Chapter 5

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𝕴 𝖜𝖔𝖐𝖊 𝖚𝖕 early the next day, feeling well rested and got out of bed quickly. I threw my books and other necessities into my bag. Rushing down the stairs, I darted into the Great Hall. There were no teachers yet, they were probably still sleeping.

I grabbed a bunch of food and put it together in a bowl and then, carrying it under my robes, headed out to the forest, carefully looking around me. My head was still reeling from the information Sirius had given me last night, but I tried not to show it.

I walked slowly- No, I wasn't doing anything suspicious at all. I took another look around me before I ducked into the forest. I found Sirius sleeping under a tree. I didn't want to wake him so I set the bowl down in front of him.

He gave a start and his ears twitched and his eyes opened.

"Sorry." I whispered.

He turned back into human form and I quickly looked around.

"Thanks Eilís."

"No problem." I said softly. "I have to get to class but I didn't want you to be hungry either." I kissed his rough cheek and then darted away, using a different route to the castle than the way I'd come.


𝖂𝖊𝖉𝖓𝖊𝖘𝖉𝖆𝖞 𝖈𝖆𝖒𝖊, 𝖙𝖍𝖊 day for my first class with Dad. I was nervous and so I took a seat in the middle near the left. There was no other houses to share with. It was simply third-year Hufflepuffs.

Dad came in and smiled at the classroom. "You can put everything away except your wand. Today's will be a practical lesson."

Everyone else looked excited but I felt my stomach turn in nervousness. What would my boggart be? If it was Sirius being caught, then dad would probably figure out that I had talked to him at some point.

"Right then." Dad said. "If you'd follow me."

We made our way to the teacher's room and we filed inside. I stayed near the back of the line. The room was empty and dad had us stand around the wardrobe. I felt rather excited and hoped that this lesson went well.

"Today, we will be discussing Boggarts. Boggarts like dark, enclosed spaces. Wardrobes, the gap beneath beds, the cupboards under sinks. I've even met one that had lodged itself in a grandfather clock. This one moved in just this afternoon and Dumbledore allowed me permission for you all to practice on it. So, the first question we must ask ourselves, is, what is a boggart?"

My hand shot in the air- the only one in the air- and so dad called on me, "Elizabeth?"

"A shape-shifter that will take the shape of whatever one fears most." I said.

"Lovely." Dad said. "So the boggart sitting in the darkness within has not yet assumed a form. He does not yet know what will frighten the person on the other side of the door. Nobody knows what a boggart looks like when he is alone, but when I let him out, he will immediately become whatever each of us most fears."

Some of the other students looked at each other in terror and both Ernie and Justin actually took a step back. I leaned against the wall.

"This means," Dad continued, "that we have a huge advantage over the boggart before we being. Does anyone know what this problem might be?"

I raised my hand again. Once again, the only hand. "Elizabeth?"

"Because it won't know what to become since there are so many of us here."

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