Forbidden Love

By booksByA99

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Soleil Dubois was the sweetest person you could ever meet. Her name meant 'sun' in French and that was exactl... More

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937 22 42
By booksByA99


"Hello, kids." My father says as he enters through the door.

I smile. "Hi, dad. How was work?"

He shrugs. "The same."

I nod. "That's good."

"What's your brother doing?" He asks, looking at Lucas who's jumping up and down in the middle of the living room.

I shrug. "No idea."

Lucas stops jumping and throws himself on the couch next to me. "Coach told me I can't jump."

Dad shakes his head before placing his bag on the table and sitting on his chair in the living room.

My father worked as a French teacher in a middle school. After that, he'd work at his part time job which was at a coffee shop. He always comes home after 10PM, but today he had his 'one quarter of your day off' at the coffee shop so he's home at about 8PM.

But now that we're doing the program, we come home later that usual, except for the days that won't have us working with our partners. When we come home early, Lucas took that as a chance to go out before dad came home. Sometimes so did I.

Ever since my mom died, we've been having difficulties with money. I told him that I'd grab a job, but he wouldn't let me. He said it wasn't my age to get a job, that I should focus on school.

Since Lucas and I are twins, both of us are going to college at the same time and those things aren't cheap. Lucas with his football equipments weren't too cheap either. I loved my father with all my whole heart, he did more than enough for us. Even though mom died, he did his best to stay strong. For us.

"You kids had that exchange program today, right?"

I nod. "Yeah."

"How'd that go?" He asks.

I sigh. "Except for Lucas' horrible driving and my partner, it was fine. That school is absolutely gorgeous though."

Dad nods. "Yeah, I heard about it. Who's your partner?"

"Elias Morano." I groan.

Dad laughs. "Your brother's enemy."

Lucas sighs. "He's a real dick, but Soleil is smart, aren't you, Sol?"

I roll my eyes. "Yes, I am."

"Lucas? Who's your partner?"

Lucas sighs. "Daniel Ross. He makes jokes the whole time, and has the most boring life ever."

I smile, shaking my head.

"Try getting along. Lucas, I want you to do great on this one or im telling coach to bench you for the season."

Lucas nods. "Oui, papa."

I shake my head. Him talking French to dad meant that dad would let him off with warnings.

Its like us speaking French hit a nerve for dad that let us do anything we wanted.

We speak English majority of the time but dad made sure we spoke French a few times atleast.

"Tomorrow's a new day anyway, no need to be depressed. Did any of you go out today?" Dad asks.

I shake my head. "No, I have no friends."

"Lucas?" Dad asks, his eyebrows raised.

"I only went out for half an hour to meet West." Lucas says.

West was Lucas' best friend. That boy was my friend too. He wasn't an asshole and was actually nice. Lucas told me he had a crush on me but unfortunately, im not into gingers, though they sure are cute.

"That's fine. What's for dinner?"

"Lucas and I made pasta." I say, getting up.

"Can we eat in the living room today? Those wood chairs hurt my ass." Lucas asks.

"That's fine." Dad says.

"I'll bring out the food, dad, its fine." I say as he stands up. "Lucas, get your ass up."

He groans and comes to help me in the kitchen. As we're taking out the food, Lucas clears his throat. "So, Elias seemed happier earlier."


"Well, when you went to the bathroom after meeting him,  he was heading towards his car smiling. Then the dick flipped me off and sped away."

I shrug. "I don't know why. We got along a little I guess."

"Not too much though." He says, looking down at me.

I roll my eyes. "I know, Lucas, I know."


"Im never going to get married with you, am I?" I ask.

"No, you're fine without a man." He says, grabbing two plates and heading to the living room.

I grab my own plate, sit on the couch and spend the rest of the evening watching Brooklyn 99, a show I've watched atleast a hundred times with my family.

At about 9PM, everyone goes to do their own things. Dad goes to shower, I go clean my room and Lucas goes to do god knows what.

As im cleaning my room, my phone dings.

Unknown: hey, pretty.

Soleil: hey, asshole. How'd you get my number?

Elias: I asked Mira. I just wanted to save your number, thats all.

Soleil: alr, goodnight.

Elias: what are you doing?

Soleil: we're not having a conversation. Goodnight, asshole.

Elias: fuck you.

Elias: goodnight 🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻

I shake my head, turning off my phone. I head over to my desk and realise I need to print the paper from today. I had already typed it away on my computer and I need it for tomorrow. I had agreed with Elias that we'd start working on the binder early.

I sigh, grab my phone, wallet and head to dad's room. "Dad, im going out for a second, be right back."

"Need money?"

I shake my head. "I don't, thanks dad."

Just as I was about to open the front door, Lucas shows up. "Where are you going?"

"The convenience store down the road." I sigh.


"I need to print something for tomorrow."

"Okay, let's go."

I blink. "Why are you coming?"

