Elizabeth Kane and the Prison...

由 Braveclementine2

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Third book of the Elizabeth Kane series. So, fighting off Voldemort to save a magical stone. Easy. Killing... 更多

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 7

71 3 2
由 Braveclementine2



𝕬𝖓𝖉 𝖘𝖔, 𝖆𝖗𝖔𝖚𝖓𝖉 six thirty, I was outside the door of Professor Dumbledore's office. I yawned, then knocked, and then went into the office. Professor McGonagall, Dumbledore, Snape, and Lupin were all standing around.

"You look tired Miss Kane." Professor Dumbledore said.

"I've never done well sleeping around others." I muttered. I hated these meetings. It always felt like I was on jury. "But I do want to get one thing out of the way."

"And what is that?" Professor Dumbledore asked.

"No one helped Sirius Black into the castle." I glared at Snape, "Do you understand me?"

There was silence. Then Professor Dumbledore said, "Thank you for clarifying."

"No offense, Headmaster, but I was asking Professor Snape." I said lightly. "You aren't the one who has a problem with my father."

Professor McGonagall looked a bit shocked, looking between Professor Lupin and myself. "Wait, Remus. . ."

Dad sighed. "Yes, Elizabeth is my daughter."

Professor McGonagall looked even more shocked, Professor Dumbledore looked tired, and Professor Snape looked angry and abashed at the same time. But then again, angry was just his resting face.

"Miss Kane." Professor Dumbledore continued, "Do you know why he attacked the Gryffindor common room?"

I hesitated and then related the same theory I had laid on Harry, Hermione, and Ron. Professor Dumbledore looked thoughtful and Professor McGonagall looked hopeful.

"Then he might not be after Potter after all!" Professor McGonagall said.

"I didn't say that." I said, much softer than I had addressed Professor Snape. "It's just a theory."

"Do you think perhaps, and I hate asking this of you Miss Kane because I know you hate doing it, but do you think it's possible you can mark his next move?" Professor Dumbledore said.

I sighed. "I can try."

I pulled the other chair away from his desk and turned it so that I could have my back to them and sat down, pulling my knees up under my chin and rested my forehead on them. I closed my eyes. The other teachers were talking, I could hear their voices except for dad's.

I was in a misty dream where Flint was telling Oliver that Hufflepuff would have to play against Gryffindor because Malfoy's arm was still 'hurting'. I gritted my teeth. And then- the visions cut off. I was dreaming instead. . . a dream that I often had about Professor Snape and myself, kissing, but I remembered that he was out there and I couldn't have this dream. . . and then Fred kissing me on valentine's day. . . and then Trang and I laughing over our comics. . . and then I was in Hagrid's cottage and then. . .

I was awake and I blinked stupidly, aware of raised voices behind me. I got out of the chair. Dad and Snape were staring at each other angrily, their wands raised. Professor McGonagall was standing next to Professor Dumbledore, a hand over her mouth. Professor Dumbledore was standing his own wand out, but not pointed at either Dad nor Snape.

"Remus, Severus." Dumbledore said sharply. Dad and Snape turned away from each other, thrusting their wands in their robes. "Miss Kane, did you see anything?"

It took me a minute to find my voice- it was hard to concentrate waking up to such a bizarre scene- and then I said, "I- I don't know. I was in my visions and then they just- disappeared. Like- like. . ." I tried to find a way to describe the feeling of the way it was cut off. "Like it was just- cut off. I don't know why, it never happened before. . ." I trailed off as dad glared angrily at Snape's back again.

"What happened after it was cut off?" Dad asked, hate and anger lacing his voice.

Though startled, I answered, "I just started to go through past memories that weren't visions, like I was dreaming. . ."

"You may go back to class Miss Kane." Professor Dumbledore said. He was trying to sound calm, but his eyes were blazing.

I fumbled with the doorknob and walked out the door feeling disoriented and confused. I closed the door but didn't go downstairs. Instead, I sat on the other side of the door. What the hell had happened?

Dad spoke first, practically spitting venom. "Don't you dare go through my daughter's head ever again Severus."

