BLIZZARD: Ours Is the Fury VO...

By arithefreakmalfoy

3.4K 111 0

As the youngest child between Steffon and Cassana Baratheon; born at the tail end of her elder brother's rebe... More

Amor Prohibido
The Dark Hood
Dinner of Madness
The Lion Still Has Claws
King Of the Flowers
The Plot Thickens
Dragon Dreams
Wed Her to Me
The Lion and The Stag
She Knows
Goodbye, my love.
The High Road
It's a...
Every Rose Has Its Thorn
Everything Has Changed
First of His Name
Son of a Traitor
Gonzo Rivers
Back to King's Landing
Speak Now (Robb's Version)
Princess of the House Stark, Lady of Winterfell. The Devine Wolf.

Meet Me At Midnight

153 3 0
By arithefreakmalfoy


Meet Me At Midnight

Robb's POV


My cock was already hard and twitching in my pants as I waited for Alana to turn the corner down those steps so I could fuck her in a way I've never fucked her before.

Seeing her that close with another man was another fucked up reminder that Robert had all the control over her and I had nothing. I didn't want to control her- no, that wasn't it. I just wanted her. Every bit of her.

I knew she was mine in the sense of her giving her heart to me. Giving me her virtue years ago and trusting me with all her secrets and fears. But I wanted forever with her. I wanted to be able to be free with her.

So long as Robert was in control that would never happen.

The moon was center of the sky with stars glowing like fireflies around it. I looked over at the water of Blackwater Bay and saw the way the moon reflected off the dancing water. How the waves crashed against the rocks closest to the shore and white foam formed over the tops of them.

I know that someday I'll have to leave King's Landing. Someday it'll be my turn to rule Winterfell and be Warden to the North, so long as my Uncle Benjen doesn't have children. As it stands, I am his heir.

But how could men and women of the North trust me if I were not raised there? My father was and his father before him and so on. But I'd be there after who knows how many years, perhaps with my own child someday, but I wouldn't want a child if it's not with Alana.

My dreams would only come true if it were anything to do with Alana being by my side. She's the only one who can see right through to my soul, as though she'd somehow built a window to it.

I've been in love with her since the moment I first saw her. Just as children, I knew she was the only one for me. The way she looked when she first arrived at King's Landing as she cowered behind her brother Renly and didn't want to see or speak with any of the other children.

It took time but things began to change and she found me as her safe haven. The only person outside of her blood that understood her and brought her a sense of relief. She could be herself and not have to act so poise and perfect. She didn't have to worry that I'd try to sell her off the way Robert always tried too.

Alana could be herself.

"Ahem," A fake cough sounded from the bottom of the steps onto the landing where I was just a few feet away.

Serenity, pure serenity stood at the bottom of those steps. She was gorgeous in her gown of flowing silk that had been a soft pink. A white robe laying over the top and rather than normal shoes she wore slippers. Her hair had even been brushed out completely and left down as it fell naturally.

"You look ravishing." I said to her.

She blushed and sucked in her bottom lip as she looked down and gathered her skirts as she approached me. "You don't look so bad yourself, Stark."

"How'd you manage your way out of the castle tonight?" I asked as my hand tangled into her hair and my other hand rested on her lower back. "Sneak a gold coin to whoever is on guard?"

She giggled and tilted her head to the side as she crinkled her nose, her nose that most resembled all of her brothers. Although I think it looked best on her.

"Well," She started with an evil grin on her face. "Since I told Jaime Lannister I'd meet him in the Gods Wood, the halls were cleared by him and I was able to sneak out easily. I suppose it's only a matter of time though until he stomps his way back into the castle and sends out a search party for me."

I snorted with laughter. "Aye, and then the lion himself would be questioned as to how he knows that the Lady Baratheon is out of her bedchambers in the dead of night."

Her smile was enough for me to know she too had thought it over well. Of course she did, Alana is brilliant like that. There was not a chance in the seven hells she'd ever risk us being caught.

"Let's just hope no one questions the Young Wolf," She wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me close to her.

Feeling like my heart was going to explode from my chest as her lips touched mine, I gripped tightly onto her hair, feeling those long black waves twisting into my fingers. She smelled of honey and lavender and Gods, it intoxicated me.

Climbing my body like a tree, she wrapped her legs around my waist and not once did she break out kiss. Impressive, honestly, I gripped her tightly and leaned my back against the wall that kept us from falling off this platform and straight down to the rocks and water below.

If I hadn't been hard before I sure as fuck was now.

She broke her lips from mine and trailed kissed up my neck and to my eyes, her angelic voice whispering to me. "I don't want this night to end."

I chuckled and bit her lip. "My love, it hasn't even started."

Alana jumped down and lay onto the ground, not even caring that her clothes would wind up filthy. She removed her robe and lifted her skirts, allowing me full access to her beautiful self. Her long and silky legs glistened in the moonlight as she ran the tips of her fingers over them.

I growled in pleasure as I dropped my pants down and towered over her, ready to devour her whole. Those soft hands of hers wrapped around my neck and her thumbs stroked my jaw. Taking in the moment that we were in, I stared into her eyes as I dove myself into her. Giving her little by little and watching as her eyes fluttered back.