"Its almost 10PM, why would you be walking alone at this time?" He asks. "And I'm hungry."

I roll my eyes and follow after him down the road. I enter the store and head to the front cashier and smile at Mr Kim.

"Hi, Mr Kim, how are you?" I ask.

He smiles. "Im good, how's your father?"

I nod. "He's doing good. I need you to print two papers of this." I say, handing him the USB.

He nods and does his job. I walk around the store and find Lucas grabbing a few snacks and two bottles of beer. I shake my head at him and help him carry the stuff before placing it on the table.

"Sup' Mr Kim?" Lucas asks as I grab the sheets of paper and my USB back.

"Good to see you too, Lucas." Mr Kim says.

We pay and head back to the house. I head up to my room and pack my bags before heading to sleep.


"Lucas!" I yell for the fifth time and this time he jolts away.


"We've gotta get going." I say, glaring at him.

He sighs, gets up and we're on our away. He got up before me, got dressed and fell asleep on the couch. Dumbass.

Once we're at school, late, I head to my first class and find a seat in the middle rows. The teacher starts the lesson and after that one period, im already exhausted.

I head to the hang out area that most students are at and sit down, going on my computer. I need a job, I realise.

I know my dad said not to, but I really need one. I've been wanting to get one for the past few weeks now.

Being a girl comes with a lot of personal needs. I didn't want my father paying for that, he never got anything for himself.

Id get a job for myself. For food, clothing, school and more. If I talked to dad about it, maybe he'd surprisingly understand.

I know he will.

I go on my computer and search for a few jobs around New York.

Suddenly, two girls slide across the seat infront of me. I look up surprised.

I notice Alvina, but I don't know the girl next to her but by the looks, she definitely goes here.

"Hey." The girl says. "Im Bella Mae , but you can call me Belle."

"Im Alvina Black, but call me Alvin, please."

I blink. "I'm Soleil Dubois. You can call me Soleil."

Bella- or Belle smiles. "We noticed you yesterday at the exchange program but then saw you fighting with a guy that looks unusually similar to you and Elias so we didn't get to come meet you."

"Oh, that's my twin brother, Lucas." I say, shaking my head.

Belle nods. "I go to NorthFields Fields, she goes to SouthFields."

I smile. "Yeah, I know Alvin. We talked like- once."

Belle nods. "Ah, that's right. So, Elias is your partner, huh?"

I sigh. "Yeah, why?"

"Is he alright?" She asks. "Cause you should probably keep a distance with him."

My eyes widen. "Oh, are you both- I'm so sorry."

Her face scrunches up. "Oh, ew, no. He's hot and all but I'm gay. Alvina and I are dating."

"Ohh- okay." I say, my cheeks heating up.

"You're probably wondering why we're both from opposite school and dating- we both think that the rivalry think is only for the football players."

I nod. "No, I agree."

"What Belle means also is that you should keep a distance with Elias because hes easy to fall for, and then he'll ditch." Alvin explains.

I nod. "Yeah, I know. I've known him since I was 15, I know all about that guy."

"This just made shit easier then. It hurts my soul seeing girls cry over him." Belle says.

I nod. "I get what you're saying. We despise eachother. We decided to get along just for this project."

Alvin nods. "How's that going?"

"Alright, you could say." I shrug.

"Let's move on, what're you doing right now?" Belle asks.

"Looking for a job." I sigh.

Her eyes light up. "I work at a country club not too far from your school and this school and they're hiring."

"Really? Oh my god- thank god."

"You'll have real fun there. Everyone is about our age, the manager is an angel and we get free food and drinks after our shift. I always get assigned at the bar, and you probably will too."

"You can't tell me there's nothing bad." I say.

"Well, rich people come there all the time for meetings. Those rich football players are always there on Friday nights for parties and stuff. Its very busy at night too."

I sigh. "That's fine, honestly."

"Just answer the questions given online and you'll be fine. It's called Houston Country Club."

I nod, type away on the computer and answer the questions before submitting it.

"Let me know if you get in." Belle grins.

I nod. "I will."

Alvin stands up. "I've got basketball so later."

I smile and wave at her. "So, what extra activity do you do?"

"Swimming, you?"

"Music." I say, keeping an eye on my emails to know whether I got in or not.

"Really? That's so cool." She grins.

I smile. "I heard that there will be a swimming competition."

She nods. "Yeah, SouthFields and NorthFields. They're actually doing the SouthFields part later, the NorthFields part tomorrow. Then on Friday there will be the two final winners."

I nod. "You nervous?"

"Of course, I need to win this." She sighs.

I nod. "You'll be fine, don't worry."

She smiles. "There's also music competitions, right?"

I nod. "Yeah. We do the selection privately with judges and at the end, they choose the five best. Then we play final and then only one person wins."

"You're going to do great."

I smile. "Did you know Belle means beautiful in French?"

She frowns. "No, I didn't."

