Elizabeth Kane and the Prison...

By Braveclementine2

1.2K 67 32

Third book of the Elizabeth Kane series. So, fighting off Voldemort to save a magical stone. Easy. Killing... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 11

57 3 0
By Braveclementine2



𝕴 𝖋𝖎𝖓𝖎𝖘𝖍𝖊𝖉 𝖆𝖗𝖔𝖚𝖓𝖉 4:27 in the morning and fell asleep in the chair- this time on purpose. I was to tired to try and get up to the dorm.

Cedric woke me up around 8. "go up to the dorm and get some real sleep." He said as I sat up and rubbed my sore neck.

"Good thing it's a Sunday." I muttered. I gathered all my things up and went up to the dorm and fell asleep. I woke up around three o'clock in the afternoon and finished some more homework.

I got dressed in fresh clothes and then headed downstairs for some lunch. I looked up at the teachers table. Dumbledore nodded to me once.

Hermione was at the Gryffindor table, reading her textbook while Harry and Ron were farther down the table. I sat across from her, yawning. I still felt rather tired.

"Oh, Hello Elizabeth." Hermione said, looking up. Her eyes were red.

"You okay Hermione?" I asked, concerned, looking at the food, finding I didn't want to eat, and laid my head down on my arms. I could feel concerned eyes on me- probably Dad.

"Sirius Black attacked Ron last night." Hermione said and her bottom lip quivered. I looked down at where Ron was entertaining some people with his story. Harry watched, looking thoughtful.

I pulled out my case file on Buckbeak. "Yes, I heard. Got woken up at 2 or something in the morning cause Dumbledore wanted me."

"You didn't have a vision?" Hermione asked, concerned.

I shook my head. "I was too focused on other things for visions to get through. I've been able to control them better because of Divination."

Hermione scoffed. I chuckled humorlessly.

"I know what you think about Trelawney." I said, sitting up, pulling over carrots, and started chomping them down in a hungry manner. "And while she's not the best teacher, the tactics that are taught are what I really needed."

"Want to go down to Hagrid's?" Hermione asked. "I was just about to go down. You look like you could do with some fresh air too."

I nodded, "Just let me grab some food." I grabbed a plate and put different foods on it and then covered it with a lid and put it in my bag, making sure it was upright.

Hermione and I got up, she tucked her book under her arm and we walked towards the side days and then were intercepted by Draco and his buddies.

"Where are you going Kane?" Draco asked. What a stupid git, doing this in front of the Professors.

"None of your business Draco." I hissed.

"Going to that sorry case of a Professor and his stupid hippogriff?" Draco said, laughing, eyes glinting.

Suddenly, I was a bit worried about myself because I was very close to punching him in the face.

"You watch your step Malfoy." I said in a cold voice. "I'm at the end of my tether. You come at me or insult anyone I like again and you're going to be in the hospital wing for a week."

I took Hermione by the arm and dragged her around Draco and his friends. We were nearly out the door when Draco shouted, "YOUR FATHER IS A LOSER OF A PROFESSOR."

The Great Hall went silent, people turning in their seats, Professors looking up from their meals, and in a flash I had turned around and shot a spell at him. I wasn't even sure what it was, my brain had stopped working. Draco was lifted into the air nearly thirty feet in the air and flew across the hall, smashing into the wall and sliding to the floor.

There were gasps of concerns and hoots of laughter from Gryffindor. I couldn't look at the Professor's table, afraid of what dad's expression was. My eyes were blazing with fire. Then I turned and walked out, the doors slamming behind us.

Hermione was quiet the entire way down to the Hagrid's and then she said in a nervous voice, "You shouldn't have done that, you're going to be in so much trouble. Oh, you shouldn't have done that!"

"So be it." I snarled, "No one insults my dad and gets away with it."

She was silent and I knocked angrily on Hagrid's door. Hagrid opened it up, warily. "Oh Hullo Elizabeth- Hermione." He said, stepping back. I stomped into the cabin.

"What's got her so riled up?" Hagrid asked Hermione as she stepped in after me.

"Malfoy insulted her dad." Hermione answered.

"What'd she do?" Hagrid asked.

"I don't know." Hermione answered. "I didn't recognize the spell."

