More Than Human

By snapple714

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Unbeknownst to each other, Soap and Ghost's first thought upon meeting the other were exactly the same. "What... More

Chapter 1: What a Strange Smell
Chapter 2: To Kiss Fire and Water
Chapter 3: Bedtime Gossip
Chapter 4: I Know Her
Chapter 5: The Sight
Chapter 6: Another Way to Feed
Chapter 7: To Satiate a Beast
Chapter 8: Only Tame For Him
Chapter 9: Betrayal
Chapter 10: What Are The Rules?
Chapter 11: A Wolf's Weakness
Chapter 12: You Want Me?
Chapter 13: Sweet Dreams
Chapter 14: A Walk in the Woods
Chapter 15: Rescue
Chapter 16: A Goat and A Fish
Chapter 17: The Proper Way
Chapter 18: Grew Him Myself
Chapter 19: A Video Call
Chapter 20: My Brother
Chapter 21: A Tank to A Gun Fight
Chapter 22: Something Like That
Chapter 23: A Little Messy
Chapter 24: Something You Want
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27: More Than You
Chapter 28: All My Tricks
Chapter 29: Extra Quirky
Chapter 30: Fetch
Chapter 31: Day Drinking
Chapter 32: Cozy Beast
Chapter 33: Call Me Yours
Chapter 34: Back to Sleep
Chapter 35: So Familiar
Chapter 36: That Head of His
Chapter 37: Can We Go?
Chapter 38: On the Road Again
Chapter 39: I'd Like to Remember
Chapter 40: Keep Him Safe
Chapter 41: Why I'm Called Ghost
Chapter 42: Sleeping On It
Chapter 43: Mama
Chapter 44: The Basement
Chapter 45: Care
Chapter 46: The Good Parts
Chapter 47: A Hole in A Tree
Chapter 48: What Sort of Brother?
Chapter 49: Subjects 24
Chapter 50: Trappers
Chapter 51: Monsters and Love
Chapter 52: An Old Friend
Chapter 53: Life in Captivity
Chapter 54: It Dwells in the Lake
Chapter 55: Light Turned Off
Chapter 56: Okay Now
Chapter 57: Medical Jargon
Chapter 58: Found You
Chapter 59: Homeward Bound
Chapter 60: Little Friend
Chapter 61: Precious
Chapter 62: Underwater Playmate
Chapter 63: Family Breakfast
Chapter 64: It's Me and You
Chapter 65: Reunions
Chapter 66: One Step Back
Chapter 67: Have Your Fun
Chapter 68: Chaining Flowers
Chapter 69: Red Ball
Chapter 70: You're Blossoming
Chapter 71: All Bodies Change
Chapter 72: Fatherly Woes
Chapter 73: A Budding Romance
Chapter 74: A Harpy's Wisdom
Chapter 75: Family Introductions
Chapter 76: Shovel Talk
Chapter 77: The Griffin
Chapter 78: Getting Together
Chapter 79: Pretty Tree
Chapter 80: Right With The World
Chapter 81: A Crash
Chapter 82: Investigation and Intel
Chapter 83: Not Going Anywhere
Chapter 84: The Calm
Chapter 85: The Storm: Part 1
Chapter 86: The Storm: Part 2
Chapter 87: The Storm: Part 3
Chapter 88: Waking a Vampire
Chapter 89: My Ocean
Chapter 90: I'm Yours
Chapter 91: Safe
Chapter 92: Comfortable
Chapter 93: Speaking the Words Aloud
Chapter 94: Peace in the Garden
Chapter 95: An Unlikely Pair
Chapter 96: Speculation
Chapter 97: Under the Mistletoe
Chapter 99: Family Holiday
Chapter 100: A New Purpose

Chapter 98: A Griffin's Heart

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By snapple714

The walk back to their rooms felt like an eternity. A rather pleasant eternity with the taste of each other wholly enveloping them, but an eternity none the less. With the fierce ever growing desire continuing to build, now exponentially as they finally allowed themselves the privilege to taste and touch and feel.

Horangi couldn't help the little noises and warbly purrs that were escaping him now. Not with the way his König's gentle nature was quickly evaporating. He had seen small glimpses of the kraken's true and fierce nature, but he had never gotten a chance to experience the wholeness of it first hand. However, he could feel the carefully crafted composure slipping from the man by the second.

