More Than Human

By snapple714

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Unbeknownst to each other, Soap and Ghost's first thought upon meeting the other were exactly the same. "What... More

Chapter 1: What a Strange Smell
Chapter 2: To Kiss Fire and Water
Chapter 3: Bedtime Gossip
Chapter 4: I Know Her
Chapter 5: The Sight
Chapter 6: Another Way to Feed
Chapter 7: To Satiate a Beast
Chapter 8: Only Tame For Him
Chapter 9: Betrayal
Chapter 10: What Are The Rules?
Chapter 11: A Wolf's Weakness
Chapter 12: You Want Me?
Chapter 13: Sweet Dreams
Chapter 14: A Walk in the Woods
Chapter 15: Rescue
Chapter 16: A Goat and A Fish
Chapter 17: The Proper Way
Chapter 18: Grew Him Myself
Chapter 19: A Video Call
Chapter 20: My Brother
Chapter 21: A Tank to A Gun Fight
Chapter 22: Something Like That
Chapter 23: A Little Messy
Chapter 24: Something You Want
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27: More Than You
Chapter 28: All My Tricks
Chapter 29: Extra Quirky
Chapter 30: Fetch
Chapter 31: Day Drinking
Chapter 32: Cozy Beast
Chapter 33: Call Me Yours
Chapter 34: Back to Sleep
Chapter 35: So Familiar
Chapter 36: That Head of His
Chapter 37: Can We Go?
Chapter 38: On the Road Again
Chapter 39: I'd Like to Remember
Chapter 40: Keep Him Safe
Chapter 41: Why I'm Called Ghost
Chapter 42: Sleeping On It
Chapter 43: Mama
Chapter 44: The Basement
Chapter 45: Care
Chapter 46: The Good Parts
Chapter 47: A Hole in A Tree
Chapter 48: What Sort of Brother?
Chapter 49: Subjects 24
Chapter 50: Trappers
Chapter 51: Monsters and Love
Chapter 52: An Old Friend
Chapter 53: Life in Captivity
Chapter 54: It Dwells in the Lake
Chapter 55: Light Turned Off
Chapter 56: Okay Now
Chapter 57: Medical Jargon
Chapter 58: Found You
Chapter 59: Homeward Bound
Chapter 60: Little Friend
Chapter 61: Precious
Chapter 62: Underwater Playmate
Chapter 63: Family Breakfast
Chapter 64: It's Me and You
Chapter 65: Reunions
Chapter 66: One Step Back
Chapter 67: Have Your Fun
Chapter 68: Chaining Flowers
Chapter 69: Red Ball
Chapter 70: You're Blossoming
Chapter 71: All Bodies Change
Chapter 72: Fatherly Woes
Chapter 73: A Budding Romance
Chapter 74: A Harpy's Wisdom
Chapter 75: Family Introductions
Chapter 76: Shovel Talk
Chapter 77: The Griffin
Chapter 78: Getting Together
Chapter 79: Pretty Tree
Chapter 80: Right With The World
Chapter 81: A Crash
Chapter 82: Investigation and Intel
Chapter 83: Not Going Anywhere
Chapter 84: The Calm
Chapter 85: The Storm: Part 1
Chapter 86: The Storm: Part 2
Chapter 87: The Storm: Part 3
Chapter 88: Waking a Vampire
Chapter 89: My Ocean
Chapter 90: I'm Yours
Chapter 91: Safe
Chapter 92: Comfortable
Chapter 93: Speaking the Words Aloud
Chapter 94: Peace in the Garden
Chapter 95: An Unlikely Pair
Chapter 96: Speculation
Chapter 97: Under the Mistletoe
Chapter 98: A Griffin's Heart
Chapter 100: A New Purpose

Chapter 99: Family Holiday

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By snapple714

Christmas day was a very cozy affair. König and Horangi missed dinner the night before, but they weren't upset in the end. The rest of the team had been too scared to go to their rooms and fetch them.

Either way, they emerged in the morning along with everyone else. They were all extremely amused by the sight of stockings on the fireplace of the sitting room and Price insisting that it must have been Santa Claus.

"We're grown men, Captain." Ghost told him, deadpanned.

Price reeled back slightly, looking affronted, "Do you really think so little of the man? Think he would only focus on the children of the world. Santa cares for all, Simon. Well, everyone who's been good at least."

