๐•๐ž๐ง๐จ๐ฆ๐จ๐ฎ๐ฌ ๐‹๐จ๐ฏ๐ž ~๐ก...

By Strayfever

211K 12K 15.8K

#1 TOXIC SERIES It's the typical Enemies to Lovers story, flavored by yours truly. Raised in the same neighbo... More

|Lee & Hwang|


2.1K 123 62
By Strayfever

Ya'll, we are at 30! Thank you so much for following their fucked up ride 

After flushing my built-up tension down the shower drain, I went downstairs to check up on Lee. Now that my head wasn't jacked up by sex hormones anymore it was a hell of a lot easier to be in the same proximity as him.

I found him leaning against the marble kitchen island with a glass of water in his hand. He took a sip, glancing at me over the rim. His hair was still a bit wet, as was mine, and brushed over his eyebrows. He had changed into a black Givenchy sweatsuit and kept his feet bare, crossing them at the ankle.

"Had a good shower?" Lee wandered his gaze down, and then back up. I wore a navy blue robe; a very soft motherfucker I must say. So maybe he was wondering if I wore anything underneath it. I wasn't.

"It was very relaxing, yes." I hoisted one ass cheek over one of Lee's stools with one foot on the crossbar and the other leg straightened out. The fluffy fabric draped in between my parted thighs, as well for Lee's fixed gaze. "Hm, missing it already? If you going to keep staring like that, I'll be hard again in a sec." His eyes flicked back up, meeting my smirk. It deepened when he scowled at me in return.

"You have no self-restraint whatsoever." Lee finished his drink and placed the glass on the island. "I'm assuming you're not going to your own home?" I watched his hand curl over the edge of the island. His knuckles had old crusts from using his fists barehanded. The palms of his hands were also a little calloused from, I assumed, lifting weights. The roughness of his skin felt good against the sensitive skin of my cock when he jerked me off. Recalling it was making me semi-hard again.

"We are seeing Min Su tomorrow, remember? It's only easy to go together. I left my car at my place with that thought in mind." I ignored the sudden rush down there, like I was damn kid that couldn't control his urges. 

"Really? So you had it all planned out. You're such a smart boy," he cooed. Lee pushed himself off the island and came to stand between my legs. My eyes followed his hands that raised, then I looked at him confused when his thumbs and finger nipped my cheeks. "Using your brain is what gets me hard, so better watch out, Hwang." 

An instant flush heated my cheeks which made me quickly jerk my head away from his grasp. I will never get used to flirty Lee. 

"Stop insinuating I'm stupid."

"I thought I just called you smart?" His hands were now on top of my robe-covered thighs. It wasn't helping my not so little situation whatsoever. 

"Just don't," I muttered, drifting my gaze away from him, anything but him would do. I stopped searching when a painting caught my eye. It had a distinct texture to it. But they were just beige waves, that was kind of it. "Why do you have that one?"

"Which one?" Lee tried to figure out what I was referring to.

"The brown brush stroke painting."

"Because it's a collector's item and I find his work refreshing."

"That is a collector's item?" I repeated with a scoff, not believing him. I could paint something like that with my eyes closed.

"Yes, it is. When I bought it a few years ago, it was valued at 50k. Now it has tripled in its worth."


"No, dollar."

"Ya, no way! You're not saying that shitty brush swipe is now worth over 65 million won?!"

"Yes way."

"Fuck me," I whispered, flabbergasted. Lee gave me a knowing squeeze on my thigh. It made me tear my gaze away from the expensive painting to meet Lee's easy grin. Why the fuck was he so close to me? 

I slipped off the stool, closing the robe properly, then walked away from Lee to inspect some more ridiculously priced paintings. There were so many, and the thought of them being all so damn expensive was mind-blowing. I thought I had ludicrous hobbies, but he was taking the crown on this one.

Lee's living room felt like a place where you always found something new no matter how many times you've been there. This was only my second time, still, my curiosity was already triggered. 

I walked around this egg-shaped, soft-beige chaise longue with a curved backrest to get to the next painting that piqued my interest. "So," I continued, pointing my nose to the painting, "what about this one?"

Lee had followed me and stood behind me, a little to my left, and said, "A Japanese piece, bought it for thirteen million won."

"And now?" 

"I have to reevaluate it. But I think it increased a few mills." 

"Daebak," I mumbled, already walking to the next piece. "They have better value than a Chanel bag."

"That one is definitely worth more than a vintage Chanel," Lee countered back. The art piece he was referring to was a teeny-tiny Buddhist Patriarch figurine carved out of stone. It was safely placed underneath a square glass dome. "It's a museum artifact."

"So why do you have it?"

"Bought it to help the museum out. I'm keeping it here for the time being. But they can ask it back when there is an exhibition. The little guy belongs to our country, not me."

