who's next?

By hisokasbungeegumshot

58.8K 1.6K 1.4K

You're 20 years old living on the outskirts of the big city, York New. Somehow, you unintentionally meet thre... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32

chapter 26

985 30 74
By hisokasbungeegumshot

⚠️ TWarning! This chapter contains graphic content ⚠️

Word count - 5052

The air was thin, and something felt heavy as it pulled you back into consciousness. Blinking awake, it didn't take long to realize that the heavyweight was your head. staring down into your lap, you were sitting alone on a chair. Your ears rang while a stinging sensation hit the back of your neck. ouch. Did someone hit me?

Wherever you sat was dim, but the setting was bare. When your body fully awoke, the last thing you recalled was speaking with chrollo. How did you end up here?

Oh shit! What time is it? I have to get back to leorio! Not too worried about your current situation, you sprouted up to find an exit from this unknown area.

"Stay seated, y/n" flinching at the sudden voice, Uvo emerged from the shadows

Your heart stopped. When did he get here? You felt like a mouse being caught in a trap when another voice spoke from behind you. "Trust us. it's for the best" Phinks insisted.

Not knowing what to do, you just froze in place. you still weren't sure how you got here, or why you were here. All you knew, was that this wasn't good. where was kurapika? Do they know he's here? Where did chrollo go? Is leorio okay? So many unanswered questions that made your stomach turn

"Nice of you to join us." chrollo appeared on the once empty chair before you,  closing his nen-book. he must've been using an ability to keep him invisible.

You felt a small relief seeing him, but then that feeling quickly disappeared noticing the energy in the room. His energy specifically, wasn't pleasant.

He gave you a blank stare. After that, you needed no further confirmation to know that they were mad. At you. But why?

He stood up from his chair, now looking down at you. "You were asked to sit."

You didn't obey their request, still not comprehending what was happening. "Guys, I-" Phinks' hands latched onto your shoulders, shoving you back down into the seat. Even though you were sitting, he kept his hands on you.

While Uvo leaned against the kitchen pillar biting his nails, chrollo inched closer now leaving you stuck between him and Phinks.

The only view you had was of chrollos thighs. To fix this, chrollo grabbed your chin ensuring you held eye contact with him. Your neck was strained while phinks held your shoulders down. "I'm disappointed in you."

disappointed? You shied away from his grip, but he wouldn't let go.

Chrollo's attitude was different, and he quite literally seemed insane. He had small eye bags,  and his shirt was halfway undone like he was sweating.

"Please. c-an someone just tell me what's going on?" You spoke the best you could feeling your throat choke up

"Cut the act." he squeezed your chin, then let go. Placing his palms in his pockets, chrollo approached the window wall. "Don't you know everything on both sides?" he spoke sadistically and let out a giggle "Don't act like you don't know now"

You were in absolute disbelief, having no clue what he was talking about. he continued talking. "There's no need to keep up the act y/n. Or is that even your real name?" he asked observing the city below

Was this a dream? You blinked harshly a few times, but the picture in front of you didn't change. Your heartbeat quickened, and you tried to think of anything you did wrong

"Boss just let me kill her." Uvo spat out a fingernail onto the floor. chrollo held up a finger, and Uvo didn't say another word

"Kill me?! uvo- guys it's me!" you pleaded, but chrollo only turned around to give you a dead look. An unnoticed tear fell down your cheek from fear.

chrollo paced back and forth along the glass wall, pondering. "Or maybe you're telling the truth," he suggested as you watched his performance. "Maybe, you honestly don't know that Shalnark and Pakunoda are dead."

time stopped at that moment. dead? You hoped it wasn't true, but you knew it was. kurapika even admitted to it. Both of them were dead. gone. "What..?" a word slipped from your mouth while your brain went in all directions at once. kurapika killed Shalanrk and Paku.

There was an empty hole forming inside you, while your eyes began to feel puffy. It was heartbreak. You knew someone was dead, but you only now snapped into the reality of it after hearing their names being announced.

