Favorite Slipup

By Itgworl_

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Her pain comes with a price! More



414 17 0
By Itgworl_

" if nothing is going to change why even tell her?" Amil shrugged.

" I don't know maybe she would want to get in contact with him or something."

" she already explained to you that she doesn't care for it. She doesn't even want you to get the test. So why not just lie and say that she's yours. She doesn't need to be walking around like she is. She seems so down and depressed." She sighed and I rubbed her belly. " Just lie and if the shit backfires just tell her, I told you to do it. Because I feel like this will really help her a lot and it will change her mood. She's already going through a lot with her situation. Then it's like her mom bought hell down on her. Just give her a break, if it's not gonna change, it's no reason to say anything, because then she's gonna be even more paranoid and more self-conscious, and more alone and depressed. We do not need that." I sighed staring at the paper.

Unfortunately, she isn't mine. I mean it hurts but I know the down inside is she's mine. I have been came to terms with that. Nobody could ever take her away from me so maybe Amil is right. I should just lie just to make her feel better.

"Okay." I agreed. "What if she asks to see the paper?"

" get Henry to make a fake one. Somebody and you will need to sit down and have a conversation with Gloria and tell her what you're going to do. So if she goes on her way to fuck things up again, that's on her." I nodded. "Gia it's just a baby that is finally trying to grow, she doesn't need this right now. she is pregnant and she feels alone. We need to change her reality even if it's for a second."

"How can we do that?"

" I don't know, let's plan a big baby shower for her."

"Yeah." I looked at her and she seem caught up in her head.

" me and her has talked about so many things so many times, I know exactly what she wants and we can try our best to give it to her. And she was a push gift, we both have to get her one. It's so many cool thing she wants to experience and when she get married she wants the whole fairytale thing, her wedding has always been the same daydream. I used to tell her I see that for her. I used to picture everything she wanted in my head. We can make it happen. Plus she wants you to pay and walk her down the aisle." I watched her speak.

I greatly appreciate how far they have came. It was very transparent they loved eachother, that is why they always found their way back around each other. Amil knows how to close a chapter and keep it closed. She knows when to give up but she never did that to Gia. I realized how much she genuinely loved Gia and wanted the best for her.

"I am paying for the wedding?" She looked at me and started laughing. "It's not funny."

"Yea baby, you are pay for hers and my dad is paying for ours, I thought that is how it goes?"

"Your dad is paying for your our wedding?" She nodded. "We can come together."

"I want a huge wedding. I want like to just changes. And I want the cutest ring, it doesn't have to be big because I feel like big ones just look big if you get what I'm saying. I think we had this discussion not too long ago. I don't want like a huge ring because one it's dangerous and two they are just big they have no detail and yeah I want a ring that's meant for me made specially for me. I want like a big dress and a small dress or maybe I will do like a small dress and a different color dress for reception. I want us to do hand written vowels. I do not want to hear nobody else words, I want to hear your love letter to me I want you to tell me why you're marrying me for what you're marrying me for. How I make you feel on the inside. You actually do that a lot now you just have to write it down and that can be kind of hard so I'll cut you some slack, but just say what is on your mind. When we get engage we need to be getting married in like a year or six months. I'm not trying to be engaged for forever. My dad is walking me down the aisle. I know your side is going to be filled up with your family all the people. I know you don't want to call them Family but they are they've been here from the start. Plus, they are really nice to me." I laughed.

" they have no choice but to be nice."

"You cannot make them be nice to me." I laughed.

" I can promise you I can make anybody do anything especially about you and my kids." I looked at him and he was staring at me. "Okay?"

"Okay, baby." I nodded to show him that I understand. "When do you want to get married?"

" I was thinking, maybe about a year or two just get settled in with the baby and then get engaged."

" yes, that makes sense because we're going to be too busy worrying about the baby and with the baby needs. It's going to be two babies in the house. as soon as we get engaged, I want to start building our dream house."

" what is your dream engagement even though I know it might change by time we get engaged."

" I don't know I always wanted an engagement where everybody was around like everybody in our family of course. Maybe like Thanksgiving or Christmas. Where it has that spirit in the air of like family time in complete joy. Or I would just rather have like a birthday dinner or something and then you propose either way I just wanna make sure I'm able to eat after to really celebrate." We laughed.

"You hungry right now?" I laughed and I nodded. "I figured come on." We laughed.

"Where we going?"

" we going to outback steakhouse because you wanted the kookaburra wings."

"Yes." I got up.

After taking about an hour to get ready, we were finally on the road.

" baby what do you want for Christmas?" I asked.

" delete all are going to explain. So that's enough for me just to be around family and stuff."

" what do you want for Christmas?" I repeated myself.

" I don't really do Christmas gifts because I get disappointment." He sighed.

" you think I'm going to disappoint you?" he struggled

" shit you'll be surprised who disappoints you the worst."

" baby don't think like that, tell me what you want anything you want. I will get it even if I have to shake ass on the stage." He looked at me in confusion. " prostitute?"

"Girl, be quiet." He frowned his face as he laughed. " I don't know, I'm not used to getting anything, so I never really took the time to think of something that I want."

" do you want me to surprise you?" He nodded.

"Yes baby."

" I am going to cry because I feel like a bad girlfriend." He looked at me.

"What? Why? You are an amazing wife." He spoke calmly. "Baby..."

