silver soul | avatar, the las...

By enchantedskiess

16.3K 443 348

"it's incomplete without you, the silver soul is running through, it's a vision, complete illusion" Princess... More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty one
chapter twenty two
chapter twenty three
chapter twenty four
chapter twenty five
chapter twenty six
chapter twenty seven
chapter twenty eight
chapter twenty nine
chapter thirty
chapter thirty one
chapter thirty two
chapter thirty three
chapter thirty four
chapter thirty five
chapter thirty seven
chapter thirty eight
chapter thirty nine
new fic!!!! (not an update)

chapter thirty six

186 7 12
By enchantedskiess

After searching the entire perimeter of Ember Island, the group concluded that Aang and Momo were nowhere to be found. Naia couldn't help but feel anxious. The comet was in two days and Aang was missing. She paced back and forth by the stairs.

"Who was the last person to see him?" Sokka asked.

"Naia," Katara answered.

"Naia, what did you tell him?" Zuko asked in an impatient tone.

"I told him to meditate, not to run away!" She snapped. Naia stopped pacing. "Look, there has to be some way we can find him. Aang wouldn't just run away, especially without his staff or any of his other belongings."

"Actually...I think I have an idea," Zuko said. "It was one I used to track down Aang originally."

The group traveled on Appa back to the Earth Kingdom. They were tracking down a bounty hunter that had an animal called a Shirshu. Apparently this animal could track down any person in the world just as long as they smelled their scent on an object. However, it remained inconclusive because the bounty hunter claimed that Aang "didn't exist". Since the group couldn't find any other ways to find Aang at the moment, it was onto plan B, which was finding Iroh. Zuko somehow saved his uncle's sweaty sandal and gave it to the Shirshu.

By the next morning, they reached a small town outside of Ba Sing Se. "It's been a long day, let's camp and start our search again at dawn," Zuko said.

Naia laid on Appa's tail with Sokka. She started to worry about Aang. The comet was tomorrow, and Aang was still missing. She felt lost. Without Aang, she didn't know how they would defeat the Firelord. So, she did what she always did when she felt lost: Naia looked up to the moon.

The crescent moon necklace Yue gave Naia on their birthday dances between her fingers as she played around with it. Naia realized that it's been a little while since she's grabbed onto the necklace. It was like a support system. No matter where she was in the world, she knew she could always stare at the moon and find some solace. She used to do it all the time, especially after Yue first passed away. But now...she noticed she did it less. Naia didn't know whether to feel guilty, as she was much less sad than she was months ago, or whether to feel relieved that she was starting to heal. However, Naia thought about this quite often, she would not mind jointing Yue in the spirit world if it was her time.

Before she drifted off to sleep, Naia felt a tear roll down her cheek. She missed Yue's pretty laugh or her contagious smile. To have her stare into Naia's eyes and not have to say a word, for she knew all of Naia's struggles. To sit in comforting silence. Naia looked up to the moon again. "Yue, if you're near, send a butterfly or anything. A sign, to know you're listening, and that we'll be okay," Naia whispered softly. With that, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath, drifting off to sleep.

After an hour or so they were startled by Toph suddenly earth bending. Suddenly, a ring of fire surrounded their small campsite. Naia immediately jumped up and screwed open her water skin. From the high ground, she saw about six older gentleman. Naia couldn't recognize any of them.

"Well, look who's here," The oldest one started to snort.

Naia was confused but the group looked and smiled at one another. "What's going on? We're surrounded by old people," Toph stated bluntly. Suddenly, one of the men (who most likely set the fire) put it out. They were approached with more men in the background. They all wore the same dark colored robes.

"Not just any old people, these are great masters and friends of ours," Katara beamed. "Jeong Jeong was the first master to teach Aang fire bending. King Bumi was Aang's old friend and an earth bending master. Master Piandao taught Sokka sword fighting."

It was then that Naia noticed Master Pakku standing with a smile. She immediately walked over to him and bowed. "Master Pakku!" She said cheerfully.

"It's respectful to how to an old master, but how about a hug for an elder in your tribe?" Master Pakku asked. Naia smiled and gave him a quick hug. It felt refreshing to see someone else from the Northern Water Tribe.

"And how about a hug for your new grandfather?" Master Pakku smiled at Katara and Sokka.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a familiar face with dark colored hair and piercing green eyes. He was sporting Earth Kingdom clothing. On his face was a large smile. Hiroshi. Naia ran over to him and gave him a hug.

"Hey, Princess Naia," He said before pulling away.

"Hiroshi! What are you doing here?" Naia asked. Out of her peripheral vision she saw Master Jun approach. She bowed to him. "Master Jun, it's so good to see you," Naia smiled.

"You didn't forget about me, did you?" Master Jun joked.

"Of course not," Naia said.

"How do you all know each other?" Katara asked.

"You didn't know? All old people know each other," King Bumi joked.

"We are all members of a group that transcends the divisions of the four nations," Master Piandao answered.

