BLIZZARD: Ours Is the Fury VO...

By arimultifandomx

3.5K 111 0

As the youngest child between Steffon and Cassana Baratheon; born at the tail end of her elder brother's rebe... More

Amor Prohibido
Dinner of Madness
Meet Me At Midnight
The Lion Still Has Claws
King Of the Flowers
The Plot Thickens
Dragon Dreams
Wed Her to Me
The Lion and The Stag
She Knows
Goodbye, my love.
The High Road
It's a...
Every Rose Has Its Thorn
Everything Has Changed
First of His Name
Son of a Traitor
Gonzo Rivers
Back to King's Landing
Speak Now (Robb's Version)
Princess of the House Stark, Lady of Winterfell. The Devine Wolf.

The Dark Hood

182 4 0
By arimultifandomx


The Dark Hood

Cersei's POV

My husband is an ignorant fuck.

For years since Alana first became a woman grown, I've been the one she's run to when something goes wrong. I was there when she got her first period. I became a mother to Joffrey 16 years ago. Alana and Renly came here two years later and then I birthed Myrcella just months later. Tommen was born 3 years after that.

Was my husband there for the births of his children?

Not a single birth.

He'd go for a hunt when my time was near and leave me with family and some of the guard to keep watch over myself and a new royal baby. His baby. But that didn't matter to Robert, no- it was messy and upset his stomach to see a baby being born.

I wish I could say that I was the only victim to his cruelty. Unfortunately, his sister was a target of his as well. Especially since she became a woman. All Robert can think about is selling her off to some shitty Lord and their shitty son who will make her miserable and use her as machinery to birth baby after baby just to keep the peace that sits in the Realm.

Alana has always been a sweet girl and I had always wanted a sister, in fact- when my brother Tyrion was born and I had pulled myself together after realizing that our mother had died birthing him, I was more upset that he was a boy than a girl.

Time has gone on and of course I'm over that now. I was only a child when my mother passed and although I miss her more than anything it's known that there was nothing anyone could have done to spare her. Just as Alana's mother suffered the same fate just a few years later.

As I stand here in the doorway of Alana's chambers I can't help but feel sorry for the girl. Robert told me he was going to host a large feast tonight in hopes that one of the many suitors that Alana has met with will stand out to her and she'll finally select one. Clearly he told her of his plan because the poor girl looks like she's been crying all day.

She turned her head to me and forced a smile.

Looking at Alana was like looking in the mirror in a way. A young girl who lost her mother far too young and was forced to leave her home on the orders of the King. She's unhappy here and no matter what I do, I know deep in my heart that it'll never be enough.

Even for myself there was limits to what anyone could do to make this easier for myself. I swear if it hadn't been for my children I'd have thrown myself out the highest window of this place already.

"You look beautiful," I said softly to Alana.

She nodded with a smile and blushed. "Thank you, Your Grace."

I waved her off as I gathered my skirts and sat on her bed across from where she had been seated as they finished braiding off the back of her hair, leaving the bottom down and long. She hated the updos that are done in southern style. At most times I do agree with her that it can be too much.

"I've known you nearly all your life, dear. There is not need for such formalities when we are in private." I told her.

Another shy smile from her and a small giggle.

It was easier for me to look at her because she looked nothing like Robert. Alana was beautiful with those hazel eyes and dark wavy hair. Her nose not a button but also not pointed. It was nice to look at a Baratheon and not feel like my world was crumbling down around me. That's how it felt to look at Robert.

"Are you alright Alana?" I asked.

She cleared her throat and refused to look at me, the poor girl began to cry again. I handed her a rag from my pocket.

Alana dabbed her eyes and sucked in a shaking breath as her lips trembled.

"Robert is..." She scoffed. "He's demanding that I make a choice tonight of who I want to marry. But the man I want... I can't have."

"Why's that?" I asked.

She looked as though she'd seen a ghost. Said something she shouldn't have.

"Because he doesn't exist."

A lie.

I could smell a lie from miles away. Seeing as I'd been lied to for years and years I knew what it looked like, what it sounded like, and what it smelled like. Even myself, I was a top tier liar. I knew how to lie and I knew how to cover them up too.