"We're not going to get answers-" Snape started.

Professor Dumbledore interrupted. "Severus, she's only going to see at her own pace. And we heard what happened when you went through her mind. She stopped seeing and only remembered."

It was then that I realized Snape had done Legilimency. "We won't tell Miss Kane what happened, do you hear me?" Professor Dumbledore said coldly. "And I expect you to never do that again, do you hear me Severus?"

"Yes, Headmaster." Snape said sharply.

I quietly crept away, not wanting to be found and not really wanting to hear anymore. I headed up to the Hufflepuff common room and got my textbooks. Today was going to be a horrible day.


𝕬𝖋𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖘𝖈𝖍𝖔𝖔𝖑 𝖜𝖆𝖘 ended, I went to find Cedric. I had redone three classes which was three extra hours without sleep.

Cedric was studying with his friends, half of them girls, the other half boys. "Hey Liz!" He said, looking a bit concerned, I'm sure I looked tired.

"C-can I t-talk to you for half a s-second?" I asked, yawning.

"Yeah!" He said. "What's up?" He asked as we were out of earshot from his friends.

"I had a v-vision." I said, yawning again. "Sorry, I didn't get much sleep last night."

"That's alright, what was your vision?" Cedric asked, looking both excited and fearful.

"Malfoy, that's the Slytherin's seeker, hurt his arm in Hagrid's Care of Magical Creatures class. While he did it on purpose, he still got hurt. Anyways, Flint is going to pull Slytherin from the first game and so then. . ."

"Hufflepuff will be playing Gryffindor for the first game?" Cedric finished for me.

I nodded.

"Thanks for letting me know early, I'll start upping practices." Ced said, looking out the window. "Not today, obviously, you need to go and get some sleep."

I shook my head, yawning again, "I gotta finish homework first and then I'll get some sleep. But Gryffindor has been practicing in every weather available. And I already know that the weather on the day of the match is going to be horrible. That's the real reason Flint is going to call off the match is the weather."

Cedric nodded angrily. "Yes, that is a Slytherin tactic."

"I-I sh-should go." I yawned. "If I want to start on my homework."

"Get a lot of sleep Liz." Cedric said, putting a hand on my shoulder and then walked back over to where his friends were.

I debated between going and studying down at Hagrid's or in dad's office. I decided on dad's office. I needed to ask him a question anyways.

Dad looked extremely pale when I entered his office. Full moon was in just two days. "Ah, Elizabeth." He said. "You should get some sleep."

"I want to learn Occlumency." I said harshly.

Dad stared at me and put his quill down. "So you overheard the conversation after you left?"

I nodded. "I don't want anyone in my head dad, not even you if I'm being honest. I've thought things and have memories I've never wanted you to see but you're also the only one who won't judge me for those memories and so you're the only one who can teach me to close my mind."

Dad hesitated. "Are you sure?"

"Yes." I said with zero hesitations and with zero convictions.

"We'll start after the full moon." Dad said. "Maybe, If I don't fall behind work to much."

"Let me do it." I offered quickly. "I know all the answers, I can at least mark the wrong ones and then you can just write grades on them when you get better."

"No." Dad said solidly. "You don't have the time, Elizabeth. I told you I wasn't going to give you private lessons because of the same reason and yet, I've got two different spells I'm going to be teaching you. No, get some sleep and be well rested for those lessons. I'll grade the stuff when I'm no longer ill."

I sighed, disappointed, and yawned again.

Dad got up from behind the desk and hugged me. "Go get some sleep sweetheart." He kissed my temple and I left the office.

I studied in the common room that night, working through my homework until my eyeballs burned. Around nine o'clock, Cedric came back with his friends. I was nearly through all my homework, I had two essays left. Cedric came and sat down in a chair.

"Did you get some dinner?"

"Noooo." I said slowly, writing down my last sentence on my Runes essay.

"What about sleep?"

"No." I said shortly, putting the essay aside and picking up the measuring tape and measuring it. Perfect. Then I picked up a new piece of parchment and started on my Charms homework.

"How do you even have homework?" Cedric asked. "I thought in the younger grades they don't give homework if you do the spells in class."

