
By TZOmniverse

20.8K 641 711

Zero. Being the idiot that he can be sometimes, tried to find his way back to the universe where his Master i... More

Travel Log: I
Travel Log: II
Travel Log: III
Travel Log: V
Travel Log: VI
Travel Log: VII
Travel Log: VIII
Travel Log: IX
Travel Log: X
Travel Log: XI
Spirit Origin List: No. 000
Travel Log: XII
Travel Log: XIII
Travel Log: XIV
Travel Log: XV
Travel Log: XVI
Travel Log: XVII
Travel Log: Entry Ξ©
Chapter: I
Chapter: II
Chapter: III

Travel Log: IV

1.1K 36 9
By TZOmniverse


Schicksal HQ, Mediterranean Sea, Eurasia, Earth, HoYoverse, Zeroverse, Omniverse

Entry No:

Open Entry...


???: I do hope the refreshments have been to your liking, 3rd Herrscher-san.

Zero: Mm, yeah. These cookies are pretty neat. I'll say.

The strange man sat down on the sofa across from Zero, he placed a cup of Orange Juice down and moved it across to his side.

Zero: So... To what do I owe the pleasure of this meeting...


Zero: Otto Apocalypse huh?

Otto: Hou?... So you already know who I am?

Zero: I can identify the names of people I see... Like that lovely lady besides you over there.

He glanced at the white haired woman standing a distance behind Otto.

AMBER "A-303"

Zero: Amber. Nice name.

The woman stiffened at this, but tried not to let it show. Otto, however, was intrigued.

Otto: Is this yet another ability of the 3rd Herrscher that you've chosen to show us?

Zero: Well... Not really. That's something I was able to do since my manifestation.

Otto:... Hmm... Manifestation?... Interesting. As you know, as you are a Herrscher, many of the staff members are quite eager to find out the full extent of your abilities. I do hope that you would be able to cooperate?

Zero: I mean... To go over what I could do would take an eternity. 

Otto: Well, my first request is simple enough. To start with, I ask that you try not to drive any more of our researchers to commit suicide.

Zero: They quite literally brought it on themselves.

Otto: What is it that they did to offend you so?

Zero: Nothing. They killed themselves because they tried to know too much.

Otto: Could you elaborate?

Zero: They asked for my name. Zero is my name, but they wouldn't buy it because I'm not in any databases and shit. I do have another name... Many names in fact, but I told them my "real" name. Or just the first part of it.

Otto: And?

Zero: They all went so mad that the only way they thought could end their suffering would be to kill themselves. In a way... It would...

Otto:... Hou...

Zero: So... I heard you all wanted to know who I was?

Otto: If it wouldn't be too much trouble.

Zero:... Quite simply... I'm an Extradimensional being from beyond this world.

Otto's eyes widened a little after hearing this, he leaned forward and made a gesture with his hand.

Otto: Please, do continue.

Zero: I'll be frank with you all in a show of goodwill, despite your not so good intentions when it came to "investigating" me.

Otto: I do apologise for the inconvenience.

Zero: Mmhmm.

He hummed as he took another bite out a cookie.

Zero: Alright. Well, to make this simple and easy to understand. I assume you're aware that you aren't alone in the world?

Otto: If you're referring to the existence of aliens, then yes. It would be the very height of arrogance to assume that humans are the only beings in the entire universe and that Earth is the only habitable planet in existence.

Zero: Glad to see you have sense. Unlike many others I know. Well, is it also safe for me to assume that you know that this world isn't the only world out there?

Otto: Indeed. The fact that other worlds exist is certainly nothing new. Then are you are a Herrscher from one of those worlds?...

Zero: No. I was not even a Herrscher before I came here. I came from a world beyond the Imaginary tree as you all call it... See here's some food for thought. If there are multiple universes... Why can't there be multiple multiverses?

Otto: I see... Another Multiverse... That doesn't sound far fetched. However, our science would not be able to prove the existence of those other Multiverses, as you so put it.

Zero: Indeed. In any case, explaining each and every world I've been to would be a drag. But I'll just say that this is the only multiverse suffering with the "Honkai Problem". Most worlds don't suffer from any apocalyptic event.

Otto:... Hm... Well, it is reasonable to assume that these worlds would abide by an entirely different system than ours.