Alana clearly could not cover them up.

"Alana." I said firmly.

"Y-Yes?" She stuttered.

First tell-tale sign to someone being caught in a lie. Their speech changes and they can't answer directly.

"Who is he?" I asked again.


"Do not lie to me. I have little birds just like Lord Varys does. I can find out anything." I replied.

She swallowed heavily.

"Robb Stark..." She said softly. "For years now it's been him and Robert won't allow it."

Robert was very stuck on Alana having on the best but not for her own sake. Only his own. My husband is one of the most selfish people I have ever met in my entire life. And seeing how he hurts his own blood makes mine boil.

I placed a hand to hers and smiled.

"I'll speak with Robert." I said softly. "I swear I won't tell him what we've spoken of but I will tell him that Robb Stark is the best choice for his sister. Surely he will listen to me."

She could have jumped for joy at the news.

"Thank you! Thank you!" She cheered.

Finally a smile onto that beautiful face of hers.


I took the long way down to the throne room for dinner tonight. Cutting through the darkest of corridors where no one dares to tread. I carried a candle in my hand and when I saw another dim light in the distance I made a whistling sound to the tune of my family's song. The rains of Castamere.

And who are you... The proud lord said that I must bow so low? Only a cat of a different coat. That's all the truth I know. In a coat of gold or a coat of red... A lion still has claws. Mine are long and sharp, my lord. As long and sharp as yours. And so he spoke, and so he spoke, that lord of Castamere. But now the rains weep o'er his hall. And not a soul to hear.

I heard a whistle back. Matching the tune.

Slowly but filled with joy and excitement I strut toward the dim light in the distance that seemed to grow brighter and brighter with each step I took. This was my favorite part of each day although exciting was also anxiety ridden. 

Behind the small flame was a man wearing a dark black cloak. His face hidden as was his clothing that laid under his cloak. All I could see was the smile in the flickering light of the flame.

"You're late." He muttered.

"I had to have a chat with my sister by law, there seems to be an issue arising." I said softly. "She has admitted to me of an affair she's been having for years now. I can't tell Robert the truth so I must convince him to let her marry the boy."

"Is he highborn?" The cloaked man asked.

"Yes." I replied. "But Robert doesn't want her with him."

"Do I know this boy?" He asked.

"Yes." I replied again. "Robb Stark."

A grin growing larger onto the face of the man. "If Alana Baratheon were to wed Robb Stark so long as Benjen Stark has no children then Alana would not only hold Winterfell but the entirety of the North." He said.

"Precisely." I replied. "Robert is a fool who wants to save her virtue for a rainy day. Perhaps when the winds of winter come blowing in the south again, Robert will have some sort of sense and know that his sister deserves better than what he has given her. She can hold the North."

"Northerners are stubborn and stuck in the old ways. But they respect the Baratheon family." The hooded man said.

"What should we do?" I asked nervously.

He placed a hand to my face and I grinned at his touch. His lips met with mine for a brief moment until there had been a loud crashing sound. I jumped backward, my back pressing against the cold, wet, stone wall.

I held my breath until I realized it was just a cat that had knocked something over in the distance.

I huffed out and began to giggle.

"We need to stop meeting like this." He said.

"I know, my love but Robert-"

"I know.. He can never know." The man said. "Soon it will be no issue. He's going to drink and whore himself to an early grave and the throne will pass to Joffrey. All will be well."

"You're right." I muttered. "But what of Alana and Robb?"

"What of them?" He asked.

"They are in love and shouldn't have to live the way you and I do. Alana is a wonderful girl and Robb is a great man. Loyal and smart, the two of them, they'd be lovely together if given the chance." I replied.

He hushed me with his finger, pressing it to my lips.

"I will speak to Catelyn Stark. Perhaps she can advise her brother to also list Robb as heir to Riverrun. It's plain for the entire realm to see that Edmure Tully will never have children nor hold the steadfast long enough to produce an heir of his own." He chuckled.

"Please speak with her. I'll do anything to protect Alana." I replied.

"As you wish, Your Grace." He pressed another kiss to my lips before disappearing into the shadows again.

