BLIZZARD: Ours Is the Fury VO...

By arithefreakmalfoy

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As the youngest child between Steffon and Cassana Baratheon; born at the tail end of her elder brother's rebe... More

Amor Prohibido
The Dark Hood
Dinner of Madness
Meet Me At Midnight
The Lion Still Has Claws
King Of the Flowers
The Plot Thickens
Dragon Dreams
Wed Her to Me
The Lion and The Stag
She Knows
Goodbye, my love.
It's a...
Every Rose Has Its Thorn
Everything Has Changed
First of His Name
Son of a Traitor
Gonzo Rivers
Back to King's Landing
Speak Now (Robb's Version)
Princess of the House Stark, Lady of Winterfell. The Devine Wolf.

The High Road

74 4 0
By arithefreakmalfoy


The High Road

Robb's POV

King's Landing, Westeros

Jon swung his sword at me, the Valryian steel sword he was gifted from a man he met years ago on a trip with father, nearly took my arm off had I not shifted myself quickly. We decided to say fuck it to the targets that we normally trained with today and wanted to sword fight with each other.

Prince Joffrey wanted to join too. Knowing what I know now made it difficult to look at him. Especially with how much he looks like Jon and my father. I so badly wanted to turn around with my sword and knock him on his ass.

Alana's voice echoed in my ears though. Like an angel on my shoulder telling me to do the right thing. He didn't ask to be born, Robb... Leave him be... He's still your brother by blood. I wished she was whispering for real in my ear right now rather than just a memory of her voice guiding me.

She sent a raven a few weeks ago and since then I have no heard from her. She says she had a fake wedding to Jaime Lannister and even he is in on it to protect her. But I don't trust it. I'm not there to make sure he doesn't trick her. To be sure he doesn't lay a finger on her or my baby... My baby that's growing each day and I don't even know if I'll make it to Highgarden to meet my child.

"Behind you!" Jon shout to me.

I turned quickly and ducked to the ground. Tripping Joffrey by the ankles and throwing his ass to the ground too. He landed hard and grunted and seethed through his teeth in pain. Exhaling a deep breath as I got up and reached my hand to his as I towered above him.

He placed his hand in mine and I pulled him closer to me without fully pulling him up. I went right to face, my nose nearly touching his and said, "Don't ever come up behind on an opponent. There is no honor is killing a man when he can't look you in the eyes to see you kill him. Your uncle should know plenty about that... He is the Shamed Kingslayer after all."

"I'm sorry I didn't know-"

"Next time you try to sneak up on me, I'll show you what the eyes of a killer look like." I tossed him back to the ground, taking my sword from the ground and putting it back on my hip. Nodding to Jon. "Let's get inside. I've had enough for today."


I sat in my room thinking of all the words I could say to Alana. All the stories I could share with her but I didn't want to make it all about me. I wanted to ask of her, to know how her days are being spent. To know how many kicks she feels a day and to know how big our baby is growing inside of her now.

But the parchment sat blank and the ink on my quill was drying up. My wrist and hand were frozen, unable to form a single word to write to her.

A knock on my chamber door had me placing the quill down back into the inkwell. I turned in my chair and called for the visitor to enter. To my surprise it was Tyrion Lannister. Most days he stayed in is tower but it was rather nice to see him out and about. And to receive a visit from him.

"To what do I owe the pleasure, my Lord?" I said as I offered him a seat.

Tyrion sat down across from me and smiled as I offered him wine that he graciously accepted. He took a sip and grinned.

"Lady Stark will return on the morrow." He raised a brow. "I hear from Jon Snow that you two plan to ride to Highgarden? Now how do you suppose Robert will allow that? Especially with news that came today... Delayed news but still news."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Well, a few weeks ago was the news of Alana being wed to Jaime... Now she's wrote to her brother she is expecting. Robert clearly thinks the babe belongs to my brother, Jaime, so how do you suppose Robert would react to you wanting to see her give birth?" Tyrion replied.

Quickly I sucked down an entire cup of wine. Perhaps not the best way to deal with this but it was the easiest way and right at my fingertips. I hated knowing that she had to play this game. Had Robert not been such a cunt I could have married Alana and we'd be preparing for our baby all on our own.

"He doesn't need to know we're going to Highgarden. He doesn't need to know we're going anywhere at all." I shrugged. "In fact-"

"I will not lie for you, Robb." Tyrion raised a brow. "Or my head will be decorating the gates."

