY bRoThEr. OuR gLiTchY soUlS cAn sPeAk yOu cOulD sAy fOr wHat I cAn'T hEaR. I cAn sEnSe eVeRyTimE hE cRaShEs aNd WhY hIs SoUl SeTs iT ofF....ThEy dEsErVe vOoDoO dOlLs liKE ThE lAst One tHat diD tHis."He tells me, then bends over more

"Those assholes are assaulting him?!"I snap

"WoRsE. ToRtUrInG hIm pAsT his liMiTs aNd pRobAbLy tWiStInG hIm aS iF hE iS a rAg dOLl oR wHatEvEr pLeaSeS iNk."He says

I frown, then remember something. Error said that the more destruction he causes, the more it physically hurts Ink. He caught on after destroying an AU during a battle in his antivoid and how Ink nearly dropped to his knees. I smirk.

"Let's cause them hell. But first, I have a call to make."I say, taking out my phone

I call Blue, having copied the number from Error's phone once.

"Hello? Who is this?"He asks

"Hello, Blue. You're still a Star Sans, correct? Well I advise you go check on them and knock some sense into them before it costs them both their heads. I'd hate for you to lose your friends because of their stupid scheme targeting a glitch they can't have."I say, then hang up.

I turn to Paps and he opens a portal. I whistle, having the gang gather in seconds.

"Time to cause some chaos. Let's go."I say

We go through and start wrecking havoc on the AUs.

Error, please be okay. We'll have their heads for this.

"SpReAd oUt aNd cOnqUeR!"Paps shouts, opening portals for us to cover more ground

I grin.

Suffer in agony, Ink.

Meanwhile, Error's POV

I finish rebooting to see Ink puking, folding in on himself and groaning in pain.

"How is all this destruction happening at once? Ugggh..."He groans

I smirk, watching him tremble.

"ThAt's wHaT yOu gEt FoR aVoIdIng WoRk aNd bEiNg dUmB."I say

"I have to go handle this before I lose the ability to stand...It's too overwhelming."He says, sinking away in a puddle

It is dead quiet again and Dream couldn't even look at me. Not after what he and Ink just did to me. That he complied with doing to me even when I fought back.

"So...you crashed, huh?"He says

"It wAs mUch mOrE oF a HeAvEnLy fEeLiNg tHaN aNy oThEr tiMe i HaD tO. ThAt'S hOw mUcH yOUr sHIt sUcKeD."I say, rolling my eyes

I glance at my arms and try to check my shoulders, seeing marks on them from these two. My mind drifts to Nightmare and the gang with my brother. I grin, even as my body trembles and my soul struggles to recover from what they did. They're the ones that must be causing destruction now. And that's such a satisfying idea. My mind goes to my brother and I start to chuckle.

"What's so funny?"Dream asks

"YoU'rE s0 dEaD....If InK iSn'T aLrEadY, hE wiLl bE. HoPe y0u aPpRecIAte y0uR bOnEs bEf0rE tHey sNaP."I say, chuckling

"In case you haven't noticed, you aren't exactly in a threatening position. You're alone here. No gang or brother of mine to back you up."He says

"ThAt mAy bE tRuE, bUt y0uR bRoThEr iSn't ThE oNlY oNe yOu sHouLd w0rRy aBoUt. MaYbE y0u sHouLd w0rRy aBoUt tHe oNe tHaT cAn hEaR mY s0uL eVeRytImE i cRaSh aNd hAs dEaDlY hUgS."I say, shaking my head

"What are you saying?"He asks

"I aM sAyInG tHaT mY bRoThEr iS g0iNg t0 kiLl y0u. ThOuGh bEiNg cLeNsEd 0f y0Ur tOuCh wiTh NiGht's cOmPaNy d0eSn't SoUnD tHaT bAd."I say

"Brother's company?"He asks

I catch onto his voice breaking. Ooo, a weak spot that I could twist and toy with.

