Hockey, Scandals and a Babysi...

By GracieJxo

43.4K 736 98

[18+] Dallas Tucker was a force to be reckoned with on the ice, he was the best of the best. Every coach want... More

Chapter One
Chapte Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven

Chapter Nine

1.5K 28 1
By GracieJxo

I woke up the morning of the game with a throbbing hand. As much as I didn't regret punching that perverted frat boy, I wish he didn't have such a solid jaw. I looked down at it and saw that my knuckles had slight bruising around, I knew as soon as my parents saw the bruises they were going to ask questions and I couldn't be bothered to deal with that this morning.

I got out of bed and headed to the bathroom so that I could get ready for today. I didn't have any particular work that I needed to do today but it was the first game without new sponsors so I needed to be there to post some pictures on social media and of course make sure Dallas didn't step out of line.

Thinking of Dallas my mind drifted to our interaction in the kitchen last night. That man honestly gave me whiplash with how he acts. There's moments were he is being extremely sweet, like taking care of my hand or helping me skate again but then it's like a switch goes off in his brain and he becomes an arsehole again. It is the most irritating thing I have ever experienced, I don't understand why he can't just be nice.

The way he was looking at me last night was also something I had never seen from him before, I had seen that look before in a lot of men's eyes but never his. I know that I'm a pretty girl and I use that to my advantage but Dallas has never looked at me like that before.

He kept his eyes trained on my lips the whole time he was taking care of me but as soon as I spoke he snapped out of his trance and was right back to being an arsehole again.

Shaking the thoughts of Dallas from my mind I made my way to my wardrobe to find an outfit for the game. I had to get a ride with my parents to the game today because Indigo couldn't make it so I didn't have that long to get ready.

Once I'd finished getting ready I moved onto makeup and finished it in record time as ma was screaming for me to come downstairs and get into the car. Making sure to grab my tote bag with the spray bottle in, I slip into my docs and rush down the stairs.

Everyone was already in the car, they were staring at me as I clambered into the car blowing a piece of hair from my face and giving them a sheepish smile.

"You need to learn time management Evangeline" Dad mumbled as he pulled out of the drive and we made our way to the arena.

I huffed rather than responding and instead focused on pulling my hair up and securing it with a claw clip. It didn't take long before we pulled into the car park and got out of the car, mum and dad practically ran in.

They were being so dramatic! We were still ridiculously early so I don't know why they had their panties in such a twist.

Rather than running after them I pulled on my headphones and made my way into the arena at a normal pace. I didn't have to talk to anyone for a while so I was just going to sit in the stands and watch the players warm up.

Both teams were on the ice warming up and subconsciously my eyes flicked around trying to find Dallas, not because I wanted to see him but because I wanted to make sure he was staying out of trouble.

There were a lot of journalists and sports reporters here today because it is the first game with our new sponsors after the whole fiasco so they all want to document it. So this is the one game Dallas needs to make sure he is being perfect, no slip ups are allowed.

I sat for an half an hour before the arena started to fill up with people. The players had been all called back into their changing rooms whilst the crowd were getting seated then they would be allowed back on the ice for their official warm up.

I stood from my seat and made my way down to the changing rooms to find dad before the game began. I needed him to be photographed with our new sponsor during the game, so he needed to be on best behaviour during the game as well.

I waited outside of the changing rooms but as I was waiting the opponents all made their way out of their changing rooms before my team. I scanned their faces as they walked past and I couldn't deny that they were all very attractive, I guess today's game would hold my interest for once if I got to see their pretty faces.

"Hey there gorgeous" I turned my head to the left to see they opposing captain, Spencer O'Sullivan smirking down at me. He was already tall but the skates he had on added extra height, so much so that I had to tilt my head up.

"Hi" I smiled back, he may be the enemy today but there's no reason a little flirting can't happen.