"Then don't." I shrugged. "I don't care anymore. I want to be with the girl I love when she needs me most."

"May I offer a word of advice?" Tyrion said as he sipped the wine again.

I scoffed and silently nodded.

"Leave her be." Tyrion suggested. "She is healing on her own and if you go there it'll be like torture for her to have to see you and not be able to touch you. There are spies and spiders all over Westeros, Young Wolf. You think Robert won't find out the truth before your return? Stay put as Alana asked of you and just wait for her return. It should be in just a few months now. I hear they are having a celebration for Margaery's time growing near, perhaps your Lady sister will attend with your Lady mother and can give you a full report? Only if you trust them enough to do so."

Tyrion was trying to be helpful and I understood that, but I don't think that he understood just what this meant for Alana and I. Having to be completely apart. Fear that our letters to one another would be read by Robert of one of his spies. I didn't want to take the advice given by Tyrion Lannister but I knew I had too for Alana. For her life and our child's life.

"Have you ever met the Tyrells before?" I asked Tyrion.

He nodded politely. "Alana is safe under the care of Lady Olenna. She's not called Queen of the Thorns for nothing." A quick wink.

"I just want to be sure no one there will turn on her." I replied.

Tyrion shifted in his seat, pulling himself closer to the table and shrugged slightly. A smirk curling upon his lips. "My Lord, I know it is the last thing you want to hear but my brother is infatuated with the Lady Baratheon and would do all in his power to keep her out of harm's way. So long as she has the Tyrells and Jaime... She's as good as can be."

I exhaled and nodded while looked doing at my lap. Picking at the skin around my nails. Something I caught Alana doing time and time again. I always told her to stop that it was a bad habit to have. Yet here I am... Doing just as she does.

"I do not worry for the girl," Tyrion added. "I worry for you."

"Me?" I snorted. "Why me?"

Tyrion cleared his throat. Turning his head and looking around the room. My room that would be in complete disarray had Shae not came to turn it over this morning. The last few weeks I've allowed her back into my room to clean. Which had been a big step for me. If I had it my way I'd still be laying in bed in my own filth and crying day and night.

"When is the last time you really felt like yourself, my Lord?" Tyrion raised a brow. "You do not laugh and you do not smile. You hide in this room for your meals that you still hardly touch. Shae had to send for new trousers for you because you've lost so much weight on your waist. Your face looks sickly and you snapped on the Prince today..."

"It was jesting is all." I shrugged.

"Telling him you'd show him what a true killer looks like? Oh yes- what a funny, funny jest." Tyrion scoffed as he rolled his eyes. "Cersei does not take kindly to anyone messing with her children. You best hope he doesn't tell her of your funny little words."

"If she even thinks of coming at me then all of Westeros will know of her bastard children. I am not stupid, Lord Tyrion. I know the truth of your niece and nephews. They are my half siblings." I replied.

Tyrion sat silent for a moment.

"What is it?" I asked, narrowing my gaze at him.

He drained his cup and went to leave the room when I swiftly cut him off and blocked the door. I'd be damned if he knew something and was not going to share it with me. He looked defeated and went back to the chair he had been sitting in.

"Alana did not tell you, did she?" He asked.

"Tell me what?" I replied.

He poured another cup of wine and exhaled as he looked pained to speak.

"I won't say a word-"

"Did Alana tell you that she knows who Jon Snow's mother is?" Tyrion blurt out.

The world felt as though it froze. She knew Jon's mother and didn't tell me anything? I felt a bit betrayed by her. Leaving without sharing it with me. I shook my head silently at Tyrion as I tried to wrap my head around the fact that Alana was now keeping secrets from me. I know I had my secrets and I've told my share of lies, but this was something I'd have expected her to share with me... I would have shared it with her.

"If this leaves your lips I will feed you to that wolf of yours and when it shits your remains out I'll throw them into Blackwater Bay. Do you understand?" Tyrion grit through his teeth in a low growl.

I nodded.

"Say it." He growled again.

"I understand, my Lord."

He loudly exhaled and shut is eyes as he spoke the words. "Cersei Lannister is Jon Snow's mother..."

I laughed loudly and hard. So hard that I felt tears in my eyes from how hard I had been laughing. My stomach cramping as I gripped onto it, bending over trying to catch my breath. Laughter echoing through my entire chamber for a moment of time.

Until I noticed that Lord Tyrion was not laughing.