"Extra homework." I corrected. "But everyone gets some homework."

"You should drop a class."

I laughed, nearly blotting the start on my second paragraph. "Yes, I've heard that before."

Cedric was silent as he watched me write out my third and then fourth paragraphs. This essay was much shorter than the others, which I was glad for. I waved my wand over my essays, drying the ink completely. Then I wrapped them up one by one and put a band around them. I wrote which essay they were on the outside of the roll. I put each roll in my bag.

I looked up for the first time and saw Ced's worried face. "You know you're working way too hard, right?"

I shrugged, "I find everything incredibly fascinating."

"You're done, right?" Cedric asked, pointing at the nearly empty table.

I shook my head, "No, I still got to read a chapter in my Runes textbook and two chapters in my Muggle studies textbook. But that should be easy-"

Cedric put his finger on my mouth, "Get some sleep. As your Quidditch captain, that's an order. Read your chapters in the morning."

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the girls in the corner look at me, outraged. "Your fan clubs mad." I whispered.

Cedric shrugged but pulled his hand away all the same. "Go!"

I laughed, but grabbed my bag all the same. "Night Ced."

"Night Liz." He said.

I headed up the stairs, put my bag down by the side of my bed, pulled on my pajamas, and climbed into bed. I fell asleep almost immediately.


𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝖓𝖊𝖝𝖙 𝖒𝖔𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌, I woke up at 7:45 and got dressed slowly and made my way downstairs, my bag already packed for the day and propped my Muggle Studies book up and started reading while I fed myself Bacon. Harry, Ron, and Hermione came and sat down around me.

"Hullo Eliza." Ron said sleepily. I guessed he'd picked up Ginny's nickname for me, "What are you reading this early in the morning for?"

"Cedric wouldn't let me read last night. He told me to go to bed anyways." I said, turning the page on the book to read about electricity.

"You let him tell you what to do?" Harry asked curiously.

I looked up, a bit defensive. "Well, he's my Quidditch Captain. He can tell the team members what's best for their health. It just means I have to finish my homework this morning before class."

"But you don't have Muggle Studies this morning." Ron said with a grin. "You have Charms, with us."

"I know." I said nonchalantly. "But I'd much rather get it done sooner rather than later."

Ron shrugged, helping himself to eggs and toast.

Hermione and I exchanged a look. It was getting harder to hide the secrets from Ron and Harry since they had started to memorize our schedules. To bad they couldn't memorize the dates to Goblin rebellions or potion ingredients.

I changed the subject quickly, "So has Flint told Oliver the news yet?"

"Yes." Harry said, dejectedly. "We have to play Hufflepuff now."

"Yeesh," I said sarcastically, "You sound disappointed, almost like you think we might beat you."

"I suppose it's possible." Harry said thoughtfully, looking up at the stormy ceiling and then said, "Glad we don't have Care of Magical Creatures today." Then Harry grinned and looked at me. "Fred thinks we'll beat you guys because he said Hufflepuff is a pushover."

I glared down the table where Fred, George, and Lee were sitting and laughing, "We'll show him!"

Harry, Ron, and Hermione all laughed and I joined in. I finished off the second chapter and closed the textbook, putting it back in my bag. Then, I walked to charms with them.


𝕬𝖋𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖘𝖈𝖍𝖔𝖔𝖑 𝖜𝖆𝖘 over, I felt exhausted. I'd redone two separate hours, making the day longer than it should have been.

I dropped everything in the common room and started on my homework. I was halfway through it, nearing seven o'clock when Cedric came in and grabbed the quill from my hand. I looked up startled.

"Have you eaten dinner?" Cedric asked.

It was like a repeat of last night. "No?" I asked.

"Come on." Cedric said, "Put your stuff away and let's go down and eat."

I didn't argue. I dried out my essay and did the same as I had last night, putting everything away in my dorm. Then I went back downstairs and walked with Cedric down to dinner. I sat at the Hufflepuff table with Cedric and his friends and ate. I didn't talk but listened to them jest, and laughed when something was funny.

