Becoming an Oni in this land...

By RireiHasu

74.6K 2.9K 607

It's a story about a young lady in a mafia waking up to find out she turned into an Oni of a certain popular... More

Chapter 1: Prologue
Chapter 2: Forest
Chapter 3
Chapter 4: The Eccentric Magician
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10: CoLA 1
Chapter 11
Chapter 12: Meeting The Goddess
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73 (R18)
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92 (End)

Chapter 89

78 8 0
By RireiHasu

As the scene unfolded in the harbor, an air of anticipation and intrigue permeated the atmosphere. The eleven chosen participants gathered together under Yukari's guidance, stood resolute, and prepared for the imminent holy grail war. Each participant, with their unique abilities and motivations, carried a sense of purpose and determination within them.

With a simple gesture from Yukari and a snap of her fingers, the participants were enveloped by a mysterious force, their forms disappearing. In an instant, they found themselves transported to another realm, a boundary where the holy grail war would unfold.

Meanwhile, Nyx and Sakura, watching from the comfort of their surroundings, observed the events as they unfolded on their television screen. Channel 444, a mystical conduit created by Yukari's magic, allowed them and others who were aware of the supernatural to tune in and witness the unfolding drama.

The existence of this channel had become a secret known to a select few, drawing the attention of those who sought to witness extraordinary occurrences. As the broadcasts continued, the allure and curiosity surrounding the holy grail war intensified, captivating the minds of both the supernatural community and those drawn to the mystique of the unknown.

A collective gasp escaped the lips of the participants and viewers alike as the broadcast unveiled a chilling and ominous sight. The once serene harbor had transformed into a nightmarish landscape, a true hellscape. Lava rivers snaked their way through the devastated terrain, spewing forth waves of scorching heat. Embers danced in the air, casting an eerie glow upon the remnants of crumbling buildings that lay in ruins.

But what truly sent shivers down their spines were the teeming masses of cryptic creatures and demons that prowled this desolate realm. Their grotesque forms and ominous presence sent a cold chill through the hearts of even the most seasoned warriors. These were no ordinary adversaries; they were nightmarish incarnations of darkness and malevolence.

The television broadcast unveiled important locations within this tormented domain, each teeming with colossal demons that would strike fear into the hearts of even the most battle-hardened mages. These creatures were formidable adversaries, their monstrous stature and unholy strength posing a significant threat to any who dared to challenge them.

Seven grand castles, towering monuments to darkness, stood as fortresses for these demonic beings. Each castle was under the command of a humanoid leader, their outward appearances deceptively ordinary, yet their hidden power radiated from within. These leaders possessed a formidable presence, their every action hinting at the depths of their true strength.

At the heart of this infernal realm stood a black obelisk, an ominous structure that seemed to bind a force of unimaginable power. Its very existence emanated an aura of dread, hinting at the tremendous might contained within. It was a stark reminder of the unfathomable challenges that awaited the participants and their loyal servants.

Skepticism hung heavy in the air, as both participants and viewers contemplated the daunting task that lay before them. Could this ragtag assembly of seven individuals and their four faithful servants truly triumph in this seemingly insurmountable war? Doubt and trepidation filled the minds of the audience, questioning the feasibility of their success in the face of such overwhelming darkness.

The participants stood in rapt attention, their eyes fixed upon Yukari as she began to outline the rules of the perilous task that lay before them. Her voice carried a weight of authority, yet beneath her composed demeanor, there was a glimmer of anticipation and determination.

"In this desolate realm," Yukari began, her voice resonating with a mix of solemnity and hope, "there exist seven crucial locations that must be destroyed. These locations serve as the key to preventing the malevolent demons from escaping this boundary, thus unleashing untold devastation upon our world. Your mission is to eliminate these strongholds and free the Ruler-class servant who stands as the guardian of this realm."