" You know I am emotional and you know that I fucking cry too much. I really do not know something that you would like because you don't ask for anything. Just respect and things like that. I should know things that you like. You know everything that I like. I know you like suits but I don't know anything else about you."

" it's all right baby don't cry, you don't know anything about me because I don't know anything about myself. In most aspects of life, You know everything about me. I tell you everything and you remember everything. And then you move accordingly. So you know everything about me and you respect everything about me and I love you so much for that. Now stop crying, it's fine." he wiped my face.

" because, I don't feel like I know you enough to buy you a gift and that is so sad. I should know the things that you like. I should have at least picked up on the things that you like and I have no idea. I don't know. I just feel like shit." I sighed and sat back in my seat.

Maybe I could get him a diamond watch, he was talking about it, but he didn't want to get it. Maybe I can get him that, and I may want to get him some thing else. I know for my mom I'm going to get her a tennis necklace, For my dad he just wants my mom to enjoy Christmas drama free. This year h have to try hard.

My phone started ringing.

"Hey Buddy."

"Hey bubbles." I could hear the smile on his voice. "Where is JoJo?"

"Right here."

"Let me speak with him."

"Is everything alright?"

"Yes baby, everything is fine just got a question for him."

I looked at Amil and concern sat on her face.

"Okay." She held out her phone yo me. "Buddy." I grab the phone and put it against my ear.

"You was fight outside of some club a few months ago?"

"Um... i don't think so."

"Someone pour a drink on Amil?"

"Oh! Oh yeah, why?"

"No one of my new friends was telling me about it how he was in a similar situation and he shot somebody outside of the mall. He remembered Cassidy's face and I was just trying to get some clarification."

"Oh so he was the one that did it? That make so much sense because I couldn't for the life of me understand why that nigga got mad at me for touching my girl." It all makes sense now.

He caught me slipping.

"I am going to blow his house up." He spoke flatly and I frowned up my face.

"Woah." Was all I could say.

"It's fine I am already here. It's not like it's out of my way or something. If he did it once he'd do it again."



"Lamarcus are you alright?" I asked because he is really crazy, I thought they were joking but he is really off.

"You think I am crazy?"


"Okay we have an understanding, do you want it done or not."

"No, we are going to handle this legally."

"His name is Hassan Pegg, remember that and send me your phone number. Let's put the beach behind us, I'm sorry I called your daughter a hoe. That wasn't the right word to use, I should've called her a-"

"Aye shut the fuck up." I snapped.

"Oh I thought- okay I apologize. Anyways see you soon, tell Amil, i am going to kill her friend tonight." He hung up and I handed her the phone.

"Is everything alright?" I nodded

"Send him my number." She nodded and opened her phone. "So when he says things that's crazy should we really believe him?"

"Why?" The fear that sat on her face scared the fuck out of me. "What? why you look like that? What did he do?"

"Nothing. Why do you look like that?"

"He is really threw baby, I told you. I wasn't being extra or dramatic. He is really fucking nuts."

"He said to tell you he is going to kill your friend." Her eyes damn near fell out her head. "Baby-" she called Cassie.

"Yo bubbles."

"You okay? What is going on with you and Buddy?"

"He is mad I left him where he stood, fuck him. I don't care how good the dick is. I know that is your brother but he is a big dick asshole."

"Cass please, that is disgusting." Her face sat in disgust

"It's true, I hate him. Talking about if I fuck somebody else he is going to kill me but he can go out and do what he wants. So I told him I fucked my exe."

"Cassie..." she sighed. "You wanna come to my Josh's house tonight?"

"Ain't nobody scared of him. I will run him over with my car and get out and jump on his face till his brains splatter and then get back in my car and do it all over again." Amil's mouth fell open and I couldn't help but laugh. "You going to buy me food?"

"Yes, get ready and we will come get you." She grabbed my hand.

I really hope this boy doesn't get himself into trouble. He sounded as if he had these conversations on the regular.

"I miss him Amil." Cassie sighed. "Why is he doing this to me? I will cry right now."

"Cassie, why don't you call me so we can talk about these things. I will never judge you."

"It's just that you and Justice warned me... shit even Macy. I still did it and look at me. He make my life so different. So thrilling and exciting, passionate and scary. I know he is going to protect. He is just so crazy and selfish. Maybe it's the sex talking but I love him. I really do and I think about him every second of the day. I am obsessed with him." Amil shook her head.

"I don't know Cass. I really don't, maybe you guys need to have a level headed conversation."

"I am going fucking crazy, I don't know what the fuck I did wrong. He is just so fucking on and off. Then he wants to kill me? I just want to love him." Cassie groaned and Amil chuckled. "I want my man back, I didn't even fuck my exe I was just mad. He loves me, he said it."

"He probably does, he wouldn't have said it if he didn't. Lamarcus is crazy but he is capable of love, he just doesn't know how to do things without adding spice and he is hardheaded." They laughed. "I don't know where he get that crazy shit from, my mom and my dad seem normal."

"I want my man." Cassie sighed and Amil laughed. "Help me, I am sick. I need be in a hospital."

"Change you guys narrative and his kids are about to move up here."

"Oh yeah, he been talking about killing somebody and taking their house." Amil bust out laughing.

"What is wrong with that nigga?" Amil frowned up her face and We laughed.

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