Becoming an Oni in this land...

By RireiHasu

74.6K 2.9K 607

It's a story about a young lady in a mafia waking up to find out she turned into an Oni of a certain popular... More

Chapter 1: Prologue
Chapter 2: Forest
Chapter 3
Chapter 4: The Eccentric Magician
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10: CoLA 1
Chapter 11
Chapter 12: Meeting The Goddess
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73 (R18)
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92 (End)

Chapter 87

74 9 3
By RireiHasu

Well, I was trying to take it easy, but inspiration struck me out of nowhere, and here I am, reluctantly sharing it with you. Can you believe it? Nah, it's probably not that good anyway. But hey, I guess I'll give it a shot and see how it turns out.


Determined to assist Altrogue amidst her constant battles against extremist vampires in her region, Ibaraki took it upon herself to hunt some tuna as a thoughtful gesture. However, Altrogue, ever the independent and self-reliant individual, repeatedly assured Ibaraki that she would be fine and that there was no need to go out of her way.

Despite Altrogue's reassurances, Ibaraki's desire to provide a delicious meal for her persisted. The thought of a mouthwatering catch, preserved and waiting for Altrogue upon her return, fueled Ibaraki's eagerness. In the Eastern Atlantic Sea, Ibaraki knew that she possessed the ability to effortlessly dive into the depths, her lancer form allowing her to navigate the waters with grace. Little did she expect, however, that the tuna she sought would be larger than humans, presenting her with a new challenge.

Unfazed by the size of her prey, Ibaraki's determination only grew. With her unwavering resolve and her skills honed from countless battles, she ventured into the depths of the Eastern Atlantic Sea, her focus solely on catching a prized tuna. The powerful currents embraced her as she swam, each stroke propelled by her desire to succeed.

As she delved deeper, the ocean revealed its wonders, captivating Ibaraki with its awe-inspiring beauty. Schools of fish danced around her, their vibrant colors a testament to nature's artistry. Yet, Ibaraki remained undeterred, her eyes fixed on her goal.

As the swimming contest between Ibaraki and the tuna commenced, it became apparent that the tuna far outclassed her in terms of speed. Frustration welled up within Ibaraki, and her anger reached its peak. In a moment of recklessness, she contemplated evaporating the entire ocean, driven by her desire to prove her worth. However, before she could act on her destructive impulse, Yukari swiftly intervened, bonking Ibaraki on the head with her fan.

With a simple snap of her fan, Yukari halted the tuna in its tracks, causing it to seemingly perish. Yukari's words carried a stern tone as she reprimanded Ibaraki for her rash and dangerous behavior. "Don't you know you could have just asked for help?" she questioned, her voice laced with a mix of disappointment and concern.

Ashamed of her actions, Ibaraki hung her head in remorse. "My apologies. I let my ego get the best of me," she admitted with a heavy sigh. It was a stark reminder that she often overestimated her capabilities and relied too heavily on brute force. The incident served as a humbling experience, reminding her of the importance of seeking assistance and acknowledging her limitations.

Yukari tenderly lifted Ibaraki from the water, her embrace enveloping her in warmth and comfort. Even though both of them were now soaked, it didn't matter in the slightest. Yukari's sincere gaze met Ibaraki's, conveying a depth of affection and concern.

"Ibaraki, please remember that you can rely on us more," Yukari spoke softly, her voice filled with genuine care. At that moment, Ibaraki felt the sincerity behind her words and the unwavering support that lay within their relationship.

Ibaraki returned Yukari's gaze, her eyes filled with a mixture of gratitude and affection. And then, with a sense of vulnerability, she revealed a secret that she had kept hidden within her heart. "In truth, I already rely on all of you," she confessed, her voice carrying a hint of emotion. "Your presence, every one of you, keeps me grounded and sane. You make me believe that everything will be alright, that I am not alone in this vast world."

The weight of those unspoken feelings lifted from Ibaraki's shoulders as she continued, her voice growing stronger. "I wanted to show my appreciation through my actions, to demonstrate just how much I cherish each one of you. I want you all to know that you can rely on me just as much as I rely on you. Together, we form an unbreakable bond."

Yukari chuckled softly, her eyes filled with understanding. It was a gentle reminder to them all that they sometimes forgot just how deeply they were intertwined in each other's lives. In that embrace, in those words, they found solace, reassurance, and a profound sense of love. And together, they knew that they would face whatever challenges came their way, drawing strength from their shared connection and unwavering devotion.

As Ibaraki and Yukari made their way home, little did they know that their heartfelt conversation had been broadcasted to the rest of their beloved companions. Shuten, Marisa, Altrogue, and Nyx, who had paused in their activities, listened attentively to Ibaraki's words, their hearts swelling with warmth and understanding. It was at that moment that they realized how they had all been foolish, underestimating the depth of their bond and the importance they held in each other's lives.

When Ibaraki and Yukari arrived home, they were greeted by a heartwarming sight. The entire group, waiting eagerly, enveloped Ibaraki in a tight embrace, showering her with affection and support. Overwhelmed by the surge of emotions, Ibaraki's eyes filled with tears, her heart overflowing with gratitude and love.