Zero: Straight up. I'll tell you this. As soon as I arrived in this world, some sort of... Crystal thing... Appeared before me. I accidentally absorbed it and then fell asleep for a few minutes. Don't remember the specifics of that dream since beings like me don't dream to begin with. But I think I met someone, giving me directives. "Destroy the human race" it said...

Otto: *The Will of the Honkai...* Did it say anything else?

Zero: Maybe. I just remember seizing the power while utterly ignoring them. Whoever it was is probably pretty angry.

Otto blinked in surprise. From what he was saying, this Herrscher managed to steal the power he was being granted, but freed himself from the shackles of the Will of the Honkai, who could arguably be seen as a deity in his eyes.

Otto:... To be able to pull that off. It certainly is no small feat... So, instead of setting out to Destroy Humanity, you wish to preserve it, is that correct?

Zero: Umu... I suppose.

Fou: Mmmmmfffffoooou!!

Fou popped his head out of Zero's pocket and then hopped to his shoulder, Otto and Amber keeping their eyes peeled on him.

Otto:... That white animal...

Zero: Don't worry about him. He's harmless as long as you keep him away from human civilisation... Or if he's around me.

Otto:... What prey tell happens after being present in human civilisation...?

Zero:... You don't wanna know.

Fou: Foufou!! Fou Fou!!

Zero: Chill out, I didn't go and tell them everything.

Otto: Well. In that case. Since you are here. Allow me to formally request you to join Schicksal.

Zero: Sure...

Otto: Hmm.....?

Zero: Of course; I'm not doing that for free. I expect payment.

Otto: Yes, that is granted. Is there anything else?

Zero: I want full autonomy. I may be joining your organisation, but Zero does what he pleases, when he pleases. Try and pull off those inhumane experiments on me again and you'll all rather watch Cthulhu to eat your loved ones than put up with what I have in store for any of you.

Otto: Noted. Although I do hope you understand that having a Herrscher roam around wherever he pleases freely is...

Zero: Yeah I know. It's all good as long as I don't go on a rampage against humanity right? I'm not really interested in your plans though feel free to explain them to me at a later date. And finally... You know Theresa right?

Otto raised a brow.

Otto: Yes... She's my granddaughter, what of her?

Zero: Granddaughter huh? This'll make things awkward. Shoulda seen that one coming. I want permission to marry her.

Otto:.... ???

Zero: I may look as though I'm joking. But she's my type of woman. Surely you can understand a man's pursuit for love?

Otto chuckled to himself.

Otto: You do say some interesting things, Zero-san. But yes, I do know where you are coming from. Very well, if she agrees, you may do as you please.

Zero: Yooosh!... Alright... The hell do I do now? I mean, you guys as an organisation surely do something right? I'd rather not be a researcher.

Otto: Yes. We cannot have that. Your presence alone would hinder research developments.

Zero: Yeah I read the report. So...?

Otto:... Hm... Alright then... How about this... I can have you appointed as Captain, a Captain that leads Valkyries into battle.

Zero:... Hm... Captain huh?... I was a Commander in another world, so I certainly have the experience to lead...

Otto: Perfect. With your combat experience it's bound to be vital to the battles the Valkyries face ahead.

Zero: That's no problem... So... We all settled?

Otto: Yes. I'll send someone to sort out the details regarding your uniform at a later date. For now... It's a pleasure to have you in Schicksal, 3rd Herrscher...

Zero: Pleasure to be here, Otto Apocalypse... Although, just calling me "3rd Herrscher" feels rather dull. Herrschers have names right? I heard someone mention a Herrscher of Reason.

Otto:... Yes... You do need a Herrscher designation. Hm... You control a vast multitude of powers, so giving you any one name such as "Herrscher of Fire" wouldn't do at all.


Otto:... Hm... Considering your an being that comes from outside the universe itself, it's safe to say you are a Foreign entity...

Zero: Oooh! Foreign... Entity, I like that.

Otto: It would be quite fitting to call you: The Foreign Herrscher. The Herrscher from another world.

Zero: Hehe, I like it. Adds an air of mystery.

Otto: Then it's settled then. You shall be referred to as the Foreign Herrscher. Welcome aboard.