"And right after shalnarks death, we tracked the phone he gave to you. Nobunaga suspected you. I didn't want to believe him at first." he admitted "But It's funny y/n. You wouldn't believe how it led us right to the killer's home."

fuck. You remembered connecting the two phones data-wise. That way, you could have access to the games from the phone Shal gave you, on your normal phone. This looks really fucking bad. Do they think I killed them? Or does he just think I helped kurapika?

your plan has now gone to complete shit. There was no way out. At least not right now. either way, you still needed to explain yourself. "chrollo i- DAGHH!" you yelped feeling Phinks' hands digging into your shoulders, silently telling you to mute. The pain made it nearly impossible to speak.

chrollo spoke with a hand while the other was still in his pocket "Not to mention you being out in public with the killer's best friend, and then showing up here." he stopped in his tracks, facing you again "Coincidence?"

so it wasn't just your imagination. A troupe member was watching you earlier today. or from what you're hearing, a little longer than that.

At this moment, you wondered if kurapika and Leorio were okay. Okay meaning alive. You should've suspected the troupe was already five steps ahead. It's the Phantom troupe for god sake. One of the most wanted gangs in the world. Of course, they're smart. is hisoka a part of this too?

"Nothing to say?" chrollo teased knowing you couldn't speak because of Phinks' grip. "I mean it all makes perfect sense." chrollo flipped the empty chair around and sat down with his forearms resting on the top rail. "You purposely make friends with the troupe. especially me, to spill information to the chain user."

You shook your head no, holding back a few tears. "Then he kills off a few of us, specifically the weak ones to eliminate his competition. and tonight, he was planning to kill the rest of us." You let out a cry. It was all wrong, and he couldn't see it.

"But you." he reached over, wiping a single tear off of your face "You were making all the moves weren't you y/n?" chrollos mind was already made up. You were a traitor.

It seemed like even if you did explain yourself, it wouldn't help. You just sat there and cried. You were mad at yourself that you couldn't do something sooner. You weren't able to save shalnark or Paku. You couldn't convince kurapika to stop. and now, you were stuck.

You felt Phinks release his grip, finally allowing you to talk. They didn't have you in any restraints, but this was because they knew you had no chance of escaping with the three of them here.

The men exchanged looks before chrollo spoke again "There's no need to cry." he stood up again, and this time he took the chair with him, putting it to the side. "We just wanna know the truth," he said leaning against a window, arms crossed

Wiping your face, you scarfed up a sentence. "That's not true." your voice cracked "kurapika he- ..you killed his family years ago. The scarlet eyes. he just wants revenge b-but please don't feed into it. Just leave him alone. Please chrollo" your eyes began to water again

Chrollo picked up a tiny remote from the floor, pressing a button that opened four wall windows. He then nodded at the two men who left the room, now leaving you and him alone.

"You hear that?" he asked, back facing you staring out to the city. Explosions were happening down below, gunshots and men screaming. The troupe is robbing the auction... "After that commotion stops, your friend might be dead."

"No! chrollo please you don't understand" You stood up pleading with your hands

"No, I think I understand fairly well. You want me to leave the chain user alone after he killed two people closest to me?" It sounded awful, but that's exactly what you wanted.

He chuckled in disappointment "I knocked you out and brought you here because I didn't want you getting caught up in this mess any longer. You should be thanking me right now. not begging me to stop" So someone did hit me

You realized this was chrollos way of trying to protect you, but he was still fairly pissed at you. It wasn't exactly your fault, but you knew this whole time. You knew and still stood by kurapika. That's why he was disappointed.

Plus, he could also think kurapikas manipulating you or something. "kurapika is my friend. Please don't kill him. He didn't manipulate me or force me to do anything! I just don't want anyone else dying. I tried to tell you, but you ignored my calls!" It was obvious begging chrollo wasn't helping, as he seemed completely uninterested.

