The Silence (GxG)

By lovaticX1999

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- LOVE - LIES - LOYALTY - In a world where nature is reclaiming the streets and an unstoppable fungus has... More

Character mood boards <3
Chapter 1 - The Beginning
Chapter 2 - The Traveller
Chapter 3 - The Journey
Chapter 4 - The Truth
Chapter 5 - The Search
Chapter 6 - The Darkness
Chapter 7 - The Plan
Chapter 8 - The Boy
Chapter 9 - The Ceremony
Chapter 10 - The Night
Chapter 11 - The Infected
Chapter 12 - The Void
Chapter 13 - The Symptoms
Chapter 14 - The Imposter
Chapter 15 - The Surprise
Chapter 16 - The Echoes
Chapter 17 - The Aftermath
Chapter 18 - The Meeting
Chapter 19 - The Lesson
Chapter 20 - The Hunt
Chapter 21 - The City
Chapter 22 - The Risk
Chapter 23.5 (Mature) - The Moment
Chapter 24 - The Reunion
Chapter 25 - The Decision
Chapter 26 - The Forgiven
Chapter 27 - The Finale
Authors note

Chapter 23 - The Beast

57 4 0
By lovaticX1999

(TW// Mentions of guns, violence, death, Details of injury)

▂▃▅▇█▓▒░ Kenzi

Me, Clive and Chester stalked carefully through one of the buildings that we had decided to quickly search. So far, out of the two buildings we've already looted, we've found nothing of use... which is disappointing to say the least.

I sighed heavily and leaned back onto one of the dust covered desks, watching as the pair continue searching through the various boxes and containers. Neither of them seem as defeated as I feel just yet, but I'll admit that I lost my hope the second I seen how inactive the area looks.

I'm starting to think that carrying these heavy duffel bags around has just been a waste of energy. Surely if Chester knew of this place, then other people did too and who knows how long it's been dead around here for.

If there ever were any weapons left behind, other people have probably claimed them by now.

"Did anyone hear that?" Clive asked, stalling his movements which pulled me from my thoughts immediately.

"Hear what?" I asked curiously.

As if on cue there was an unmistakably loud metallic clang, followed by a spine chilling roar that made all of our eyes almost escape from their sockets.

Without hesitation, I leaped from my position and sprinted out of the doorway, towards the direction that Grace and Darren had went off in. Chester and Clive were hot on my heels as we approached a group of old disheveled tents. We could hear the angered grunts of something big getting louder as we eventually turned the blind corner.

We each came to an immediate halt, our breath simultaneously hitching in our throats. My heart even felt like it stopped for a moment, before once again racing as the adrenaline kicked back in.

"What the fuck is that!?" I yelled out of shock at the sight before me.

Towering over Grace and Darren is an angry and obviously mutated infected. I've heard of certain people who's genes caused the infection to react differently than it usually would... but I never imagined it could be something as dramatic this!

The thing stood easily around 7ft tall and was bulging with large cordycep growths in various areas, larger than I've ever seen on an infected body before. The face of the beast looked like one huge cluster of fungus, no human features remained barre it's wide and gruesome jaw.

The unbalanced stance of the monster, mixed with its grotesque features of its smushed face, told me that it couldn't see very well... but the loud sniffing huffs and grunts, and the way it's head snapped towards the sound of my voice, told us it could definitely hear us.

"Kenzi! RUN!"

I listened to Graces instruction without a second thought and ran as fast as my legs could carry me towards the open shipping container, just off to the left of us. Once inside, I looked around and tried to locate something that I could use as a weapon at range, throwing various containers and boxes around with no luck.

My staff is useless right now! I need something with more power!

The loud thud of heavy footsteps rang clear as the beast made its way towards the noises I'm making, grunting loudly as it made an approach on the shipping unit.

The rapid pop of two suppressed shots travelled effortlessly through the air and the thudding stopped for a moment, followed by a large roar from the beast.

"Grace..." I whispered to myself in panic, knowing that she's the only one with a gun.

"Come get some then, ugly motherfucker!" Her voice screamed over its ferocious growl before being followed by another series of shots.

I ditched the effort to find a weapon and ran outside to see what's going on, noticing Chester and Clive are still standing by the wall, watching on helplessly as Darren and Grace simultaneously unleashed an array of shots at the quickly approaching beast.

"Kenzi, the bag! Get to the bag!" Darren called as he drew another arrow from its quiver and readied it quickly.

My eyes landed on the pair of duffel bags laying on the cracked concrete and without questioning him, I ran directly for them. The second I got close enough to the items, I could see why he had yelled the instruction.