At that moment, they all understood the significance of their connection. They had become more than just comrades or partners; they were a family, bound by an unbreakable bond. Each person's presence contributed to Ibaraki's growth, offering her strength, solace, and the belief that she was not alone in her struggles.

As they held her close, their actions spoke volumes, conveying a profound sense of acceptance and unwavering support. Ibaraki accepted their love with open arms, knowing that she was cherished, valued, and embraced for who she truly was.

The night was filled with laughter, joy, and the clinking of glasses as they gathered around the table for yet another splendid feast. The air was alive with a sense of camaraderie and contentment, and the worries of the world seemed to fade into the background, if only for a moment.

The group reveled in each other's company, savoring the delicious food and relishing in the warmth of their shared bond. Conversations flowed freely, punctuated by bursts of laughter and playful banter. It was a moment of respite, a chance to set aside their burdens and simply enjoy the company of those they held dear.

However, as the night progressed, the once harmonious atmosphere began to give way to peculiar noises emanating from different corners of the house. The clattering of objects, muffled giggles, and hushed whispers filled the air, leaving a sense of curiosity and intrigue in their wake.

Rin, who had intended to initiate a serious discussion, found herself flushing with embarrassment at the unfolding commotion. The noise disrupted the gravity of the moment, and without a word, she hastily excused herself, her hurried steps echoing through the halls. Archer, ever the stoic presence, followed her silently, his expression betraying nothing.

Unbeknownst to them, Ibaraki, the mischievous soul of the group, possessed a talent akin to that of an "Ex Harem Protagonist." Her charisma and magnetic personality seemed to draw people towards her, creating an atmosphere of lighthearted chaos wherever she went. Even Archer, who had his own experiences with that particular skill, couldn't help but shiver at the memories it invoked.


Yukari, Altrogue, and Ibaraki stood in awe of the complete replica of Fuyuki, a meticulously crafted world that mirrored the setting of the Holy Grail War. This recreation held great significance, for it was not a battleground for their conflicts but rather a stage to confront the demons that Muspelheim had spawned within its depths.

Yukari, always the inquisitive one, proposed a test to gauge the resilience of the replica's construction. She turned to Altrogue, her eyes gleaming with a mischievous glint.

"Altrogue, shall we push the limits of this texture and see how much stress it can bear before collapsing?" Yukari suggested, a challenging tone lacing her words. Altrogue, confident in her abilities, eagerly accepted the proposition.

"Indeed, I am certain that even the force of a Divine Atomic Bomb would fail to shatter it," Altrogue replied with pride, her confidence emanating from the craftsmanship she and Yukari had poured into creating the sturdiest texture imaginable

Yukari's smile widened as she turned her attention to Ibaraki, knowing well the fiery spirit that burned within her. She extended an invitation, a temptation, to indulge in the destructive power they possessed.

"Ibaraki, would you like to give it a try?" Yukari asked, her voice carrying a hint of mischief and anticipation. She understood the exhilaration Ibaraki found in destruction, the thrill of letting loose and embracing her true nature.

Ibaraki's eyes lit up with excitement, her previous restraints fading away like wisps of smoke. Her form transformed, embodying the fusion of Mordred and Surtr. Her golden-red hair danced in the air, reminiscent of flickering flames. Her orange-black horns resembled molten rock, a testament to her inner fire. Her deep violet eyes held an intensity that mirrored the inferno within her soul.

Clad in a dress that appeared to be perpetually engulfed in flames, Ibaraki stood tall, emanating a power that defied convention. In her hand, she wielded a slim, blazing sword, a weapon that seemed to harness the very essence of fire itself. The remnants of a shattered shackle adorned her left hand, right foot, and neck, symbols of her past restraints now broken and discarded.

At that moment, Ibaraki exuded a presence that was both captivating and awe-inspiring. Her aura conveyed a sense of controlled chaos, an untamed force restrained by her own will. The world around her seemed to tremble as if it recognized the unleashed power she held within.

Yukari gently led Altrogue into her boundary, a space that existed beyond the confines of the physical world. There, they found themselves in a place of tranquility and safety, where they could observe the unfolding scene without any harm coming to them.

Together, they watched Ibaraki with a mixture of awe and fascination. In her transformed state, Ibaraki appeared more mature, embodying a version of herself that exuded a sense of seasoned power and experience. Though her true form still carried the youthful essence that defined her, she now bore the semblance of a woman in her late teenage years, radiating a captivating presence that demanded attention.

Yukari and Altrogue observed Ibaraki's transformation with wide eyes, marveling at the remarkable change that had taken place. The childlike features that were inherent in her base form had given way to a more mature visage, one that carried a weight of knowledge and understanding beyond her years. It was as if Ibaraki had tapped into a dormant reservoir of wisdom and strength, allowing her true potential to shine through.

With a resolute expression on her face, Ibaraki's grip tightened around the hilt of her mighty sword. As she raised it high into the sky, a surge of raw power emanated from her being, electrifying the atmosphere. The very air seemed to tremble in anticipation of the imminent spectacle about to unfold.

