Kisses & Contracts || LGBTQ

Bởi raincloudwrites

2.5K 136 6

Milo and Cameron are best friends accustomed to Milo oversharing about his BDSM lifestyle so it throws everyt... Xem Thêm

Chapter 1: Teach me about BDSM
Chapter 2: You can think about him
Chapter 3: So you're annoying to everyone, not just me
Chapter 4: Am I friends with the class president of D/S?
Chapter 5: Can you keep a secret?
Chapter 6: You're my best friend
Chapter 7: You chose violence this morning, I see
Chapter 9: Cool down a bit
Chapter 10: Green, yellow, red
Chapter 11: Let's wrap up
Chapter 12: You nearly growled at him
Chapter 13: We've always been more than friends
Chapter 14: You're all mine

Chapter 8: How do you feel about pet names?

180 9 0
Bởi raincloudwrites

♡ ♡ ♡

They cuddle for a bit after dinner and are both a little surprised that it's uneventful.

Milo's very resolute about not staying the night, but he's surprised to get a text after getting home.

Cameron: can i ask a weird question

Milo: as if you havent asked 50 weird questions today

Cameron: this one is weirder. idk. i mean. the contract...says no orgasms. is that like a hard rule. or is it more that there are no SHARED orgasms

Ugh, rookie mistake. Milo gets his pajamas on and then collapses onto bed with his phone.

Milo: you can orgasm on your own, i shouldve specified it more clearly. its been a while since i've listed something like that in a contract. thats my fault. i can make an edit if that would help you and we can re-sign.

Cameron: dont have to edit. just wanted to check

Milo: im not blueballing you all week, to be clear. but im not getting you off either.

Cameron: god, okay. yeah. i get it

Milo: have fun 🤪🥵

Cameron: you always have to make it weirder

Milo: its my burden

Milo: ill call you at 1130 again tomorrow, i wont start immediately this time

Cameron: okay. night

Milo: good night, cameron

♡ ♡ ♡


"How did you sleep?"

Cameron laughs. "Have to know?"

"It's important to me, yes."

Cameron feels his heart thud a little louder than usual. Milo doesn't seem to like to acknowledge it, but he really is good at this. It's flirting, but it's more than that. It's flirting purely out of concern. Describing it makes it sound stupid, but Cameron's heart begs to differ.

"I slept well."

"Do you want this phone call to be a scene or would you rather it be a check in?"

Yesterday, Cameron had been so frazzled by this. But asking Milo about his personal life, seeing how thrown he was having concern shown back at him. It gives him a better understanding of what they're doing. Milo is trying to make this about Cameron, but it's impossible for this to only be about him. Though Cameron understands Milo's intention. He's the dom in this situation trying to remove as many concerns from Cameron as he can. Milo wouldn't deny that this helps him, but he doesn't want Cameron to be conscious of that while they're doing this. He thinks their conversations once the contract is over will go much differently than they're going right now.

"It can be a scene."

"I have a question for you, actually. It's not something we included in the contract but I feel the need to ask."

"Oh. What is it?"

"How do you feel about pet names?"

Cameron had expected something deeper, but when he thinks about what Milo could mean he figures this is plenty deep. "Depends on the pet name."

"I'd mostly like to have something I can call you to differentiate what we're doing. It doesn't have to be an affectionate nickname per say. I could call you Cam when we're doing a scene, Cameron when we're not."

Cameron hums, "You always call me Cam. It should be something different."

"Okay, are there any pet names you've liked in the past?"

"Isn't it weird to have you call me something an ex called me?"

"You need to stop thinking of this as inherently weird. If it helps, it helps. That's all."

The coffee machine beeps and Cameron walks over, thinking. "Did you have any ideas?"

"I have some defaults."

"Such as...?"

"Are you using the syrups again today?"

"Did you hear the coffee beep?"


"Yes, Milo. I'll use the syrups you gave me. It seems important to you."

"It is. I like when you pamper yourself. You should do it more."

Cameron blushes and chooses the hazelnut syrup.



"Hm, you know, some doms punish their subs for having an attitude."

"That's not in the contract."

"Not this one."

"What happened to not guaranteeing a second contract?"

"I'm not. I just like making you think about what I could be doing right now."

Cameron flushes and sips his coffee. "You didn't say your pet name ideas."

"I'll give you a list, and I know you won't like some. Just listen."

Cameron listens.

"Are you listening?"

"Yes," there's a teasing edge to his voice.

Milo curses under his breath.

Cameron prods. "Do you like when I give you attitude?"

"We're not talking about that during this contract. Are you listening?" His voice is firm.