As she spoke, the gravity of their task became increasingly apparent. The participants understood that the fate of not only their own lives but also the very fabric of existence hung in the balance. Each location they destroyed would bring them one step closer to closing this boundary forever, sealing away the encroaching darkness.

Yukari's words took on a more uplifting tone as she continued, a glimmer of optimism shining through. "Once the Ruler servant is liberated and the boundary is sealed, the holy grail—imbued with the essence of a true god—will grant each of you the opportunity to make a wish. Seven wishes, representing the hopes and desires of those who have fought valiantly in this war."

Her smile radiated a sense of reassurance, an acknowledgment that the challenges ahead were formidable but not insurmountable. It was a reminder that amidst the trials and sacrifices, a reward of immeasurable significance awaited those who persevered.

"The journey that lies before you will test your mettle, your resolve, and the bonds you forge with your faithful servants," Yukari continued, her voice imbued with a quiet intensity. "You must harness your unique abilities, strategize meticulously, and rise above your limitations to overcome the adversities that stand in your path. Together, as a united force, you can defy the odds and shape the destiny of this world."

"What you propose is nothing short of madness!" Rin exclaimed, her voice resonating with a mix of defiance and incredulity. "To face thousands of enemies, to challenge the forces of darkness that outnumber us exponentially... It is an impossible task, a fool's errand!"

Rin's voice reverberated with disbelief and frustration, her words laced with a touch of anger. The weight of the monumental task ahead bore down upon her, and the sheer magnitude of the challenge seemed insurmountable. The idea of triumphing against a multitude of adversaries, each one a formidable force in their own right, appeared to be an unfathomable feat.

Archer, too, shared in the sentiment, his eyes narrowing as he contemplated the situation. The realization that their presence in this timeline did not trigger the intervention of the Counter Force only served to deepen the mystery and heighten their trepidation. It was as if the very fabric of cause and effect had been manipulated, presenting them with a daunting task that defied the established rules.

"Correction, 2 million," she said, her voice laced with an undeniable mischievousness. Her words reverberated through the gathering, causing a ripple of uncertainty to sweep through the assembled warriors. A sense of disbelief mingled with growing unease as they grappled with the staggering scale of the challenge ahead.

Two million enemies. The number hung in the air, casting a shadow of doubt and apprehension upon the participants. The confident smirks that had adorned the faces of Marisa, Altrogue, and Shuten wavered slightly, replaced by a flicker of uncertainty. What they had initially perceived as a simple task now loomed before them as an immense undertaking.

Yet, amidst the growing doubts and apprehension, there was also a glimmer of excitement—a spark of eagerness within the hearts of those who craved a true test of their abilities. For Marisa, Altrogue, and Shuten, the prospect of facing such overwhelming odds seemed like an exhilarating adventure. It was an opportunity to showcase their prowess, to push their limits beyond what they had ever imagined.

However, for the other participants, the gravity of the situation began to sink in. The immense scale of the challenge, and the sheer number of adversaries, threatened to engulf them in a wave of doubt and trepidation. Could they truly overcome such insurmountable odds? Would their combined strength be enough to weather the storm that awaited them?

Amidst the swirling emotions, Yukari's sly smile remained, hinting at secrets and hidden agendas. Her unflinching confidence and enigmatic demeanor added an extra layer of intrigue to the already daunting task at hand. It became evident that there was more to this Holy Grail War than met the eye, and the participants would need to navigate the labyrinthine depths of this battle with both caution and courage.

"My apologies, but that seems rather impossible," Shirou spoke up, his voice laced with a touch of skepticism. He hoped that Yukari would offer them some assistance, some way to even the odds in this seemingly insurmountable battle.

Yukari met his gaze with a playful glint in her eyes. "There's nothing truly impossible in this world," she replied, her tone carrying a hint of mischief. With a flick of her hand, she gestured towards a mysterious gacha capsule that materialized out of thin air, standing alone amidst the desolate landscape. "I've added a unique mechanic to this war. For every demon you slay, there's a chance you'll obtain a token that can be used with this."

