Becoming an Oni in this land...

De RireiHasu

74.6K 2.9K 607

It's a story about a young lady in a mafia waking up to find out she turned into an Oni of a certain popular... Mais

Chapter 1: Prologue
Chapter 2: Forest
Chapter 3
Chapter 4: The Eccentric Magician
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10: CoLA 1
Chapter 11
Chapter 12: Meeting The Goddess
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73 (R18)
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92 (End)

Chapter 88

78 8 2
De RireiHasu

Yukari's gaze shifted to her companions, pondering the vacant roles that needed to be filled for the holy grail war to commence. The absence of three servants threatened to disrupt the balance of the battle, and she sought a solution to this dilemma. Her mind wandered through the possibilities, considering the individuals before her who possessed the qualities required for the missing roles: Assassin, Caster, and Rider.

However, Yukari quickly dismissed the idea of involving her beloved Ibaraki in this conflict. As a powerful force to be reckoned with, Ibaraki's inclusion would not only undermine the gravity of the battle but also tarnish the grandeur that Yukari sought. A grand battle of heroes should not be reduced to a mere spectacle, but rather a clash of legends and destiny.

With this in mind, Yukari turned her attention to her other companions, considering their unique abilities and potential for the vacant roles. Each possessed their strengths and talents that could contribute to the holy grail war, fulfilling the necessary functions of an Assassin, Caster, and Rider. As the pieces of the puzzle fell into place, a plan began to take shape within Yukari's mind.

Yukari carefully considered the abilities and characteristics of her friends, assessing their suitability for the vacant roles in the holy grail war. Marisa, with her incredible firepower and mastery of magic, seemed a natural fit for the caster position. However, Yukari recognized the potential imbalance that Marisa's immense destructive capabilities could introduce. Her attacks were so potent that they could easily overwhelm the prepared enemies, potentially disrupting the intended balance of the battle.

On the other hand, Shuten's expertise in illusion and poison made her an ideal candidate for the assassin role. Her deceptive techniques and deadly toxins could tip the scales in their favor. However, Yukari was aware of the potential risks that came with Shuten's immense power. If she were to unleash a powerful spell, it could swiftly alter the course of the battle, potentially undermining the intended progression and challenge.

Lastly, Yukari turned her attention to Altrogue. With her adeptness in manipulating blood and her proficiency with various weapons, Altrogue seemed well-suited for the rider role. Her blood-based abilities allowed her to traverse the air with ease, giving her a distinct advantage in aerial combat. Furthermore, her lack of major area-of-effect spells ensured that the battle would remain more balanced and in line with the intended challenge.

Yukari turned her attention to Nyx, a powerful being with godlike status. She recognized that Nyx possessed immense abilities that could easily resolve any battle with a single spell, obliterating everything in her path. However, Yukari also understood the importance of maintaining a fair and balanced holy grail war, where challenges were meant to be faced and overcome through skill, strategy, and perseverance.

Yukari began her search for Shuten and Marisa within their shared house, fully aware that she needed to discuss the idea of their participation in the holy grail war with certain restrictions. As she walked through the familiar halls, she contemplated the best approach to present her proposal to them.


Marisa's eyes sparkled with excitement as she processed Yukari's words. The prospect of joining the holy grail war, even with the proposed restrictions, filled her with exhilaration. Her love for magic and the thrill of battle ignited a fire within her.

"You want me to join? You want me to show them the true power of magic?" Marisa asked, her voice filled with disbelief and anticipation. She couldn't contain her enthusiasm as she eagerly awaited Yukari's confirmation once again.

Yukari nodded, her smile widening at Marisa's exuberance. She admired Marisa's passion for magic and her unwavering determination to push her limits. Yukari knew that Marisa's presence in the holy grail war would bring a unique and formidable element to the battles.

Marisa's eyes glowed with determination as she declared, "I'll join, even with the restrictions. I'll show them the true power of magic and how far I can achieve within those limits. Let's make this grand war a spectacle they won't forget!"

Yukari's gaze shifted to Ibaraki, who stood in the corner with a longing expression etched across her face. Ibaraki's eyes conveyed a burning desire to be a part of the holy grail war, to unleash her power upon her foes. But Yukari knew that granting Ibaraki's request would come with its own set of challenges and consequences.

After a few agonizing moments, Yukari found herself compelled to make a compromise. "You could be the ruler," she suggested, her voice laced with a mix of hesitation and consideration. Yukari understood that Ibaraki possessed immense strength and potential, but she also knew the risks involved in allowing Ibaraki to participate directly in the war.