"You're not wearing any team colours, do I need to try and bring you over to our side?" I laughed at him, he obviously didn't know who I was otherwise he wouldn't even try that line on me.

"Maybe I have decided on my team already" He smirked at me and raised an eyebrow.

"Well take this, wear it for me and maybe I can bring you over to the dark side" He took his team cap off his head and handed it to me.

Before I could reply the familiar looming shadow appeared over us and the hat was snatched out of my hands. I didn't even have to look to know who it was and a sigh left my lips. This man honestly can't let me have any fun!

"She's with us O'Sullivan" Dallas growled out and I rolled my eyes at him.

"Well she seemed perfectly happy taking my hat, so maybe she isn't as much yours as you thought"

It looked like Dallas was about to knock Spencer's lights out but I was quite enjoying the show. I'm not sure why but having two hockey guys towering over me was giving me butterflies, I have problems!

"You boys need to get on the ice" I snatched the hat from Dallas' hands and held it to my chest. Spencer had a smirk on his face as he ran his eyes over me and Dallas looked like he was about to explode.

I watched as Dallas took a step forward but I placed a hand on his chest and stopped him.

"I'll be wanting that hat back missy" Spencer winked at me and walked away down the corridor towards the rink.

Once he was out of sight Dallas' eyes zoned on me and I rolled my eyes at his glare, I don't get how he hasn't realised yet but those looks don't work on me.

"Do you have no loyalties to your dad's team?"

"I don't care about hockey Tucker, now behave on the ice today. The new sponsors are here and so are a lot of media" I turned on my heels and walked off towards the ice.

I had missed dad and that was the main reason I came down the hall. I didn't get far before my wrist was grabbed and I was spun around to face Dallas.

"If I see you with that hat on, I will knock Spencer out before the game even begins and that won't look good for media now will it Evangeline"

Now I know I shouldn't be letting him talk to me in the tone that he is but my body was reacting in a completely different way to what was going on in my mind. The heat that spread in my lower abdomen and the tingly feeling between my thighs was completely wrong.

Something about the hushed voice he was using and the fact that his voice had gone a few octaves deeper. His light eyes had darkened and hardened as he stared into my soul.

"Get on the ice Tucker" I came to my senses and snatched my wrist away from him and to the coach's box to find my dad.

I knew for a fact that my cheeks were bright red as my dad looked at me with a confused face but he didn't mention it. I had made sure to shove the cap into my jacket pocket so that no one saw me carrying it around and asked questions.

"Remember to be on best behaviour, the sponsor should be here anytime soon and you need to be photographed together so don't scare them off" Dad just shooed me away and focused on his players.

I made my way back to my seat and waited for the whistle to be blown. I watched as Dallas and Spencer made their way towards the puck at the centre. I could see Spencer's lips moving and from Dallas' posture he was not happy with what was being said.

The whistle blew and Dallas lost the puck, that was one of the first times I had ever seen him lose at the start. I sat back and watched as the rest of the game went on, the first third passed quickly and Dallas was playing horribly.

The players skated back onto the ice and I made my way down to the plexiglass before the whistle was blown. I banged on it as Dallas was close enough to hear and he turned his head towards me.

I held my arms up in confusion and he just shrugged.

"You better win Tucker, the team needs this" I shout out and rather than replying he taps his head just as the whistle goes and he starts skating again.

It takes me a moment to work out what he was talking about but then it clicks. He wants me to get rid of the hat. I roll my eyes at his childish actions but start to head towards the opposition subs box so that I can give the hat back.

"Miss you can't be here" one of the security guards tries to stop me and I roll my eyes at him. I hold up my all access pass and he nods his head to let me through.

I make it to the subs box and tap one of the players on the head to get his attention. A few of the players turn around and smirk as they run their eyes down my body.

"You want a picture sweetheart" I almost gag at his tone, why would I want a picture with him when he was literally just a bench warmer.

"Give this back to your captain for me" I sent him a fake smile and chucked the hat at him before walking off.