The participants exchanged glances, their silence echoing the absurdity of their current predicament. Their lives were already at stake, and now they were being thrust into a game of chance, where survival depended on the whims of a gacha capsule. It was a gamble with their very existence, an unpredictable twist that further heightened the tension that hung heavily in the air.

Shirou couldn't help but feel a mixture of frustration and determination bubbling within him. The weight of the task ahead seemed almost insurmountable, yet he refused to yield to despair. He knew that, in times of great adversity, heroes were forged, and miracles could be born.

Yukari's words hung in the air, eliciting a mixture of disbelief and frustration from the participants. The rate of the summoning item, a key to obtaining new allies, was a mere 1%. The chances of receiving a random upgrade stood at 10%, while food held a 30% probability. The remaining 59% was reserved for what Yukari casually referred to as "random trash."

Illya's voice rose in anger, her objections ringing through the tense atmosphere. "Objection! What's with that abysmal rate?" Her tone carried a hint of indignation, born from her past experiences with gacha games. She knew all too well the struggle of obtaining valuable pulls and the rarity of decent outcomes. The sentiment was shared by the others, especially Lancer, whose luck had always seemed to evade him.

Yukari's smile remained unwavering, her gaze meeting their incredulous stares. "As for any issues or concerns, I suggest you report them to the game support. Now, if you'll excuse me," she uttered before disappearing into thin air, leaving behind a chorus of exasperated voices calling out to her.

Their frustration and disappointment lingered, the reality of their situation sinking in. The odds were stacked against them, not only in the face of the formidable demons they would encounter but also in the unpredictable nature of the rewards they could obtain. They felt duped, caught in a game where luck and chance dictated their fate.

Yukari's voice held a tinge of remorse as she approached the sulking Ibaraki. "Ibaraki, I apologize for putting you through that. I wanted to test their resilience, to see how far they would go before realizing the importance of freeing you."

Ibaraki remained sullen, her disappointment palpable. Yukari couldn't bear to see her lover in such a state, so she enveloped Ibaraki in a tight embrace, hoping to bring some comfort and solace. "I'm sorry, my love," she whispered. "I didn't mean to upset you. I just wanted them to understand the magnitude of the challenges they face."

Gradually, Ibaraki's mood began to shift, her sulkiness giving way to a glimmer of hope. Yukari's embrace conveyed warmth and reassurance, reminding her of the unwavering bond they shared. As Yukari held her tightly, Ibaraki's spirits lifted, a small smile breaking through the clouds of disappointment.

Ibaraki let out a resigned sigh, her earlier disappointment gradually fading away. "Hmph, next time, you better be honest with me, or I'll be truly upset," she warned, playfully pinching Yukari's cheek as hard as she could. To her surprise, Yukari didn't seem fazed by the pinch and simply responded with a gentle kiss, melting away any lingering tension.

"Of course, my love," Yukari assured her, pulling Ibaraki closer into their embrace. "I promise to always be truthful with you." The warmth in her voice conveyed sincerity and a deep sense of commitment.

As they watched Archer, Lancer, and Berserker confront and defeat a small encampment of demons. Archer collected ten tokens from the defeated enemies and, in a gesture of fairness, distributed them equally among the group.

The act of sharing the tokens served as a reminder that they were in this battle together, supporting and relying on one another. It reinforced the notion that their strength lay not only in their abilities but in their unity as a team.

Marisa and Shuten, each in their unique way, effortlessly dispatched the small camps of demons. With a mischievous grin on her face, Marisa weaved intricate patterns of magical bullets, obliterating the enemies without breaking a sweat. The air crackled with energy as her lasers illuminated the battlefield, leaving no trace of the demons behind.