The two smiled at each other and shook hands. This deal would run much deeper than what was exchanged by the two on the surface. But that was for the upcoming years. Zero intended to take things veerrrry slowly.


Otto: Here is the best battleship we have to offer, and the battleship that you shall Command. The Hyperion.

Zero and Fou stared up at the ship.


Fou:.... Foooou... (Special Translation: Lame)

Zero:... You said it... I want another one...

Otto: Ah... Not to your liking?

Zero: Not at all. I want another...

Otto: Hm... I suppose... I'll have to see what I can do about that... But it'll have to wait a little since There—

Zero: No need...

Zero pointed his finger and blasted the ship.


Blowing it to smithereens, to the astonishment of Otto and Amber.



Zero then snapped his fingers, and in an instant, a new ship materialised in its place.

Otto/Amber:.... !!!!!

Otto: What on...

Zero: Voila, Hyperion Retrofit.

Otto:... You... You don't look exhausted at all.

Zero: I could quite literally do this in my sleep. It's the reason I don't dream. My dreams could very easily become reality. And you definitely don't want that. I may retrofit a few other things as well if I feel like it.

Otto:... Perhaps we should have named you the Herrscher of "Reality"...

Zero: No thanks, I like "Foreign Herrscher". It's very ambiguous.

Otto:.... Amber...........

Amber: Hai...

Otto:.... Fetch Theresa...

Amber:.... Hai...


Theresa: Hey!! Heeeey!!!

Zero, who was sitting back on a chair in a room on the Newly Retrofitted Hyperion was currently being nudged by a very peeved Theresa.

Zero: Hai, Theresa-chan.

Theresa: What did you go and tell Ojii-sama!!??

Zero: Hm?... Oh... You mean that part about me wanting to marry you?

Theresa: Yes! That right there! Don't go feeding nonsense into his brain! I don't want anyone getting the wrong idea! I'm only here to make sure you don't do something stupid!...

Zero: Aww, don't be like that Teriri-chyan~

Theresa: Don't refer to me in such an informal manner. You may be the Captain, new captain, but I don't recall permitting the use of nicknames. Also... HOW COULD YOU GO AND JUST DESTROY THE HYPERION!!!!

Zero: Uh... It looked shit, so I destroyed it... Why do you ask?

Theresa: Because I didn't give you permission to go and destroy it!!! And there were very important things on that battleship that you just destroyed... Like... Ai-chan...

???: It's okay, Ai-chan is alright!

A hologram appeared in the middle of the room. What looked to be a young girl with twin buns that somewhat resembled cabbages for her hairstyle...


Theresa: E-Eh? A-Ai-chan... You're all right?

Ai: Yep! In fact, Ai-chan feels even better than ever!

Theresa: But... How... Are you here?

Ai: The new Kanchou transferred all the relevant data over! So Ai-chan is just fine!! Thank you very much for the retrofit, Kanchou!

Zero: No prob, I'll be counting on your from here on out, Ai-chan.

Ai: Hai!

Ai smiled before her hologram disappeared.

Zero: Hehe... Cute kid. Well. Anyway, aren't you here about my uniform or something?

Shaking her head and recovering from her shock, Theresa folded her arms and looked up at Zero.

Theresa: Why should I do do that? You can probably just create one by snapping your fingers "Kanchou"...

Zero: But I want you to design it...

Theresa: Forget it. You've already made me angry. It's not happening.

Zero:... Hm... I guess I you're right... I can't exactly rely on someone with no eye for fashion...

Theresa:... What?

Zero: I mean. I get it, you're embarrassed that you have no dressing sense. Otto probably chose all the outfits you wear now right? Dam...

Theresa: I have great fashion sense thank you. I'm just not keen on choosing any designs for you.

Zero: Yeah yeah, anyone can talk the talk. But can you walk the walk is the question?

Theresa had her fists clenched and her brow was twitching. She knew what he was trying to do... What angered her was that it was working.

Theresa: Tsk... Fine then. I'll design you something so ravishing even you will shut that big mouth of yours.

Zero: Let's gooooo!! If it actually looks good, I'll treat you real good~

Zero started making strange grabbing motions with his hands while staring right at Theresa, who was now covering herself with her own arms with narrowed eyes.

Theresa: Do you want me to kick you out?

