By YourBrokenMorenaGirl

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By YourBrokenMorenaGirl


The night had cast a shadow over the small town, leaving everything in darkness except for a lonely streetlight flickering in the distance. Inside a cozy house nestled on the outskirts of town, Soliel lay peacefully in her bed, unaware of the horror that awaited her.

Suddenly, she felt an icy hand on her shoulder and woke up with a startle. Her eyes widened in terror as she saw a dark figure looming over her. She tried to scream but couldn't; she was paralyzed by fear.

The figure leaned in closer, revealing its twisted features. It was an incubus - a demon that feeds on the energy and souls of sleeping people. Soliel's  heart raced as she realized the danger she was in.

The incubus spoke in a dark, menacing voice, "I have come for you, my sweet. Your energy will sustain me for a long time."

Soleil's closed her eyes and prayed in silence, hoping that this nightmare would soon be over. But the incubus continued to drain her energy, causing her to feel weak and powerless.

As the sun began to rise, the incubus vanished, leaving Soleil shaken and terrified. She knew that it was only a matter of time before it returned, seeking to feed on her once again.

From that night on, Soleil  lived in constant fear, knowing that the incubus was always watching and waiting for its next victim. She could never sleep peacefully again, haunted by the memory of that terrible night.

Years went by, and eventually, Soliel became too weak to fight off the incubus any longer. One night, it returned to claim her soul, and Soleil  was never seen or heard from again.

The townspeople whispered about the mysterious disappearance, wondering what could have happened to poor Soleil. But those who knew the truth never spoke of it, for they feared that the incubus would come for them next.

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