Super Smash Brothers Ultimate

By DreamersWriters

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Every soul contains a whisper of light and comes together to fight in an epic, grand tournament! Heroes and v... More

Table of Contents
Episode 1: It's A-Me and My Friends! Puyo!
Episode 2: Two Villains are Enough
Episode 3: A Prince and Hero Don't Get Along
Episode 4: The Heroes Scatter and Cross Other Paths
Episode 5: The Jungle is Bigger Than We Thought
Episode 6: Outer Space is a Big Place
Episode 7: A Free for All Part 1
Episode 8: A Free for All Part 2
Paralogue One: Trainer Red Wants to Battle as New Friends are Invited
Paralogue Two: To Recruit Villains
Prologue Three: The Wind and Snake
Paralogue Four: Friends Don't Have to Watch from Afar
Episode 9: The Opening Ceremony is Interrupted by this Clearly Evil Broadcast
Episode 10: Behind the Scenes and In the Skies
Episode 11: The Jungle Never Changes
Episode 12: To Be the Very Best
Episode 13: The King and Knights
Episode 14: Chasing and Chasing
Episode 15: A Friend from Before
Episode 16: A Misunderstanding
Episode 17: To Catch 'Em All in a Clash
Episode 19: To the Island in the Sky
Episode 20: Freeing a Friend
Episode 21: That's my Ship!
Episode 22: Stealth Mission
Episode 23: Time for a Daring Escape
Episode 24: A Purposeful Meeting
Episode 25: A Moment of Darkness
Episode 26: The Light Returns
Episode 27: The Final Fighter
Episode 28: The Brawl of the Century
Bonus Episode 1: Family Day for Fire Emblem
Bonus Episode 2: Dance with Me
Bonus Episode 3: Halloween Scare Gone Wrong
Bonus Episode 4: A Meal for Two
Thank You!
Bonus Episode 5: Happy Birthday, Link!
Bonus Chapter 6: Sonic Christmas: The Silent yet Deadly Night

Episode 18: Helping Each Other

23 0 0
By DreamersWriters

(I know most of these are short, but when we get into the later ones, it will be much longer, trust me. That being said, happy Tears of the Kingdom release day! Please do not spoil the game for me! I have six games to beat before playing it. Enjoy!)

        King Dedede whimpered in pain from the crash, but he was so happy to see the trophy forms of Twilight Zelda, Luigi, and Ness still with him. He carried all three to the castle and placed them in front of the red throne. He grinned at them as he used his blue flipper to dust them off.

"Ah!" he said in realization as he took out three golden badges from his pocket.

He placed one on Twilight Zelda's shoulder, another Luigi's nose, and the last one on Ness's shirt. Satisfied, he placed his hands on his hips and smiled. However, he jumped when he heard something cracking and looked up to see the roof breaking apart! He let out a surprised yell as the roof fell and crashed on top of him! He was knocked out and reverted into his trophy form. Most of the debris fell on top of the trophy forms of Luigi and Ness, but the trophy form of Twilight Zelda's was knocked away. Koopas, Gombas, and Shy Guys jumped from the broken roof and went to searching. Bowser then jumped down to be with his minions and searching with them.

"Find any fighters and bring them to me" Bowser ordered.

His minions were moving some of the debris away as Bowser gazed over them. He was searching too as his eyes fell on Twilight Zelda's trophy on the side. He grinned at the site of it and went to pick her up. As Bowser picked up the trophy, there was a loud bang. He and his minions turned their attention to see Twilight Link, Yoshi, Mario, Pit, Kirby, and Zelda burst through and stood at the entrance.

"Zelda!" Twilight Link exclaimed as he drew his Master Sword and pointed it at Bowser.

"Minions stop them!" Bowser ordered as he ran through the castle and fled from them.

The fighters were preparing themselves for a fight.

"We have to break through to them and reach her trophy!" Zelda informed them as she cast Din's fire magic to strike a few Koopas.

