BLIZZARD: Ours Is the Fury VO...

By arithefreakmalfoy

3.4K 111 0

As the youngest child between Steffon and Cassana Baratheon; born at the tail end of her elder brother's rebe... More

Amor Prohibido
The Dark Hood
Dinner of Madness
Meet Me At Midnight
The Lion Still Has Claws
The Plot Thickens
Dragon Dreams
Wed Her to Me
The Lion and The Stag
She Knows
Goodbye, my love.
The High Road
It's a...
Every Rose Has Its Thorn
Everything Has Changed
First of His Name
Son of a Traitor
Gonzo Rivers
Back to King's Landing
Speak Now (Robb's Version)
Princess of the House Stark, Lady of Winterfell. The Devine Wolf.

King Of the Flowers

124 3 0
By arithefreakmalfoy


King Of the Flowers

Alana's POV

The patio in the garden was beautiful. Roses and tulips and daisies growing rapidly around the bushes and railings as the vines wrapped around the fencing. Butterflies of all sorts floating about as they made their rounds from flower to flower and sometimes landing onto the tables to suck up sweet drips of honey that would fall from a plate or two.

Renly sat across from me with his legs crossed and tapping a finger onto the cherry wood table top that had been glossed over and finished beautifully. The tapping sound matched the tune of the song Jenny of Oldstones. A timeless classic if I must say so myself.

His hair sparkled in the sunlight that peeked in, although the patio had been covered where we sat. Fences made so that the vines and flowers would grow and create shade and protection from the elements above us and allowing for just hints of sunlight to come through.

Renly sipped his tea and smiled at me briefly before clearing his throat. He stopped tapping and then called the servant over to bring the lemon cakes and biscuits.

"Don't forget the strawberry sauce that my sister enjoys with her cakes." Renly added with a snap of his fingers as the servant boy nodded and then turned away.

I shook my head and laughed. "Since when did you become so..."

"Don't say it." Renly scoffed with a smirk on his face. "I am not demanding; I simply want to be sure my favorite sister has all she needs on this beautiful morning."

I raised a brow of suspicion to him. "I'm your only sister, Renly."

"Aye, you are. But even if I had another sister you'd still be my favorite." A wink as he raised his teacup to his lips and sucked down another sip of the tea he had sweetened with honey and a bit of lemon sitting in the bottom of the cup, Stannis said Renly and I drink our tea the way our mother had took hers.

I raised my cup to my lips in return to hide the distaste on my face. I'd grown suspicious sitting here, clearly there was something he wished to speak with me about but per usual, he was dancing around the conversation.

I wondered if Renly had spoken to Robert and perhaps Robert wanted him to speak with me about selecting a suitor or one would be selected for me. If that were the case then Renly would surely be nervous to say something to me. He knew that I'd be more vocal with him than with Robert.

The servant boy dropped the cakes onto the table with a side of strawberry sauce as I liked, oranges and apples sliced and served on another plate and a pitcher of wine placed next onto the table.

"This looks so lovely." Renly smiled.

I nodded. "It sure does." I replied although my stomach had still been turning from the nightmare I had last night. Seeing the strawberry sauce sitting in front of me had me wanting to start retching.

It's not blood... It's not Robb's blood... I had to keep reminding myself. Even the wine as it was poured into a cup looked like blood running. Reminding me of the way the blood had coated the floors in my dream. I held my breath for a moment and then faked a smile to Renly.

"What is bothering you, sister?" Renly asked.

I shook my head and forced myself to sip the wine that so badly resembled blood to me. Choking it down and trying to tell myself it was not the blood of Robb Stark. His blood was not on my hands, he was alive and well and probably training in the courtyard with Jon and Joffrey, whilst Tommen and Brandon and Rickon would watch them in amazement.

"I struggled to find sleep last night is all," It wasn't a lie, I didn't sleep at all. Between my midnight dance with Robb, to finding out the Cersei is having an affair behind Robert's back and that her children are not fathered by him, to the nightmare that woke me into a pool of my own sweat.

Renly nodded. "Ah, good." He then smacked his lips together and shook his head. "Not good that you could not find sleep- but good that something is not bothering you."

I laughed slightly and took a bite from the lemon cake. Feeling it getting stuck as I tried to swallow and then chasing it down with my tea. The idea of another sip of wine horrified me. I still looked at it and could only see blood.

"I wanted to tell you privately the good news." Renly's cheeks reddened and he shifted himself in his chair. Uncrossing his legs and leaning across the table. I waited patiently for him to speak again. "I will be getting married."