"I didn't either." I said, trying to calm down. It wasn't really working. "I wasn't thinking at all but I'm glad I did it- I don't care how many detentions I get."

"Is he seriously injured?" Hagrid asked though I wasn't sure if he was asking in concern.

"Unfortunately not." I hissed. "He just rose into the air and slammed into the wall, that's it."

Hagrid sighed, "Yeh shouldn' of done it Elizabeth. His dad-"

"Don't care." I said sharply. I pulled out the plate of food I had brought with me and started eating and then pulled out the file I was working on for the trial.

Buckbeak was in the corner and I tossed him one of the chicken wings I had. He chomped it up immediately.

Hagrid had his horrible brown suit that he was going to wear to the trial soon. He poured tea and gave us bath buns. Since I was already eating, I declined. Hermione and I helped put together some cards for Hagrid to use as reference.

Hagrid meanwhile, asked about the attack on Ron.

"He's being a git." I said. "All because of his stupid rat and Hermione's cat."

"Ah." Hagrid said in understanding. Hermione had been here even more than I had over the few weeks that Ron wasn't talking to her. "But surely yeh care that he was attacked?"

I sighed in reluctance. My anger at Draco wasn't completely burned out yet. "Yeah, I suppose so." Hermione's eyes were filled with tears.

"From now on though." Hagrid said thoughtfully, "Yeh 'ought ter wait up at teh castle fer me ter come and get yeh guys."

I scoffed. "Hagrid, neither Hermione and I are in danger from Sirius Black, trust me."

And that was the end of that discussion.

Hagrid had sent an owl to Harry and Ron that morning to come down to his cabin at 6:00. So at 4:30, Hermione and I left the cabin. She did not want to run into Ron. I didn't either. I was afraid that I might use the spell again and send him flying into the lake.

Hermione headed to the Gryffindor common room to work on her homework. I headed off to the library because I was going to get more homework done when Professor Snape came sweeping down the stairs and glared at me and said, "Come with me."

Heart pounding, I followed him down the stairs and into the potions classroom. Snape slammed the door behind me. I kept my back to the wall as he faced me and he placed a hand on one side of my head, looking furious.

"What was that spectacle this morning Kane!" He barked.

I flushed, feeling apprehensive, curious, angry, fearful, guilty, and also an emotion that I didn't recognize. . . maybe Joy? It was something happy, being so close to him, but happy wasn't really the right word. Neither was Joy. I didn't know the word but it felt good, whatever it was. "He insulted-"

"-Your dad, I know that!" he hissed, "What was the spell that you used?"

"I have no idea." I replied honestly, trying to think coherently with him so close. "I wasn't thinking anything when I pulled my wand on him."

"You're in trouble you know?" Professor Snape said still angry, but not as angry.

"Yes, I figured as much." I said.

We stared at each other for a moment. I had brief flashes from my dream, his hands, his mouth, his abs and I flushed even more.

"Thirty points from Hufflepuff and a detention tonight." He said, turning away, dropping his hand from beside my head.

"That's it?" I asked shocked and just a little relieved, "He's your favorite student and that's all the punishment I'm getting?"

Snape turned and looked at me for a moment and then turned back around and said, "He's not my favorite student." Then he walked into his office and slammed the door behind him.

I shook my head, confused, but headed out of the potions classroom. I made my way to the library again and this time, Professor Sprout came bustling out of the library and approached me.

"Ah Miss Kane, I've been looking for you." she said. She didn't look happy

"Professor Snape already punished me." I said glumly.

She looked surprised, "Oh, well in that case, I suppose I don't have anything to say."

"Elizabeth!" Came a sharp voice. I turned and saw dad coming down the stairs, "A word."

I sighed, said good-bye to Professor Sprout, and followed Dad into his office. "What was that?" He asked, arms crossed.

I shuffled my feet. "Professor Snape already punished me." I muttered again.

"Don't care." Dad said abruptly. "Why did you attack the Malfoy boy?"

"Because he insulted you!" I said, pink spots appearing on my cheeks. "Because he insulted you and I love you. Because he's trying to make Hagrid lose his job, because he tried to hurt Harry at the game, and because I'm reaching the end of my patience!"

I glared at dad, fists clenched tightly to my sides. But I didn't cry. Oh no, I was never going to let dad see me cry ever again.