I walk quickly back to my dad's box and walk up to the barrier, dad sends me a weird look but I'm raising my voice at Dallas before he gets a chance to talk to me.

"Tucker the hat is gone, now play properly" I watch as Dallas smirks from under his helmet and soon enough he is ramming Spencer into the plexiglass and they are throwing punches at each other.

The refs let it go on for a while before they break it up and the game goes back into play.

By the end of the second third we are drawing with the opposition and if the boys play their best then they should be able to win.

"What were you shouting about a hat for?" Dad asks me as I stay in his box for the final third.

"Oh nothing, just something between babysitter and child" I giggle to myself and turn back to the game so I don't have to answer anything else.

As much as I would never admit it out loud I was on the edge of my seat for the rest of the game. I really wanted the team to win, it would be so good for the sponsors and for our media engagement.

I watched as the seconds were counting down on the clock and Wessy had the puck, he was skating towards the goal before he flicked it to Dallas who passed it along to Jethro. Jethro shot and it went straight between the goalies legs, the buzzer sounded and we had won.

All the team tackled Jethro and dad pulled me into a hug to celebrate. I couldn't help the warm feeling that spread through my chest at the sight of all the team celebrating.

I made sure to pull out my phone to snap a few pictures to post on our instagram to celebrate the win. The arena was going crazy and I couldn't wipe the smile off my face even when Dallas looked over and gave me a knowing smirk.

The team did their honorary laps of the rink before moving into the changing rooms so that they could change into their suits before the press conference.

We all walk to the corridor to wait for the guys to come out so that I can grab Dallas and make sure he doesn't mess up this conference as it is a pretty important one.

"You need to be on best behaviour in their conference dad because the sponsor is going to be there as well. The main focus of the conference after questions about the game is going to be about the partnership so I've written a list of answer for you"

"Thanks Evie. I don't really say this enough but I do really appreciate everything you've done for us" Dad pulled me into a hug and I couldn't help but melt into him. We have always been extremely close but with all the stress he's been under lately we haven't hung out as much as we used to but hearing that really made my heart swell.

"So this is why you support the Canadiens then missy" I pulled away from my dad to see Spencer all suited up and standing behind me with a smile on his face.

"I guess so" I giggled out before Spencer's attention snapped to my dad behind me.

"Good job out there O'Sullivan '' Although my dad was complimenting him the tone that he was using was anything but friendly.

"Thank you sir. Your guys played well, but we would have smashed you if my good luck charm hadn't gotten rid of my hat" Spencer's heated gaze moved back to me and I couldn't help but blush. I guess his hat got back to him safe and sound.

"I'll see you in the conference room Evie" Dad spotted the sponsor and made his way off down the corridor to have a chat with him.

Before Spencer could speak again Dallas appeared and caged me in between him and Spencer.

"I gave you a beating on the ice O'Sullivan. Do I really need to give you another one here?" There was no joking tone in Dallas' voice as he glared at Spencer, I couldn't help but roll my eyes. Honestly this guy really needs to get his temper in check. It's ridiculous.

"You sound jealous Tucker, didn't realise she was one of your bunnies" My mouth fell open at the insult, just when I thought hockey boys had become decent I got a reality check.

"How dare-" before I could finish my sentence I was moved out of the way and watched almost in slow motion as Dallas threw a punch towards Spencer's face.

The blonde boy's head snapped to the side and Dallas had a large smirk on his face.

"Learn to respect women dick or I'll fuck your pretty face up even more"

With that Dallas grabbed my hand and pulled me away down the corridor, I didn't dare lecture him about grabbing me and getting in between my business because I could feel the anger radiating off him.

We got to the outside of the press room and he turned to face me, I watched as his eyes softened from their angered state showing that he wasn't super angry with me. He was silent for a couple of moments and still hadn't released my hand. I looked down at our entwined fingers and he obviously noted as he dropped my hand and took a step back.