I laugh. "Well, now you do."

"That's so cool, you're French?"

I nod.

"The last name gave it up." She smiles.

"So, tell me a little about this place."

She grins. "Now we're talking."

I lean back and listen as she speaks. I've always been one for drama or tea- those that didn't involve me, of course.

"This school is clearly the rich version of SouthFields. I haven't met one student that's not rich as shit around here." She explains. "And it looks great, i can't complain. The fights here? Its movie worth."

Both schools were private, but NorthFields was a lot more expensive that this one. Lucas had a scholarship because of football at SouthFields so we didn't have to pay for him, but for me, we had to pay.

"That's Veronica Lake." She nods at the table a little further away. A girl with long brunette hair, bright blue eyes and absolutely gorgeous.  She was hanging around Mateo and a few other people.

"She's gorgeous, I know." She nods. "But that personality of hers throws it away. Her dad is one of the top 5 richest people in New York and she makes sure everyone knows. She has a thing for both Morano brothers."

My lips form into a straight line. Well, that just changed everything.

"Its like she can't pick one. But she clearly prefers Elias more. Who wouldn't, though? But, seriously, pick one already." Belle scoffs. "Mateo was the nice one, Elias...well, you know how he is."

I raise my eyebrows. Mateo was nice. I could try talking to him maybe.

"But that Veronica bitch will come with her long ass claws if you hit on any of them. Elias has hooked up with half of the school, we all know that. But the one girl Elias didn't pay attention to was Veronica and that's exactly why Veronica wanted him more. Its like every girl wants the guy that doesn't want her."

"Mateo's better though- definitely not on the looks, of course."

"Veronica didn't look at personality though." She sighs.

"What else?" I ask.

"The parties that students throw around here is everything. Next week, Nadia May is throwing a huge party at her beach house, and you're definitely coming. It'll be super fun, I've been there before and its got a lake and everything. Don't worry about driving there and back. Ill drive us all there if you'd like and then we can all get wasted and drive back the next morning."

"I'll have to ask my brother." I say, my cheeks heating up. It was honestly embarrassing having your brother stricter than your parents.

"He'll probably be there too." Bella says.

I nod. "That's for sure."

"Anyone you're interested too around here?"

My eyes go at Mateo and she whistles. "I honestly get it, he's hot. But how come not Elias?"

"Elias is off- limits. All football players are." I mutter.

She nods. "I can totally hit you up, we're friends."

"If its not a bother."

She laughs. "Of course not."

I suddenly get an email on my computer  from Houston Country Club and I immediately check it.

"I got the job!"

She gasps. "Show me your timetable!"

I show her and she grins. "Exactly the same."

I smile. "That was quick."

"We're low on workers right now. The place is huge and we need as much as possible."

I give an answer back and close the computer. "We could go after together so I can pick up my uniform."

"Sure." She nods.

Suddenly, Elias slides next to me. "Hey."

I sigh. "Hi."

He nods at Belle and looks back at me. "So, can we meet up after school?"

I shake my head. "Not tonight, sorry."

"Since when do you have a life?"

I roll my eyes. "I got a job, we're going to have to balance these meetings because your schedule is usually weird."

Elias raises his eyebrows. "Alright, then."

Belle clears her throat. "I've got class, ill let you know about the Mateo thing."

I nod. "See you later- and thanks!" She smiles before walking away.

Elias frowns. "What are you doing with Mateo?"

I roll my eyes. "None of your business."

He lets out a harsh sigh. "Of course you like him."

"Shut up, im just interested." I mutter.

He rolls his eyes. "Whatever." He mutters. "So, hand me your timetable."

I pass him my computer and he looks at his phone and back on the screen.

"So, we can meet on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays."

I nod. "That's enough."

"You're fine at coming to my house, right?"

I nod. "As along as I make it out alive."

"You'll be fine." He nods.

I nod. "See you tomorrow then."

He nods. "Sure."

I grab my computer, get up and head to my next class. Today was Tuesday, and i had work on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. That's enough for me.

I can't believe I'm going to be busy everyday of my life for the next month and a half.

Now I just need to figure out how im going to get home with Lucas.

And just as I was going meet him, I catch  Veronica staring at me. I ignore her and head to my brother's table.

"Hey, Sol."

I nod. "Hey, so, i got a job and I need to know how im going to get home."

"You got a job?"

I nod. "Well, yeah. Don't ask why, we'll talk about it later. So, I've got work on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. The rest of the days I'll be working on the project."

"Well, I can pick you up on the days of the project. Daniel and I can work on the project on the same days. Where are you working?"

"Houston Country Club."

"That's like 20 minutes away from home, you can get a bus." He shrugs.

I sigh. "Alrigh, fine."

"And I can pick you up a few times if you really need me to." He adds.

I nod. "Thanks, Lucas."

He rolls his eyes. "Go to class."

I shake my head, getting up and heading to my class.


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