"You aren't supposed to defend me." Dad snapped angrily.

"Fine! I won't!" I snapped, my anger peaking again, and I stormed out the classroom, slamming the door closed behind me.

Instead of going to the library, I went up to the Owlery. Sadie immediately flew down and rested on my arm and I fed her a treat that I had in my pocket. That was when I cried, breaking down where no one but owls could see me. I really had reached the end of my patience. Perhaps everyone was right. I really was working to hard. I was to stressed. I needed to get some things in order.

I used Sadie as a handkerchief but she didn't mind, nuzzling her little beak against my cheek or ear or hair. I petted her as well, smoothing her feathers until my fingers seemed to go numb from cold.

Around eight o'clock I went back in the castle and headed down into the dungeons to serve my detention. After that, I went to bed and woke up around seven.

There was a Hogsmeade trip today, but I didn't feel like going. My stomach was in knots. Hagrid's trial was today. I got up and headed down straight to his cabin. He didn't look so well but Buckbeak looked nice and trimmed and I scratched his head.

"You're going to do fine Hagrid." I said as confidently as possible. "Don't stutter too much and don't drop your cards, okay? Just be confidant."

Hagrid gave me a bone crushing hug. "Thanks Elizabeth."

I petted Buckbeak one last time and Hagrid set off with a leash around Buckbeak's neck. I watched him go, distressed. Then, instead of heading back to the castle, I set off into the forest.

I was immediately greeted by Sirius who licked my hands. I grinned down at him and then said, "Sorry, I forgot food. I didn't eat myself today."

But we walked on anyways and I talked about the past couple of days and what was going on and what Hagrid had to do today. I explained a lot to him and when I explained about Malfoy and sending him flying, Sirius barked a loud laugh.

I sighed, sitting down on a wet log- it had rained sometime in the night. I petted his head. "You know." I said suddenly. "I never really liked dogs."

Sirius barked that laugh again.

"I mean, the little ones can be cute, but its when they lick your face or jumped at you with their paws, that I back up. And dog breath." I added on, scratching his head. Sirius licked me. "Stupid dog." I muttered and then grinned at him. "But you're not too bad." I said and Sirius bark laughed again.

Eventually my stomach rumbled and I looked guiltily at Sirius. "I'll bring you food too." I said. "If dad doesn't stop me and try to talk to me about yesterday." I grimaced.

Sirius walked with me to the edge of the forest and then slinked off into the bushes. I headed up to the castle and into the Great Hall. A flick of my eyes showed me that Dad wasn't among the Professors eating.

I went over to the Hufflepuff table and ate my share and then, putting food in either my pockets or a small container I had fashioned, walked back out to the woods. Sirius greeted me with a wagging tail as I walked deeper into the forest. I set the food down in front of him. I'd packed mostly chicken because I knew that was something he liked.

He ate in dog form and I looked up at the sky. When he was done eating he put his head on my belly and we both dozed and dreamed. I woke up sometime when the sun was lower in the sky. I scratched Sirius' head and then headed back to Hagrid's cabin and knocked on the door. There was no answer and I opened the door. Hagrid wasn't home yet.

Then, I heard huge footsteps behind me and saw Hagrid leading Buckbeak. He had a vacant look in his eyes and he didn't even see me as he headed into his cabin. I slipped through the door and sat across from him.

"Oh, Hullo Elizabeth." He said heavily, pulling out a piece of parchment. In ink, while crying, he wrote the words,

Dear Hermione
We lost. I'm allowed to bring him back to Hogwarts.
Execution date to be fixed.
Beaky has enjoyed London.
I won't forget all the help you gave us.

Then he sent it out the window with an owl.

"Hagrid, I'm so sorry." I whispered.

Hagrid shook his head. "It wasn' so bad in teh beginn'. I didn' drop teh notes or nothin' but I kep' forgettin' teh dates. I didn' cry or nothin' either but it didn' matter in teh end. Lucius Malfoy stood up an' said his bit, and the Committee jus' did exac'ly what he told 'em. . . guess I can' say I was surprised. . ."

"There's always the repeal." I said softly. "I'll work twice as hard, don't worry."

Hagrid waved his hand. "Don' matter anymore."

I bit my lip. I said good-bye and headed back up to the castle and headed down to where dad was residing. I knocked on the office door.