Zero: Hah!! This ship is mine now, you can't kick me out!... So, how long do I have to wait?

Theresa: Give me two weeks...

Zero:... Two weeks? Dam... That long?

Theresa: Don't be ungrateful! You're not the only one who needs new uniforms. That's the earliest I can put you in for and that's with you being a priority as the Captain.

Zero: Fiiiiine. I suppose I can be patient.

Theresa: I'll be going now then, DON'T cause any trouble for the time that I'm gone! Bring the Hyperion over to the far east, to St. Freya Academy. If you don't know where it is, then ask Ojii-sama.

Zero: ;-; Okay...


A day later, Zero and Fou were currently walking through the halls of the retrofitted Hyperion.

Zero: Haaaa... Things have been hectic ever since leaving Su's bubble universe, hasn't it?

Fou: Fou Fou Fou Fooooooou....

Zero: You said it... Well. We've already found ourselves a new home, I mean I now own a fucking battleship! And it looks much better than it did before if I do say so myself.

Fou:... Fou?

Fou perked up and then began running. Curious, Zero raised a brow and begin to walk after him.

Zero: Oi, where are you going all of a sudden?!

Fou: Foooou!!! Fou Fou Fou!!

Zero: Slow down dammit, It's too early to be running.

Fou didn't slow down and only continued running.

They ran through a multitude of different long corridors.

And then eventually, after making it out of an elevator, Fou began to walk instead of Run. Zero continued to follow him, a puzzled expression on his face.

Zero: MmmBOI! Do you enjoy making me run like that? Did you just wanna go for a jog around the ship, I get its awesome and all but we have the rest of the day to see it man.

Fou: Fou...

Fou stopped walking. Zero stopped and then looked up... And then he found out why... Sitting on a window pane... Was a beautiful green haired woman... She looked human at first, but if you paid close attention to her, then one would notice... Her legs looked mechanical.

Zero:... Um... Ai... ???

???: It's nice to finally meet you, Herrscher of Finality.

The woman stood up and bowed her head.

Zero: Huh?... Me?

???: Yes. I am referring to you, Kanchou.

Zero: Um... I think you're confused. I'm the Foreign Herrscher.

???: Yes, that is what you've been designated as. And it's not incorrect. However, you are the Herrscher of Finality.

Zero:... The hell is that?

???: Ara... You took the authority of Finality without knowing what it is?...

Zero: I don't really remember. Anyway, who are you?? You look like Ai-chan... But are more.... Mature looking... I mean... Hooooo~.

Ai: You may call me Ai. If it help, just refer to me as "Ai Hyperion Λ" or even simpler. "Administrator".

Zero: Administrator... Hm... You're not a usurper like Quinella from the sword art online universe are you?

Ai: No. Though I do not know of this "Quinella", I can say with confidence that I am nothing like her. I know it may be difficult to trust me, but I assure you I mean no harm.

Zero:... Not like you could harm me anyway... But regardless, you're not hostile, is that right?

Ai: Hai.

Zero: Okay...? But then why are you here??

Ai: I wanted to meet the creator of our Multiverse.

Zero:..... ?!

Fou: Fou!!?

Zero:... Ooookay...? How the hell do you know about that?

Ai:... It's hard not to notice the destruction of the Multiverse. Although I myself have not experienced that destruction. As the me that exists now was not restored from the former multiverse, but created anew from your own power to be identical to the old.

Zero:... Okay... you know a bit too much... Just who are you?

Ai: I have not hidden anything from you, Kanchou. I am who I've always been. The Administrator. I am well aware of who you are and where you come from.

Zero: Do you now?

Ai: Hai. I am aware of the true nature of this world and everything beyond... And as someone who exists as a part of this world, I belong to you.

Zero:... Huh... How uncanny. Where do you come from?

Ai: A Pseudotime crystal.


Ai:... The Crystal exists independently from spacetime.

Zero: So... This crystal... I'm assuming that it's true nature is a Shard?...

Ai: Hai. In this Omniverse... It's a Shard... Or well... It would be more accurate to call it a Gem.

Zero: Hmm...

Zero placed a hand on his chin and hummed for a few moments before raising a brow.

Zero: You possess my passive authority, don't you.

Ai nod her head.