I reached inside the dark brown one that is laying slightly open and pulled a small handgun from within, grateful that it seems to already be loaded with a full clip. I tried to remember what little gun training my father had given me when I was younger, the basics still quite fresh in my mind as I ensured the weapon was ready for use.

I stood back from the bag as Chester and Clive approached me with shock written all over their faces. They each copied my actions without a word and quickly searched the bag for a weapon.

"Fuck! I'm out of ammo!" I heard Graces voice break in a panicked shout, something I'm not used to hearing with such weight behind it.

I Immediately started to close the growing distance between me, the beast and the duo who are now running for their lives down the runway.

When I felt I was close enough, I raised my handgun, aiming directly for the fleshy red area between the two large fungal masses growing from its shoulder blades since it seemed like the best place to target.

I squeezed the trigger and the infected dropped to one knee with an immense growl, different from before. It quickly regained its composure and turned to me, bearing its large mouthful of teeth to the world.

My heart stopped for a moment as I froze at the sight. If there was ever a moment to remind me of how unpredictable nature can be, this is definitely it.

"Between the shoulders! It's a weak spot!" Grace yelled as she noticed the mutations unusual reaction to the last attack, bringing me back to my senses.

I refrained from releasing another shot, instead allowing Darren to take this one seeing as he has the creatures back exposed to him. I held my breath as the towering beast approached me with a gaining speed, only stopping to fall with a screech when Darren's arrow successfully pierced the soft spot.

"Hey! Over here, motherfucker!" Darren yelled to gain its attention, releasing another shot whilst he had the chance.

He seemingly missed this time, hitting its lower back, only enraging the monster as it spun back towards the pair.

Before I had the chance to even raise my weapon and aim at the desired area, Chester and Clive appeared at my side and released two shots each, crippling the creature once more when one of them hit the weak point successfully.

This time the roar that echoed through the air was different again, it was laced with a pain that made the hairs on my neck stand at attention. Grace seemed to notice this as well, only it brought her to her knees with an unreadable expression as she watched the beast stumble forward. It as though she can feel the anguish of the infected.

I've got the perfect shot from this angle, so I took the opportunity to aim and fire, taking into account the recoil to successfully land a second clean shot immediately after.

The mutated infected fell flat, twitching slowly but still making strange and struggled noises. I'm presuming it's spine has been shattered from the final blows. It's slowly bleeding out, rendering the body useless... but the infection forces the brain to remain active and conscious until the end, which means there's still one thing to do in order to end the suffering.

Everyone was still frozen, processing what we just witnessed and somehow managed to accomplished in such an intense moment. My eyes landed on Grace, still crouched on one knee, gripping at her chest with pain written all over her features, but she surprised me by standing and pulling out her large hunting knife from the side of her boot.

"I've got this part..." She said loudly for everyone to hear, a hint of sadness present in her authoritative tone.

Chester made a move to approach, but I held my hand out to stop him. I think it's best we let her do this alone, and thankfully he listened to my silent gesture.

She approached the infected, gazing over it briefly before crouching down beside its head. The sounds it kept making became wetter as the blood from the injuries made its way into the airways, making me feel even more uneasy at the sight before us.

"I'm sorry..." She whispered, taking the blade of her knife and swiftly planting it in the base of the beasts skull at a slight angle, choosing to look away, unlike usual.

The gargling sounds stopped immediately, being replaced by a heavy silence as we all exchanged glances. Grace removed her knife, wiping it off on the edge of her boot before sliding it back into the side of the cuff.

I let Darren approach Chester and Clive, ignoring whatever they are discussing to go and check on Grace instead.

"Hey..." I said carefully, placing my hand on her shoulder from behind her still crouched figure "Everything okay?"

"I'm good" She replied, but I believe otherwise

"Did something happen?" I asked, prodding a little further without invalidating her previous statement.

She took a deep breath and one last glance at the infected before standing to face me, removing her shades to reveal her glassy emerald eyes with a weak smile.

"Yeah... we'll talk later, okay?"

I nodded, pulling her into a firm embrace which was matched by her tight grip around my waist. When I felt her touch, reality hit me like a truck... I almost lost the girl who holds my heart, to completely unpredictable circumstance, yet again.

I just want to be able to hold her and tell her everything will be fine and that we'll stop having to do this shit one day... but it kills me inside that I can't say those words and truly mean them, so I won't.

I'll only speak of what I do know for certain.

"I'm here..." I whispered, placing a soft kiss on top of her head and taking a deep breath "I lo-"

"INFECTED!" Chester yelled suddenly, cutting me off and causing us both to recoil in a panic.