The fighters agreed as they rushed to take out the Koopas, Gumbas, and Shy Guys. Pit spun the Palutena's Bow to strike the incoming Gombas. He knocked a few Koopas back. Mario then jumped on Pit's head as he raised his flaming fist. He slammed his fist on the ground to throw the minions off balance. Yoshi used his tongue to pull the minions and popped them out as eggs. The minions were trapped in the eggs, so Yoshi swung his tail to knock the eggs into the other minions. Twilight Link let the minions come closer to him as he then spun the Master Sword quickly to strike them down. Kirby floated above them, transformed into a thwomp, and slammed himself on the ground to defeat a few Shy Guys. As they were fighting, Zelda ran around the castle to search for Bowser.

"Come on, come on" she whispered as she continued to search for them.

She then created her knight and waved her hand to have it crash itself against the wall of the castle. She looked through the new hole and found Bowser running!

"He's escaping!" Zelda shouted as the heroes rushed through the hole and after him.

Kirby remained with her as they let the heroes charge after Bowser to save Twilight Zelda.

"I wonder why she was here. I recall King Dedede being here with a few other trophies. Where did they go?" Zelda wondered as she looked back at the ruined castle for any sign of them.

Kirby floated after her and then walked on the ground. He saw something shiny and ran towards it. He stopped when he saw a King Dedede badge on the ground.

"Puyo?" Kirby asked confused as he tilted his body to the side.

He wondered why the badge was here, but he soon inhaled it. He followed Zelda who was running after their friends. Mario yelled to Yoshi who nodded his head. Mario then jumped on Yoshi who jumped high in the air. Mario bounced off Yoshi with his fist raised in the air.

"Bowser!" Mario yelled at the Koopa King who turned around to face the red plumber.

The Koopa King chuckled as he then held Twilight Zelda in front of him.

"Oh!" Mario said as he directed himself and his pouch to the ground.

Mario landed besides Twilight Link with Yoshi behind them. Bowser ran to the edge of a cliff and turned to face them. Pit drew a blue arrow from the golden bow and fired. Bowser leaned away and then laughed as he was falling!

"No!" Twilight Link shouted until they saw Bowser riding a Koopa copter and laughing at them.

He flew towards a ship as Kiby jumped at the familiar ship.

"Do you know the ship, Kirby?" Zelda asked as she leaned towards him.

"Puyo!" Kirby exclaimed with a serious nod of his head.

"Then, we have to go after it. Are we ready?" Twilight Link asked as they nodded and ran after the ship.

As they depart, Bowser is flying away and reporting to the Ganondorfs about his successful mission.

"You actually have the princess?" Twilight Ganondorf asked impressed and bewildered at the Koopa King's achievement.

"Hey! Don't sell me short, Ganondorf of the Twilight Era!" Bowser snapped as he held up Twilight Zelda's trophy form, "She's right here! And those pesky heroes can't do anything about it"

Bowser moved the camera to have them see the heroes running after him on foot. Ganondorf laughed while Twilight Ganondorf remained quiet. Everything was going according to plan. Hopefully, he will finally have a chance to defeat Twilight Link after he ruined all his plans.

"Well, we shall move on to the next phase in our plans" Twilight Ganondorf ordered as the Ancient Minister was flying towards the castle.

He flew over the heroes and continued to his destination as two ROBs were behind him and holding the bomb. The two ROBs prepared themselves as they set the bomb and opened it. The Ancient Minister kept his distance from them as they lowered their heads. The bomb exploded as the Ancient Minister turned away and lowered his head in shame and sadness at the loss of his fellow followers and friends.

"Out of everything I expected to fight in this tournament, this robot was not one of it!" Green shouted as Ririri used "Pound" on it.

"But you did expect to fight one?" Red asked as Blasty used "Bubble Beam".

"Please stop talking about this and just help us fight" Lucas shouted as he cast a PK Fire at it.

Toon Link used the hook shot to grab onto a part of the wall. He pulled himself above Galleom and raised his Master Sword.

"Hiyah!" Toon Link shouted as he swung the blade with all his might to clash against it.

Galleom swung his arm to knock Toon Link back and then rammed itself against the small Hero of Time. He screamed until he hit the wall.

"Toon Link! Ririri pick him up!" Green shouted as she swiped her hand in front of her.