Zero:... Okay, yeah, that makes a lot of sense now. You're essentially just like me.

Ai: Yes. I came to greet you formally. From this day onwards, I shall serve you and you alone. You have changed the nature of this narrative, and I look forward to the changes you will bring about in this world, Kanchou.

Zero: You'll "serve" me?

Ai: Hai.

Zero: You'll do anything I say?

Ai: Anything.

Zero:... Even if it's unjust an immoral?

Ai: Yes. Considering the nature of this world and our existence. I nor any other person in existence has any right to abject to you and your wishes.

Zero: 🗿

Fou:... Fooou??

Zero: Alright... Well. That ain't right. You know how this world works and know that regardless of its nature, I'm not that type of person to do such things. If you do have an objection, feel free to raise it. It's why it's better for people to not be self aware.

Ai: I shall keep that in mind. Though I believe I will never need to raise my objections against you. I am aware of your nature. And so I will never hesitate to fulfil any orders you have for me.

Zero:.... Reeeeaaallly now?...

Ai: Yes.

Fou:..... Fooou...

Zero: So if I told you I wanted to fondle your breasts?

Fou: Foufou FOU?? (Special Translation: What the hell??)

Ai: Please feel free.

Zero: O👄O You're serious?

Ai: Yes. If it is what you wish, please indulge. Although, my body does lack biological functions, so I am unable to bear children, if that is something you were hoping for. I do regret that I fall short in that area.

Zero:.... I don't have sex for the sole purpose of having children

Zero: Anyway. I was joking about that... So you'd even have sex with me huh?... Neat. Just knowing that makes me feel even more superior. Now, about that fondling—

Zero teleported behind her without warning and begun to fondle her chest with a grin on his face.

His response was a small moan that escaped her lips.

Fou: Fou Fou Fou Fou Fooooou...(Translation: Fuck this shit I'm out.)

Fou deadpanned and then promptly turned tail and ran elsewhere, opting to explore on his own for a while, Ai's moans resounding in the hallways.


A few days later. Zero was laying in bed. Sleeping next to him was, of course, a clotheless Ai.

His eyes were wide, and he was thinking back on every single thing he had done that had led him to that point.

That post nut clarity had hit him particularly hard that day. So much so that he refused to get out of bed at all.

Zero: I feel like laying down here for another Century... Aaaahhhh...

Of course a day after that he was back to his usual self.


Zero was actually in another world. He was just paying a visit to an...

Well, he wasn't really sure what to call her... She wasn't really an enemy, he never took many people serious enough to consider them enemies.

She wasn't quite a friend either. Or at the very least. He wouldn't call her a friend... Their meeting was a... Peculiar one... And a meeting Zero tends to pretend never happened until he is forced to remember.

???: So? You have found yourself in yet another absurd quandary?

The speaker poured some wine for him into a golden Goblet.

Zero: ... Yeah...? Though I wouldn't really call it a quandary.

???: Mm... Yes, I suppose what counts as a quandary for some equates to nothing but a mere thorn in one's side.

Zero: Pretty much.

???: Your eyes. What have you done to them?

Zero: Hm?... Oh this? Apparently that just happens when you become a Herrscher. They problematic?

???: No... On the contrary, one finds them to be all the more alluring. Merryman, answer truthfully, how many women have you slept with?

Zero:... People actually keep track of their body count?

???: Hmph. So that is to say the amount is innumerable. Hmm...

She stared into her goblet and started to rotate it for a few moments, she took a sip and then her red eyes became glued onto Zero's figure.

???: Be that as it may. I endeavour to make this a stand alone experience that shall be leaps and bounds further than the rest.

She stood up and walked over to Zero, who was sipping his wine with a cold sweat rolling down the side of his head.

???: Rejoice, Mongrel, for the King shall generously give their time to ensuring you have a night to remember.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and then began to nibble on his ear.

Zero:... *I'm fucked...*


Needless to say. A fun time was had that night... By one woman. The other person had mixed feelings on the matter. On one hand, she was an entirely different, alternate version of the King of heroes from some sort of... Lost Belt, he believed at least.

She simply left her original world before it got pruned. Something in her world hindered humanities progress enough that the counterforce decided to discard it.

However she still has access to her treasury, and retains her power, so it's more than enough to live comfortably in any world she finds herself in.