"To what?" I asked confused. "Surely you don't mean-"

"Gods no!" Renly hissed. "We can't actually marry Alana; we are in Westeros not the Free Cities!"

"Then who?" I asked.

If Renly couldn't marry his lover, Loras Tyrell, then who else out there would he want to wed? I stared at him and could see the way he began to pick at his lips with his fingers. Chewing slightly at his nails before composing himself again.

"The Lady Margaery of House Tyrell." Renly replied. "And her brother, Ser Loras would be our sworn protector. Living in Dragonstone with us."

"Aye, I see." I smiled. "Brilliant choice."

Renly nodded like a child who had been given a crate of sweets. "Isn't it? I believe it is a perfect match. And she is aware of certain routines that will be taking place from time to time. As long as we squeeze out a few heirs, no one will know."

"Speaking of heirs." I said softly. "I need to tell you something but you must swear to never utter a word of it to anyone."

He stiffened and paused. "Alana, are you-"

"No." I shouted at him. Servants nearly dropping their trays to the stone floor as I shouted. I took a deep breath and gathered my thoughts.

The servant boy came over and brought cheese and black bread. He stood there for a moment gathering finished plates and cups as cleaning up quickly as we began our next course. I gave a quick glance from the corner of my eye and didn't utter another word.

"So, what of heirs are you speaking of?" Renly asked.

"Not. Now." I grit furiously through my teeth, then turning to the boy. "Leave us. Do not return unless we send for you. I wish to speak freely with my brother without the ears of a peasant pretending to be royal listening."

"Alana!" Renly hissed at me. "Apologize to the boy!"

"No." I shrugged. "Leave us." I said again.

The boy scurried off and Renly scoffed at me. Shaking his head in disapproval. "What is the matter with you? You never, and I mean, NEVER, have acted like this before to anyone around the Red Keep!"

"Do you wish to know what I know, Renly? Or shall I keep this vital information to myself." I crossed my arms.

Renly huffed and sipped his wine, before long he had reached again for filled his cup, drinking that too. He shrugged at me and tilted his head. "Well? I'm waiting." He grunted.

I checked that the area had been secure first. The last thing I wanted to do was speak with hidden ears listening. The entire shaded part of the patio was cleared. No one else sat there and as the King's royal family, we were left alone just as we wished.

Scooting my chair closer to the table with my elbows now rested on the table I leaned in and spoke low and soft. Just to be extra cautious. Renly leaned closer too. If only he knew of what I was going to tell him.

"Last night Robb and I-"

"I don't need to know what the Young Wolf and yourself did last night." Renly backed up when I then reached across the table, pulling him by he front of his shirt and shaking my head. "Oh, there's more?" He asked.

I nodded silently and then swallowed again.

"We did... That and well, anyways, afterward we were taking the secret tunnel back up to our rooms when we saw candlelight in the distance and heard two voices. One was female and the other was male. It took me a moment to realize who the female was..."

Renly then said, "And who was she?"

"Cersei Lannister..."I replied in a whisper.

"What did she say?" Renly asked.

"She told whoever the man was that their son was terrified of Robert before the dinner feast yesterday and then the man was arguing that he was more of a father than Robert ever had been anyways. The point is, Cersei admitted that her children do not belong to Robert. The man who had a cloak on is the father of her children. All of them." I replied.

"All of them?" Renly scoffed. "Impossible."

"How so?" I argued. "Tell me Renly, when have you ever seen Cersei happy with our brother? When have you ever seen those children comfortable with their own father? They look nothing like us, aside from the dark hair but-"

"What you're suggesting is treason!" Renly hissed softly. "Questioning the heirs to the throne? Royal children? It's-"

"Think about it Renly..." I whispered. "Joffrey is too kind and too motivated to be Robert's son."

Renly pondered for a moment, tapping his index finger to his chin when suddenly he paused. Holding his breath as his eyes widened and mouth gaped open slightly. A thought coming from his head down to his tongue but froze at the tip of his tongue.

"What is it?" I asked.

"You said the man wore a cloak, but did he say anything else?" Renly asked quickly in a panic.

I nodded. "Cersei said they could find a way to dispose of Robert and he asked that wouldn't matter because he is still married to his own wife." That was when it hit me. I gasped slightly and scanned the area again.

"Ned Stark..." I muttered softly.

Renly looked as though he'd seen a ghost. His red cheeks has gone flush and there was no color to his face left. I assumed that my face looked very much the same as his. For a moment we just sat there... Silent... Trying to process it.

"Robb has no idea..." I added.

Renly clicked his tongue and let out a chuckle. "That's many more name-day gifts he's going to have to purchase."

"Shut up!" I threw a grape at him. "What do we do? Do we tell Robert?"