As it neared closer and closer to eight, I leaned over and said, "I have to go, I'll see you later."

"Where are you going?" He asked quietly.

"Private lesson with Snape." I said back.

He sighed, rolling his eyes, "See you."

I walked down the corridor and knocked on Snape's door. There was no answer and I pushed the door open. There was no one in there though there was a piece of paper on the table. I walked over, closing the door behind me and picked up the piece of paper.

Running late, be there soon

I sat down on the stool and put my head in my arms and closed my eyes. I think I fell asleep because my dream started out the same as it usually did.

I was in Snape's office and he was standing behind me. "Elizabeth." He said in a voice that he had never used in real life. It was soft and sweet and made me feel strange. But a good strange. His hand closed around the tie we students wore and he pulled upwards while he bent down so that our mouths came together. I felt a sort of ecstasy go through me.

My hands were in his hair, something I dreamed of whether I was asleep or not. The hand that wasn't holding my tie was around my waist, pulling me closer. The dream always got a little blurry at this point but when it got clearer, we were on his bed. I had slept in this bed before, in my first year when Professor Quirrell had chased me, meaning to kill me.

His hands were on the top button of my shirt, undoing it and the next one, and the next one. My hands reached up, taking the cloak off his shoulders. His black vest was buttoned too and in a flash, it was off him. His body always changed you at this part. Sometimes he had abs, sometimes he didn't. He was never fat but sometimes never stick thin either. His fingers deftly undid my last button and he pulled the shirt away. . .

And then someone was shaking me and I sat up straight, now in the potions room. Professor Snape had his hand on my shoulder and was saying, "Wake up Elizabeth."

I rubbed my eyes and looked into his eyes and then looked away, blushing. Oh, thank God he hadn't gone into my mind. He had just walked in.

"If you're tired, you don't have to do the lesson." Professor Snape said, walking around the table now and sat down in front of me. He undid his cloak and laid it on the seat next to him. I think I might've started hyperventilating and my fingers reflexively twitched as though taking his vest off was muscle memory. "Are you alright?" Professor Snape asked, concerned.

My cheeks flushed and I thought heat might be radiating from them. "Ah, yes, Professor, s-sorry, I was dreaming and er- you s-startled me."

"Oh." Professor Snape said, frowning. I noticed his cheeks were a little flushed too. "Do you want to continue the lesson?"

"Yeah, yeah, of course." I said, regaining the rhythm of my breathing and pushed my hair back. I had to get a grip on myself!

Professor Snape seemed a bit occupied as he went up to his desk and I said, "Professor?"

"Yes?" he asked without looking up.

"You taught dad's class today?" I asked hesitantly.

His shoulders tensed up, "Yes. Professor Dumbledore asked me to substitute."

"Did you really assign a werewolf assignment?"

Snape finally looked up at me. There was a flash and I remembered his face before he kissed me. I quickly shoved the dream aside. He never kissed you! I thought hotly in my head. It was a bloody dream!

"Yes." He said calmly.

I shrugged. "Okay, I was just wondering."

"You're not mad?" He seemed genuinely shocked.

"No one's going to do the assignment anyways." I said. "Except Hermione."

Suddenly there was a knock at the door, an aggressive one. "Come in." Snape said coldly.

Ron entered the room. He looked at me, a bit curiously, and then realized I must be here for my private lesson.

"Mr. Weasley, you can start over there." Snape said, pointing to the table. "You'll only be cleaning the desks. Tomorrow you'll be cleaning the bedpans in the hospital wing. Miss Kane, we'll take the lesson into the office."

I felt my cheeks go colourless and then blush again. Ron nodded curtly and started in the farthest corner. I got up and self-consciously made my way over to the office and stepped inside. Automatically, my eyes went over to the bed and I blushed and sat down in the wooden chair by the desk across the room from the bed.

Professor Snape closed the door behind him and then sat down next to me and started the lesson.


𝕬𝖋𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖑𝖊𝖘𝖘𝖔𝖓 was over, Professor Snape held me back. He looked like he was fighting with himself about something.

I peered at him curiously, "What is it, Professor?"

