Chapter 16

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𝕴 𝖒𝖆𝖗𝖐𝖊𝖉 𝖙𝖍𝖊 time again and I followed completely last because I wanted to be behind Sirius and Harry as they talked. Sirius had the wand that was holding Professor Snape afloat. His head kept bumping against the ceiling. Sirius was obviously making no effort to prevent this.

"Sirius." I said calmly. "His head keeps touching the ceiling."

"So?" Sirius asked, but he lowered the wand just a little bit. Then he turned to Harry and said, "You know what this means? Turning Pettigrew in?"

"You're free." Harry stated.

"Yes. . ." Sirius said slowly. "But I'm also- I don't know if anyone ever told you- I'm your godfather."

"Yeah, I knew that." Harry said. In the dim light, his face looked a bit confused as though he wasn't sure where the conversation was going.

"Well. . . your parents appointed me your guardian. If anything happened to them. . .I'll understand of course, if you want to stay with your aunt and uncle. But well, think about it. Once my name's cleared. . . if you wanted a. . . a different home. . ."

"What-live with you!" Harry said in near excitement. "Leave the Dursleys?"

"Of course, I thought you wouldn't want to, I understand, I just thought I'd-" Sirius said quickly, covering up the hurt he was feeling.

"Are you insane? Of course I want to leave the Dursleys! Have you got a home! When can I move in?" Harry asked, breathless.

Sirius looked at him and Snape's head started to scrape across the ceiling. "You want to? You mean it?"

"Yeah, I mean it." Harry said.

Sirius smiled. I hadn't seen him smile like that before.

"Sirius" I said quickly. "Severus' head!"

"Ah, right." He said, lowering the wand again.

Then we were outside again. I breathed in the fresh air. I loved being outside.

"You and Lupin could come and live with Harry and me as well." Sirius said to me.

I grinned even though I knew what would happen soon, my nerves were starting to tingle again. "We'd love that Sirius."

"What's about to happen next?" Harry asked.

I paused for a second and then, as the clouds parted, I said, "Dad's going to turn into a werewolf."

Sirius threw his hand out, catching Harry, Hermione, and I behind it. I lost my breath. Sirius turned to me, wide-eyed, "You couldn't have mentioned it sooner?"

"Sorry." I wheezed. "I don't see everything right away, you know!"

I looked behind Sirius's arms to see that Dad was shaking. I edged to the other side of Sirius.

"Run," Sirius whispered to Harry, looking the other way, "Run. Now."

I did run, but not away from dad. I ran towards, him, skidding to a stop in front of him, fear in my eyes. Dad looked into my eyes and fear was in his eyes as well. "Elizabeth-" He choked out, a hand reaching out to touch my cheek. "Go- now- don't- want you- here."

Sirius was there, yanking me away from dad. "I love you!" I shouted, letting Sirius yank me back to where Snape was lying in a heap. Harry and Hermione were still there. Hermione was trembling in fright and she took my arm. Hermione screamed and I twirled, raising my wand and shouted, "Expelliarmus!"

Elizabeth Kane and the Prisoner of AzkabanWhere stories live. Discover now