"The guns! Get the guns from the container!" Grace replied with just as much haste, kicking into action like a well oiled machine.

We all made a sprint for our bags, keeping an eye on the now quickly approaching hoard. The infected are fervently fighting their way out from the various exits of the terminal building just down the runway.

"We have less than a minute until contact!" Clive added as we entered the wide storage unit, not really paying attention to what we grab whilst we shove various items into our bags.

"Don't forget the ammo!" Darren uttered in a panic, throwing a small and heavy hand sized cardboard box to me.

Clive was first to fill his bag and escape, running to a nearby radio tower to take shelter immediately, instructing us to follow him. He was followed closely behind by Darren, leaving only me and Grace with Chester, who's bag is already full.

"I will stay with you girls, but we must hurry!"

"No! Go with the others, Chester. We will be right behind you..." Grace demanded with a sense of urgency "If anything goes wrong here, The Zoo can't lose you, sir"

This seemed to reach his inner conscience as he backed away, nodding before wishing us luck and joining the other guys. Me and Grace exchanged a serious look before continuing to stuff various guns and ammo into our large bags, knowing fine well that we're basically out of time.

It only felt like seconds before we each turned to one another and made our way towards the exit. The loud and struggled groans of the infected were surrounding us now, and as soon as Grace took a step over the threshold, she was met face to face with one of the ungodly creatures, snarling loudly when it spotted her.

In a panic she took a step back, pushing me with force and causing me to stumble over a box, falling to the ground. Within seconds everything went dark with a loud metallic clang.

Somehow, Grace has managed to pull the doors of the container shut to protects us, for now at least. The sound of heavy fists pounding on the thin steel walls and the infected angrily snarling from outside is almost unbearably loud.

The seconds turned into minutes as the noise continued without any signs of letting up soon. My head began to throb as Graces heavy pants finally subsided, leaving nothing but the sounds of the infected.

Even when I tried my best to focus, I couldn't find the girl in the pitch black.

"I have a flashlight in my bag" Her hoarse voice said quietly over the loud banging "I just need to- aha!"

Suddenly a bright light blinded me for a moment before finally being faced upwards, leaving my vision blurry.

"Shit, I'm sorry!" She exclaimed as she placed it against the wall so that it would spread the light more evenly.

She approached me immediately, checking my body over for any injuries before moving to my head.

"I'm fine, Grace" I said as she continued to visually check me over once more.

"I didn't mean to throw you like that... I just- I didn't think-"

"You were protecting me. I think I can let it slide" I said, cutting her off with a smile in an effort to lessen her worry "Did you see if the rest of them made it?"

The pounding continued over our words, only adding to my unease as I thought about the possibilities of what could happen to my friends out there if just one thing goes wrong.

"They made it over to Clive and into the radio tower just up the runway, don't worry... I watched Chester close the door as I pulled ours shut" She responded quickly, still slightly pumped from the adrenaline "I think we're gonna be stuck in here for a while"

I simply nodded at the statement, attempting to hold my panicked breaths everytime an especially loud bang or groan would travel through the container.

"C'mere" She sighed, noticing my anxiety and wrapping her arms around my slightly shaking body, stilling the inoluntary movements "I've got you, alright? We're safe in here until the infected get bored and wander back to the terminal or out into the forest"

Her touch immediately soothed me and I allowed myself to lean into her small frame, inhaling her scent and for a moment just letting my body relax.

After what felt like hours, the banging almost completely subsided, but that doesn't mean we're out of the woods. It just means they aren't as focused on the container anymore. It could still be hours before they begin to clear out of the area unless something miraculously draws their attention away.

"Hold on a second, alright?" Grace muttered as she unwrapped her arms from around me and stood up with a grunt, stretching her stiff muscles.

I watched on curiously, missing the warmth of her body as she walked over to the large door, placing her eye in line with the thin crack of where the hinge is attached to the left hand side. Her sharp side profile allowed me to see the muscles of her jaw ripple in the dull lighting when she clenched it tight, focusing intensely on something.

"I think the sun is setting... the light is getting harder to see through the cracks" She turned to me with a sorry smile, lightly sighing "Looks like we'll probably be spending the night"

We proceeded to try and make use of what little food we have, mixing my oats with Graces bag of dried fruit and nuts, sitting the bag between us so we can each pick easily from the small meal. Unfortunately Chester has the bag containing most of the meats and other things that we brought, so this will have to do.