"Come in." A tired voice said.

I pushed open the door, looking down.

There was no sound of recognition and suddenly there were arms around me. I hugged him back. "I'm so sorry." I whispered. "I shouldn't have stormed out of here like that, I was angry and I'm sorry."

"It's quite alright." Dad said. "But I don't want you fighting anymore, do you understand that Elizabeth?"

"Yes Dad." I said.

He kissed my temple. "Good."

"Hermione's going to punch Draco in the face tomorrow." I said thoughtfully. "After Care of Magical Creatures class."

Dad just looked at me, eyebrows raised. I shrugged. "He deserves it."

"Does he?" Dad asked softly, looking into my eyes. I squirmed where I stood.

I thought about how he'd tried to sabotage Harry in the Quidditch game, how he'd let his father get rid of Dumbledore last year, how he was trying to get Hagrid fired this year, how'd he'd wished that Hermione had died last year. . .

"Yes." I said. "For. . .for some things."

I thought perhaps dad would be angry but instead he turned and went back to his desk and said, "You and Harry have a lot in common."

I wasn't sure what that was about but I said good-bye to dad and walked out of the room to get ready for dinner.


𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝖓𝖊𝖝𝖙 𝖉𝖆𝖞 I went to Ancient Runes, redid the hour for Arithmancy, and then headed for Charms.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione weren't in the room when class started. I was paired with Susan Bones as we experimented on Cheering Charms.

"Exhilaratus" I said, moving my wand up and down and then pointing it at Susan.

Susan laughed randomly and I wondered if I had overdone the charm. She pointed her wand at me and said, "Exhilaratus".

My cheeks seemed to lift on their own and I was smiling stupidly. All my worries were gone too, I felt thoroughly cheerful. It was a nice difference compared to the worry and stress I'd been dealing with in the past.

Harry and Ron walked into the classroom and Professor Flitwick said, "You're late boys! Come along, quickly, wands out, we're experimenting with Cheering Charms today, we've already divided into pairs-"

Harry and Ron went back to a desk and we exchanged a look. Then, I turned back to Susan.

After class, I went with Harry and Ron to the Great Hall, both of them were smiling broadly. ". . .She could've done with a Cheering Charm on her too." Ron was saying to Harry.

Harry explained to me what had happened and Ron expressed his shock. "I mean you threw him across the entire Hall!" Ron said. "Hitting Malfoy is your job, and Hermione- I mean wow!"

"Ron's in shock." Harry said.

"Clearly." I said, giggling. I was laughing more now than on a usual basis. That would be the cheering charm.

After lunch, Harry and Ron went to go and see if they could find Hermione and I headed off to Transfiguration, already feeling tired since the Cheering Charms had worn off. Thinking hard, I pointed my wand at myself and said, "Exhilaratus." Now that that was done, I walked inside the Transfiguration classroom feeling much happier.

Today we were working on statue to model transfigurations. Specifically, a small stone statue no bigger than our hand into a dragon model that exhaled smoke. It was a hard transformation but doable.

By the end of Transfiguration with much frustration despite the Cheering Charm, I managed to get my model to exhale smoke and wasn't given extra homework. For that, I was thankful. I already had so much to do.

Then, I turned the hour back and headed to Defense Against the Dark Arts where Professor Lupin was teaching us about Vampires.

I headed to library before dinner and got my Vampire essay and Charm essay out of the way and then headed down to dinner. Then it was back to the library then to the common room, using the time turner to turn the hour back so I had an extra hour to do homework.

The other Hufflepuffs weren't too invested in their homework, but instead talking about Gryffindors prospects on beating Slytherin.

"Potter has a Firebolt." One was saying as I tried to concentrate on deciphering rune sentences.

"Yeah, but he's only one player." Another argued. "The entire Slytherin team is on Nimbus 2001s, and the Gryffindor team is mostly on Cleansweep 7s."

"But Potter's seeker anyways, so as long as the Gryffindors can score 50 points before Slytherin, Harry can catch the Snitch and win." A third person argued.

There was lots of squabbling and I was starting to feel very anxious. I pulled my wand out again and did the Cheering Charm on myself again and this put me in a better mood and was able to tune out the others and finish my runes project before turning to Muggle studies.

All in all, it was a very tiring day. 

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