The softest moan slipped through her lips as she tried to connect hers with mine. I couldn't help but smile as I brought pleasure to her, sliding myself in and out of her. Feeling her tightness gripping onto my cock as I went deeper and deeper.

Stars glistened in her eyes. Those perfect hazel eyes that took me by storm. It would be cliché of me to tell her as I'm hitting deep in her guts right now how much I love her but she loved me even if I did things like that.

Although she beat me to it.

Her thumb ran down my jaw again and let out a moan that was followed by a giggle. Instantly I got butterflies.

"I love you Robb Stark." She purred beautifully.

My lips met with hers, the taste of summer wine on her lips. "I love you Alana Baratheon."


We watched the stars for a while.

"That one looks like a newborn babe." Alana said with a smile and then suddenly she panicked. "I- I need to ask one of my handmaidens for a moon tea..."

"What's so wrong with that?" I asked.

"It's the second one this week... That is what is so wrong with that!" Fear filled her voice.

I hushed her and pressed my lips to hers. I felt a warm tear slide down her face. It broke me into pieces knowing that she was so hurt and upset by this.

"Alana..." I whispered to her. "It's better than the alternative."

"Carrying your bastard in my womb?" She narrowed her eyes in anger. "Robert would hang you and slaughter me and the babe. I'm shocked he didn't punish your father for bringing a bastard into the Red Keep after the rebellion."

"Leave Jon out of this." I said softly, as to hold down the anger that was building.

So what if my brother was a bastard? That didn't change who he was inside. He was a wonderful person. Helpful and strong. Loyal and brave. I admired my brother more than I admired my own father.

"I didn't mean it like that..." She explained. "I just mean that Robert cares more about his image than he does about the people around him. If I had a bastard child-"

"Our child wouldn't be a bastard if we married." I cut her off.


"Do you really want to let your brother control your entire life? Control who you love and who you wed?" I asked with a raised brow.

"No, but Robert is a loose cannon. Especially since he told me today that Ned Stark's boys are off limits." She swallowed heavily. "I hate to break it to you but you are one of Ned Stark's boys."

I chuckled. "Really? I hadn't known." Rolling my eyes and sitting up, I released a deep breath. Exhaling loudly.

Alana followed suit and also sat up beside me. Placing her head onto my shoulder as she stared off into the distance together. Staring at the ships as they were silent. All the men aboard sound asleep or in a brothel somewhere.

"Let's get a ship." She said with a smirk on her face. "We can leave this place and never come back. Sell the ship once we reach our destination and but a cottage."

I chuckled. "You'd want to leave a castle for a cottage across the Narrow Sea?"

"I'd live in a cave so long as it meant I'd be with you in peace." She replied.


Sneaking out of the castle was easy but getting back in was what had been hard. Alana had it all planned out that Jaime Lannister would make sure the halls were clear and that he'd probably wait for her for hours and even if she didn't show up he wouldn't out the secret with fear of what was to come for him if he confessed to have been waiting for the Lady Baratheon.

There was a secret tunnel that Alana took us through, it was dark and wet but was the safest way for us to go. The sound of cold water dripping from the stone and hitting the filthy floor echoed as we scurried past.

In the distance was a candle light.

Alana and I stopped, holding our breaths, and hoping that we'd make not a single sound that the person with the candle would hear. We listened closely but it was hard to make out who it was. It sounded to be a woman speaking with a man.

My hand reached down in the darkness to Alana's, which was trembling with fear. Lifting it to my lips, I kissed the backside of her hand to assure her that all would be well.

"Your son is afraid of him!" The woman hissed.

My entire spine stiffened. "You should have seen the look in his eyes before the feast! He was terrified!" She added.

"Lower your voice..." A man's voice replied.

"Why should I?" She argued with him.

The man cleared his throat. My heart was in my own throat as I listened closely, had we'd been closer I'd be able to make out the voices better rather than what they had been saying. In the dim light I could see that Alana had been focusing too, narrowing her brows and eyes as she gripped onto my hand tighter.

"No one can know they are my children." The man said. "Although I'm more of a father to them than Robert ever has been."

The woman scoffed. "Which is why we need to get rid of Robert! Send him on an impossible mission somewhere! Send him after the Targaryen girl himself! If he comes face to face with Khal Drogo, he is a dead man. All would be well and our son would sit the Iron Throne, I could marry again to unite our houses-"

"And what of my wife?" The man interjected.


"I love you..." She said softly. "When you're ready to be with me and love me, I'll be right here. Right where you've left me for all these years."

Her footsteps receded and soon vanished.

Alana and I had our backs pressed to the wall as a man in a hood stormed past us. We held our breaths and didn't even think of blinking too loud so that the man wouldn't notice us. As soon as his steps were in the distance too, we ran.

We ran so fucking fast out of there that we didn't even pay attention to any guards who could have been wandering the halls. But it wasn't the guards who we should have kept an eye out for. Because awake at this hour was Alana's sister-by-law, the Queen.

Cersei Lannister. 

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