Ririri floated to Toon Link's side as Green ran after them. Red and Lucas were facing Galleom with everything they had.

Red swapped Blasty out for Saur and ordered, "Saur use Vine Whip! Grab and hold it down!"

Saur ran forward as his vines appeared and tried to wrap itself around Galleom. Galleom struggled in Saur's grasp. Lucas took his chance to cast PK Ice to freeze any part of Galleom. Galleom's feet were frozen as Red prepared to swap Saur for Charizard at the right moment.

"Get ready to use PK Fire and then your baseball bat" Red said as he held the two pokeballs in his hand.

Lucas nodded his head as he then held his hand to cast PK Fire. However, Galleom grew frustrated with their onslaught of attacks and used his strength to break himself free from the vines!

"Oh, no!" Lucas exclaimed as Red held out Saur's pokeball and returned him.

Red raised Charizard's pokeball, but Galleom rushed towards them! He grabbed Red and Lucas violently as they struggled to break free from the grip. Red was still holding Charizard's pokeball until Galleom jerked one way and caused Red to slam his head against the metal fist holding him! Red groaned in pain, blinked a couple of times, and dropped Charizard's pokeball. Green and Ririri were able to find Toon Link and safely pull him away from the stone wall.

"Oh, that's not good" Green said as she saw Galleom holding an unconscious Red and shaken Lucas in his hand.

She saw a pokeball on the ground as Toon Link was screaming at the site of his friends being held by Galleom. Green picked it up and was relieved to see Charizard. She tossed him out and hopped on his back as Ririri pulled Toon Link with them.

"Come on, we've got to save them!" Green urged.

As Charizard was ready to take off, Galleom activated his jetpack and then flew upward! He smashed through the roof of the building and escaped!

"Ok, time to go!" Green ordered, "Charizard, fly us out of here!"

The Flame Pokémon flew upward and escaped from the collapsing. They were able to escape, but Green and Toon Link looked up to see their friends still being held by Galleom.

"We have to do something!" Green said as she looked at Ririri and Charizard.

She has to give them a command, but she wasn't sure which one to give. Galleom then opened his chest to open a bomb! Lucas gasped at the site of it while Toon Link screamed in disbelief.

"Now, what can we do about this?!" Green shouted in frustrated manner.

Suddenly, something flew pass them as Green grabbed her hat, Ririri was blown away, and Toon Link fell! She looked up to see something dark blue flying towards Red and Lucas. She was confused until she heard a couple of footsteps running towards them.

"We are sorry about this" Ike said as he called out to them, "I shouldn't have broken the roof of the temple"

Green was tensed until she saw Marth! Marth bowed to her and held his composure as he faced her.

"It is nice to see you again, Prince Marth" Green said in relief, "But what is going on?"

Marth grinned in relief before turning serious and explaining the fight they had with Galleom and that he is now a king, much to her surprise. Lucas tried to shake himself free from Galleom's grip and got an idea!

"PK Thunder!" Lucas exclaimed as he created a bolt of lightning to break himself and Red free before Galleom exploded!

Lucas grabbed Red's head and held him close as they were falling. Lucas cringed and prepared himself to hit the ground, but Meta Knight quickly grabbed them before they could! Lucas gasped at the site of Meta Knight. He flew to the group and gently placed them on the ground.

"Red! Lucas!" Green shouted as she rushed to them with Toon Link, Ririri, and Charizard.

Lucas was shaking Red as he slowly woke up and held his injured head. Red looked at his friends with a grin as Ririri went to heal him.

Green recounted everything that happened to Red as she finished by saying, "And Lucas used his powers to free yourselves. Meta Knight then caught and brought you back to us"

Red laughed in delight as he turned to Lucas and held out his hand to say in relief, "Thanks for the save. I owe you for that"

Lucas grinned as then shook Red's hand while Green faced Marth.

"It has been a while, King Marth. I assume you and your friends are fighting the same enemies as we are" Green said as she talked with him.

"Yes, and I believe it would be best if we traveled together and find the enemy together" Marth answered her as the groups decided to rest and then continue their travels afterwards. 

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