"Do you always have to cause trouble? I swear your dad hired you to look after me, not the other way around" His tone wasn't angry but almost disappointed and I couldn't help the sick feeling in my stomach. I don't know if it was guilt for him having to look out for me or because he was disappointed in me but I didn't like the feeling.

I looked down at the floor and fiddled with the rings on my fingers. He let out a sigh and I lifted my gaze to watch him run his hand through his hair.

"This day is important for the team and flirting with the opposition is not a good look. What if a reporter had seen and photographed you?" He's such a hypocrite, so what if a teenage girl gets caught flirting with a hockey player, it wouldn't be the first time!

"Just behave in the conference" I pulled away from Dallas and moved into the conference room. I went and sat at the back, although I felt horrible and wanted to cry I had a job to do and needed to make sure everything went okay.

The conference was good and rather than waiting around like I usually would I walked out of the conference room before anyone else and made my way into the car park.

A load of reports were waiting at the car park doors and I kept my head down as I walked through them.

"Evangeline Brenton" I snapped my head up at my name not realising the mistake I made but it hit me when camera lights started snapping and questions were being called out.

'Where have you been Evangeline?'

'What were your injuries?'

'Will you ever skate again?'

I was surrounded and the flashing lights and shouting of questions caused my blood pressure to spike and my heart rate to do the same, I felt a panic attack coming on and it was a bad one.

Tears sprang to my eyes and I tried to shove the reporters away but they were all bigger than me. Rather than stopping like normal people when they saw the tears falling down my cheeks the continued to take photos.

"Angel?" The crowd parted and Dallas came running towards me. He had a jacket in his hand and placed it over my head before pulling my head into his chest and rushing me towards his truck.

I climbed in and kept my face away from the window as he got in his side and drove us out of the car park. We sat in silence and Dallas turned on the radio so it wasn't awkward for us.

I tried to control my breathing and stop my crying but nothing was working. I had gone so long without a panic attack and this was a horrible one to come back to.

I didn't realise we had stopped outside my house but Dallas just sat there not moving or talking as he waited for me to get over the panic attack. When nothing was changing I felt him undo my seatbelt and pull me over the centre consol into his lap.

Usually I hated being touched when I was in this situation but something about his grip on me and the way he smelt made me start to relax. He kept one arm around my waist and the other was running over my hair as he whispered sweet nothings into my ear trying to relax me.

I don't know how long we sat there for but he was extremely patient until I regained control of my breathing and my tears stopped.

"There you are" I was completely drained after my attack and I couldn't bring myself to talk. I just relaxed into his chest as he began to trace patterns on my thigh.

I felt my eyes begin to droop and I rested my head against Dallas' shoulder.

"Come on trouble let's get you to bed" He opened the door and rather than putting me on the ground he carried my bridal style making sure my dress didn't ride up in the process.

He pushed open the front door and walked up the stairs making it to my bedroom. He gently placed me down on the bed and began to take off my boots, placing them on the floor by my wardrobe.

He pulled open some of my draws and grabbed out a large oversized T-shirt before coming back to me and taking off my jacket.

"You need to change sweetheart" I pulled my arms out of the straps of my dress as he pulled the t-shirt over me and I shimmied out of my dress.

Getting under the covers I watched as he closed my blinds so that the room was dark. He came back over to me and stroked my hair giving me a soft smile.

"Do you need anything else?"

"Stay" I whispered and he let out a sigh.

"I don't think that's a good idea Angel"

"Please" He looked torn as he looked down at me but after a slight hesitation he kicked off his shoes and got into bed with me, making sure to keep on top of the covers.

"I'm sorry I always cause you trouble"

"I'll always look out for you Evangeline" my eyes fell shut but I felt him pull me closer to side and I cuddled into his warmth.

I knew I would probably regret my choices in the morning but in this moment right now this was all I wanted.

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