As the blade pierced through the heavens, a blinding light erupted, casting a brilliant glow that painted the world in hues of fiery red and vibrant orange. Awe-inspiring flames burst forth from the point of impact, radiating an intense heat that could be felt even from a distance. The ground beneath her quivered as if acknowledging the sheer might contained within her strike.

With each thrust of the blade into the earth, the flames cascaded outward, devouring everything in their path with a voracious hunger. The once peaceful Replica became a battlefield of fire, a breathtaking inferno that danced and twirled in a mesmerizing display of destruction. The sky itself seemed to acknowledge Ibaraki's prowess, as storm clouds gathered, crackling with electricity, illuminating the scene with jagged streaks of lightning.

The thick wall of flames surged forward, reaching out like fierce tendrils, devouring buildings, trees, and anything unfortunate enough to be caught in their wake. The intensity of the blaze created an otherworldly spectacle, casting long shadows that danced in a symphony of destruction. Sparks flew high into the air, carried by the scorching winds that accompanied the flames.

The resounding cracks echoed through the air as the texture teetered on the brink of collapse. Altrogue and Yukari, driven by a shared determination, fought valiantly to stabilize the crumbling structure. Their efforts became a fierce battle against rapid destruction, their combined powers clashing with the imminent threat of irreversible damage.

The stalemate hung in the air, the tension palpable, as Altrogue and Yukari strained to hold the texture together. Every fiber of their beings focused on maintaining the delicate balance, refusing to let it succumb to the relentless forces seeking to tear it apart.

Ibaraki, her fiery determination still burning within her, yearned to continue her destructive display. But before she could make another move, Yukari's embrace enveloped her, halting her in her tracks. At that moment, Ibaraki felt the warmth of Yukari's touch, a gentle reminder to exercise restraint.

"That's enough," Yukari's voice resonated with a mixture of authority and concern. "The consequences of unleashing such power upon the real world would be irreparable. We must tread carefully."

Though Ibaraki pouted in slight disappointment, she understood the gravity of Yukari's words. She knew that their actions carried consequences that extended beyond their immediate surroundings. The realization settled upon her, prompting her to relent and respect Yukari's guidance.

The replica lay before them, now reduced to a blank state, its once intricate details obscured by billowing smoke. The ground beneath them had melted under the intensity of Ibaraki's fiery assault, leaving a harrowing reminder of the power she possessed. Altrogue, filled with awe and trepidation, clung tightly to Ibaraki, seeking solace in her embrace. The magnitude of the attack was overwhelming, and it stirred a fear deep within Altrogue's core.

Yukari, ever composed and perceptive, led Ibaraki toward the safety of her space. Within its confines, they could discuss their next steps and address the repairs needed for the damaged texture. As they gathered in this haven, Altrogue held Ibaraki even closer, seeking reassurance and finding comfort in her presence.

The weight of the destructive force Ibaraki had unleashed hung heavy in the air, its implications and magnitude reverberating through their thoughts. Altrogue marveled at the sheer scale of power she had witnessed, realizing that it possessed the capability to annihilate planets. The gravity of this revelation sent shivers down her spine, instilling a sense of unease and respect for Ibaraki's immense strength.

Ibaraki, however, remained quiet about her true capabilities. She carried a secret, her Twilight form, a manifestation of power that could multiply her strength a thousandfold. It was a trump card, a hidden reserve that she chose not to reveal at that moment.

The replica lay before them, now reduced to a blank state, its once intricate details obscured by billowing smoke. The ground beneath them had melted under the intensity of Ibaraki's fiery assault, leaving a harrowing reminder of the power she possessed. Altrogue, filled with awe and trepidation, clung tightly to Ibaraki, seeking solace in her embrace. The magnitude of the attack was overwhelming, and it stirred a fear deep within Altrogue's core.

Yukari, ever composed and perceptive, led Ibaraki toward the safety of her space. Within its confines, they could discuss their next steps and address the repairs needed for the damaged texture. As they gathered in this haven, Altrogue held Ibaraki even closer, seeking reassurance and finding comfort in her presence.

The weight of the destructive force Ibaraki had unleashed hung heavy in the air, its implications and magnitude reverberating through their thoughts. Altrogue marveled at the sheer scale of power she had witnessed, realizing that it possessed the capability to annihilate planets. The gravity of this revelation sent shivers down her spine, instilling a sense of unease and respect for Ibaraki's immense strength.

Ibaraki, however, remained quiet about her true capabilities. She carried a secret, her Twilight form, a manifestation of power that could multiply her strength a thousandfold. It was a trump card, a hidden reserve that she chose not to reveal at that moment. The fact that she had unleashed such devastation without resorting to her ultimate form only intensified the awe and admiration that Altrogue felt for her.

Within Yukari's space, the trio engaged in deep discussion, mapping out their next course of action. They recognized the need to repair the damage inflicted upon the texture and contemplated the challenges that lay ahead.

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