"Oh yEaH, yOu dOn'T kNoW. NiGhT aNd I hAvE gOtTen cLoSeR aNd I cAn'T bE haPpIeR wItH hIm. We sPeNd sO muCh mOrE tiMe tOgEtHeR aNd ShaRe iNtErEsTs. I aM EveN aBlE t0 tOuCh hIm f0r sOme tiMeS wItHouT cRaShIng! ThAt's TrUsT! We'Ve hElD hAnDs, cUdDlEd, hE eVeN lAid iN mY lAp oNcE! HeY wAiT a SeC, CaN'T yOu SeNsE aLl oF tHiS oR lEaRn bY cHeCkIng mY dReAmS aNd gOoD mEmoRiEs? MaN, thAt mUsT sUcK tO kNow ThaT yOuR bRoThEr iS bEtTeR aT mAkiNg PeOpLe hApPy tHaN yOu, hUh? Ya KnoW, sInCe iT iS yOur tiTlE aNd aLl. He tRuLy iS aMaZinG. My bROTheR lOveS hIm tOo! Oh aNd mY caT P-!"I rant without a care, seeing how it is breaking him

"Shut up!"He snaps

"AwWw, iT's OkAy! YoU sTiLl hAvE s0mEtHiNg t0 bRag aBoUt bEiNg #1 iN!"I say

"What?"He asks

"BeInG dUmBeR tHaN hiM aNd hAvIng pLaNs tHaT bAcKfiRe tHe mOsT."I say


"DREAM! What the hell is going on? Why is Ink taking on the entire gang AND Error's brother? Where are you? Nightmare called me saying that you're dead! What did you do to Error?"I hear Blue yell, demanding answers


"BlUe! DoWn HeRe! He cHaInEd aNd AtTaCkEd Me!"I shout

"Error! I'm coming buddy! Dream get your hands off of him!"He shouts

"ThEy uSeD mE liKe a LaB rAT!"I say, gripping my phone

Dream looks at me and I grin, seeing the shock on his face. I slide down, laying down as my body shakes uncontrollably.

Blue runs down the stairs and gasps seeing me. He quickly runs over, tearing me free and carefully feeling my head and examining my conditions.

"Blue, I can explain I p-p-promise. I-"Dream begins

"Shut up. This is not how you can treat Error. Alliances or not, he is my friend and is not to be mistreated."Blue snaps

"It was Ink's idea and-"

"I don't care whose idea it was! It's dumb and you allowed it! Youre here and playing a part instead of stopping it! That tells me all I need to know! Now back off! You're disgusting! I'm angry and disappointed that this is the lows that you will go to! Error, can you walk?"Blue snaps, then focuses on me

"I cAn'T fEeL aNyThInG..."I say

He picks me up, throwing my arms around his neck.

"I am getting you out of here."He says, then lifts his phone with blue magic

It starts a call.

"Hello?"I hear Nightmare say

"You can come handle Dream. I caught him as you called about."He says, running up the stairs

"Blue wait! We can talk about this, can't we? I wasn't going to-!"Dream begins, chasing him up the stairs and his voice cracks as he pleas for mercy

"GlAdlY."Papy says

Blue exits their house which must be their HQ and I glance around, seeing the doodlesphere around us. He slams the door on Dream, then summons a bone cage around the house.

"I'm taking Error to my home."He says, hanging up

He glances at me with this apologetic look in his eyes.

"DoN'T bE sOrRy. It'S tHeIr sTUpIdIty, nOt yOuRs."I say

"The fact that they made you human and did it has me even more concerned."He says, pressing a button and making a portal to his AU

He goes right home and into the bathroom. He opens my clothes and sets me in a tub for a bath. I sink under the water, peeking out. I start to feel my body wake up again, slowly loosening to move again. I see a portal open and Nightmare zips through as it shuts behind him. My face burns and I cover myself with my arms the best I could, seeing his gaze lock on Blue.

What the-?

"Blue you didn't tell me how he is! You can't hang up on that! He's the most important part of information!"He snaps, worry clear in his voice

"OUT!"Blue snaps in return, pulling the curtain around the tub to hide me

"I want answers! I want Error to-!"He yells

"You'll get answers downstairs! Go!"Blue orders

I hear them walk out of the bathroom.

"I will get you some clothes, Error."Blue says before shutting the door after he left

I smile, washing the marks from the chains and those idiots.

That worked out quicker and better than I thought...I only had to crash once.

I relax in the tub as I imagine my brother giving Dream hell with a smile.


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