"Why buy it when it's not yours in the end." That was by far a waste of money. I scrunched my nose as I bent deeper to inspect the figurine. He had the palms of his hands placed against each other at chest level with his right thumb placed over the left.

"Sometimes it's not all about what you gain from it. Sometimes it is good to do good," he spoke in a soft tone.

"You're Buddha now?" I turned around to face him. Lee had his hands tugged away in the pockets of his sweatpants and looked at me with an unreadable expression. Which was most of the time, and it annoyed me like crazy. "What?" I asked through a huff and straightened my back.


"Of fucking course." I took a quick sweep through the rest of his place and concluded, "Why don't you give up one of your art pieces to the charity auction? Knowing they bought it from you it will most likely increase the bidding war." 

Lee's eyes lit up. He took one step to close the gap between us and lay a hand on top of my head. He softly stroked my hair. Was he fucking petting me? I glared at him, unamused. "That's actually a great idea," he smiled, far from impressed by my death stare. "I'll propose that tomorrow to Min Su." His hand slid down to his side. "I'm heading to bed." I watched him go in the opposite direction of the staircase. Wait, wasn't his bedroom in the penthouse?

I hadn't realized I questioned this out loud as it made Lee turn again. "No, that is not my bedroom."

This made my head hurt only more. "So why do you have the place then?"

"Because I use it to relax. I'm not that often upstairs," Lee stated, simply. He slid the door from his actual bedroom open and I couldn't help but try to get a glance at it. I wasn't getting very far, Lee's shoulders were blocking my view.

"That's a whole different level of talking rich. You bought a penthouse for relaxation only?" He nodded. It made me think back to the night I fell asleep. I still believe it was just a fluke, but I could imagine how this could be a place to rewind to him. I sensed it the moment I set foot on that floor.

"You need anything?" He eyed the bathrobe again. "Because I'm beat." A hand rubbed over his face and then raked through his dried hair. It looked disheveled and fluffy like that. And it made me want to fist it again. It was astonishing how many times and how quickly my mind went down that road. Again and again. Lee had switched some type of button in me that I wasn't aware of having in the first place. 

"Yeah, something to wear. Or else it will be a naked me beneath your sheets." As I slyly untied the rope, my smirk grew when I saw Lee's eyes fixed on what my hands were doing. The rob kept held together with only one hand now.

Lee tore his gaze to look me in the eye and said, "You can do that. Good night, Hwang." And then he shut me out. The door clicked on its lock.

A bit stunned by his abrasive way of ending the night, I stood there staring at his door. I could hear the faint rustling of his bedsheets and then it was quiet. "Is he for real?"

After wandering around his apartment a bit more; his art collection was growing on me. I took a glass of water with me upstairs and gave in that it was time for me as well to try and catch some sleep.

The penthouse had a distinctive scent. It was of natural wood that was used almost everywhere combined with the smell of books, clean sheets, wet soil and green coming from the bathroom, and—I don't know?—just him.  

I dumped the bathrobe on the chair and walked to the bookshelves to choose some music and maybe a book to read. Within a couple of minutes, a soft piano melody came out of the speaker and a book that wasn't about architecture lay with me in bed.

The softness of the sheets felt warm against my skin and made me snuggle deeper with the book opened on a random page.

There was a faint white noise coming from the record player. A rustling. The scratching on the vinyl stopped.

"Lee?" My voice was thick from sleep and my eyes were too heavy to open.

"Go back to sleep."

As commanded, I got pulled back into my previous dream, enveloping me with a blanket of security and warmth.

Having Hwang next to me in my car was still weird as fuck. I was aware that feeling this way was weird on its own after having his dick in my mouth twice. But still, I couldn't shake that feeling off me.

After a very interesting breakfast, we were finally heading to a cafe where Min Su asked us to meet. Luckily, it wasn't as far away as the museum so I wouldn't be stuck with him for very long. Maybe it was because I couldn't enjoy my first cup of coffee. After all, cafeïne wasn't the best when having stomach problems, but I had some issues filtering through Hwang's never-ending antics.

"Stop sulking. You woke up late, it's your own damn fault that we couldn't drop by your house first before we meet with Min Su."

Our eyes briefly met. His covered beneath a deep frown, and mine sending a whole lot more than words could ever tell. My cafeïneless brain wasn't having it.

"Ya, you could at least give me something more proper to wear than this." Hwang pulled at his black hoodie to show me the adorable bears embroidered on it. It was a Moschino sweatsuit, and if you knew the brand, then you knew what type of shit they put on the market.

"Why? You look absolutely cute in it. I don't see the problem."

To be honest, I've never worn it. It was something Chan bought me as a prank for my birthday. I despised the two-piece with all my heart, and that's why it was an easy donation to Hwang. Because it was clear I didn't need to it be returned to me after today. He could burn it for all I cared.