"I dunno if what we do for a living qualifies as being good, Price." Soap wrinkled up his nose doubtfully.

Nikolai came up behind the wolf and boldly reached a hand up to scratch at the back of his scalp, "No, no. You are all very good boys."

Soap gave a happy rumble and began kicking at the ground, tail wagging rapidly. Ghost wasn't sure if it was due to the scratching or the fact that he had been called a good boy.

Either way, they all indulged Price's whims and sat around on the floor going through the stockings. After that there were more gifts actually from Price, and from each other. Rudy made them all wait until after breakfast though. It didn't take much convincing from the man as he had made cinnamon rolls. As soon as those words had left his mouth about half the room was stumbling over each other to get to the promised food.

Gaz and Roach were slightly distracted all morning as their little cocooned caterpillar was emerging. The little thing came out with its wings all shriveled and wet. A blue butterfly that Roach named Morph. The whole team checked on the little thing in the enclosure occasionally. It was fascinating to watch, and it reminded them all of how Roach looked when he had gotten dunked. Slow, still, weak. But with so much potential.

Another activity for the day was continuing their failed mistletoe venture from the day before. They kept trying to maneuver the little sprigs around where Price and Nik would inevitably walk, but they weren't having much luck, and clearly they weren't being very subtle. Price eventually had it. He couldn't just stand idly by when he knew his boys were up to something.

"Alright." He said finally, "Spill. What have you lads been up to."

They all blinked and avoided eye contact, clearly trying to feign innocence.

Price huffed, "Deception is the quickest way to end up on the naughty list next year."

The threat clearly worked. Soap folded so fucking fast.

He pulled a piece of the mistletoe from his pocket and instantly spilled his guts, "We've been tryin' to get you and Nik to go under the mistletoe so we could make ya kiss each other but we accidentally made König and Horangi kiss and fuck and be in love and we just wanted you two to admit that you were in love too but it's so fuckin' hard and you two are impossible!"

Price blinked. Everyone in the room looked at him in awe and confusion. There was absolutely no punctuation in his statement, and he had said it all in one breath, having to suck one in at the end of his ramblings.

Nikolai snorted, apparently amused.

"Why were you trying to get us to kiss each other?" Price asked, wholly confused.

"Because you're always hidin' it and we fuckin' know you're in love! We just want ya to admit it!" Soap whined, flopping sideways dramatically across Ghost's lap.

"Of course we are, Sergeant." Price said after a moment.

"You..." Soap slowly sat up, "You're just gonna admit it. Just like that?"

"Well, sure." Price shrugged, "It's not a secret."

"But," Alejandro tilted his head, "you two never show any intimacy."

Rudy nodded emphatically, "It's true! We've never seen ya kiss or hold hands or cuddle or anything when we're just hanging out."

Ghost nodded his own agreement.

Nikolai laughed and Price rolled his eyes, crossing his arms over his chest, "Maybe you lot don't know, but we humans like to keep a certain level of professionalism. And that includes not subjecting friends and family to unnecessary PDA-!"

Price's face was suddenly grabbed by the jaw and abruptly turned by Nik who leaned forward and pressed their lips together. Price made a surprised noise before Nikolai pulled back with a flourish of his hands, "There we are. Problem solved."

"Nik! That was so unnecessary!" Price's face was bright red.

"Ease up, Jonathan." Nik laughed, "It's Christmas, they can consider that my gift to them."

Soap threw his fists into the air in triumph, "Yes! Finally! Thank you, Nik!"

Nikolai waved him off, "Anytime, Kid. Doesn't take much convincing."

He wiggled his eyebrows at Price before grabbing him again to kiss his cheek. Price blushed more, and the whole team was greatly amused at the sight of him so flustered. Eventually Price shoved him off, trying desperately to compose himself, "Alright, alright. We're in love. Happy now?"

"Very happy, Captain." Alejandro confirmed, raising his mug of hot chocolate.

"Anyway..." Price huffed, changing the subject, "I wanted to give you boys one last gift, but if Nik's was enough for you..."

Soap instantly shot up, "No, no, no! Please!"

Price laughed, "Relax, Sergeant. I'll tell you."

Everyone got quiet, eagerly leaning in to absorb whatever the Captain was going to say. He waited a moment, pausing for dramatic effect, the cheeky bastard.

"I thought you boys might like to know what it is exactly you have been building."

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