He didn't ignore your calls purposely, he just deactivated his phone in case you were tracking him. At the moment, he didn't know if he could trust you. although, he didn't spill this information to you. He just stood there watching his masterpiece below. He was done with the conversation having his mind made up, plans already in action

You looked around the room for anything helpful. You weren't stupid enough to try the door knowing Phinks locked it behind him. The only exit way was the open windows. If you wanted to save kurapika you needed to be by his side. Or, get chrollo to stop this. but how?

His words just echoed in your mind "After that commotion stops, your friend might be dead." You couldn't let that happen

There was nothing useful in the room. To your left, the kitchen was empty. to your right was just a wall. In front of you stood chrollo. He wore a suit, his normal headband. In his tux pocket was a phone, and his right back pocket was....a gun?

an idea clouded over your head. It wasn't one you liked, but you had no other option at this point. and you'd take your chances for kurapika.

Chrollo held his arms up, synchronizing with the events down below. His eyes were closed feeling the gentle wind through his hair. This is my chance.

In one swift movement, you snatched the handgun from chrollo's back pocket and stood before him on the edge, ready to step off. pointing the gun at him, his eyes widened. "Put the gun down," he said

You backed up as far as you could, death was an inch away behind you. If your assumption was right, you were one of chrollos greatest weaknesses. He projected that more than once. He pushed you away to protect you. He became obsessive with you that night with hisoka and illumi. And finally, he was keeping you 'safe' here with him. If there was one thing he didn't want to lose, it was you.

chrollo stepped a foot closer to you "Stop!" You shook the gun "Stop this right now, or I'm walking off this edge." you threatened.

One thing about you was that you didn't care too much about your own life. It was everyone else's around you. those closest to you. In this case, your non-blood-related brothers.

As you held his eyes captive, Chrollo's lips scrunched up and there was a twitch in his eye. He thought about it for a moment, but he knew you weren't scared. You'd jump if you had to. You'd pull the trigger if you had to. Maybe not to kill him, but to injure him.

He quietly groaned from stress grabbing a handful of hair. he didn't say a word as he pulled out his nen-book. he was pissed that you got the better of him. Now, he was trying to decide between killing you or submitting to you.

Chrollo adored you. It wasn't a secret anymore. He just didn't know how to express it. The only 'love' he's ever experienced was from the troupe. And it wasn't exactly love. So he didn't want to lose you. If he lost you, he'd be losing something he never felt before. He'd be losing a chance at something new.

He's never felt this way for anyone before. For a reason he couldn't figure out why, it was only you. So the only way he could keep you was to protect you. Even though he knew you said you didn't need protection, it was in his instinct to provide it anyway.

standing your ground, a cool breeze rushed against your back and over to chrollo. He melted at your scent, remembering what it felt like to feel your skin against his. You were right, he didn't want to lose you. All he wanted was to avenge his troupe members. In his mind, he thought you were being manipulated and didn't say anything, but deep down he knew you were telling the truth. Kurapika also just wanted revenge.

His eyes turned purple again. he wanted to rage and more, but you were standing in his way. "And I want leorio to be okay," you added, knowing you already got the better of him.

He didn't speak. He didn't agree. All he did was activate his nen. You could tell by the aura that it wasn't a threat, so you didn't jump off the edge. In the blink of an eye, you were placed into a new environment. It was a desert

A scream echoed in the distance forcing you to cover your ears. You ran over to the source, it was kurapika and uvo, fighting.

Looking around, you noticed this had to be the place kurapika told you to bring the troupe members you and leorio captured. kurapika must've thought this was part of the plan and didn't know that Uvo practically knew the whole plan.