Cameron cowers just a bit. "Yes."

"Good. Baby is an obvious choice, a classic. Darling. Sweetie, not for you I don't think. Love, think of it more like how it's used in England than literally. Lover, that one...we're not there yet. Sunshine, also not for you."

"Most of that was insulting."

"They don't suit you. It's not an insult. I wouldn't feel right calling you something I don't think actually resonates with you."

"I don't hate the options you actually listed."

"Baby, darling, love. Does one stand above the rest?"

Honesty lately seems to be in such high priority, that Cameron finds it easier than usual to voice his opinion. "I don't know. They all seem...okay."

"Should I try them all? And you can let me know which is best?"


"Have you done anything on your list before I called?" Milo had asked Cameron last night to text him a to-do list for today before the call.

"Made coffee."

"I knew that one, baby. Good job."

Milo says it so smoothly Cameron almost doesn't notice. He doesn't know how it feels to hear Milo call him baby.


"Yeah, sorry. I made my bed."

"Wow, two down already."

"You didn't tell me what my reward is tonight yet."

"I have an unconventional idea."

"Don't you always."

"I was thinking it could be a spa night. I don't claim to be a great masseuse, but I'll do my best. I have some face masks. I could even make a hair mask."

Cameron is surprised that Milo made a plan so quickly for another way to have platonic intimacy.

"What do you think, darling?"

"Immediately no to darling. Did not feel right."

"Okay, and how about the spa night?"

"It sounds nice."

"If you don't finish the list, we're not doing it. Just want to remind you that this is not a guaranteed plan. You need to–"

"Earn it. Yeah, I know," he says it softly, but honestly he's glad for the reminder. He had started to forget that the discipline they landed on in the contract was withholding rewards. He understands what Milo means now. Cameron wouldn't normally get a spa night for doing his chores, but knowing he could have it if he does everything right makes him worried he won't finish and he'll lose spa night. He wants...he wants that.

"Are you ready?"

"You didn't ask that yesterday."

"Yesterday I didn't know you could slip the way you do and we'd agreed the phone calls in their entirety were a scene. I'm pivoting."

"Oh. Then yes. I'm ready."

"Have you brushed your teeth yet?"

Cameron curses under his breath.

Milo laughs but it's pitched lower than usual. "Go on, baby. Start your day right."

"And then water, I presume."

"Mmhmm, your choice if it's iced this time. If you slip, get ice."

"Usually people slip on ice."

"Very funny, love. Go brush your teeth."

"Can I finish my coffee first?" The question is halting and shy.

Milo's caught off guard that Cameron's figuring out how to navigate this a little easier, can hit the switch faster. "That's fine. Thank you for asking so nicely."

The thank yous keep surprising Cameron. It's when he realizes it's a form of praise that he understands why Milo's doing it. "Should I say you're welcome?"

Another low chuckle, "No, you don't have to do that. Do you think you'll slip today, love?"

Heat tints Cameron's cheeks. "I don't know."

"You don't have to know. I'm here. I'll catch you."

Cameron closes his eyes, letting the words wash over him again. They're not quite as overwhelming as they were yesterday. "Okay. Th–Thank you."

"Of course, baby. That's what I'm here for."

"I don't know which I like better."

"The pet names?"


"I can use both if you like both."

"Can you...use love's deeper?"

"What do you mean by deeper? You mean when you slip?"

"Yeah, or when I'm close. If you can tell."

"I think I can tell. Yeah, baby, I can scale them."

"I finished my coffee." Cameron's voice is smaller. He's not biting back remarks anymore.

Milo waits to see if Cameron needs the command repeated, but hears the running water over the phone. He waits, just being present on the line.

"All done," is Cameron's quiet announcement.

"Good job, baby. Feels better, right? All clean."

"Yeah." Cameron's voice is getting farther and farther away.

"Can you get that cozy sweater, love? The pink one?"

"How do you remember everything?"

"I pay attention. You still have it, right?"

"Yeah, I have it. It's soft."

"Are you okay on your own, love? Do you need me to go over there?"

"I think...I'm okay. I'm getting the sweater."

"You wanna cuddle on the couch and read with me?"

"What do you mean, read with you?" The blanket on the back of the couch gets snatched off as Cameron lies down, pulling it around him.

"I have twenty pages of this book left. I could read it out loud."


"You're never gonna read it."

"Yeah, probably not."

"Does that sound okay? Can I read to you?"

"Mm, sounds nice."

Milo's voice has always been beautiful. It's a fact that Cameron's known for a while now. It's a novelty to have it to himself like this.