"Fuck you. You're getting the kicks out of it, aren't you? Fine, enjoy this small victory, maybe you deserve it after what I've made you do or gonna do with you." When I looked back at him I saw that his frown was long gone and got replaced by a heated smirk. I wasn't liking this sudden change.

"What will it be this time? You wanting me to cuddle you to fucking sleep? It seems to me you're just lying about the whole insomnia and just searched for a excuse to get your dick sucked off by Yang. And now by me. It's a bit sad, really." My eyes were back on the road and turned to the left. The cafe sat at the end of it, which made me a very happy man.

"You know what?" Hwang said as I parked the car on the side of the road. He unbuckled himself and opened the door. "I think you really enjoy my cock far back in your throat. There is no way you're doing all this just because I have a video on you. Or that it's about Felix." He then slammed the door shut. I definitely hit a nerve. Not sure yet which one, though.

"You would never understand," I muttered, tapping my forehead against the steering wheel before I got out.

The cafe was situated in a small Korean-style home with wooden doors that led you to the small courtyard. There were a few tables and chairs scattered through the outdoor space, but the winter kept people inside.

"Hey, you guys made it!" Min Su waved from the couch tugged away in the corner. She stood up and gave me a hug then went for Hwang. She froze for only a second, but it was still noticeable. "Bears.. it looks cute on you," she stated and poked one of them. I stifled a laugh when I saw how a dark cloud formed above his head, shadowing his eyes. 

"Thanks," he snipped. The always so charming Hwang was nowhere to be found, and it made up for the lack of caffeine I was having.

A dreadful hour past of Min Su babbling along about how far she was with the preparations. Asking us our honest opinions of which colors to use for freaking napkins and if she should take charmeuse silk or satin silk. Was there a fucking difference? At least the food was good here and kept my mouth occupied with eating so I didn't need to voice out my opinion I didn't have. And I knew Hwang was trying to do the same, but Min Su was all over him to give him the chance.

"Oppa, have you thought of what you could do for the charity?" The petite woman was practically breathing the same air as Hwang as she scootched closer to him. Her big, brown eyes looked up at him with a beaming smile and laid her hand suggestively in the crook of his arm. 

Hwang took another bite of his food and answered her with one stuffed cheek, flicking his eyes down, "Hwang Group will donate hospital supplies. As for the auction.." He cleared his throat. I couldn't stop grinning as I watched him trying to get out of Min Su's vice grip. She was practically half his size, but she stood her ground. "—They can bid on our summer house on the east coast." 

Min Su hugged his upper arm and pressed her cheek against the black sleeve. "Ah thank you-thank you, oppa! Your estate at the beach will do amazing in the auction." She rocked his arm back and forth, cutting off his blood flow while having her attention now set on me. I sipped on my tea, hiding my smirk behind the mug. "And what about you?"

"Lee Group will donate cubicles that are now used throughout the city for people who need space to work. We will adjust them for children to use and fill them with art supplies. And Hwang came with the brilliant idea to put my private art to auction, so I will go with that."  

"The cubicles.. that is such a sweet gesture. Thank you, Minho, the children will love that." Min Su finally let go of Hwang's arm to cup her face and smiled broadly at me. "I'm so happy right now, the gala will be amazing." She took a spoon full of different fruit cut into cubes and directed it into her mouth.

"I may have thought of something else that will spice up the gala a bit." This made Hwang's head snap up, no longer staring at his plate, and eyed me warily. I had to give it to him, he had a great sense of knowing when something was up. 

Which Min Su clearly lacked in. "Oh? And that is?" 

"Hwang made me think last night when he told me that people will bid higher when they know it was in my possession." He squinted at me. I smiled back with one curved corner of my lip. "And he is right, people do love having something that belonged to a Lee or Hwang. So that's why I thought it would be a great idea to put Hwang and his endless charms to auction. They get him a day. A twenty-four-hour date."

"Ya—" Hwang raised his voice, but got cut off by Min Su who jumped up and down on her seat while she clapped her hands in excitement.

"O my God, that's the best idea ever! I was racking my brain on how to make the gala less dull. Every year it's just a mass of grey hair and ties with boring money conversations. Having Hyunjin at the auction will stir everything up."

I slumped back into my chair, satisfied. Hwang couldn't stop sending me daggers and was probably thinking about how to get out of this.

"And why not Lee?" he suggested. Hwang was the type of man who dragged you along in his downfall. 

"You know how the rich single mothers love you, Hwang. They want you, not me. Maybe it's the blond long hair. It most definitely is your face. Or maybe they know your reputation?" It was impossible to keep a straight face when he understood what I was implying. His knuckles turned white as he tightened his grip on the butterknife. 

"Ah yes, you're such a charmer, oppa. You'll be the man of the night!"

And I knew without a doubt that this will be the first time Hwang wasn't happy having the spotlight on him. 

☞ ☆

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