"In Dumbledore's office a few days ago. . ." Snape started slowly, clenching the desk in his hands and not looking at me, "I er-"

"I already know." I said abruptly.

Snape looked at me, surprised and then recovered, looking sullen, "I suppose Lupin told you?"

I shook my head, "I eavesdropped at the door after I left."

Snape hesitated and then got up abruptly and strode across the room towards his bed and with his back towards me he said, "I shouldn't have done it. I just. . . I wanted to catch Black. I didn't know-"

"I'm not mad." I said softly, getting up and walking over to him. I reached out, hesitated and then, slipped my hands around his waist.

He tensed and then relaxed. I leaned my forehead against his back. I wasn't sure what had made me so bold, but I had done it. Maybe it was because of the dream and now I was in the same place.

I felt his hand on mine and I took in a shuddering breath. Then I stepped backwards and put my hand on the handle, "I overstepped boundaries, s-sorry."

He didn't answer, his back still towards me and then in a strange, strangled voice that I suppose he thought was normal he said, "It's quite alright, Elizabeth. We'll just be careful not to overstep anymore boundaries."

I blushed and then stepped out, closing the door behind me. Ron was already gone and I went up to my dorm and lay awake, thinking of his words and his posture and his voice. I rolled over, smiling into my pillow. Needless to say, it took a very long time to get to sleep.


𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝖓𝖊𝖝𝖙 𝖉𝖆𝖞 was the Quidditch match. I was a bit disappointed and definitely furious with Malfoy. If only the Quidditch match wasn't on the weekend of a full moon! Then Dad would've been able to see me fly.

I ate a little breakfast and then went to join the other Hufflepuffs in the locker room. It was pouring outside. It was the kind of weather that thunder rumbled and lightning flashed and you thought it might be a hurricane or a tornado except you were in Britain.

We waited in the room, Cedric looked out the windows and then turned to me and said, "Any visions of wisdom Kane?"

Everyone, including me, laughed. "I think we have a pretty high chance of actually winning this." I admitted. "But only if we are on the top of our game, no slacking."

"You'll make a great captain one day." Heidi said, with an eye roll. "Bloody inspiring speech."

There was another round of laughter and I think we all felt a bit better.

It was time and we all stood, clutching our brooms.

The rain had lightened up just enough so it didn't feel like hail on our heads, but was still pouring in torrents. Cedric smiled at Oliver but Oliver didn't look like he was capable of unlocking his tightened jaw and just nodded. I winked at Harry who grinned back. We were already soaked before we even kicked up off the ground.

The rain was falling harder now as we flew upwards on our brooms. Heidi grabbed the Quaffle and we shot off towards the Gryffindor pitch. I was a bit nervous and hoped I didn't have to throw the Quaffle. Wood was a superb keeper.

But Heidi threw me the Quaffle as Angelina Johnson came up on her left side and I caught it and sped forward. I rolled to avoid Katie's hands and sped towards Oliver, my eyes narrowed. Oliver stared me down and I threw the Quaffle as hard as possible. It went through.

Oliver looked distressed and my stomach turned. I felt guilty now and I turned around so I didn't have to see his face anymore. I dodged another bludger (barely) and raced back down towards the Hufflepuff goals a bit half-heartedly. Alicia had the Quaffle and then threw it to Angelina and she scored.

The game continued and I didn't score anymore goals, either throwing the Quaffle to Heidi or to Malcolm. I didn't want the pressure. But when I passed the scoreboard, I saw we were losing by 50 points.

Then, over everything, I heard Madam Hooch's whistle and through the blinding rain, I made my way towards the ground.

I landed next to Cedric. We were all soaking wet.

"What happened?" Heidi asked.

"Oliver called a time out." I answered. "Oh, sorry Ced."

Everyone laughed.

"No problem Liz." Cedric said, with a huge grin. We took off on our brooms again as the Gryffindors had finished their huddle. Heidi got the Quaffle and I scored a second goal. Forty points now.

We were flying back towards Hufflepuffs goal posts when I stopped flying. It wasn't a stop I had meant to make, it was instinctive. My vision was gone, a different vision in front of my eyes. I watched it, hypnotized and then pulled out of it.