As Yukari spoke those words, a radiant smile blossomed on Ibaraki's face. It was a smile that made Yukari feel as if she had shed a century's worth of weight from her shoulders. Ibaraki approached Yukari, her form morphing into that of Mordred, and planted a passionate kiss on her lips. At that moment, the love and understanding between them spoke volumes, reaffirming their bond.

With a contented sigh, Ibaraki transformed back into her usual self, her heart filled with happiness and acceptance. She returned to what she had been doing.

Marisa's smile gradually faded as she listened to Yukari's decision. She had hoped to negotiate for an exception, a chance to unleash her powerful Master Spark during the holy grail war. But it seemed that convincing Yukari to allow such an exception was an uphill battle she couldn't win.

Knowing that Ibaraki is the only one that could successfully persuade Yukari to grant her wish. It became apparent to Marisa that persuading Yukari was a difficult task, especially when it came to bending the rules.

Realizing that her efforts to change Yukari's mind had reached a dead end, Marisa reluctantly accepted the decision. She understood that sometimes compromises had to be made, even if it meant giving up something she dearly cherished. With a sense of resignation, Marisa resolved to participate in the war without her signature Master Spark, relying on her other magical abilities and skills to contribute to the battle.

Yukari spotted Shuten at the bar, gracefully tending to her array of beverages. As the day was just beginning, the atmosphere was calm and inviting. Shuten's skills as both a master barista and bartender were well-known, and Yukari decided to indulge in one of her creations.

Shuten skillfully prepared a cup of Ethiopian Yirgacheffe, a renowned coffee known for its distinctive floral and fruity flavors. Yukari took a sip, allowing the rich and complex notes to dance across her taste buds. The coffee was a testament to Shuten's meticulous workmanship and her ability to bring out the finest qualities of each brew.

Yukari savored the moment, appreciating not only the quality of the coffee but also the ambiance of the bar. Shuten's expertise and attention to detail were evident in every sip, creating an experience that went beyond a simple beverage.

Shuten poured herself an Irish Coffee, her eyes glimmering with curiosity. She could sense there was something on Yukari's mind, and she couldn't resist asking about it.

"Is it about the Holy Grail War that you guys prepared?" Shuten inquired, her tone laced with a mix of anticipation and intrigue. Despite her fondness for alcohol, she possessed a sharp intuition and was always eager to delve into new adventures.

Yukari observed Shuten's choice of beverage, acknowledging her penchant for alcohol—a trait ingrained in her Oni heritage. It was a stark contrast to Ibaraki, whose preference leaned towards sweetened milk rather than alcoholic indulgences.

"Indeed," Yukari replied, her gaze meeting Shuten's knowing eyes. She acknowledged that Shuten's seemingly laid-back demeanor concealed a heightened awareness of their surroundings and the events unfolding around them. While Ibaraki may sometimes appear nonchalant, prioritizing their safety above all else, Shuten possessed a keen understanding of the intricate workings of their world.

Yukari never underestimated Ibaraki's abilities or her commitment to their well-being. However, she recognized that Ibaraki's carefree nature often allowed her to trust her allies implicitly, relying on their judgment and expertise in matters beyond her immediate concern. It was a testament to Ibaraki's unwavering faith in her companions and her belief that they would handle any challenges that came their way.

"I could join," Shuten said, her voice filled with quiet confidence, as she gracefully sipped her cocktail. Yukari nodded in agreement, appreciating Shuten's perceptive nature. It was no surprise that Shuten could anticipate Yukari's thoughts and understand the underlying intentions behind her actions. Their ability to communicate without needing to voice every detail was a testament to their deep understanding and connection.

As they fell into a comfortable silence, Yukari reflected on her interactions with Shuten. She admired Shuten's ability to analyze people, decipher their patterns, and unravel their motivations. It was a valuable skill that often provided Yukari with insights into the minds of others and helped her navigate complex situations.

Finishing her drink, Yukari nodded to Shuten, acknowledging her willingness to participate. They both understood that their involvement in the Holy Grail War would come with certain restrictions and responsibilities. They were prepared to face the challenges that lay ahead, utilizing their unique abilities and perspectives to contribute to the team's success.

Leaving the bar behind, Yukari made her way toward Ibaraki's basement. It was a space filled with creativity, where Ibaraki poured her heart and soul into designing exquisite clothes for their group. Although Ibaraki had reluctant to sell her creations, preferring to create garments exclusively for those who made a deep commitment to her, Yukari appreciated the love and dedication that went into each piece. The basement held a treasure trove of unique and personalized outfits that reflected the individual tastes and personalities of their group.