Milo reads to him, overdoing it a little, getting emotive and dramatic.

When there are jokes, Cameron giggles.

"God, I love your laugh, baby."

That's news. "Really?"

"Yeah, it's so cute. That little giggle when you really can't keep yourself from laughing. It's pure joy. Five more pages. We're so close."

"Does...finishing a book count as an orgasm?"

Milo laughs so loudly Cameron's tempted to take an ear bud out of his ear. "Fuck you, that was distracting. You ruined all the momentum."

"'s not ruined for me."

"Cute. Okay, love. Finish with me."

Cameron giggles again as Milo starts reading.

Cameron doesn't remember falling asleep, but he wakes up to Milo singing to himself over the phone. He listens for a bit and realizes it's the same song Milo asked him to write the lyrics from yesterday. "Are you snooping on my playlists?"

"Morning, baby. How are you feeling? And yes, I looked at your playlists. They're set to public."

"I think I'm...out of it."

"Do you want me to end it or do you still wanna wind down?"

"Your voice is pretty."

"Oh." Whatever Milo was doing on the other side of the phone, he stops. "Uh, thank you, baby."


"I think that went better than yesterday. Maybe I should always read you a bedtime story."

Cameron groans. "I literally just finished a coffee, how did I fall asleep?"

"Your subspace is pretty intense."

"Is it?"

"It hits you hard. You did a good job floating in it though. You listened to me well."


"Yes, it's good." Milo laughs. "If you didn't listen, I'd have broken down your door."

"That doesn't feel like an exaggeration."

"It's not."

"You have a key."

"And where's the drama in that?"

Cameron snorts. "If you break down my door, you're paying for it."

"Fair. I'd be able to brag for so long about breaking down a door to save my sub."

Cameron makes a sound of distress, "Can you not do that when we're out of a scene?"

"What? Do what?"

"Um, possessives."

"Oh! Hm."

"What? What 'hm'? Why did you 'hm'?"

"Are you into possessiveness?"

"That sounds a lot like a kink and that is on the list of nos."

"I don't know that it has to be ruled out. It's more of a tool than a kink in and of itself. I'll be more possessive next time but I'll be prepared for your reaction."

"What do you mean, my reaction?"

"I don't know how to say it without being dramatic."

"Just say it."

"I think it'd drive you insane and I'd need to be ready to catch you from that kind of freefall."


"I'm just making sure we're prepared. There was a plot twist at the end of the book, by the way, you missed it."

"I wasn't really paying attention. I your...voice." It feels weird to say out of context.

"Yeah? That's good to know. You should chip away at that list or I'm making this hair mask for nothing."

Cameron groans. "Fine."

"Good b–" Milo clears his throat.

"Were you going to say, good boy?"

"With other people, I have. I didn't think that was the vibe right now."

"I, um, think I'm going to hang up."

"Charming," Milo says dryly. "Okay. Call me if you need anything."

"Okay. Um, talk to you later."

"Bye, Cam."


♡ ♡ ♡

As he gets closer and closer to finishing his list, Cameron wonders if he should sabotage himself. The farther he gets from his phone call with Milo, the more nervous he gets about what this spa night is going to include. He knows they've established it's all going to be platonic. But Milo said massage.

Is this like...a hand massage? A scalp massage? Or is Milo going to ask Cameron to take his shirt off and lie down? They're all different kinds of intimate and Cameron doesn't know which he'd prefer.

Cameron: have you eaten?

Milo: i was about to make something, why?

Cameron: i can order in something if you want to meet me here?

Milo: did you finish your list?

Cameron: i did

Milo: hm. proof?

Cameron: ?? i dont have before pictures. how will you know i cleaned

Milo: i mean i was there yesterday

Cameron: fine. whatever

He sends some pictures of his apartment

Milo: it looks nice. good job baby

Cameron: hits different over text

Milo: bad different or good different

Cameron: just different

Milo: ill be over soon. put on something comfy and loose. maybe something you dont mind getting stained. i do not claim to be a professional face mask applier. do you have a robe?

Cameron: lol yes i have a robe. okay ill see you soon

♡ ♡ ♡

Spa night turns out to be one of the most calming, sensual, incredible nights of Cameron's life and he can't figure out how to articulate that to Milo as it's happening.

They eat wings and drink beer before Milo plays with Cameron's hair, applying the hair mask he made at home. They're in the bathroom Cameron just cleaned, making a mess, but Cameron doesn't care. He's watching in the mirror as Milo's face scrunches up while he focuses. When the timer goes off, Milo makes him wash it out in the shower. Then he dries Cameron's hair with a hair dryer, blowing the hot air at Cameron's face a bit to make him laugh.