Although I tried to stay distracted whilst I ate, my mind kept wandering to the others and what they might be doing or planning. I can tell it's the same story for Grace judging by the gentle frown gracing her forehead as she removed her shades and cap. The meal was shared in silence as we listened to the muffled and distant moans from outside, accepting our current situation the best that we can.

A particularly loud bang on the door suddenly echoed through the container, harshly breaking the silence and causing my heart to jump out of my chest as my head shot towards the noise.

"Fuck!" I said startled, clenching my fists in an attempt to relieve some of the adrenaline from the sudden fright "Jesus-"

"Shhh!" Grace hushed in a panic, immediately wrapping her arm around my head to cover my mouth with her hand and pull me closer "If they hear us they'll focus on the container again..."    

Grace was too preoccupied with listening to notice what she was doing to me, but I still couldn't stop the jolt of electricity that her breath would create every time it danced along the side of my ear. Suddenly it isn't fear that's causing my heart to pound so erratically.

It began to feel torturous after a minute, almost unbearable as I tried to remind myself that this is not the time or place to be thinking of certain things.

"Sorry" She muttered calmly, finally releasing me when she noticed my position, not that I was complaining about it.

"It's okay" I managed to respond weakly before taking a deep breath and shaking off the urge to forget our current circumstances.

She looked at me for a moment with an intense gaze, as though she was trying to read my thoughts. She does this often and almost always succeeds. Her emerald eyes captured mine easily thanks to the close proximity between us.

"Earlier on..." She began, stopping to take a breath before continuing "What were you about to say before Chester interrupted?"

My breath hitched in my throat at the question and I could feel my cheeks begin to burn. Something in the way she's confidently staring at me, tells me that she thinks she already knows, but wants to hear the confirmation.

"I-I don't remember" I lied, terribly might I add.

Grace shook her head with a smirk, dissolving the last of my restraint.

She placed her hand gently on top of mine, the one I'm leaning on for support, breaking eye contact for a moment to look at our interlocked fingers before returning her gaze.

"You're a terrible liar, Miller" She said, lowering her tone deliberately this time.

"And you are torturous, Scott" I responded in a similar manner.

She moved so that her lips were just barely brushing against my earlobe, making my eyes flutter shut as my head fell slightly to the side.

The things this girl can do to me without actually doing anything!

"Say it..." She said with authority, resting her free hand on my cheek, running it down my scar "I want to hear you say it"

I pulled back to look the girl in the eyes once more. I'm sure that if I don't say it to her now, then my heart might explode.

I brought my hand to her head, running it slowly through her short messy hair. I never once broke eye contact, hoping that somehow these three words I'm about to say will fully encapsulate how much I adore the girl.

After all this time standing by her side, fighting together, the nights spent talking about our parents and the hellishness of life, almost losing her over and over again... all of those moments of joy, anger, lust and fear... They made me feel alive again for the first time in years. She's gave me a reason to be here.

She restored my happiness and my will to survive in a world where the next day is never guaranteed.

She reminded what it's like to love.

"I love you" I finally breathed, feeling a weight lift from my shoulders.

For some reason, it felt strange allowing the phrase to leave my mouth. I haven't expressed those words since the last time I seen my parents... but that's different now.

"I love you, Grace" I said again, wanting desperately to repeat myself because it still didn't feel like enough.

Grace stared back at me with a knowing smile, but it faltered slightly as she stroked my cheek, replacing it with a more serious expression.

"I love you too, Kenzi"

Nothing more was said. Instead, Grace connected our lips in a passionate fight for dominance. Our kisses have been intense in the past, increasingly so lately, but this seemed different now that all of our cards are on the table.

Grace took liberty in exploring my mouth, climbing onto my lap with her legs parted on either side to get closer. The contact of our bodies sent my senses into overdrive and a small moan escaped my mouth, travelling into hers.

I couldn't help but crave more of her.

"Fuck..." She whispered as she pulled back for air, staring deeply into my eyes

Her once emerald orbs are now turning a deep shade of sea green and her pupils are larger than I've ever seen them before as she grips each side of my neck firmly. I instinctually held her waist as she drew her thumbs down both sides of my neck to my collarbones, never breaking eye contact and igniting something inside that only she can make me feel.

"Grace..." I moaned quietly as my eyes fluttered shut, my forehead coming to rest on hers.

"Yes, beautiful?" Her raspy voice croaked, sending a chill promptly down my spine.

The next three words that left my mouth was another phrase I've been wanting to- no, craving to say since our last intimate moment together. I don't care about the environment anymore, I don't care about the risk... I want to connect with her and forget about all of the bullshit outside for a while.

I want to show her how much she means to me.

I want to give her everything.

"I want you..."

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