He was not smiling.

He was cold as stone.

"I am not jesting with you, Young Wolf." Tyrion said in a whisper. "Quit your laughter and take this seriously."

I cleared my throat and straightened up in my chair. This couldn't be. But then again I did not ever believe for my father to have sired three of the Queen's children. Although for her to have been Jon's mother came to a bigger surprise to me.

"How?" I asked. "I mean- not HOW but... How?"

Tyrion told me all of it and he told it true. As true as he knew at least. Father met Cersei during his travels in the war and fell in love with her. They created Jon during their time together at the start of the war and to protect her from Robert's wrath she gave the babe to my father to raise and they agreed she'd never be a mother to him.

I wanted to run to tell Jon.

I wanted to hit my father.

I wanted to spill the secret to Robert and then spill my own about Alana and I to him. But that would only be treason. That would have me killed in an instant. So, I needed to think of something else. Something better.

I had to sneak to Highgarden. Doing it alone would be impossible and telling Tyrion Lannister wouldn't be the best option either. I knew with these secrets floating about the castle that it was not going to be safe much longer.

"You can't even tell Jon." Tyrion added. "Please..."

I nodded. "Does my father plan to tell him?"

Tyrion shrugged. "I told my sister I no longer want anything to do with her secrets or her plots. I do know that eventually she will see you, Alana, and your bastard-"

"My child is not a bastard." I sneered.

Tyrion chuckled. "And I am not a dwarf."

"I'm not playing around-"

"Neither am I." Tyrion swirled his cup in his hand. "As I was saying before you so rudely interrupted me... Cersei will be seeking revenge just for you all being aware of her dirty little secret. Now, if you want my advice I'd say when Alana returns you have a ship waiting. Jaime will smuggle her and the babe and you can safely leave King's Landing." 

"If the best option was for us to flee King's Landing... Why did everyone tell us it was a bad idea before? Why is it a good idea now?"

Now I was pacing back and forth. Hands on my hips and then running one hand through my hair and laughing from aggravation. My eyes burning with tears as I fought them back. This was ridiculous. This was stupid.

Tyrion stayed silent.

"I've had enough of your advice. I've had enough of Shae's advice- I've had enough of all advice!" I shouted. "Now leave! Leave and do not return, my Lord. I wish to be alone."


With a sack filled with food, drink, and clothes I slung it over my shoulder and threw on a black hooded cloak. Much like the one my father had been wearing on his secret Cersei visits. I shuddered at the thought of it as I pulled the hood up over my head.

Jon was behind me, garbed in the same black hood as we climbed onto our horses, our wolves at our sides as we rode into the dark night. Leaving King's Landing as nothing but a memory behind us. We both needed to leave. We wanted to get the fuck out. The best way was to escape when no one knew.

First stop for us would be Highgarden.

If Lady Olenna and Lord Mace Tyrell really had Alana's back they'd let us use a ship. We could sail anywhere we want. We could go across the Narrow Sea to Daenerys the Dragon Queen and be safe that way. So long as we bend the knee, she'd protect us. She and Alana are cousins after all.


Greywind and Ghost were sniffing out the path ahead of us. Listening to be sure there was no one else hiding in the woods that would dare attack us. It would be a rude awakening for anyone to try to steal from us while we have not one, but two wolves. Wolves that are twice the size of your average wolf.

Jon rode beside me, still keeping our hoods up as we were still a days ride away from King's Landing. Gold cloaks know what we look like and I'd be damned if they caught us right now. So far away from Highgarden, yet closer than we were just yesterday.

"Thank you for bringing me with you, brother." Jon said softly as we went down the path in the woods right off the King's Road.

I nodded and smiled softly. "I could not imagine leaving you there. Your life would be in peril."

By the silence I realized what I had said. Jon was confused and I could feel him staring at me. It was burning through the hood of my cloak I shut my eyes and sucked air through my teeth, feeling like a complete fool for saying such a thing.

"Why- why would my life be in peril?" He asked softly.

"Because I'm an idiot." I replied with a shrug. Annoyed with myself.

"Is it because of what they're saying around the castle about Father and Cersei? I heard some of the maids whispering about it. Maybe because I'm a bastard either way they'd kill me? Is that it, brother?" Jon asked.

I could not lie to him.

And I did not swear an oath to Lord Tyrion.

"Jon... It's about your mother..." I replied softly as I was about to crush his entire world.

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