I watched as the light went completely dim. Going in the opposite direction, I exited the dark corridor and went back to the usual hallways of the Red Keep.


Servants and maidens running past me as they carried trays of food and bottles of wine and ale. Some spilling slightly on the floor but I just carried my skirts and hoped I wouldn't step in anything.

Robert waited outside the oak doors for me. He scoffed at the sight of me and grunted. Angry with me already and I'd only seen him for about an hour in total today. More than usual if I'm being honest.

"Where have you been, woman!" He seethed at me.

"I had to relieve myself, dear." I replied, a lie but he bought it like a poor boy with one piece of gold buying food for his starving family.

"They're going to open the damn doors any moment now! Even the bloody kids have were here on time!" Robert growled at me.

I turned around to see Joffrey placing a flower into the hair of his sister Myrcella. Her long dark brown curls falling all the way down her back as her blue eyes glowed like diamonds in the sky.

Joffrey's dark brown hair and dark brown eyes matched those of his younger brother, Tommen. The young boy was doing his best to stand as tall as Joffrey but Joff just pat Tommen on the head with grin on his face.

"Soon you'll be as big as me, brother. Keep up your training and you'll be stronger than me." Joffrey assured him.

"How was your sword work today?" I asked Tommen.

"Joffrey threatened me!" Tommen cried out.

Joffrey laughed and his smile beamed. "I told him to keep his shield up or I'd ring his head like a bell."

I chuckled. "Best listen to your brother, Tommen. He's learned from some of the best swordsmen around."

Tommen looked disappointed. "I just wanted to go for a run with the dogs in the field."

"Tomorrow you can." Myrcella assured him. "I also need some help with my horse if you'd like to help me with brushing her hair and cleaning her stable?"

Tommen was joyful. "Yes! Anything! I'll even shovel the poop!"

Myrcella and Joffrey both laughed loudly. Robert turned back and glared at them.

"Calm down! You're royal children! Best act like it before those doors whip open!" Robert growled and then turned back to look at me with distaste. "Those children are like animals! Always loud and bickering."

"Apologies, Your Grace." I sneered as I turned my gaze away from him.

The oak doors creaked open and I knew it was time to put on a brave face. To pretend that my life wasn't falling apart at the seams. So no one would know the horror that lay beneath the surface of what life with being married to Robert Baratheon was like.

Which is why I needed to protect Alana from suffering the same cruel fate. She deserved happiness and joy. I would not allow for a girl who is as sweet and innocent as she to be ruined by a man like Robert, or perhaps, even someone worse.

I sucked in a deep breath and forced myself to smile and even hold onto Robert's arm as we entered the throne room. I took in the view all around and was impressed with the work that our castle servants put into it.

Flowers and candles brightened an already bright room. Gorgeous tapestries hanging and even the house banners of each and every house who came to dine with us. Showing that we love and respect them as much as they respect us. That this too, was a home for them.

Robert and I sat together at the end of the table. On the far end was his hand, Ned Stark with his wife and children. Alana sat by Robb but closest to Renly. Who said aside Loras Tyrell. In between was many of lords and their sons. Randyll Tarly with his boys Samwell and Dickon. Walder Frey with a handful of his boys, some old, some young, and some just children. While Lord Umber came from the North with one of his boys and Lord Karstark brought two of his.

Even Howland Reed made his way from the crag with his son, Jojen. No one really ever saw those who lived in the crag so it was almost strange to see them sitting here in the Red Keep.

But of course even my father came and sat with my brother Jaime. Who has continued to propose himself to Robert as a good match for Alana. But I saw through him. He wanted a way out of being in the King's Guard.

Since the moment he slayed Aerys Targaryen, my brother Jaime has wanted nothing more than to lay down his armor and his sword and live a more private life. Plus, he's made it known to me he'd do anything to spite Robert for forcing him to stay in a position he is traumatized by.

So, of course. Jaime would want to be able to brag to Robert about fucking his sister. My brother and Robert were at times one in the same. He did not have good intentions when it came to Alana but Robert was too stupid to see that.

Hopefully this dinner would go better than I'm anticipating. 

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