Kurpika and Uvo stood about ten feet apart having small talk. Neither of them heard your footsteps so you shouted "kurapika! uvo!" Waving your hands like a maniac in the air

You approached them panting for oxygen."y/n it's not safe here you need to leave." kurapika informed

"No!" you yelled standing between them with your hands up "Please don't fight. I don't want anyone else dying. Uvo stand down" You looked to Uvo who looked highly displeased at the interruption

kurapika took in your facial expression. It didn't take him long to figure it out "You know him?" he asked gesturing toward Uvo

There was no backing out now. "Yes." you said ashamed "I know the entire troupe. I didn't want to say anything because I wasn't sure how you guys would react-"

"So you were playing both sides?" he confirmed for himself

"Yes, but I-"

"I don't care right now y/n." kurapikas eyes turned scarlet red "Just move out of the way." his eyes looked straight through you to Uvo, who was devilishly smirking. What were they talking about before you got here that had kurapika so upset?

Before anyone could say anything further, the three of you were interrupted by someone screaming. It was leorio nearly 12 feet away, angrily yelling at chrollo who was clearly annoyed.

chrollo decided he had enough, so he knocked out leorio in a swift movement. leorio face planted eating dirt. The three of you stood in an awkward triangle watching the scene.

Now able to refocus, chrollo immediately turned around noticing you first. Seeing the sight of you took some stress off his face

But then, he eyed the chain user. He immediately whipped out a gun from his pocket aiming it at kurapika, and didn't wait before pulling the trigger. bang!

"NO!" you yelled as if the ammunition would stop mid-air

kurapika blocked the bullet inches away from his face with a chain. Your eyes darted between the two with your trembling hands up.

chrollo shrugged and lowered the gun. "Nice block" he congratulated walking over to the three of you, leaving leorio on the ground behind him. "If your reaction was delayed by less than a second, you'd be dead"

kurapika didn't give him a response. He only stood with his guard up, now between two people whom he despised the most. There was silence. The only sound was chrollos shoes brushing against the dirt, and the wind whistling upon the mountains

"Let's make this fair, shall we?" chrollo offered, now standing before you and kurapika. uvo still stood a good ten feet away to the right, while kurapika was six feet to the left. "You and Uvo will brawl one on one, to the death."

"Chrollo that's insane!" you butted

Kurapika locked eyes with the troupe leader. His face was cold, no emotion. You couldn't tell if he even processed the information being said. He held back every bone in his body to not attack chrollo. Instead, he said, "It's fair."

He hated agreeing with the enemy, but chrollo was right. The only way this would get solved was either; erase everyone's memory and forget the troupe killed his family, or fight to the death. Everyone's ego was far too high to back down, and kurapika wanted blood.

You tried again "kurapika, ple-" You were interrupted but the sudden feeling of chains wrapping around you. kurapikas chains. He was ignoring your selfish remarks, and putting you into a position where you couldn't butt in. "kurapika! Let me go!" you strained

"So then it's settled." chrollo backed up, and you were left standing restrained. At least the two males agreed on something else; restraining you to keep you out of it.

kurapika had five chains in total. The one being used on you was able to be detached from his hand, this way he had no trouble fighting uvo. At this point, it was over. One of them was going to die.

You could use your nen, but it wouldn't be as powerful. The only thing you were able to do in this position was kill someone by snapping their neck. You needed both hands or one to hold another person in the air. All you could do was watch.

You couldn't see chrollo, but you could feel his eyes on you. he wasn't showing any remorse for you right now either. chrollo just stood there with his hands in his pockets like this was normal to him. like this whole situation wasn't fucked up.

uvo launched at kurapika, and the two began to fight. Hit after hit, uvogin finally landed one that sent kurapika flying, landing on a rock. The smoke from the impact made it difficult to know if he was okay or not.

waiting for it to clear, he appeared from a completely different area behind uvo, striking him in the back of his thick skull. uvo practically growled turning around to hit kurapika, but missed

They continued to fight. Kurapika cut uvos skin with hits of his chains. At one point, he wrapped one around his neck attempting to choke him or slice his head off.

Uvo was able to throw him off, but his neck was badly bruised.

Feeling the chains tighten around you indicated that kurapika was at full power. He was furious.

They kept fighting until uvo finally landed a blow onto kurapikas back. kurapika hit the ground coughing up blood.

uvo launched at kurapika but was snatched from the air by a chain digging into his chest.