"The order of the white lotus," Zuko answered.

It suddenly hit Naia. The white lotus tile Master Jun gifted her. She rustled through the pockets of her water tribe clothing and pulled it out. She ran her hands over it. Suddenly, the Pai Sho tile had a lot more meaning than it did three seconds ago.

"Now you know why I gave you that Pai Sho tile," Master Jun said with a smile.

"I'm a member of the White Lotus?" Naia asked.

Master Jun nodded at her. "You sure are."

"That must mean Sokka is too," Naia inquired. "He received a white lotus tile from Master Piandao."

"The White Lotus has always been about philosophy and truth. About a month ago, we got an urgent call that said we were needed for something important," Jeong Jeong said.

"It came from our Grand Lotus, your uncle," Master Pakku looked towards Zuko.

Toph beamed. "That's who we're looking for!"

"We will take you to him," Master Piandao said.

The group led them back to their campsite. "Here we are! Welcome to old people camp," Bumi said.

Naia turned to Sokka. "He's kind of funny."

The next morning, everyone reconvened for breakfast. Sokka and Naia sat together, but Naia saw someone come into their peripheral vision. "Mind if I sit here?" She heard him say.

"Not at all," Naia said. Hiroshi sat on the other side of Sokka. "Hiroshi, you remember Sokka, my boyfriend."

"Of course," Hiroshi said. "It's good to see you again."

Naia could tell Sokka was tense, so she tucked a piece of his hair behind his ear. Sokka relaxed under her touch. It looked like Zuko and his uncle made up, which made Naia very happy. Iroh explained that he could not fight Firelord Ozai, since it would look like a power struggle. Brother vs brother to grab power. He said that Aang would need to beat the Firelord and that after the war was over, Zuko would take Ozai's place as Firelord.

"Zuko, you must return to the Fire Nation for when Firelord Ozai is defeated, you need to restore peace and balance to the throne," Iroh instructed. "But be careful, Azula will be waiting."

"I can handle Azula," Zuko said confidently.

"Not alone. You'll need help," Iroh said.

"You're right," Zuko agreed. He looked towards Katara. "Katara, Naia, would you join me to help put Azula in her place?"

"It would be our pleasure," Naia smiled.

"What's our destiny?" Sokka asked.

Iroh smiled mysteriously. "What do you think it is?"

"We need to do everything we can to stop the airship fleet," Sokka said. "Toph, Suki, Koa and I will try to stop them. And if Aang needs us when he's fighting the Firelord, we'll be there."

After everyone decided how they would do to try to stop the war, they dispersed and went to pack up their things. Naia hadn't really unpacked so she sat upon a rock and played with her necklace nervously. She started to feel her stomach turn. Their destinies were upon them. The last thing Naia wanted to do was separate the group.

"You seem pensive," Naia heard a voice say. She looked up and saw Iroh of all people. Naia nodded her head as Iroh took a seat beside her.

"I am," Naia admitted. "I am worried for the rest of the group. But...even if I'm scared I know it's my destiny to do what I can to put a stop to this war. I always asked myself what my destiny was, and at the beginning of the year that answer was much different than it is now. I always thought I would never leave the Northern Water Tribe. But, my twin sister passed away. I didn't know what my destiny would be for a long time. But then, I met this amazing group of people who I would do anything for. I think, now, I'm ready to move on. It's time that we put an end to this violence."

"Or maybe, you were ready all along," Iroh said. "Princess Naia, you have what is called a silver soul. You are a mirror, helping people to see themselves as you do. You're versatile, strong, and resilient. I know you have suffered great loss in your life, but you didn't let it dim your light. In fact, you grew stronger. Through your healing, you've helped others to heal too.  You have a purpose to serve, and your destiny is more than staying in the Northern Water Tribe."

Naia felt tears start to prick her eyes. Those were some of the kindest words anyone has ever said to her. "Thank you for saying that," She said earnestly.

"Now, it's time for you to fulfill your destiny, that has been there all along," Iroh said.

Naia and Iroh stood up. She gave him a hug. Somehow, in those five minutes she spoke to Iroh, she felt so comforted. It reminded her of how Yue used to comfort her, knowing exactly what to say to calm her. Naia picked up her bag and brought it over to Appa. As she turned over her shoulder, she saw Sokka standing behind her. She immediately threw her arms around him in a tight hug.

Her whole life, Naia always tried to hide her feelings. She thought it was weak to cry in front of others. But now...she didn't stop herself. Tears streamed down her cheeks and lightly pelted the ground. Sokka lightly shushed her. "Don't cry," He said softly. Sokka pulled away from the hug and wiped her tears with his thumb. Naia noticed that he started to tear up as well.

"I don't want to leave you," She said.

Sokka smiled. "You don't have to worry. This will finally be over, and then we never have to be apart again."

Naia chuckled. "That sounds nice."

"You're not going soft on me now, right?" Sokka joked. Naia shook her head and wiped the remainder of her tears.

"I've been meaning to ask," Naia started. "What were you going to say to me back in the library at Ember Island?"