His grip on Horangi grew firmer, his grip more desperate, the movement of his tentacles as they licked and slithered up his shirt in search of any bare flesh became borderline frantic. The noises, deep and growling and monstrous, that bubbled forth from him were frightening in some ways, but oh so satisfying all the same.

Horangi's mind helpfully supplied him with the word feral.

The thought made him keen slightly into König's mouth, vibrating a few of the writhing tentacles there. A strange sensation, but certainly not an unwelcome one.

König kicked open a bedroom door and sparing a glance Horangi found it to be the kraken's. It pleased some part of him to have been welcomed and brought into the other man's den. The fierceness suddenly slowed and he was being lowered gently and carefully onto the bed, as if he was fragile. A sentiment that would have normally been and irritant for Horangi, he hated to be looked down upon, but not now. Not with the tenderness and almost caution in König's eyes beneath the hood. The desperation still there.

"You kissed me." He said simply, as if they hadn't both been making out and grinding into each other on the walk over.

"Mistletoe." Horangi shrugged, matching the casual energy, still buzzing with desire, but not letting it show.

"Was that all?" König asked, slightly sheepish now.

Horangi's tail lashed about behind him, revealing his true tension outside his hard fought composure. After a moment of working himself up to it, he replied, "No."

König's eyes brightened and he reached a hand out to Horangi's arm and started gently rubbing it, "Then... you want this? Me?"

Horangi's nose gave a little twitch, "I do."

More of the hunger returned to the kraken's gaze, but he pressed onward. He was clearly nervous, but wanted to make everything as clear as possible.

"In what capacity?" König asked, "Because I want you either way." He added hastily, "Whether it's just this once or occasionally or... more."

Horangi swallowed, grabbing König's wrist and bringing his large hand to his chest, "A griffin's heart is, admittedly, stubborn. It has decided it wants you as its mate. I don't fully understand how or why, but it beats for you."

König rumbled a strange bubbly sound in his chest and pressed his hand in a little firmer to feel the beating that seemed to speed up simply by his touch alone.

"And..." König continued after a moment, "you are okay with, um, all of this?"

He held up a few snaking tentacles and they seemed to twitch and writhe eagerly. Horangi felt himself blush.

"More than." He admitted.

He audibly heard the taller man swallow, likely blushing himself beneath the hood. He began to press forward again, clearly thinking the matter was settled, but Horangi held up a hand.


König ceased all movement in an instant. He looked vaguely like he was concerned that he would scare off a flighty bird, "What is it, mein tiger?"

And oh how that feral part of Horangi preened at the thought of being his. But there was still something they had to go over, and he desperately hoped it wouldn't drive him away as it had others.

"Before we start anything..." He huffed, tail whipping back and forth in agitation. His ears had cropped up and they flattened against his head. König desperately wanted to scratch and stroked at the base of them to soothe, but he also didn't dare move.

"I..." Horangi continued after a moment, "I mean, I just don't have..." He let out a frustrated growl before finally just spitting it out, "I'm trans."

Horangi really wasn't sure why it was so hard for him to tell König. He had always been quite proud and sure of his identity. But maybe it was simply because he was so desperate for things to work with König, he really wanted this.

König blinked a couple of times. When they had first met, Horangi had been laid bare, but he had covered himself with his wings. At the time König believed it to be modesty, but looking back, the man was always shameless, borderline animalistic that first day. He doubted he would have particularly cared in hindsight. But it certainly would have behooved him to keep that fact about himself concealed to a massive stranger in the woods. Not knowing his intentions.

König finally allowed himself to reach up and run a thumb along the other man's cheekbone, "I want you. I don't care about your anatomy, Perfektion. That makes no difference to who you are."

The tension seemed to seep out of Horangi in an instant, "Needed to make sure is all. A few members of my last squad weren't fans of that fact about me. It used to be in my files."

König, for a brief moment, fantasized about the possibility of tracking down Horangi's old squadmates and dismembering them slowly. He often considered it late at night when he was drifting off to sleep. They had left Horangi to die scared and alone. They would deserve it.

This knowledge about them certainly wouldn't improve their standing in the kraken's mind.

