More Than Human

By snapple714

773 11 25

Unbeknownst to each other, Soap and Ghost's first thought upon meeting the other were exactly the same. "What... More

Chapter 1: What a Strange Smell
Chapter 2: To Kiss Fire and Water
Chapter 3: Bedtime Gossip
Chapter 4: I Know Her
Chapter 5: The Sight
Chapter 6: Another Way to Feed
Chapter 7: To Satiate a Beast
Chapter 8: Only Tame For Him
Chapter 9: Betrayal
Chapter 10: What Are The Rules?
Chapter 11: A Wolf's Weakness
Chapter 12: You Want Me?
Chapter 13: Sweet Dreams
Chapter 14: A Walk in the Woods
Chapter 15: Rescue
Chapter 16: A Goat and A Fish
Chapter 17: The Proper Way
Chapter 18: Grew Him Myself
Chapter 19: A Video Call
Chapter 20: My Brother
Chapter 21: A Tank to A Gun Fight
Chapter 22: Something Like That
Chapter 23: A Little Messy
Chapter 24: Something You Want
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27: More Than You
Chapter 28: All My Tricks
Chapter 29: Extra Quirky
Chapter 30: Fetch
Chapter 31: Day Drinking
Chapter 32: Cozy Beast
Chapter 33: Call Me Yours
Chapter 34: Back to Sleep
Chapter 35: So Familiar
Chapter 36: That Head of His
Chapter 37: Can We Go?
Chapter 38: On the Road Again
Chapter 39: I'd Like to Remember
Chapter 40: Keep Him Safe
Chapter 41: Why I'm Called Ghost
Chapter 42: Sleeping On It
Chapter 43: Mama
Chapter 44: The Basement
Chapter 45: Care
Chapter 46: The Good Parts
Chapter 47: A Hole in A Tree
Chapter 48: What Sort of Brother?
Chapter 49: Subjects 24
Chapter 50: Trappers
Chapter 51: Monsters and Love
Chapter 52: An Old Friend
Chapter 53: Life in Captivity
Chapter 54: It Dwells in the Lake
Chapter 55: Light Turned Off
Chapter 56: Okay Now
Chapter 57: Medical Jargon
Chapter 58: Found You
Chapter 59: Homeward Bound
Chapter 60: Little Friend
Chapter 61: Precious
Chapter 62: Underwater Playmate
Chapter 63: Family Breakfast
Chapter 64: It's Me and You
Chapter 65: Reunions
Chapter 66: One Step Back
Chapter 67: Have Your Fun
Chapter 68: Chaining Flowers
Chapter 69: Red Ball
Chapter 70: You're Blossoming
Chapter 71: All Bodies Change
Chapter 72: Fatherly Woes
Chapter 73: A Budding Romance
Chapter 74: A Harpy's Wisdom
Chapter 75: Family Introductions
Chapter 76: Shovel Talk
Chapter 77: The Griffin
Chapter 78: Getting Together
Chapter 79: Pretty Tree
Chapter 80: Right With The World
Chapter 81: A Crash
Chapter 82: Investigation and Intel
Chapter 83: Not Going Anywhere
Chapter 85: The Storm: Part 1
Chapter 86: The Storm: Part 2
Chapter 87: The Storm: Part 3
Chapter 88: Waking a Vampire
Chapter 89: My Ocean
Chapter 90: I'm Yours
Chapter 91: Safe
Chapter 92: Comfortable
Chapter 93: Speaking the Words Aloud
Chapter 94: Peace in the Garden
Chapter 95: An Unlikely Pair
Chapter 96: Speculation
Chapter 97: Under the Mistletoe
Chapter 98: A Griffin's Heart
Chapter 99: Family Holiday
Chapter 100: A New Purpose

Chapter 84: The Calm

6 0 0
By snapple714

They packed up their gear in a set of vehicles and prepared to depart in the morning. Everyone piled into their seats in their usual pairs. Price spoke to Nikolai just outside the vehicles before they left.

"Tried our best to get someone to stay back with you, Nik. They're all set on going, though." Price told him apologetically.

Nik shrugged, slightly hunched with his wrapped ribs, "I'm fine to house sit for you, John. Lord knows I'd be joining you if I could."

"Well," Price huffed, pursing his lips, "you'll have Precious here with you, at least."

Nikolai gave him a strange look that he couldn't really decipher. Almost amused?

"Sure, John. Now get going, the sooner you kill the bastards the sooner you can come home."

"Yes Sir." John told him teasingly before hopping into the driver seat of one of the vehicles and yanking the door shut behind him.

Laswell hooked them up with a flight out of a private airport. Normally they would go from the nearest military base, but the last one was burnt to a crisp, and they didn't want to put any potential heat, no pun intended, on any other base in the region.

Everyone slept on the flight. Everyone except Price, who sat and watched the whole team draped over their partners in seats and on the floor. He could hear Gaz purring where he lay on his stomach with Roach clung to his back. Soap was curled up in Ghost's lap, mirroring Rudy and Alejandro in the seats across from them. A slightly amusing sight, large military men sleeping in another's lap. But their dynamics were just like that. Farah and Alex were shoulder to shoulder. Alex had a wing wrapped around Farah and the pair had their hands clasped together, fingers laced. König was sitting beside Horangi. The smaller man had fallen asleep and the larger had taken the opportunity to place a hand on his back and ease him down so that his head was resting on his thigh. König's hand had found Horangi's hair at some point and was gently scratching at his scalp. Price could see the griffin's hands kneading at the air and he was sure if he were closer he would have heard his purr alongside Gaz's.

It was peaceful. And warm. And probably the last quiet moment they would have before some sort of chaos. It made Price that much more eager to put an end to the men who were throwing a wrench into the lives of his monsters.

The fight was taking them to a small island off the Gulf of Mexico. There had been sightings of a flame monster all along the coast. From there, Laswell had been able to pinpoint its comings and goings from the island. It was rocky, lots of cliffs overlooking the ocean. A lighthouse situated on the island had been serving as Shepherd's hideout. He had been sending Graves out hunting for Price's team. Coward wanted them all dead before he attempted to come out of hiding.

Clearly Price's threat had been taken to heart.

They would split into groups. They had seen the kind of damage Graves had been able to inflict, but Price was sure he wouldn't have as much energy now right after destroying an entire base the way he had. They needed to move now when he was slightly weakened, time was of the essence.

Rudy, König, Alejandro, and Horangi would approach from the water. Best case scenario was getting Graves dunked in the sea, that would solve most of their problems. It would be tricky, but they needed them down there in case they could. Farah and Alex would position themselves at a distance to try and provide necessary cover fire. Price, Roach, and Gaz would be also, from another angle. Roach and Alex would be able to provide air support if need be. Soap and Ghost would make entry into the lighthouse while the team handled Graves outside. Makarov and Shepherd would be manageable without their guard phoenix.

Orders were simple.

You see any of the three men, you kill them.

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