Sokka opened his mouth, but hesitated. He stopped for a couple seconds and shook his head. "I will tell you in a day from now, when we see each other again and when this war is finally over. Neither of us are going to do anything that would harm us. Promise?"

Naia nodded. "I promise," She said.

The two shared a kiss. It wasn't passionate like the others, but sweet. Like instead of saying "goodbye", it was "see you later." Sokka pulled away and put his head against Naia's forehead. "Stay safe," He said.

"You too," She replied.

It was a shame that Sozin's comet meant the end of the world, because it actually looked kind of pretty. The sky was painted a sunset orange color, which would have looked nice on any day than other than this one. Zuko, Katara, and Naia rode in silence for most of the time. Zuko looked especially pensive. He hasn't seen his sister since they were last at the air temple. Her heart ached for him. She couldn't imagine her life without the love of her sister, but Zuko and his sister hated each other.

"Don't worry, Zuko," Naia attempted to comfort him. "We can take Azula."

"I'm not worried about her," Zuko answered. "I'm worried about Aang. What if he doesn't have the guts to take out my father. What if he loses?"

"Aang won't lose," Katara said. "He's gonna come back. He has to."

By the time they reached the Fire Nation royal palace, Azula was about to be crowned as Firelord. Naia noticed that her bangs were choppy, like she cut them in a fit of rage. She looked off her game. Naia also noticed the absence of any soldiers, Dai Li agents, or servants. Appa landed right in front of Azula and the man who was coronating her.

"Sorry, but you're not gonna become Firelord today," Zuko said. He jumped off of Appa. "I am."

Azula laughed. "You're hilarious!" She said.

Naia and Katara jumped off of Appa as well and stood beside Zuko. "And you're going down," Naia said. 

Azula's eyes slightly widened at the sight of Naia. She stood up and smiled. "You want to be Firelord? Let's settle this. Just you and me, brother. The showdown that was always meant to be: an Agni Kai."

"You're on," Zuko said.

Naia turned to Zuko. "Zuko, don't. She afraid of Katara and I so she's singling you out to better her chances of winning."

"She's playing you!" Katara agreed. "She's trying to separate us."

"I know, but I can take her this time," Zuko said. "There's something off about her. I can't explain it, but she's slipping. And this way, no one else has to get hurt."

Azula and Zuko go to the abandoned palace courtyard to fight. Bright flashes of blue and orange fire ripple across the courtyard. Naia and Katara watched anxiously as Azula kept throwing fire towards Zuko. Zuko seemed to be winning, as Azula was thrown off of her balance multiple times.

"No lightning today?" Zuko taunted. "Afraid I'll redirect it?"

"I'll show you lightning!" Azula screamed. As she started to conjure a large amount of electricity, she first aimed it towards Zuko. However, Naia noticed her eyes start to twitch and move towards where Katara and Naia were standing. Suddenly, a large lightning bolt that was supposed to be for Zuko was heading straight towards Naia and Katara.

Zuko quickly jumped in front of the bolt and took the lightning to his chest. Naia watched in horror as his body started to convulse. "Zuko!" She shouted. As they both headed towards him to check on him, Azula started to fire bend at them. She laughed maniacally. Katara started to try to heal Zuko's wound.

"You play dirty," Naia said. She straightened up and encircled all of the water from her water skin around her. Azula's smile dropped and she immediately got more serious. "But I play dirtier."

Each blast of fire Azula attempted to send towards Naia was blocked by Naia's quick reflexes. Even if Naia was instructed by Katara not to use blood bending, she would use a tiny bit to bend Azula's arms backwards so she couldn't fire bend. However, Azula would somehow start to shoot lighting bolts which would ricochet off the walls and bounce around the courtyard. She broke free and jumped to the top of a building, raining down fire at the pillar Naia was hiding behind.

Katara suddenly came into view and started to water bend at Azula. Azula used her powerful fire bending to propel herself at them. She chased Katara (who was riding on a wave) around like a cat and mouse. Although Naia would send icicles her way, Azula was moving too fast so they didn't hit her. Katara made a full circle and stopped right next to Naia.

Suddenly, Azula started to produce lightning again. Naia's stomach dropped. Katara and her had no time to run away or hide. An idea came to Naia's head, but she knew it was most likely lethal. As if time were moving in slow motion, she gave it a second thought. What she was about to do could potentially kill her and Azula. However, she realized that if she died, it would be better than all three of them dying.

Naia used the water underneath the grates she was standing on and surrounded her arm with it. Before Azula could release the lightning, she engulfed Azula's arms with the water. Once the water and lighting made contact, the water became electrified. Naia heard a loud zapping sound and a large flash of light, followed by a huge thunderclap. Naia felt her entire body go rigid. It was like every single muscle in her body was flexed. She felt a sudden jolt hit her body, followed by an intense amount of pain in every limb. All at once, an overwhelming darkness overtook her. All of the water fell to the ground, along with Naia's limp body.


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