Ghost x Reader: Looking Out F...

By Bast_Overlord

1.9M 57.8K 38.1K

It's not my fault I have to steal to survive. But why am I now part of 141, seriously, how did I get here? B... More

1.Load of bull
3.New roomie
4.Just Dance 💃 đŸĒŠ đŸ•ē
5.You'll Dirty My Clothes
6. Oops
7.Excuse Me?
8.Game Night
9.Sleepy Time
10.That's Rude
11.I Really Hate You
12.Soap Gets Me
13.Holiday Plans
14. Unhand Me!
15. You're Fucked
16. Silent.
19. Mission
20.How dare I?
22.Sip Sip
23.Budge and friends
24.Side Eye
25.I gotta go
26. Oops
27. What are you starting at?
28. Breakfast
29. Pack your Bags Budge
30.Not Budge!
31. Don't look
32. Tacos?
33. Cold tacos
34. Please don't fight me
35.Back at Base
36. Stich
37. Rest
38. Awake
39. Zoo
40. Rated R
41. Time to go back
42. Awkward
43. What's up
44. Whoops
46. Conversations
47. Three is a crowd
48. Sweet dreams
49. Las Almas
50. Party time
51. RUN
52. I'm in pain
53. I'm sorry
54. Behave
55. Ow
56. Leave me alone
57. Pancakes
58. Drinks
59. Kiss
60. Inside
61. Captured
62. Found
63. Baking with bae
64. Macy's
65. MDNI
66. Lost
67. Cold and dark
68. Oh
69. 4 momths later
70. Sneaky bastards
71. Let go
72. You're still here!?
73. Attack!!!
74.Woman's sanctuary
75. Hotel
76. Goodbye
77. River
78. Ah
79. Marry me?
80. Okay
81. Please
82. Ghost
83. Yum
84. Oh You
85. You can't come in
86. Hey Ghost
87. Honeymoon
88. Shit
89. Please answer
90. You're to late
91. It only gets harder from here
92. Arguments
93. Look what I found
94. Question
95. I'm worried
96. Wanna play a game?
97. Wait what
98. House
99. Hey ma
100. Cut it out
101. Please calm down
102.Meet your niece
103. And this is...?
104. Ahaha...😒
105. The one that got away
106. You Sure?
107. Lets not fight
108. Hm?
109. Hmph (MDNI)
110. Get out!
111. New home
112. Let's talk
113. Damn him
114. Relax
115. Hello
116. Bed talk
117. Now what
118. Everyone calm down
119. Break it up
120. Caresses
121. Surprise!
122. Baby time!
123. Meet them now
124. Get Out
125. Ma!
126. Back home (MDNI)
127. Sleep
128. Steaks (Final Chapter)
Book two

45. Price (100k reads thank you!)

17.6K 619 228
By Bast_Overlord

(Y'all, someone wrote a note on my profile board thingy and brought to my attention that someone has a very similar book to mine and I only read the first three chapters and yeah, it seems very similar to mine, uses the same jokes, a bit of the same plot and idk what to do. Like, a friend said to message them but I don't know if I have the guts to do that. I need some advice on what to do. But I definitely don't want anyone going over to bash them, it could be a coincidence???? Maybe, maybe not, idk why I'm stressing about this so much. Any advice form my children would be very much appreciated! If you have read that book, please let me know if you see the similarities too please! But again, no hate or bashing to this person please.)

"Price, you in here?" I threw open the door to Price's office and looked in.

"YN, when the door is closed, please try and remember to knock first." Price sighed and put down the paperwork he was reading.

"No can do, pops. This is urgent."

"Go on. Close the door please."

I closed the door and sat down.

"What's up with Ghost and Konig? You know anything about that?"

"What do you mean?"

"Come on, you've seen how they act. You can't tell me I'm the only one that noticed the tension and attitude they give each other. It's creeping me out!"

Price sighed and rubbed his forehead.

"It's not my place to say, YN."

"Come on, Pricey! You can tell me! I won't tell anyone! Well...maybe Soap and I can't promise he won't tell anyone but come on! Are they old lovers? Did Ghost cheat and run off on Konig? Or even more shocking, did KONIG cheat and run away leaving Ghost with a broken heart? God damn it, Konig, you're the reason he treats me so horribly!?"

Price chuckled and shook his head.

"YN, you're letting your imagination run wild again. We talked about this."

"Come on, if you don't want me speculating, tell me the truth!"

"YN, I can't. It's not my place. It would be a betrayal to Ghost and Konig."

I whined and laid my chin on his desk.

"No fun. Can you at least do something about them? Ghost is getting stricter."

"Is he?"


"Alright, I'll talk with Ghost."

"Thank you."

Knock knock knock.

"Come in."

Ghost opened the door and his eyes landed on me.

"Ah. This is where you ran off to."

"Yeah, so what?"

"Ghost. I was just meaning to have a chat with you. YN, if you would please."

I nodded and stood up before leaving to go take a shower.

Price's POV

"Have a seat Ghost." I motioned for the chair YN was seated in moments ago.

He did as told and looked at me.

"How long will Konig be here?" He asked and I chuckled.

"YN is noticing."

"Noticing what?"

"Ghost, I know and you also know how you feel about YN."

"I'm afraid I don't know what you're talking about."

"Simon, it's okay to have feelings for other people."

"Excuse me?"

"So you've have feelings for YN for a while, I understand. And seeing Konig have those same feelings for her is stressful. I'm going to give it to you straight. Konig has the upper hand right now."

Ghost stared at me.

"I don't know what you're talking about. I'm a soldier taking care of an asset. Nothing more, nothing less."

"Simon, Konig is treating YN nicer than you are. I know you want to push her away, but if you do that, you're gonna push her to Konig. Is that what you want? Don't you think it's time for you to open up to someone? YN would be good for you. She's a good kid."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"You can say that all you want. But if you keep treating her the way you are, she won't ever want you."

Ghost stared at his lap, thinking and soaking all this information in.

"YN doesn't have feelings for Konig yet. You still have time. Now get out there and have a conversation with the girl. It can be anything, just make her comfortable and let her feel relax. You have to be relaxed yourself."


"You got this. I believe in you, son."

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