Meanwhile, Shuten elegantly maneuvered through the chaos, her graceful movements a deadly dance. With a flick of her wrist, she unleashed waves of poison and illusions, causing the demons to stumble and falter. Her skillful control over her powers ensured that she emerged unscathed as if she were merely enjoying a stroll through the park.

Both Marisa and Shuten seemed to be in their element, their actions appearing effortless and natural. They took the opportunity to revel in the thrill of battle, basking in the satisfaction of their undeniable prowess. It was a moment of relaxation for them, an opportunity to showcase their formidable abilities while relishing in the sheer enjoyment of the fight.

Their leisurely demeanor served as a stark contrast to the chaos that surrounded them. As they effortlessly dispatched the demons, it became apparent that they were not merely participants in the Holy Grail War, but true masters of their craft, capable of turning even the most dire situations into moments of leisure and entertainment.

While Rin, Shirou, Bazette, Saber, and Illya were strategizing at their temporary camp, they noticed Altrogue's absence. Concerned, they quickly realized that she must have ventured off on her own. Altrogue's fearless and independent nature often led her to take matters into her own hands, even amid a dangerous battle.

Unbeknownst to her comrades, Altrogue had arrived at one of the formidable strongholds. With a sense of calm determination, she unleashed her blood manipulation abilities, transforming the battlefield into a gory spectacle. The enemies stood no chance against her as she harnessed the power of their spilled blood, using it to fuel her formidable magical abilities.

Each drop of blood that was shed only served to strengthen Altrogue, as she absorbed the life force of her fallen foes. The crimson liquid became the catalyst for her unstoppable onslaught, empowering her with every passing moment. With each adversary that fell before her, Altrogue's power grew, and her prowess on the battlefield became increasingly undeniable.

Altrogue's confidence wavered as she was unexpectedly struck by a sudden onslaught of flames, sending her hurtling toward the fortified gates of the stronghold. The force of the impact left her momentarily disoriented and vulnerable.

Witnessing the attack, Ibaraki's instincts ignited, fueling her rage as she conjured a fiery lance intending to swiftly eliminate the assailant. However, Yukari swiftly intervened, restraining Ibaraki and redirecting her attention toward a different course of action.

"Hold on, Ibaraki," Yukari urged, her voice laced with a soothing tone. She drew Ibaraki close and pressed her lips against hers, allowing the intensity of the kiss to wash away Ibaraki's anger and redirect her focus toward their shared passion.

As the kiss lingered, Yukari whispered, "She will be fine, Ibaraki. Trust in her abilities and let her handle this obstacle." Yukari's words carried the reassurance that Ibaraki desperately needed at that moment, aiming to ease her concerns and redirect her focus toward a more productive mindset.

Gradually, Ibaraki's fiery determination subsided, giving way to a renewed sense of calm and trust. The intensity of her anger melted away, replaced by the warmth of Yukari's embrace. Together, they embraced their passionate connection, finding solace and strength in each other's presence.

Altrogue gracefully brushed off the dust from her clothes, her eyes fixated on the mysterious girl who had dared to attack her. The girl, adorned in crimson robes with a staff adorned with a fiery red gem, exuded an aura that hinted at a connection to the depths of hell itself. Though young in appearance, her grayish skin and smoldering embers left an unmistakable impression.

"A vampire, hmm? Well, I hope you're not connected to the infamous bloodline of Dracula," the girl taunted, her voice laced with a touch of smugness. Her staff twirled gracefully in her hand, conjuring a scorching wave of flames that surged towards Altrogue's position, poised to engulf her.

Altrogue's eyes narrowed, her determination unyielding as she braced herself against the impending assault. With a swift motion, she summoned a barrier of pulsating blood tendrils, interweaving them to form a protective shield against the onslaught of searing heat.

"I may not be of the Dracula bloodline, but I am not one to be underestimated," Altrogue retorted, her voice filled with a steely resolve. Her eyes gleamed with a mix of determination and curiosity, keen on discovering the identity and motivations of her fiery adversary.