Yukari entered the basement and found Ibaraki sitting in her chair, absentmindedly spinning it. She could sense that Ibaraki was in a bit of a creative slump, struggling to come up with new designs. However, the moment Ibaraki caught sight of Yukari, her face lit up with excitement, and she quickly stopped the spinning chair.

"Yukari! I just finished creating some new clothes for you! Come and check them out!" Ibaraki exclaimed, eagerly pulling Yukari towards a display mannequin adorned with newly crafted garments. Yukari couldn't help but be drawn in by Ibaraki's infectious enthusiasm, so she willingly followed along, curious to see what Ibaraki had created this time.

As they approached the mannequin, Yukari's eyes sparkled with anticipation. She carefully examined the intricate details and exquisite craftsmanship that Ibaraki had poured into each garment. The designs reflected Ibaraki's unique style, combining elements of elegance and edginess in perfect balance. It was evident that Ibaraki had put a lot of thought and effort into creating something special for Yukari.

Unable to contain her excitement, Yukari swiftly collected the clothes from the mannequin and retreated to her personal space. She couldn't wait to try them on and see how they would look and feel on her.

Ibaraki patiently awaited Yukari's emergence, her excitement palpable in the air. As Yukari stepped out, adorned with carefully selected accessories to complement her new outfit, Ibaraki couldn't contain her joy. She let out an exuberant squeal, unable to contain her delight at the sight of Yukari looking flawless.

Yukari Yakumo exudes an air of enchanting grace as she dons her new attire. The loose-fitting, knee-length dress, crafted from a soft, flowing fabric, drapes around her form with effortless elegance. The deep shade of purple, adorned with delicate floral patterns in lavender and silver, lends an ethereal touch to her ensemble. The modest neckline, gently curving into a subtle v-shape, accentuates the graceful lines of her collarbones.

A lightweight lilac cardigan delicately drapes over Yukari's shoulders, adding a layer of enchantment to her look. The intricate lace patterns that adorn the edges of the cardigan infuse a touch of refined sophistication. A satin ribbon, skillfully tied around her waist, accentuates her slender figure, creating a subtle yet alluring silhouette.

Yukari's choice of footwear is both stylish and practical. The ballet flats, in a matching shade of purple, combine comfort and elegance effortlessly. Delicate embroidery of silver stars adorns the flats, imparting a whimsical charm to her steps. With these shoes, Yukari can move with grace and fluidity while maintaining a sense of approachable style.

Her long, flowing hair cascades down her shoulders, framing her face in an ethereal beauty. A thin headband, adorned with a small silver butterfly charm, gently holds her locks in place, adding a playful accent to her overall appearance.

To complete her ensemble, Yukari opts for understated yet refined accessories. Delicate silver bracelets encircle her wrist, catching the light with subtle grace. A pendant necklace, adorned with a small amethyst gemstone, elegantly rests against her décolletage. These accessories, while unassuming, add a touch of sophistication and harmony to her ensemble, enhancing her natural beauty.

As Yukari stands before the mirror, her reflection emanates a captivating allure. The combination of her exquisite attire, flowing locks, and carefully chosen accessories creates a visual symphony that captures her unique essence. With each element meticulously considered, Yukari embodies a timeless elegance and a sense of enchantment that is truly her own.

In that tender moment, Ibaraki's words flowed forth with such ease and sincerity that they stirred something deep within Yukari's heart. The casual yet profound declaration of love enveloped the air, leaving Yukari momentarily taken aback. A gentle blush tinged her cheeks, a testament to the affection that resonated between them.

Yukari recognized the significance of those heartfelt words, knowing that they carried a profound weight. In Ibaraki's simple expression of love, Yukari found solace and reassurance that their connection would endure eternally.

Embracing Ibaraki with tenderness and a renewed sense of appreciation, Yukari reciprocated the affection that flowed between them. It was a love that transcended words, a deep understanding and acceptance that surpassed any obstacle they might face. In that precious instant, they both knew that their souls were forever intertwined and that their journey together would be one of unwavering devotion.


Can you hear it? The final chapters of the fanfic are approaching... It seems that I'll have to set aside the idea of continuing the Touhou world for now, as the Fate world arc has become quite extensive. However, rest assured that I won't rush the ending. I want to ensure that it's a satisfying conclusion for all the readers. Your opinions and feedback are always appreciated, so please let me know what you think! Thank you for your continued support.

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