He stood up groaning holding a hand over his chest. "Judgement.. chain" kurapika breathed. He cleared his throat, but it didn't fix his hazy voice.

Wanting to learn about what was impaling his chest, uvo listened to what kurapika had to say.

"This chain is now punctured right before your heart" he coughed. "If you don't obey my next words, it will stab through your heart, instantly killing you"

Before you could blink, uvo grabbed the chain, yanking kurapika towards him. The movement was too quick for even kurapika to react, especially when he was out of shape. Now having kurapika in his grasp, he squeezed.

Before his arms were completely restrained, kurapika used one of his last chains to clasp it around uvos neck. He tightened the chain as tight as he could, but uvo didn't let go

"STOP!" you screamed

He ignored your screams. Even though kurapikas chain strangled him, uvo still stood. He was built like a rock. He was a 400-pound man, over six feet tall, with strength that was inhumanely possible. You couldn't think of a way kurapika could escape this position

"Please he's just a kid!" uvo ignored you again. And after  that moment, he was dead to you. You tried looking for an opening to kill uvo then and there, but kurapika was in the way. If you couldn't see your target's face, you couldn't kill them. The only body parts you could see were his legs. So you took the opportunity

Releasing your nen staring down his left leg, You snapped your head to the left. "AHHHG." his leg snapped, but his grip on kurapika grew tighter. You heard another bone snap that wasn't his own. Fuck fuck fuck

The chains around you loosened a bit, but you still couldn't move. Was Kurapika dying?

You looked back at chrollo for help "chrollo stop this!" he gave you a frustrated look. as if he wanted to stop it, but something was holding him back. "Please!" You heard another bone crack, and started to sob "..pika"

chrollo raised a hand, and kurapika was dropped. The chains on your body fell, and you immediately attended to the blonde tripping over your own feet. You plopped down the the ground, picking him up to hold him in your lap.

He was clearly in bad shape. bruises were planted on his face, and his clothes were bloody, mostly around the sleeves. You didn't realize how bad it was from afar, seeing him up close was unperceivable. But, nothing else mattered except him right now.

Tears of yours fell on his face, as you watched him try to keep his eyes open. Both of his shoulders were visibly snapped, and his ribcages were most likely badly damaged making it hard for him to breathe. There was a high chance that he was internally bleeding as well

"Pika.." you cried over him

kurapika held up his hand to cup your face. "I'm..sorry you guys.." was the last thing he said before closing his eyes

His hand dropped from where it once touched your skin. "kurapika! No.. no! Here," you said picking up one of his chains "Use your holy chain to heal yourself!" You waved the chain in his face, but you might as well rather talk to a wall. He was non-responsive.

"Please, you have to" you sobbed, squeezing his hand

You hugged him tight close to your heart, as if that would heal the amount of pain you felt. He couldn't die. Your baby brother couldn't leave. not now. but he was. kurapika was dying and all you could do was watch. You just watched the whole thing.

The feeling of his hair ran through your hand as you cradled his head. the rest of his body still laid on top of your lap. You didn't want this to be reality. You tried to use the holy chain on him yourself, but you knew that wasn't possible.

Was this was real?

Your chest heaved at the feeling of something stabbing into you. a heavyweight pulled you down to the hells of earth. You grabbed a handful of your shirt trying to get rid of the feeling, but it wouldn't go away. It was stuck inside you. and you'd now carry this feeling with you for the rest of your life. It was loss and guilt.

guilt. guilt that you couldn't save him. guilt that you didn't do something sooner. guilt that you were stupid enough to think you could solve this. Putting a hand on his chest, you no longer felt a heartbeat..

kurapika was dead.

Uncontrollably crying, You held onto him hoping that he'd wake up, but he didn't move. His body was limp, and his face was practically soaked from your tears at this point.

