By YourBrokenMorenaGirl

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By YourBrokenMorenaGirl


The sun had set, and the winding road was covered in darkness. Sarah was driving home from her job in the city, mindlessly following her GPS directions. The radio had no signal, leaving her alone with only the sound of her car engine's dull hum.

As she drove further down the road, she noticed a figure standing on the side of the road. It was a tall man, dressed in dark clothing, his face hidden from view. Sarah's heart raced as she slowed down, wondering if she should stop.

The man raised his hand, indicating that he needed a ride. Sarah hesitated for a moment but decided to give him a lift. She unlocked the car doors, and the man climbed into the back seat.

"Thank you for stopping," the man said, his voice raspy and low.

Sarah nodded, feeling a strange sense of unease. She tried to start small talk to break the silence, but the man remained silent.

As they drove further into the dark and winding road, Sarah noticed that the man was no longer sitting in the back seat. She glanced at the rearview mirror and saw him sitting in the front seat next to her. His dark eyes stared directly into her soul.

Sarah slammed the brakes, coming to an abrupt stop. She turned to the man, but he was no longer there. In fact, the car was now completely empty.

Fear consumed Sarah, and she started the engine, speeding down the road. She continued driving until she finally reached her house, where she pulled into the driveway and ran inside, locking the door behind her.

That night, Sarah couldn't shake off the feeling that something was watching her, following her. Every time she closed her eyes, she could hear the sound of the man's raspy voice whispering in her ear.

Days passed, and Sarah thought she had put the incident behind her. Until one night, as she drove down the same road, she saw the same man standing on the side of the road.

Sarah tried to ignore him, but the man ran after her car, his face twisted into a sinister grin. She could hear his maniacal laughter as she sped away.

From that day on, Sarah never drove down that road again. But every now and then, she hears whispers in the darkness, and she knows it's the man from the road, coming to torment her once more.

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