König leaned forward, allowing a stray tentacle to lift his hood so that he could mouth at Horangi's neck, "Anything off limits then?"

Horangi shivered. Why was it so sexy that he bothered to ask? Like, bare minimum, but damn.

"Not really. I like most things." He admitted. On his own for so long, he certainly indulged in many different fantasies, "You can call me whatever names you want, even if they're feminine. But don't treat me like a girl, call me a girl. I'm a man plain and simple." He made sure he was firm about this, frequently having to fight people on it in the past.

König pulled back slightly to run his eyes over his form, "Oh, you certainly are..." He purred in admiration.

Holy shit.

This kraken was going to be the death of him. Preferably in the sexiest way possible.

König clearly had no qualms on that front as a tentacle slowly began snaking up Horangi's leg. Slithering up to tease at the crotch of his pants. Horangi couldn't help but tilt his hips up for more friction, a slightly embarrassing purr rumbling out of his throat. König gave a chittering laugh, pleased with the reaction.

"More, Kätzchen?"

Horangi reached up and grabbed the front of his shirt firmly in a fist and yanked him forward, startling him slightly, "If you don't hurry up and fuck me into oblivion I'll kill you."

König blinked wide eyes at him for a moment before a borderline predatory look descended on his features, "Anything you want, Schönheit."

Horangi yelped slightly as multiple tentacles suddenly grasped the fabric of his clothes and fully ripped them off, leaving him in his boxers. Horangi would normally be a bit pissed that he had destroyed a perfectly good set of clothes, but he was too turned on by the gesture to care.

The tentacles wrapped themselves around his limbs and hoisted him the rest of the way up onto the bed, König crawling forward over him, practically caging him in. The man was so big compared to him and it made his heart flutter. König was rumbling deep from his chest, a happy and delighted gaze in his eyes.

"What?" Horangi couldn't help but chuckle.

"You want me." König observed, sounding practically giddy.

Horangi pulled his head down by the back of his neck and nuzzled into him with his nose, "I really, really, do."

König rumbled again and pulled his hood off the rest of the way, tossing it to the side. He looked a little nervous with it off all the way, but that seemed to instantly melt away as Horangi tugged him down to connect their mouths. Horangi wrapped his legs around his waist, preventing him from going anywhere. One of the appendages wrapped around Horangi's neck. gently squeezing. He whimpered slightly into König's mouth who smiled into their kiss.

By the time a tentacle from König's mouth began to feel and prod around Horangi's mouth, the smaller man had begun grinding up against the larger. He should have felt intimidated by the size of the hard bulge he was feeling, but it made him all the more desperate.

The tentacle around his neck squeezed and pushed him back down to the bed, making him whine as the tentacle in his mouth pulled away.

"Settle, Precious." König commanded, and Horangi was compelled to listen. "I'll take care of you. Make you feel so nice."

Hands were slowly easing his boxers down by the waistband and he tilted his hips up to encourage it. König leaned back as he discarded the article to the side, probably landing with his mask from earlier. The tentacle from König's mouth was replaced with another driving into Horangi's mouth. Working its way down his throat, making him moan as he suckled on it.

He nearly gagged on it in surprise as fingers were suddenly teasing at his folds between his legs.

"So wet already. So pretty." König told him, making him preen.

It was true, he could hear the obscene sound of moisture as he was teased. A thumb on his clit made him jolt, hips stuttering desperately. König cooed at the response, pressing down slightly and rolling it around. He kept going, letting Horangi's thrust up and hump into his hand, letting him get himself off. Between the tentacles caressing his body, the one that he was sucking on, and the thumb on his clit, it didn't take long before he was shuddering through an orgasm. König let out a groan as he watched his holes clench around nothing.

He kept rubbing circles into his sensitive bud, overstimulating him, making him jerk around. He held each of his limbs in place on the bed with his appendages.

"So good, Liebling. Making you feel so nice, hm?" He spoke softly as if he wasn't putting the griffin through the absolute best kind of torture. Horangi nodded frantically around the appendage that he was still sucking on as if it were a dick. Based on how flushed and panting König was getting, Horangi absently wondered if it felt like he was.