While you cried, you caught a glimpse of someone moving past you. It was uvogin. And he was walking over to chrollo like nothing happened. How could he do this to you? and just leave you here? Even though you just met him, you expected more from him. You tried to protect him too for fucksakes. You wanted to protect the whole troupe. and yet he couldn't give a damn about you crying over your little brother's body right now

imbeciles. All of them were fucking imbeciles. Your sadness quickly turned into anger. You've trained to not let your nen takeover when you become angry, but this was too far. kurapika was dead.

He was dead and nobody cared. nobody cared. So why should you care about what happens next? Why should you hold your cool? Without even noticing it, your aura slipped out. It circled you and kurapika, forcing the wind to swirl around you.

For the first time ever, splashes of red appeared in your aura. You were furious. This was uvos fault. That bastard ignored your cries. He had no heart. Therefore, uvogin needed to die.

'Y/n" chrollo placed a hand on your shoulder. "I'm sorry, I should've stopped him soone-"

A scream broke from your throat as you stood up, kurapikas lifeless body falling off your lap. You aimed a hand at chrollo, and his body lifted into the air, freezing. To your surprise, you were able to turn your attention away from him, and still keep him frozen

Your mind fogged up. and your consciousness left.

- Author P.O.V -

y/n snapped her neck toward uvogin, who stood a fair distance with his hands up. "he died fairly. even he said he wanted a fair fight" he tried to calm y/n down, but he was speaking to no one. y/n was completely blacked out with rage. She was no longer present

y/n trotted over to the buff man. Raising a hand at him, uvo jumped out of the way as best he could with his broken leg. The impact of her nen struck a rock instead, destroying it.

The nen surrounding y/n was now black with hints of red inside it. She broke her neck back to uvogin, who stupidly launched at her in an attempt to knock her out.

His attack failed due to y/n raising both hands to throw him out of the way. He hit the ground further away. hard. hard enough to leave a large hole.

For the second time, uvo was badly injured. His right hip was most likely broken, but he still managed to stand up with a limp. He now had a broken leg and a damaged hip

Quickly stomping back over to her victim, y/n screamed with her left arm out. uvos body became tense and his body levitated off the ground. The pressure was too intense for him to handle, forcing a painful holler from his throat. It felt like his whole body was caving in.

Opening his eyes, they met y/n's. Her eyes were black. There was an entirely different person standing before him. like some type of monster. More red aura overpowered her natural back and purple one. She heavily breathed, using more power than she ever had.

With y/n's left arm still holding him captive, her right arm magnetically grabbed Uvo's left one. Slowly, she moved her hand away from her body, and Uvo's arm followed. She was attempting to rip it off.

There was no remorse on her face. only fury. Her lips scrunched while her arm shook trying to decapitate the man in the air. y/n's hand slowly crippled like she was trying to squish an orange open.

uvogin screamed in agony. The pain was not like anything he'd felt before.

When her hand finally turned into a fist, she ripped her arm down to her side, and Uvo's arm came with it. Blood pooled out like it was water. She dropped him to the ground, and uvo only sat there in shock, holding the space where his arm once was.

y/n walked over to him, towering over the large man. He locked eye contact, and that was the last mistake he would make. She held his gaze, staring into his soul. His body began to shake, but he couldn't move. He couldn't look away. There was a pressure building inside his head. around his brain.

y/n didn't blink, she didn't move continuing her stare. Blood started to drip from her opponent's eyes and ears. The tension inside him grew stronger, thicker, until it was too much forcing his brain to explode.

His skull remained presentable, but the inside of him was destroyed. Uvo's lifeless body flopped on the new wet dirt, covered in his blood.

He was dead.

falling to her knees y/n sobbed. her aura now retreating, allowing chrollo to hit the earth.

He kept his distance, nervous to approach her. He was amazed at what he saw. Even though another troupe member was dead, all he could do was adore y/n. However, when he heard her sobbing again, back facing him, he ran over to her

"Y/n!" his voice echoed through the wind. But she wasn't able to hear. She could only hear her cries

Even after getting revenge, the same pain still lingered in her core


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