By YourBrokenMorenaGirl

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By YourBrokenMorenaGirl


The small town of Hampasin had always been a quiet and peaceful place, until the arrival of the twins.

Samantha and Elizabeth were identical twins who moved into the old abandoned house at the edge of town. At first, the townspeople welcomed them with open arms, but soon strange things began to happen.

People reported seeing the twins walking around the town at night, their eyes glowing an eerie shade of red. Others claimed that they heard the twins whispering to each other in a language that no one could understand.

As time went on, people began to disappear. They would vanish without a trace, leaving behind only their belongings and a sense of dread that lingered in the air.

One day, a group of teenagers decided to investigate the abandoned house where the twins lived. They snuck in through a broken window and began to explore the dusty rooms.

As they made their way through the house, they noticed strange symbols painted on the walls in what appeared to be blood. Suddenly, they heard the sound of footsteps approaching.

In a panic, they hid in a closet as the twins entered the room. Their eyes were glowing brighter than ever before, and they were carrying sharp knives.

The teenagers watched in horror as the twins began to chant in that same strange language. The symbols on the walls began to glow, and the air grew thicker and heavier.

Suddenly, the closet door burst open, and the twins pounced on their victims. The teenagers screamed as they were dragged away, their fate unknown.

From that day forward, no one dared to cross paths with the twins again. The town of Millville remained forever haunted by their sinister presence, and the memory of those lost to them continued to linger in the air like a dark cloud.


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