"NO!" Renly shouted. "And we do not let Cersei or Lord Stark know that we know either! Do you know how easily poison could be slipped into our next drink? We must drop hints casually and allow for Robert to figure it out on her own."

"He won't be able to do that." I argued, feeling even more annoyed than I had before. "Poor Lady Stark... Ned already came home from the war with one bastard child, luckily she loves Jon as though she birthed him herself, but goodness... Imagine finding out that your husband has 3 more?"

Renly shook his head. "I hate that I know this information now."

"You'd have hated me for knowing and not telling you." I replied with a smirk as I sipped my tea again. "Tell me, brother, what do we do? Just continue for it to happen? Or should we set Robert up to find out on his own accord?" 

"I, uh-"

"Nothing. Of course. I should have known better than to even tell you." I cut him off as I ripped the napkin of that had been on my lap, slamming it onto the table and rising, shaking around the dishes that were atop the table.

"Alana, don't leave-"

"Why, brother? Why should I not leave? You do not care for what I have said. You wish to sit there and pretend you did not hear of it. You plan to what, turn a blind eye as you run off and leave me here all alone whilst you play house with both of the Tyrell siblings!" I argued.

"LOWER YOUR VOICE!" Renly shouted at me. "You are upset and I understand that but please do not take it out on me. I did nothing-"

"You're leaving me here alone." I felt tears well in my eyes. "We've always been together, Renly. Since we were babies... How am I supposed to do any of this without you? Robert is forcing a marriage onto me and you are leaving-"

"I'm not going to be that far from you, Alana! Dragonstone is a 3-day trip by ship. You can come stay with myself and Margaery at any time you wish. Margaery also has said that once she falls with child she will be returning to Highgarden in order to birth there with her family surrounding her. You are more than welcome to stay with her there so she is not alone during that time."

"I'm not her family." I replied as I wiped away a tear.

"When I wed her she will be your sister. You and Margaery are the same age and have many of the same interests. You've always seen Cersei as more of a mother than a sister so when I wed Margaery you'll finally have a sister. Someone you can trust. If I can trust her... So can you. You can tell her about you and the Young Wolf and-"

"She knows doesn't she." I could see the look in Renly's eye. He had clearly told Margaery of my relationship with Robb Stark. Which is why he threw that in there. She fucking knew.

Renly began to sputter out nonsense words and then began to laugh nervously. Something that our brother Stannis typically yelled at him for because he knew that that had been a tell-tale sign that Renly had fucked up and knew he fucked up.

"She saw the way Robb looked at you last night... She asked and I couldn't lie! She's kept tight lips on Loras and I so I trusted that she'd do the same for you and him." Renly tried to explain nervously.

"Cersei promised me she'd speak to Robert..." I wanted to change the subject so as not explode on Renly. He was only trying to help but it was not the time nor the place to do so.

Renly hummed as he raised his brows. "Let's see what she speaks to him about now that you know her secret."

"She doesn't know that I know." I replied. "And I intend to keep it that way."

"Didn't Jon Arryn tell you? The Queen knows everything. She has spies everywhere... As does Lord Baelish and Lord Varys... Robert has his own spies which is why I've found that I needed a few of my own. I'd suggest you do the same." Renly replied. "That way you will know what the Queen knows."

"I have one." It wasn't a lie but also wasn't the full truth.

Shae told me everything she knew and picked up on whispers from all the other maidens and servants. And due to her relationship with Lord Tyrion and his alliance with Lord Varys, she heard things from him as well and would share them with me.

But I'd never refer to Shae as a spy, no, she was a friend. If I'm being honest, here in King's Landing she has been my only friend. Everyone else sees themselves as better than I am because they are only here for Cersei or Robert or they are afraid of me because I am Robert's sister.

"That handmaiden of yours?" Renly laughed. "She's good but you need more. Which means you need to stop yelling at them and being a..." He swallowed heavily. "A bitch."

"I told you-"

"You are tired." He rolled his eyes. "Alana I've known you for your entire life and I've seen you when you've not slept for days at a time, let alone missed one night of rest. You never have snapped like that before. Something deeper is going on."

"You try having your brother sell you to the highest bidder and forcing you to meet with all these men and have your brother reject the one you truly want because he just feels like it." I wiped crumbs off my skirt and then went to kiss Renly on the cheek. "Now if you'll excuse me, I must be on with the rest of my day. Clearly I need to hire some spies and prepare for my brother's wedding."


I bowed and gave a fake curtsy. "Renly, King Of the Flowers." I rolled my eyes and began to laugh loudly.

Although Renly did not find it funny at all. 

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