Zero just happens to run across her on the reverse side at some point, and well, the fought, shit happened, and now she seems to be obsessed with him. A very stark contrast from the her male counterpart who is quite repulsed by his very existence.

He tries to avoid her whenever he can, but sometimes his EX Rank luck and Harem Protagonist skills clash and result in unintended run ins with her... Leading to...

Bumpy nights...


Another day later. Zero returned to this world.

Zero:... Okay... So that happened.

???: What happened?...

Zero turned his head around and raised a brow. He saw someone he did not recognise at all.

Zero raised a brow and then started to scratch his head.



Zero:... Who are you and how did you get on board the Hyperion?

???: You do not recognise me?... Hm... I suppose you wouldn't.

Ai: Kanchou.

Zero looked behind him and saw that Ai had materialised besides him.

Ai: That woman is the Valkyrie that you fought upon your arrival in this world. The S-Rank Valkyrie Titania.

Zero: Eeeh?... Wait you're that Valkyrie I was fighting that day? Huh... Who knew you'd be such a beauty underneath that battlesuit.

???: You recognised me?

Zero: Uh, no, Ai told me, did you not hear her?

???:... Who?...

Zero blinked owlishly and then gestures besides him. The silver haired Valkyrie looked where he gestured but tilted her head in confusion.

???: To whom are you referring to?

Zero: Hold on...

Ai: The only person that can notice my existence are you and Fou-san, Kanchou.

Zero: So she can't hear or see you?

Ai: I'm afraid not.

Zero: Neato... Well... Okay, Titania-

???: Call me Lucia. That is my given name.

Zero: Alright then uh... Lucia. What brings you to the Hyperion?

Lucia: A safety measure.

Zero: Huh?

Lucia: I wanted to confirm whether or not you are truly an enemy of Humanity.

Zero: I mean. You're still standing there aren't you?

Lucia: Yes.

Zero: That's enough proof. If I wanted to wipe you all out. I would have done so already.

Lucia:... Your reasoning... Is sound. However, this is more so to sate my own curiosity.

Zero: Elaborate...

Lucia: There was only one other Herrscher than chose to ally themself with humanity. However... He is now deceased... And the one that took his place is currently... MIA. I never met him face to face. I want to know what goes through the minds of Herrscher's like you. To gain a deeper understanding of things. The basis of my analysis will be your day to day life.

Zero: Uh... Shit... Another stalker?... Do what you want, I suppose. I'll do the same.

Lucia: Hai.

Zero turned back around and then stared out, they were all currently staring out at the clouds and the land below as they stood on the runway of the Hyperion.





It was nighttime out, and a majority of the Valkyries on board the Hyperion were out on the runway, watching fireworks shoot into the sky. For the date was now January the 1st 2011.

Zero was accompanied by Ai-chan, "Administrator", Lucia as well as Fou, who was comfortably perched atop Ai-chan's head.

Zero:... Hm... It was only a week, but it's already the new year huh?... 2011... Well, happy new year, everyone.

Ai: Hai! Happy new year!!

Administrator: Happy new year, Kanchou~.

Lucia:.... Happy new year...

Fou: Fou Fou!!!

Zero: Yeah, the years ahead will definitely prove to be wild.


One week later, on January the eighth, the Hyperion was hovering above the St. Freya high school, a school for Valkyries. Theresa stood in front of a room with a confident smile on her face.

With her was Ai-chan, and unbeknownst to her, was the Administrator, all waiting in anticipation.

The doors then opened automatically and a figure walked out, wearing a new uniform designed by the aforementioned loli principle.

Theresa: Well??? What do you think? It's good right? Riiiight~?

Fou: Foooooooou!

Administrator: Positively radiant.

Ai: You look amazing! Kanchou!!

Zero: Heh, do I now?

Zero: Hehehe, I can certainly appreciate this level of drip.

Theresa: Ssoooooo soooo?

Zero: Haha!! I love this shit! I love you!! Whoo Teri Teriiii for the win!!

He chuckled and grabbed ahold of Theresa from behind, said girl became flustered and began kicking and whining.

Theresa: Aaaahh!!! Didn't I tell you to unhand me!! Waaaaah!! Kanchooooou! I'm getting—


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Entry: IV, Saved...

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