Altrogue's agile form soared through the air, her determination unwavering, but her ascent was abruptly halted by another devastating array. A powerful burst of fire struck her with unyielding force, sending her hurtling back down toward the unforgiving ground below.

The impact reverberated through her body as she crashed into the earth, creating a small crater in her wake. Dust and debris filled the air, obscuring her vision momentarily. However, Altrogue's indomitable spirit refused to be quelled.

Yukari continued to hold Ibaraki close, their intimate moment momentarily interrupted by the floating screen displaying Altrogue's intense battle. Yukari's eyes fixated on the fiery confrontation, a flicker of curiosity sparked within her.

"Who is that, Ibaraki?" Yukari inquired, her voice laced with intrigue as she turned her attention toward her beloved.

Ibaraki, lost in her thoughts, shifted her gaze toward the floating screen. A hint of nostalgia crept into her voice as she spoke, her tone tinged with a touch of disappointment. "That's Lia Crimson, an S-class mage. She was quite the busybody, always meddling in my affairs. Unfortunately for her, she met her demise at my hands. It's a shame really, considering I'm immune to flames."

As Yukari held Ibaraki close, their bodies pressed together in an embrace, her eyes remained fixed on the intense battle unfolding before them. Altrogue's struggles to close the distance with Lia were evident, as the young human showcased remarkable abilities and exceptional control over her powers.

Yukari's keen observation allowed her to discern Lia's tactics. The crimson-robed mage skillfully utilized the scorching environment to her advantage, harnessing the ambient heat to reduce the strain on her magical reserves. It was a display of resourcefulness and mastery that impressed even Yukari, a being well-versed in the intricacies of power and strategy.

Altrogue's anger surged within her, fueled by the injuries she had sustained. With a fierce determination, she tapped into her darkest powers, invoking the forbidden crimson moon. The very air around her seemed to tremble in anticipation, as a malevolent aura enveloped the battlefield.

Spectators, including Yukari, watched in wide-eyed horror as the crimson moon manifested above Altrogue, casting an ominous crimson glow upon the scorched landscape. It unleashed a maddening surge of energy, twisting reality itself into a nightmarish realm of blood and despair.

Lia, the young mage who had displayed such formidable prowess, became trapped within this grotesque tableau. Her form contorted and liquefied, merging with the blood-soaked earth, her being reduced to a macabre puddle of crimson mush. The brutality of the transformation was both sickening and surreal, evoking a sense of dread and revulsion.

As the crimson moon's power subsided, Altrogue stood amidst the aftermath, her body visibly weakened and drained. The once formidable Vampire now found herself on the precipice of exhaustion, her power expended in the brutal display. She slumped to the ground, her labored breaths echoing the weight of her deeds.

Yukari's voice held a touch of surprise and admiration as she acknowledged Altrogue's power. She shifted her gaze towards Ibaraki, who wore an expression of excitement at Altrogue's triumph. However, Ibaraki couldn't help but feel that Altrogue could benefit from further training, given the difficulties she had faced against her opponent.

"It appears Altrogue has more potential than we initially realized," Yukari mused, her tone filled with a mix of curiosity and intrigue. "But you may be right, Ibaraki. She could benefit from honing her skills and gaining further experience. A victory such as this should serve as a stepping stone towards her growth."

Ibaraki nodded in agreement, her eyes glimmering with a determined light. "We should support her in her training endeavors, and encourage her to push her limits. With proper guidance, she can unlock even greater power."

Yukari's lips curved into a knowing smile as she tightened her embrace around Ibaraki. "Indeed, my dear Ibaraki. Together, we shall guide her towards her true potential, ensuring that she becomes an even more formidable force in the battles to come."


With over 3k+ words, I must admit, I'm feeling quite exhausted. My brain is a bit on the mushy side, but hey, that's the price of creativity, right? Ahh... I'm already planning my next move, and I'm thinking of delving into a Honkai story.

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