Horangi jerked a couple of times as he worked through another climax, impossibly sensitive by now. König momentarily pulled his hand away to remove the rest of his own clothes. Horangi's eyes widened at the very intriguing subject standing at attention between his legs. It was vaguely dick-like, or they were vaguely dick-like. He had three tentacles there, all large, twitching, and eager. Tapered at the ends.

He momentarily removed the appendage from the smaller man's mouth to speak to him, "Is this okay?"

"Y-yes. More than okay, König. Fuck." He gasped out.

König giggled again. A funny sound from the large monster that Horangi loved more than anything.

König returned the tentacle to its rightful place in his mouth and Horangi gave a satisfied hum around it. König's fingers spread more of his slick around, teasing at both of his holes, slicking him up. Horangi nearly sobbed at the feeling of him lining himself up. One appendage at his back, his front, and another simply continuing to rub against his clit.

"Sh, sh, sh. I know, I know, Wenig Liebe." König rubbed his flank gently with his large hands to get him to relax as the two tentacles at his holes began to press inside. When he was fully seated inside to the hilt, both of them simply sat there for a moment, panting through the overwhelming pleasure.

König leaned down and kissed away a few of the stray tears that had rolled down Horangi's cheeks. Horangi thought that he was doing a perfectly fine job of following through on his command on fucking him into oblivion. Everything about this experience was wet. Horangi was wet, König's tentacles were growing wetter by the second, Horangi also had drool running down his chin from where he was still diligently suckling on the tentacle.

After that momentary break to get themselves settled, König apparently couldn't hold himself back anymore. He pulled back and thrusted back in harshly and fast. Horangi's back arched at the overwhelming sensations assaulting his senses. He was already sensitive, and he felt his mind beginning to go blank. Nothing but sounds and feelings and tastes.

König was thrusting into him rapidly and almost viciously. Grunting and animalistic. Horangi reached up and pawed desperately at his feverish skin. He must have been making lots of sounds himself because König removed the appendage from his mouth.

"What is it, Mein Tiger?" He panted, continuing his brutal pace.

"M-more. König please." Horangi gasped, grinding down to drive him impossible deeper.

"Anything. Anything you want." König nodded as he went. The slapping of their flesh echoing loudly in the room. Hopefully the rest of the team was still far away from the room, because it would have been quite obvious what sort of activity they were up to.

Something felt strange as it continued. Horangi's ears were fully flattened against his head now. He was still overwhelmed with pleasure, but there was something he hadn't felt before tightening in his abdomen.

"W-wait... König..." He grunted, feeling himself building to something, "I-I... ah! S'too much-!"

Then he was releasing something. He had heard about squirting before, but it had never happened to him before. It was certainly more than he thought there would be. König moaned loudly, feeling it drip down his thighs.

"My perfect tiger. So lovely. So desperate for me." König praised.

His holes were clenching around König's tentacles and König felt himself beginning to make desperate sounds, losing his hard fought composure. He moved backward slightly to pull out, but Horangi's legs locked behind him around the ankles.


"In-Inside. Want it. Need you." Horangi continued to pant and babble, totally fucked out.

König didn't have to be told twice, returning to his prior punishing pace.

"I'll give it to you, Precious. Going to fill you, like you need. Such a perfect mate for me. Going to keep you filled up with my seed. Mark you. Get you round and bred with kits. Keep you here, warm and safe." König was rambling, mind dizzy with the thought of having a mate. That his mate was Horangi. Horangi who was just as desperate for him. He couldn't help but imagine a future raising their offspring together. Alongside the rest of the team. Their children, pups and kits and seedlings and hatchlings playing together and filling Price's property with laughter and love.

Horangi must have been having similar thoughts as his pleas sounded eagerly.

The desperation that they both shared was what did it. König gave one last deep thrust before shuddering through his own release. The feeling of his hot seed filling him up pushed Horangi through another overwhelming orgasm. He clenched hard around König, milking him for everything he had.

They sat there, panting, in the aftermath. They were both sweaty and spent. Horangi looked ready to pass out, so König carefully lowered himself down and wrapped himself around the small man. Leaving himself hilted inside his holes.

"Thank you." Horangi rasped.

König chuckled, nuzzling at his neck, "Good then?"

"So good." Horangi huffed, "Wore me out. Not many people can manage that."

König growled, "No one else will get to try. You're mine."

Horangi began to purr deeply, "Yours."

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