I came to realize I had stopped in front of the teacher's stadium and Snape, McGonagall, and Dumbledore had their eyes on me. I flicked my eyes over to them for a second and then searched the sky, looking for Harry. I ducked as a bludger nearly took my head off and out of the corner of my eye, I saw both Snape and McGonagall jerk reflexively.

Suddenly, an intense coldness came from around and I took off on my broom, frightened. The dementors were coming.

I saw Harry, shooting upwards in the sky and, abandoning the game, I followed him. Cedric was above him by just a little more. Then, I brought my broom to a halt as the dementors, perhaps a hundred of them, were floating up after Harry and Cedric.

I felt the coldness go right through my bones. I wasn't going to be able to get to Harry- I was already feeling faint from here. I saw Harry look down, and then, his face went slack and he fell from his broom.

I knew I gasped, though I couldn't hear it over the thunder. Harry fell past the dementors, though they seemed to grab at him and then past me, the dementors swooping. I felt dizzy and I shot down after Harry. I gained on him, screams were coming from the crowd. I didn't stop though, and I caught Harry's arm and pulled him onto my broom. I leaned across him so that he would stay on the broom.

But the dementors weren't giving up and they were swirling around us. Harry was already out and I yanked my hairband out of my hair and wrapped it around my wrist and then around the broom handle. I shot towards the ground as fast as I could.

I was very close to passing out but I knew, as someone- my mum started screaming in my ears "James- James, quickly!" And dad screaming back, "He's here, grab Harry and run!" Because Harry wasn't safe but I was. Because Voldemort didn't know I existed. Because if mum took Harry and ran, she could come back for me. But she didn't.

And then, I passed out. We were still fifty feet in the air- falling.


𝕴 𝖆𝖜𝖔𝖐𝖊 𝖔𝖓 something soft and clean. A bed. A hospital bed. There were voices too. I could hear Fred's voice but I didn't open my eyes, I couldn't.

"We'll come and see you later. Don't beat yourself up, Harry, you're still the best Seeker we've ever had." Fred said and I heard multiple feet marching out of the hospital wing. Cedric must've caught the snitch, I thought.

"Dumbledore was really angry." Hermione's voice said. She sounded like she had been crying, "Eliza caught you, of course but the dementors, it looked like you were surrounded in a ball of them. She couldn't get back to the ground. So you both fell, you both probably passed out again. . . Dumbledore ran onto the field as you guys fell, waved his wand, and you both suddenly looked like you were falling in slow motion. Of course, the dementors were still over you both and he shot something silvery at them and they fled. You hit the ground and didn't move. He was furious-"

Hermione cut off and Ron took up the story. "Then he magicked both of you onto stretchers. The four house heads came running down too. McGonagall and Sprout seemed the most concerned of course. Everyone thought you two were. . ."

Dead. I finished for him in my head.

"Did someone get my Nimbus?" Harry asked after a long silence.

"Er-" Hermione said.

"What?" Harry asked.

"Well. . . when you fell off, it got blown away." Hermione said in a hesitant voice, not wanting to continue.

"And?" Harry asked.

"And it hit- it hit- Oh Harry!" Hermione cried in dismay. "it hit the Whomping Willow!"

I wondered about my Nimbus. I had attached it to my wrist for that reason.

"And?" Harry asked in a choked voice.

"Well," Ron said. "You know the Whomping Willow. It- it doesn't like being hit."

"Professor Flitwick brought it back just before you came around." Hermione said and it sounded like she was picking up a bundle of sticks.

Harry didn't say anything for a long time and then said, "Is Elizabeth going to be okay?"

"Yes." Hermione said. "Madam Pomfrey said she'll be out longer than you because she passed after you. I'd assume she'd be coming around anytime soon."

She stopped talking and I felt that perhaps they were all looking at me. I didn't move.

"I guess I owe Elizabeth my life." Harry said.

"Shut up." I said from my bed, still not opening my eyes, "You would've done the same for me."