"Your hair feels so soft, baby." Milo mumbles it right in his ear and Cameron blushes down to his chest. He blames the heat of the hair dryer.

The massage does end up being a shirt off situation and at first Cameron's awkward about it, but Milo steps in close, hand on his waist. "You don't have to, baby. If it makes you uncomfortable we can skip it. I just know you get tense."

So Cameron peels off his shirt shyly, his back to Milo, and lies on the floor.

Milo's fingers trace Cameron's spine. Another whisper in his ear, "I've got you."

Sharp pain brings soothing relief as Milo's fingers and knuckles press into Cameron's back, shoulders, and neck.

When he's done, he pushes Cameron's shoulder to roll him over and Cameron's not as shy now. He lies on his back and looks up at Milo kneeling beside him, "You're better at that then you let on."

Milo's smile is shy but proud. "I maybe took a class."

"Really?" One of Cameron's eyebrows raises.

Milo shrugs. "It seemed like a good tool to have in my toolbelt."

Cameron blinks. "You took a massage class to be a better dom?"

Milo's smile gets wider. "Yes."

Cameron smiles in turn. "You're such a try hard."

Milo snorts. "I am. But it was worth it, wasn't it?"

Cameron looks him in the eye and they hold there for a moment. "It was."

Milo runs his hand through Cameron's hair again, but it feels charged now in a way it didn't before. "I'm gonna get your robe. Then facemask and movie."

"You too," Cameron protests as Milo wanders off.

"Me too, what?" Milo calls from the bathroom.

"Robe and facemask."

Milo peeks his head out. "Do you have two robes?"

"I have three."

Milo snorts again. "I don't know what I expected."

When Milo comes out, he has the robe on, shirt in his hand.

There's a brief moment where Cameron is disappointed he changed out of sight.

Milo seems to recognize this and gives him some kind of chiding look. He holds out the robe. "Come here, baby."

Cameron blushes. "You keep using the pet name."

Milo helps him into the robe, arms wrapping around his waist to tie it, head on Cameron's shoulder. "Well, this isn't exactly a typical situation for us, is it?"

Cameron rolls his eyes. "No, I guess not."

"Sit on the couch." Milo pushes him. "You're not allowed to say this is weird."

Cameron gets nervous. "Why are you preempting it like that?"

And then Milo's holding the facemask and straddling Cameron's lap. "Don't say it," he whispers.

Milo's robe is too loose and it starts to untie as he sits in Cameron's lap, the skin of his stomach and chest revealing slowly. Cameron looks, of course he looks. The robe slips just enough to start revealing Milo's tattoo–

Milo pushes his chin up. "Eyes closed, love."

And Cameron lets out a shaky breath at the pet name, doing exactly as Milo directs.

The face mask is cool and minty and Milo's fingers delicately press it onto his face. Cameron doesn't really do this kind of stuff often, so it's only now that he realizes Milo could've just given him the mask to apply himself.

He opens his eyes, Milo's face closer to his than he realized.

"Closed, baby." Milo repeats.

"Do you want me to slip?" Cameron asks as Milo's fingers trace his cheek bones.

"Why are you asking that now?"

"You called me, love."

"I only want you to if you want to. I when you're pliant, when you let me move you." He says it softly, like a secret.

"This isn't a scene." Cameron knows it's not, but he wants to confirm it.

"It's not. But it's part of the contract."


"Is it confusing? If I use the pet names when it's not a scene?"

"No," Cameron mumbles, "I think I understand what you mean."

"I have a lip mask."

Cameron opens his eyes. "You have a what?"

Milo holds up the container. "Lip mask. If it's okay with you."

Cameron doesn't remember when he put his hands on Milo's thighs, but Milo hadn't stopped him. "Um. Okay."

And Cameron leaves his eyes open this time as Milo spreads the substance over Cameron's lips with the tips of his fingers.

When he's done, he seems pleased with himself. "Good?" He looks to Cameron for confirmation.

Cameron nods.

"Okay." He removes himself from Cameron's lap and Cameron doesn't make a noise this time.

Milo seems disappointed by it. "Movie." He grabs the remote and starts it, then begins to move away.

"Hey," Cameron reaches out for Milo's hand as heads to the bathroom to put the mask on himself. Milo stops, Cameron's hand grasping his. "Thank you." He supposes that's going to have to be enough.

Milo smiles sweetly. "Baby, you don't need to thank me. You did everything on your list. You deserve a reward. Thank me by enjoying it."

Cameron could melt into the couch while he watches Milo walk away.

♡ ♡ ♡

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