I finally opened my eyes and sat up slowly, rubbing them.

"Elizabeth!" Hermione squealed, looking much happier, now that I was awake. "Oh thank goodness."

"Where's my broom?" I asked, looking around.

Hermione clucked her tongue, "What is it with Quidditch players waking up and asking about their brooms?"

I grinned, not quite up to laughing. I looked down at my wrist and saw there was a huge imprint mark where my band had been. The band in question was sitting on my bedside table, soaking wet.

Hermione and Ron looked as though they had climbed out of a swimming pool, they were that wet. But Harry and I were no longer in our Quidditch uniforms. We were in standard hospital garments.

"Cedric has your broom." Ron answered. "The team was here before Madam Pomfrey kicked 'em out. Cedric took the broom for you."

I nodded, relieved.

"It's okay Harry." I said. "You'll get a new broom for Christmas."

"That's good to know." Harry said, sounding relieved. "Who's buying it for me?"

I shrugged, "Don't know yet. And I won't tell you what type of broom it'll be either. I won't ruin that surprise."

Ron made a face, "Why do you get to know Christmas presents before everyone else? We aren't even mid way through November yet!"

I felt much better than I had before. I didn't answer Ron.

"When can I leave the hospital?" I asked as Madam Pomfrey bustled over with medicine. She seemed to have a small heart attack.

"On Monday!" She said, aghast. "Don't you dare think that you can leave any earlier than that."

I was a bit upset with this since there really wasn't anything wrong with me. Plus, I had homework I needed to get done before Monday and if I couldn't leave, how was I supposed to get it?

Luckily, Cedric and Heidi showed up some time later, both clean and in Hogwarts robes.

"How are you feeling Elizabeth?" Heidi asked anxiously.

"Never better." I said with a smile. "I honestly feel like I could leave now and be fine."

"You don't hurt anywhere?" Cedric asked, concerned.

I shook my head. "My wrist is a little sore." I held up my wrist as proof. The band mark was still there.

Cedric shook his head. "That was a stupid move, you know. You nearly cut your wrist off."

I shrugged, "At least my broom is safe." Heidi and I laughed, but Cedric seemed extremely concerned.

"What did happen?" I asked. "I remember grabbing Harry as he fell and pulling him on my broom. You were above him, and you caught the snitch. . ."

I trailed off and Cedric took up the story, "Well, I caught the snitch and looked back and saw Harry fall off his broom. I saw all the dementors below but they didn't affect me as much as they had seemed to affect him. . . I was only cold and a bit depressed even though we'd won the game. . . anyways, I did see you catch him and you took the band out of your hair and you were making your way to the ground but the dementors. . . well they seemed to surround you, like a. . . like a black hole." Cedric finished with some difficulty.

"Of course," Heidi said. "Dumbledore managed to save both of you. You hit the ground and. . . well. . . we thought you guys were. . ." She grew pale.

"Dead." I whispered for her.

She nodded her head. "The only talk seemed to be coming from the Slytherin pitch."

I snorted. "Of course."

Heidi laughed a little.

"Heidi, can you get my homework and stuff for me?" I asked then. "I have to get it done by Monday."

"Absolutely not." Cedric said sharply. "You're supposed to be resting."

I rolled my eyes. "I'll go bonkers if I don't get this homework done, okay? I have to have something to do in here."

"Fine." Cedric said, sounding just a little snappish.

"I'll be back soon." Heidi said, and dashed out of the infirmary wing.

I sighed, leaning back on the pillows.

Cedric looked down at the bed, not saying anything.

"Are you mad?" I asked suddenly. He looked up at me.

"Only a little bit." He answered.

"You shouldn't be."

"Yes I should."

We glared at each other and then we both smiled at the same time and burst into laughter.

"Alright." I said, "Be mad all you want."

"I will." Cedric said, then leaned over and kissed my cheek. "Get some rest Kane."

"Sure." I said, blushing. He walked out of the hospital wing, hands in his pockets. I glanced over where Harry was sitting up, reading a book. No one was visiting him.

I thought about calling over to him but Heidi came back with my homework and I threw myself into studying. 


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